Title: Baby Ted's Punishment
Name: Ted
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 15
Posting Date: 06/28/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop* Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: I am 15 years old and made to wear nappies 24/7, until dry day and night for 2 months.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 5 (25%)
My name is Ted and I am now 15 years old in this story. It starts 12 
months ago one Saturday morning. I had been having accidents at night 
and few times during the day and though no one knew it was happening. I 
had been hiding the wet clothes and wet bedding.

It all came to head on one Saturday morning. I woke up again to a wet 
bed as I got out the bed my mother came and saw the bedding and said 
�Not wet again!� I looked at her and said, �Again, yes.�

She said, �I�ve known for awhile and been waiting for you to tell me 
about it.�

She said, �Go shower and put that robe on and wait downstairs for me; I 
will be there shortly.�

So I showered, and in my robe I sat downstairs and waited for her to 
come in. I didn�t wait long for her and she sat down next to me and 
said, �There are to be new rules from now on and they are not up for 
discussion. Now listen carefully, because if you don�t obey you will be 

So she began:

�From now on you will wear terry cloth nappies and plastic pants during 
the day at home and whenever out of school. For school you will wear 
pull-ups, and if they leak you will wear pull ups with plastic pants. 
Your day from now on will start with a nappy change when you get up no 
getting dressed until I, your mother, have changed your nappy. Then 
again, before you leave for school, I change you into pull-ups ready 
for school. You will take spare pull-ups for changing into if you wet 
yourself at school. When you get home from school you will come 
straight to me and I will change you back in to nappy and plastic pants 
for rest of the evening. You will then be changed every 2-3 hours and 
before each meal and again before bed. When I come up to bed I will be 
into change you again. At weekends the routine will be the same I will 
change every time. You will also be checked before you leave the house 
to go out anywhere. If you need the toilet you come to me I will remove 
your nappy and put it back on you afterwards.

�Now, for punishment. Each time you are wet or dirty you will be 
smacked and hard on your bare backside. If you create, make a fuss or 
throw tantrums when being changed you will be spanked again. When you 
come home from school I will check the number of pull-ups used and 
spank accordingly. If you are wet or dirty between scheduled nappy 
changes it will be in your own interest to own up to it and lessen the 
spankings you will get. Other than wearing nappies, you may lead a 
normal life and routine as always. You may still go out but be back 
here for nappy changes and you may still have friends over but nappy 
changing will still happen. Nappy changing will be as private as you 
make it. If you make a fuss I will change you in front of whoever is 
around, here at home or out in public; it is up to you, young man.

�This will continue until you have clean and dry day and night for 2 
months. Have I made myself plain?� my mother asked.

I looked at her and said, �You can�t do this to me; it�s not fair!�

Before I could finish that sentence I was face down across her lap and 
whacked with ruler six times across my backside.

�Now do I make myself plain?!� she said.

�Yes, Mum,� I cried.

�Now lay down there,� she ordered. Then she pinned on the nappy and 
pulled up the plastic pants and tucked all the nappy in.

�Now you may go and dress and then have your breakfast.�

As I went to leave she said one more thing.

�I have removed all underwear from your room and replaced it with 
nappies and pull ups and plastic pants.�

After breakfast I watched TV for a while, not really listening but 
thinking about what was happening to me. There was a knock at the door. 
It was my mate, Chris. He came in and sat with me and said, �What are 
we gonna do today?�

We decided to go off uptown. I called out to mother and said we were 
going out and would be back later. She said, �That�s fine, but upstairs 
here first, young man; have you forgotten already?�

I went upstairs in to her bedroom where she was tidying up. Right there 
she said, �pull those jeans down and let�s have look.�

Satisfied that I was dry, I went out, being reminded not to be late for 
the next nappy change. All the time we were out I hoped Chris wouldn�t 
notice what I had on. He didn�t. I returned home in time for a nappy 
change as I came through the door with Chris closely behind me.

�I am in the bathroom!� my mother called. �Get yourself up here.�

I went in and Mum said, �Good, you are back on time. Well done. Now, 
have you wet or dirtied that nappy?�

�No, mum, it is clean,� I answered, hoping she wouldn�t check it.

�Well, pull your jeans down and lets see,� she said.

I sullenly pulled the jeans down to my ankles. Mum put her fingers 
inside plastic pants and said, �You dirty boy! You are wet!�

After a spanking I was changed into a clean nappy and redressed myself.

�For lying about your nappy you are also grounded for the rest of the 
day and tonight.�

I tried to protest and Mum reminded me Chris was still downstairs and 
didn�t want her to tell Chris what had been going on. I quickly shut 
up, and went downstairs and watched TV. Chris went home because I 
couldn�t go out again.

The day passed with nappy changes and spanking for wetting. Chris 
turned up again in the evening, hoping my Mum would calm down and let 
me out; she didn�t. About half an hour after Chris getting there, Mum 
told me go upstairs and wait for her. I made the mistake of telling her 
to wait a bit. She grabbed my arm, pulled me up off the sofa and yanked 
my jeans down and said, �I warned you what would happen if you played 
up! Now I will change you right here in front of Chris!�

And she did. I was wet and got spanking. Chris was shocked but said 
nothing. Chris did promise not tell anyone else and he didn�t.

Chris left around 9pm and Mum took me upstairs and changed my nappy and 
I was sent to bed for disobeying while Chris was here. I fell asleep 
and was awoken around midnight. Mum pulled back the duvet and said, �I 
am going to check your nappy.�

She did and I was wet. I was spanked and re nappied.

Monday morning soon came. I was dreading it. After breakfast Mum called 
me into the lounge and ordered me to remove my shoes and trousers. Then 
she removed my plastic pants and nappy, which was dry, and had me step 
into the pull-ups, which were pulled up. Once redressed, Mum said, 
�There are 6 spare pairs in your bag if you need to change.�

Off I went to school. Things went on like this until we broke for 
summer holidays. I brought my school report home. Mum was furious that 
my grades had slipped. I had been in trouble several times at school 
and out of school and this was the final straw. She told me go sit in 
her room and wait for her. I could hear her on the phone to Chris's 

�Let�s do as planned,� she said. �The report is worse than I thought.�

Then she came and joined me in her room and told me to take everything 
off. I did, except the pull-ups.

�And those wet pull-ups,� she said. Then, using the ruler, she whacked 
me six times. Then she put me in the cloth nappy and plastic pants. I 
went to pick my jeans up and she whacked my hand with the ruler and 
said, �They are not for you. Come with me,� she ordered.

I followed her into my room. To my shock everything I HAD WAS GONE. It 
was replaced with an oversized cot, changing table, nappy bucket and 
other baby things.

�Now,� she said, looking at my shocked face, �you seem to be unable to 
behave as a young man. So until you can learn how to behave I am going 
to treat you as a baby. You will live and eat and talk as baby until 
told differently.�

I went to speak and Mum interrupted and said, �Do you want another good 
hiding? If not, be quiet and obey.�

I was put into an all-in-one baby grow with rabbit on it with poppers 
all round the legs to make nappy changing easier.

�Right, let�s go downstairs and see what else we have for Babykins.�

I went to follow and Mum said, �You can�t walk. You are a baby, you 
crawl like one.�

I obeyed and followed. In the front room was an overgrown playpen. Mum 
put me in it with all the bricks, teddies and other baby toys.

�That�s it. Now you are safe while Mummy prepares your bottle.�

Once out of the room I thought it was safe to stand and reach for the 
TV remote and turned the TV on. Before I knew it, Mum was back. She 
snatched the remote and said, �not for babies!� She returned a few 
minutes later with baby bottle of milk and gave it to me. I threw it 
across the floor. Mum picked me up and put me on her lap and said, 
�That was naughty and Mummy is cross with Babykins!� While saying this 
she undid the baby suit and turned me over face down across her lap and 
pulled the nappy and plastic pants down a bit and smacked me three 
times, telling me, �That is what babies who don�t behave get.�

Having redressed me, she turned me over and put the bottle in mouth and 
held it there until it was all gone.

�There�s a good boy,� and put me back in playpen. �Now play nicely 
until dinner time,� she said and left.

A while later she lifted me out of the play pen and laid me on the 
changing mat and changed my nappy, which was wet, and re-nappied me, 
but no spanking. She must have guessed what I was thinking and said, �I 
can�t smack Babykins for wetting because babies can�t help it. But I 
will still smack you for being naughty and disobeying me.�

Once redressed I was told to crawl into the kitchen and I was sat in an 
oversized highchair and strapped in. I was fed mashed food with a baby 
spoon. After that I was put back in the playpen. I began to think about 
what was happening to me and started to cry. Mum came over and said, 
�What�s the matter?� and cooed at me and cried even more.

�Does Babykins needs his nappy changed?�

�NO, MUM!� I shouted and threw one of the bricks at her. Before I knew 
what was happening I was across her lap again, getting a bare-bum 
spanking with the ruler.

�That�s for not using baby words! That�s for throwing things at me!�

Redressed, Mum sat me on the floor.

�Now what do you say to me?�

"Sorry, Mummy," I said.

After about an hour more in the playpen Mum came up lifted out and 
said, �7:00, time for Babykins to go to bed. Crawl up the stairs. 
There�s a clever boy.�

Once in the nursery, as Mummy now called it, I was changed into clean 
nappy and plastic pants and into a clean baby suit and put in the cot 
with bottle. I was changed like a baby and given a bottle every so 
often through the night.

The next day went pretty much the same. On Sunday morning after the 
normal nappy change I was in the highchair being fed some sort of baby 
food Mummy said for being good she had a special treat for her 

�Thank you, mummy,� I said, wondering what it was.

About half hour later the door bell went. Mum put me in the playpen and 
answered the door.

�Come in,� she told the visitor. I recognised Chris's mothers voice and 
then I saw Chris he crawled into the lounge. He, too, was dressed as a 
baby like I was. He was put in playpen with me. We were reminded to act 
as babies or else.

Once the two mothers were out the room we talked about what was 
happening and again before we knew it both our mothers were there and 
we got a spanking for not using baby talk. We had about two hours 
together before Chris was taken home. That was our treat. If we behaved 
all week one week at Chris's and one week at my house.

My whole summer went on like this until the last week it was decided 
that we may have learnt our lesson and allowed to be regular teenagers 

I still haven�t gained control of my bladder and remain in nappies 24/7 
and Chris never regained control and also has to wear nappies, too. 
When Chris came to stay my Mum changes both of us and when I go there 
to Chris his Mum changes both of us. Neither of us can get the nappies 
to stay on if we do it. We are now not spanked for wetting.

Mum and I are closer now and the two families are closer. We have all 
learnt lessons.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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