" A Baby Poem "

Part 1

Little Tom and his mommy had just made a bet
A deal that young Tommy would not soon forget
" Remember dear Tommy, that tonight is your last chance "
She said, " mommy's so tired of wet beds and pooped pants "

" I promise mommy ",  Tommy said, " tonight I'll stay dry "
But when he woke the next morning, Tom started to cry
He was all soaking wet, and was no happy camper
For when mommy came in, she was holding a Pamper

Tom screamed, " no, no, please! " mom replied, " now don't make a fuss "
" You've had all week long, and there's nothing left to discuss "
" And just what is a good loving mommy to do? "
" With a five year old boy, that's potty trained like he's two "

Tommy sniffled and sobbed, as he hung down his head
Mommy stripped off his jammies, right there on the bed
She picked up her son, and carried him to the bath
Tickling him while she washed, trying to make him laugh

Mom toweled him dry, saying, " there, all clean and shiny "
" Now let's get a nice diaper on that little heinie "
Again Tommy begged, " please no, mommy! ", he pleaded
" Keep acting like a baby and that's how you'll be treated!"

He calmed down for a moment, as they walked through the door
Mommy laid out a changing pad, down on the floor
She oiled and powdered him, as he lay on the pad
And while diapering, asked him, " see, this isn't so bad? "

Tommy started to bawl, and was gasping for air
" Please mommy,  let me wear my big-boy underwear "
Mommy scooped him up swiftly, right up off of his back
Stood him straight up, and gave his diapered bottom a smack

" Enough! ", she yelled loudly, " you've been warned once already! "
" Act like a baby again, you might just regret it! " 
So mom got Tommy dressed, just a T-shirt, shoes, and socks
Then mommy went to his closet, and pulled out a box

The box was enormous, and it said " Baby Stuff "
So Tommy pulled it together, and tried to be tough
" Now, let's get some breakfast ", mommy said with a smile
" And we will see if you can't be a good boy for a while "

They had bacon, scrambled  eggs, with orange juice, and toast
Mommy knew it was the breakfast that Tommy liked most
Tommy slid from his seat, he crawled under the table
While his mom kept her cool, as best as she was able

"Tommy! get back in your chair, and eat all your food! "
" Now, you know that  your mommy is not in the mood "
But Tom didn't listen, he just stayed, down on the floor
And mommy wasn't putting up with this anymore

Mom reached under the table, pulled Tom out with a yank
Then she untaped his Pamper, for a bare bottom spank
" I've warned you twice this morning, I didn't mean maybe "
" I guess that I will have to treat you like a baby "

She laid Tommy on the floor, taped his diaper back on
" Now you'd better stay still right there, while mommy is gone!"
Mom went up to the attic, to move, Tom wouldn't dare
Then she returned with a bottle, a bib, and high chair 

Mommy filled his bottle with milk, then tied on his bib
" From now on", she said, "you'll be sleeping in your old crib"
She strapped him up in his high chair, then clicked on the tray
" Now eat up your breakfast, or you can sit there all day "

" Can I have my fork please?", Tommy pled, with a sniffle
" Forks are too sharp for babies, I think you're too little "
" Babies like you, eat with their hands " came mommy's response
" And drink up that bottle, I'm only telling you once "

Tommy drank from the bottle and cried as he ate
And slowly finished everything there on his plate
" What a good boy! ", mommy cooed, " now let's get you scrubbed "
His face, arms, and hands with a warm, wet cloth, she rubbed

" There we go, good as new! ", mommy said, while she chuckled
Slid the tray off his highchair, and got him unbuckled
She stood Tommy on the floor, and then took off his bib
" Now, let's go up to your room, and assemble your crib "

Tommy liked that idea, and it showed on his grin
He felt safe in his crib, where monsters couldn't get in!
Mommy took down his bed, while Tom played with his toys
He had never owned many, designed for big-boys

In no time at all, Tommy's crib was in place
And mommy was thankful, for the smile on his face
" Glad you're wearing diapers ", mom said, " look how wet you are! "
Tommy ran as he giggled, but he didn't get far

Mommy shouted , "  I GOTCHA! ", picked him up in the air 
" I guess we'll put your changing table right over there ",
Mommy said, as she pointed next to his bathroom door,
" Diaper changing on the floor is too much of a chore "

Mom placed Tom on his pad, and then untaped his Pamper
His shirt was wet too, so it went in the hamper 
Mommy used baby wipes to clean off all the pee
" See, isn't it nice to be a good boy for me? "

Tommy smiled at his mommy, as she changed him with care
It was just then he realized, he didn't want underwear  
It felt so good to be babied,  the diaper was nice
Tom brought his thumb up to his mouth, without thinking twice

Mommy reached into the box, and pulled out a binky 
She woke Tom from his daze, when she wiggled his pinky
" Honey, don't suck your thumb, let me go and wash this "
Then she tickled his belly and gave him a kiss

Mom was back in a second, with his binky all clean
Then she put it in his mouth, and he seemed so serene
" Mommy, can I play in my crib, for a little bit? ",
Tom shyly asked, and his mom, gently placed him in it

Tom remembered all these toys, that were strapped to the bars
As he spun all the wheels, and honked the horns on the cars
The mattress was crinkly, and couldn't get wet!
Now Tommy was happy that he'd lost that bet

Mommy was very pleased that Tommy now seemed content
So mommy sneaked off, up into the attic she went
She brought down Tommy's old things, and stacked them in the hall
Set up the changing table by the bathroom door wall

Then mommy carried some more things downstairs to the den
She got out her sewing things, and set up a playpen 
" Mommy!", she heard squealed out, so she rushed upstairs to see
Whatever could be the matter with little Tommy

Mommy ran through the door and asked " what is it, honey? "
But she knew right away, because something smelled funny
Tommy stood at his crib rail,  crying, and all hyper
" It's alright baby ", mom said, " I'll just change your diaper "

" I thought you would be mad? ", Tommy said, while sniffling his nose
Mom replied, " I just got upset, when you pooped big-boy clothes "
" And we will not have to fret about that anymore "
" Because mommy bought you lots of diapers at the store "

Tommy had stopped his crying, as the crib rail came down
" Now let's get you changed and dressed, 'cause were going to town "
Mommy scooped Tom from his crib, strapped him to down to be changed
Then proceeded to get all of the supplies arranged

Mom smiled down at Tommy, as she popped in his binky
saying, " my goodness me, someone's tushy is stinky! "
She pulled back both of the tapes, then the diaper was peeled
" Mommy certainly is glad that this mess was well sealed! "

While holding both Tommy's ankles, high up in the air
Mom wiped his butt, until there was no poop anywhere
But she noticed a bit of diaper rash on his skin
Mommy applied a large dollop of white Desitin

Tommy spoke through his binky, " ooh, that stuff is cold mommy "
" Sorry sweetie ",  mom said, " we don't want rashes on Tommy "
She then sprinkled powder, from his chest, to his knees
A bit went up Tommy's nose, and it made him sneeze

" Bless you! ", mommy said, then asked, " did I use too much? "
As she rubbed in the powder, with a warm gentle touch
Mom pulled out a Pamper from the big stack on the shelf
She unfolded and shook it, as she thought to herself,

" I'm sure glad baby diapers still fit him so nicely "
"I heard Pull-Ups don't work, plus, they seemed awful pricey "
Mommy wrapped up the job, then stood back to admire
How precious Tommy looked in his baby attire

Mommy put on his sweatshirt and the sweatpants to match
Loosened the strap on his belly, and unclasped the latch
She lifted her boy up onto her hip, with one arm
And then she questioned her son, " is this outfit too warm? "

Tommy shook his head no, mom carried him to the car
" Where we goin' Mommy? ", Tom asked, " I hope not too far. "
" Just a few miles, I know car rides upset your belly "
"  And I don't want to drive with diaper that's smelly "

They both giggled at what mommy had just said
As she placed Tommy's baseball cap onto his head
Mommy buckled Tom in to his car booster seat
It was sunny, but chilly, so she turn on the heat

In just under ten minutes, they arrived at the store
And then mommy told baby Tom what they were here for
" We're getting some fabrics, and some things for new outfits "
They got corduroy , fleeces,  snaps, elastic, and knits

As they walk toward the cashier, Tom held mommy's pant leg
Then mommy smelled something resembling rotten egg
She turned Tom around to check, pulling back his waistband
" I guess you just stinkered", mom said, taking hold of his hand

The cashier, an old woman, about to retire,
asked, " How old is that child, why does he have a pacifier? "
" That's none of your business, but if you must know, he's three ",
Mommy said, " He is just very tall, like his daddy "

" That is still much too old ", the old woman replied
Mom said, " Thanks for your advice, I'll keep that in mind "
Mommy kept a fake smile, while she payed for the stuff
When they got to the car, mommy said, with a huff,

" The nerve of some people, can't just let others be "
" I should have told her  you're five, and not really three "
" Don't worry mommy ", exclaimed Tommy, " she was just rude! "
Mommy snickered at that, and it changed her attitude

" I'm proud of you honey, you've been a trooper today "
" I will fix you some lunch, then we'll go outside to play "
When Tommy heard that, he just sat there and smiled
Mom thought how lucky she was, to have such a sweet child

When they arrived home, mommy grabbed the supplies
She unbuckled Tommy, then they walked inside
Mommy said to Tom, " since you've been such a good boy "
" We will go out tonight and get you a new toy "

Tommy squealed with excitement, shouted, " Hooray! ", with glee
But in all his commotion, filled his diaper with pee
He just stood there, legs spread, mom gave a knowing glance
But just to be sure, mommy pulled down Tommy's pants

" That's exactly what I thought ", mommy said, with a smile
"Now go play in your room, and I'll be up in a while "
Tommy waddled upstairs, got his toys out to play
Mom went to the den, to put the fabrics away

Mom went upstairs to his room, where he lay, fast asleep
When she picked him up to change him, he did not even peep
" Oh, Shoot ", whispered Toms mommy, " he must have wet some more "
His Pamper had leaked, right through his pants, onto the floor

She quietly changed him, then rocked him in her lap
Before laying him down into his crib for a nap
She went down to make lunch, she cooked up some spaghetti 
Then went up to wake Tommy, when it was all ready

Mom lowered the crib side, " time to wake up, sleepyhead "
whispered very softly, as she lifted him from bed
Mommy checked in his diaper, to make sure it was dry
Then she carefully dusted out, the sand from each eye

" Are you ready for num-nums? ", mom asked with a grin
Then she kissed Tommy's forehead and tickled his chin
They went down to the kitchen, mom strapped him in his seat
Mommy cut up some spaghetti for Tommy to eat

She filled up a bottle, with real fruit juice punch
Tommy quickly drank it, and ate up his lunch
He was covered with sauce, his hands, arms, bib, and face
The high chair had noodles spread all over the place

" You're just supposed to eat it, it's not meant to wear "
" You even have pasta sauce smeared in your hair! ",
Mommy spoke, with a laugh, " my baby's so sticky "
" Cleaning up this mess is sure going to be tricky "

Mommy managed to spotlessly clean hair down to tray
Then washed and dried dishes, and put them away
She gave Tommy a cookie and a bottle of milk
While she brushed baby's hair, until softer than silk

" Well now, how would you like to go get your new toy? ",
Mommy queried,  " Oh yes, please! ", Tommy answered, with joy
" Come on then, let's go get you dressed, and we'll go to the mall "
" Yay ", screamed Tom, but as he turned to run, he took a bad fall

It didn't take very long for the bawling to start
And as mommy helped him up, she thought she heard him fart
But that's not what she heard, Tom was crying and pooping
So mommy picked him up as his diaper was drooping 

" There, there, now my baby, I'm sure you will be okay ",
 It was the best thing that mommy could think of to say
He was frantically shaking, the tears rolled down in streaks
And his pamper was so full, it had quite a few leaks

Mommy bounced as she swayed, and cooed, " you'll be alright "
She kissed his teary cheeks, and held baby so tight
Mom carried him to the nearest place she could think
So she stood Tommy up in the laundry room sink

He was still whimpering as she took off his shirt
Mom had poop and pee all over her blouse and skirt
" When you were very little, I bathed you in here ",
Mommy said, in a whisper, right into Tommy's ear

Tommy smiled, just slightly, through his remaining tears
" To think you still fit in here after all of these years "
" Now hold onto mommy, and spread your legs please "
With the bulk in his diaper, it slid down with ease

Mom turned on the water, after removing his shoes
Then examined his hands and knees, for scrapes, or a bruise
There was not a mark on him, " You just got scared, I guess ",
Is what mommy told Tom, while scraping off his mess

" How does such a little boy, poop this much in his pants ? ",
Mommy asked teasingly , as she jiggled Tommy's hands
" Will you be a good baby? ", she asked, touching his nose
" And just play in your bath, while mommy changes her clothes "

She dressed in a clean sweater, after washing her skin
In all the places that poo-poo and pee-pee had been
Mom went back over to Tommy, who was splashing about
She said, " Okay, my little one, it's time to get you out "

Mommy toweled Tom off, then wrapped him up in it
Took Tom to his room, said, " be back in a minute "
Mom was only gone seconds, but when she came back
Tommy had knocked down his whole diaper stack

" And just what, little mister, do you think you're up to? "
Mommy said, pretend serious, " guess I can't leave you "
" Were you trying to get up on your changing mat? "
" Well from now on you'd better let mommy do that "

She put Tom on the table, got him diapered and dressed
" Now don't you feel better? ", she said, " See?, mommy knows best "
Mommy then placed Toms binky into his waiting lips
Held him to her chest, he wrapped his legs around her hips

Hugged his arms about moms neck, she held his diapered butt
And then mommy said to her baby, " hey, you know what? "
" Do you still want to go get your new toy today? "
" We can either do that, or just stay here and play "

" We can stay here ", he said, " but I'm thirsty mama "
" So can me have some apple juice in my baba? "
" Of course you can sweetie ", she smiled at his baby talk,
" And maybe later tonight, we can go for a walk"

" Do you want to play in here, or go play outside? "
" In here ", he said, then asked, "can we play horsey ride? "
" Whinny! " mommy cried, as she knelt down on the floor
And Tommy rode horsey for an hour, or more!

" Giddy-up ", ordered Tom, as mom bounced up and down
But soon mommy got tired of crawling around
" Horsey's exhausted! ", said mommy, " just too much abuse "
" So let's go get cowboy Tommy his baba of juice "

Mom took Tommy to the kitchen, gave him his bottle
And she chuckled to herself, as she watched him toddle
Mom pulled down a video off of a shelf 
 Then asked, " Do you want mama to feed you, or drink it yourself? "

Mommy put in the tape and turned on the T.V.
Tom held out his bottle, " Pwease, you gives it to me "
She took back Tommy's bottle and ruffled his hair
Mommy sat Tom on her lap, in the rocking chair

Her arm arched under his back, she rocked, as he fed
And gently placed her chin, on top of Tommy's head
Mommy kissed him and hugged him, as he nursed quietly
Tommy's eyes stayed glued fast to the cartoons on T.V.

When done with his juice, mom placed Toms chest on her shoulder
In a manner her motherly instincts had told her
Mommy patted his back, then a few burps came loose
" My goodness, my baby's breath smells like apple juice! "

Tommy giggled a little, as he began to doze
Mommy thought it a good time, to start making his clothes
She took him to the den, laid Tom in his playpen
And then went to pulled out all the fabrics again

Tom lay in his playpen, as he fell asleep deeper
Mom decided first, she'd make him a footed sleeper
She drew up a pattern, grabbed some baby blue fleece
Mom thought she would get halfway finished, at least

But she was almost finished, before Tom even stirred
So mom appliqu�d on the chest, a " Baby Big Bird "
It had snaps from the neck, all the way down to both feet
" This should make morning changes a much simpler feat ",

Mommy thought to herself, as she tested out each cuff,
And the plastic soled feet, certainly seemed plenty tough 
Quite pleased with her handiwork, yes, a fine job for sure
It was much nicer than anything found in a store

Besides, store bought snap-up sleepers, were just way too small
For this mommy's little baby, was really quite tall
Well, not that tall for his age, and his waistline was slight
That's probably why baby diapers fit him just right

Then she thought, " Time to check in, on my little fellow "
And sure as a sunrise, his Pamper was yellow
The sleeper in hand, mom scooped Tom from his playpen 
Then she went upstairs to change his diaper again

They arrived at his room, and Tom opened his eyes
" He's alive! ", exclaimed mom,  " I made you a surprise "
" What you make me mama? ", Tommy asked tiredly 
" You'll find out soon enough, after I change your diapy "

A new, clean, white diaper, was soon taped around his waist
And when Tom saw his new sleeper, a smile crossed his face
" I like it mama! ", Tom asked " can I wear it tonight? "
Mom said " let's try it on now, to make sure it fits right "                  

Mommy slid on his sleeper, and fastened each snap
Flipped Tom on his tummy, gave his butt a soft slap
" So what do you think? ", mommy questioned, " how does it fit? "
" I can make you a few more, if you really like it "

" It's so comfy mama " , Tom said, " so soft and furry "
" Well there's more where that came from ", mom said, " don't you worry "
She slid Tom from his table, stood him on the ground
Then grabbed him by the hands and swung him around

" Whee! ", squealed Tommy, as he went flying through the air
" Let's go " said mom " and make play clothes for you to wear "
She kept hold of his hands, and told Tommy to, " Jump!"
Leapt him down the hallway, then plopped him on his rump

>From the top of the stairway, Tom slid down on his rear
Mommy waiting at the bottom said, " please hurry dear "
So he scooted much faster and finally reached mommy
" My!, look at the time, let's go make din-din Tommy "

" How about chicken fingers, mashed taties, and peas? "
Tom loved all those things, plus, making it was a breeze
Tommy sat in his highchair while mommy was cooking
So Tom sucked on his thumb, he thought mom was not looking

But mommy saw, and yelled, " No!, you will mess up your teeth "
She went to the dishwasher slid the rack from beneath
Mom grabbed a clean bottle, filled it with grape soda
Gave it to Tom,  and said, " there, this ought to hold ya "

Now soda from mommy, was a rare treat indeed
So Tom emptied his bottle with uncommon speed
Tommy's belly rumbled , as he cried, " My tummy aches "
Mom said, " 'cause you drank your baba too fast, sweetie-cakes "

Lifting him up, " Here, mama will make it all better "
As she burped him, he spit up down the back of her sweater
Mommy payed no attention to the warm purple mess,
" Well from I'd better use burp cloths, I guess "

" Thanks mama ", Tom said, as she strapped him back in his seat
" You're welcome baby ", mom said, " are you ready to eat? "
" Uh-huh ", nodded Tommy, as his bib was tied on,
" But mama will feed you, okay little one? "

" We don't want your new PJ's to be yucky for bed "
And Tom happily ate every bite he was spoon-fed
" Yay! " mommy clapped, before wiping his mouth and chin,
" Such a good baby boy, he ate all his din-din "

" And good little babies that eat up all their nummies "
" Get to have special desserts, to fill-up their tummies "
Tom eagerly squiggled, his Pamper making crinkles
When his mommy fixed a bowl of ice cream with sprinkles

She fed him the confection, but not to quickly
Mommy thought too much cold, might upset his belly
Some dribbled down Toms chin, the bib did its job well
And mom caught the big globs with the spoon as they fell

Mommy washed him one more time, unlocked his highchair tray
Then asked, " well, did you have enough to eat for today? "
" Yes mama ", Tommy answered, " my tummy's so full "
Mommy's thumb stroked his lips, to wipe off some drool

 Mom asked, " are you ready to go out for our walk? "
" We won't go too far, maybe just around the block "
" No, my legs are too tired ", is what Tommy told her
She asked, " Well, what if I just pushed you in your stroller? "

" Okay mama ", Tommy said, " I'd like to do that! "
" Goody ", said mom, checking to see if he was wet
She unsnapped his crotch, slid her finger in the leg cuff
" You're just a little damp ", she said, " but not wet enough "

" To need a new diaper, no, this one will hold much more "
Mom grabbed his folded stroller, as they walked to the door
Mommy put on his mittens, his coat, and a knit cap
She unfolded the stroller,  fixed Tom in with the strap                                 

Mommy rolled Tom down the sidewalk, and that was when
Their neighbor, Mrs. Snyder, came over to greet them
" Hello there Tommy, how are you? ", asked Mrs. Snyder
" I see mom finally put you back in a diaper "

" Well it's about time ", she knew of his constant wetting
" It's much more comfortable than wet pants I am betting? "
" You know, both my boys wet their beds until they were ten? "
"  I didn't wait this long to put diapers back on them "

" Yes, Mrs. Snyder ", mom said, "  I gave Tommy a chance "
" He had a whole week, for just one day with clean pants "
" In the end, all I asked for was just one dry night "
" But we got him diapered, without much of a fight "

Mrs. Snyder said, " well, I'm so glad to to hear that "
Then she pinched Tommy's cheek and patted his knit hat
" Say bye-bye, Mrs. Snyder ", mom instructed her son,
Mom nudged the stroller again, " well, we'd better move on "

" Bye-bye, Mrs. Snyder! ", Tom said, waving his mitten
Around Mrs. Snyder, he had always been smitten
She was older than mommy, always treated him kind
And the few times she watched him, she never did mind

That he had accidents, no she was never mean
She just washed him and put on some clothes that were clean
They continued to walk, as the street lights ignited
And when the moon came up, Tommy got so excited

He said, " look, the moon, mama ", sat up straight in his seat
" Yes, it's so pretty ", said mom, as they walked down the street
The evening air got crisp, as the sun slowly set
By the time they got home Tommy's diaper was wet 

Mommy reached down between Tommy's legs and she squeezed
His Pamper was soggy, but not leaky, mom was so pleased
She wanted Toms sleeper to stay nice, clean, and new 
So he'd have something to wear, least 'til evening was through

Mom helped Tom from his stroller, then put it away
Then she carried Tommy up to his room to be changed
This time over his Pamper, mommy used plastic pants
She said, " hopefully, these will give leaks, less of a chance "

Mommy closed up his snaps, asked, " ready for night-night? "
" I not tired mama ", said Tom, mom said, " alright "
" You did nap lots today, so you can stay up with me "
So she took him downstairs with her, to watch some T.V.

Mommy lay on the couch, positioned Tom on her chest
With his knees tucked to his belly, and head on moms breast
It seemed a bit chilly for this early in autumn 
So mom pulled down a blanket and patted Toms bottom

Mommy rubbed Tommy's back, as she turned down the volume
When he was sound asleep, she carried him to his room
Mom lowered the crib side, then laid Tom into place
She teared up at the angelic look on his face

She gently kissed his cheek and turned his monitor on
As she raised back the crib rail, mommy started to yawn
It had been a long day, but mom still had things to do
So she went back downstairs, to sew an outfit or two

Mom made corduroy overalls, elastic waist jeans
Every article she made, had snaps up the inseams 
Mommy made one more footed sleeper, this one was red
Then at three in the morning, finally went to bed

Mom had slept a few hours, a much needed break
When the baby monitor said, " mama, I'm awake! "
"Aright sweetie ", she said, " just let mama shower "
" Will you be okay for an other half hour? "

" Uh-huh, mama ", Tom answered, " I'll just play in here "
Then sat down with his teddy, on his squishy rear
This morning young Tommy had no reason to cry
For his jammies and crib sheets were completely dry

Now Toms Pamper, however, that was saturated
His plastic pants surely helped, to keep that flood gated
Tommy felt his warm diaper, and how comfy it was
Touching it through his sleeper, the soft, crinkly, fuzz

Mommy came dressed in a bathrobe, with toweled up hair 
And said, " and now it's my stinky baby's turn in there "
She lifted Tom by his armpits, up over the rail
Removed his soaked Pamper, dropped it in the diaper pail 

Mommy wiped him off a little,  just making sure
He didn't drip any pee, on her, or the floor
Then once in the bathroom, sat Tom on his potty chair
She asked, " please try to make poopies, for mama, in there? "

Tommy sat there for a minute, he did try to go
Mom smiling at him, said, " some babies potty-train, slow " 
Then she stood her boy up, and plopped him right in the tub
Making sure that his backside, got an extra good scrub

Mommy started laughing, as she could plainly see
The water in front of Tom, yellowing with pee
Mom drained the tub, used clean water for rinsing
Tom without diapers, would take mom some convincing

Toms plastic pants worked so well, keeping his bedclothes dry
Mommy thought that she'd better, give daytime use a try
Tom was diapered, then dressed in his new overalls
They were pale green, and printed, with little footballs

Mommy folded the collar of his white turtleneck 
She gave the velcro on his shoes, a quick double-check 
Mom took Tommy down, said, " now, let mama get dressed "
" Then I'll come back for you, and we'll get some breakfast "

So Tom played with his blocks, stacked them up really high
Mommy came back, and said, " c'mon sweetie-pie "
Tommy waddled to his mom, saying, " see what I did? "
" Honey, that's neat, but please don't forget your toy-box lid ",

Mom said, as she pointed to the large open box,
" Don't worry about those, you can leave out your blocks "
" I just don't want baby pinching his fingers again ",
She said, " an open lid's trouble, waiting to happen "

Tom closed the lid, dropped it the last couple of inches
Mama was right, Tommy did not like finger pinches
" Thank you, sweetie ", mom praised, " now, let's get something to eat "
Then took Tommy downstairs, and strapped him in his seat

He got a bottle of milk,  while mom cooked oatmeal
Mommy never bought instant, she made it for real
It had milk, butter, brown-sugar, and fresh blueberries 
Put the bowl on his tray, and asked," let mama feed you, please? "

Mommy tied on his bib, then proceeded to feed him
Only halfway through the bowl, he was filled to the brim
" Just one more bite? ", mommy asked, he just couldn't say no
When into Tommy's Pamper,  poopy started to flow

As Tom sat in his highchair, he pushed out the warm mass
Mom knew well, that the lingering odor, wasn't gas                                                              
So mom reached for his overalls, just for a quick glance
Then saw the brown spots, spreading out in Toms plastic pants

" Well, I guess you were full! ", mom said, " It pushed right through you "
" That's a pretty bad mess, yes, a whole lot of poo-poo "
Mommy moved the bowl and bottle, then released his tray
Dropped Toms bib, right on the floor, and whisked him away

Mom did not so much as bother, to wipe off Toms face
Even though it had oatmeal, spread all-over the place
She rushed to the changing table, in his nursery
As Tommy continued, to soak his diaper with pee                                                       

Mommy unbuttoned the snaps on each lower limb 
Then slid down the soiled plastic pants off of him
She peeled back the Pampers tapes, first one, then the other
Tommy flashed a big grin at his nice, caring mother

" You think this is funny, don't you baby? ", asked mommy 
As he nodded his head, " yes mama ", giggled Tommy
Mom used the front of his diaper,  scraped down the worst part
She looked over Toms bottom, to decide where to start

Mommy thoroughly cleaned him, applied baby lotion
Then quickly diapered him, in one rapid, smooth, motion
Mom put on clean plastic pants, and stretched out the leg bands
She used a couple of wipes, to sanitize her hands

Tommy's overalls legs, mommy snapped back together  
And put on his coat, to keep him warm in this weather
Mommy said, " It looks like I have not bathed you in days "
She used one more wipe, to clean the food off baby's face

Mom grabbed a few Pampers, from the changing tables stack
And a new container of wipes, the traveling pack
She got the small changing pad, baby powder, and oil
Took the plastic wrap off the wipes, and peeled back the foil

She snatched the diaper-bag, from the box marked " Baby Stuff "
Placed the supplies in the bag, and said, " hope that's enough "
" Better safe, than sorry ", mom packed the jeans she just sewed
Then with babas and binkies, the bag was a full load

Mom hung the bag off her shoulder, held Tom on her hip
Saying, " looks like we're all ready, to go for our trip "
" Where to? ",  Tommy inquired, " why, to the mall, silly ",
Mom said, " we're meeting with cousin Scott and aunt Lily "

"We'll be out most of the day, but we'll get you a toy "
" And some things for your nursery, I think you'll enjoy "
Tom adored his aunt Lily, but for Scott didn't care
He always kicked, punched, and bit, and pulled on Tommy's hair

Scott was bigger and older, he thought he was so great
He could ride bikes, and cross the street, because he was eight
Tommy said, " mama, I don't like Scott, he picks on me "
Mom said, " if he's bad, you just tell me, or aunt Lily "

" Aunt Lily knows you wear diapers, and Scott has been warned "
" If he misbehaves at all, his rear end will get warmed "
Tom smiled at that thought, as mom carried him to the car
Mommy opened her purse, checking for her credit card

Now, from the house to the mall, was a very short drive
They stayed in the car, to wait for Lily to arrive
So while they sat there, mommy, turned around in her seat
And she pushed in, and she pulled on, Tommy's little feet                                                  

" They should be here soon ", mom said, " Any minute, I bet "
Then she stretched back to feel if Tommy's diaper was wet
" All nice and dry ", mama said, as she pressed on his crotch
Then she twisted her wrist over, to look at her watch

" They should be here by now, they didn't have to drive far ",
Mommy said, as she scanned the lot, " oh wait, there they are "
Mom opened the door, as she grabbed her purse and car keys
Then she opened the backdoor, to get Tommy released

Mom pulled Tommy out, and waved, " Hey sis', over here! "
When Tommy saw Scott, mom felt his hand trembling with fear
She grabbed the diaper bag, and said, " baby, it's okay "
" Your mama will be watching Scott, like a hawk, today "

Mom gave her sister a hug, and a kiss on both cheeks
She said, " glad you're here sis', I haven't seen you in weeks "
" I know! ", Lily said, " and how is my little nephew? "
While bending down to hug Tom, said, " my, don't you look cute "

Scott piped up from behind, " looks like a baby to me "
Lily clutched Scott's T-shirt, " remember what we agreed? ",
She said, " be nice to Tommy, or you'll be in trouble "
" I'm sorry young mister, I hate to burst your bubble "

Scott said, " whatever ", as he gave Tommy a huge smirk
Lily palmed Scotty's ears, and said, " stop being a jerk "
Scott yanked his head away, and said, " can we go inside? "
Lily sighed up at her sister, " believe me, I've tried "

They both fussed over Tommy, then they each took one hand
In unison, spoke, " one,two.., Jump! ", each time Tom would land
Scott walked ten feet ahead, Lily said, " back here, with us! "
And both her and her sister, were sure they heard him cuss

" What was that, Scotty? ", Lily questioned, with disconcert
"Nothing!", said Scott , his mom said, " that's what I thought I heard "
" You just keep it up honey, and see where that gets you "
Her head turned, " honestly, I just don't know what to do? "  

They arrived at the entrance, and they walked through the door
Tommy's mom said, " I need to go to the second floor "
Lily replied, " okay sis, we will just follow you "
Then she pushed on Scotty's back, " c'mon, you're going too! "

" Oh, that's great! ", Scotty snorted, " it's really cool, upstairs "
It was the sections for babies, children, and housewares 
Mommy headed straight towards the baby department
And she reached down to carry Tommy for a moment

Swung her arm under Toms tush, placed his hands on her neck
And with mommy's free hand, she gave his diaper a check
" Still dry ", mom whispered, before nibbling Tommy's ear
She turned to her sister, and said, " it's right over here "

The aisles were stocked full of baby accessories
There were bottles, bibs, sippy cups, and even onesies
So many choices, as far as Tommy's mom could see 
Then Scott exclaimed loudly, " you've got to be kidding me! "

Lily answered, " one more outburst from you, and your through! "
" Keep going buster, and we might find something for you! "
" Maybe a pacifier, would get you to shut up? "
" Or how about this nice Winnie the Pooh sippy cup? "

" Yeah, right ", Scotty scoffed, " like I would even use that stuff "
" Mom can't make you? ", Lily asked, " You think your strong enough? "
Scott's face went completely blank, his posture became taut
And his mother said down to him," yep, that's what I thought " 

During this confrontation, Tommy's mom looked around
Mommy was looking at everything cute that she found
She picked out several bibs, the largest onesies they had
The binkies and bottles they carried were not priced bad

Mom handed Tom to Lily, asked, " could you watch him, please? ", 
" I want to order some more things, and go pay for these "
" No problem, little sis ", Tommy's aunt Lily replied
Putting Tom on her shoulders, for a piggyback ride

Aunt Lily held Tommy's ankles, and bounced while she walked
Scotty got very jealous, clenched his fists while he skulked
" Scott! ", aunt Lily called,  " would you please stay right here with me? "
" I get worried, when you wander off, where I can't see "      

Scott stamped up behind his mom, scowled when Tom turned his head  
Then he mouthed these words at his cousin, " you're so dead "     
Tommy whimpered a little , and quickly looked away
Aunt Lily asked, " what is it Tommy, are you okay? "   

" Do you want your mama, or do you need to be changed? "
" Just let your aunt Lily know, and she'll have it arranged "
She squatted downward to slide Tommy, onto his feet
Squeezed the front of his diaper, " you don't feel wet to me "
Holding Tommy's hand, she said, " Let's go find your mommy "
As they headed that way, Scott kicked the back of his knee
Tom staggered and swayed, but Lily kept him from falling
He didn't tell on Scott, since he heard mama calling

" I'm right over here! ", mommy yelled, from the service desk
Completing the delivery slip, with her address
Mom said, " they're being delivered sometime after two "
Lily looked at her sister, asking, " what did you do? "

Mom said, " nothing too fancy, don't worry aunt Lily "
" Just a few things for the house, and Tommy's nursery "
Scott howled, " Nursery?, my God, what baby you are! "
" Excuse us, sis "Lily said, " I left something in my car "

Lily gave her sister a wink, as she gripped Scott's wrist
As she dragged him through the store, Scott knew his mom was pissed
Scotts mom screamed, " I've had enough of your mouth for today! "
" Wait 'til we get to the car, I'll teach you to behave! "

Tom asked his mama, " Where did aunt Lily take Scotty? "
Mom said, " aunt Lily is sick of him being naughty "
" And he's probably getting a well deserved spanking "
" But please don't you say anything, when they come back in "

" I won't ", smiled Tom, as they rode the escalator 
Lily brought Scott back in, just a short while later
Scotty's cheeks were tear stained, his face and eyes were bright red
Lily still grasping Scotts wrist, as forward he was led

" We're back", aunt Lily said, " sorry that we took so long "
" I just had to check something, I thought might have been wrong "
Mommy gave her a knowing wink, " I'm glad that you checked "
" And I think there is something, that I should inspect "                                         

" How about if we meet up for some lunch in a bit?"
Mom asked Lily, " we won't be too long, just a minute "
" That sounds good to me ", Lily said, " Scott, how about you? "
" Sure, I guess ", he sulked, " whatever you guys want to do "

Mommy took Tom to the restrooms, unfolded his pad
Spread it down on the fold out changing table they had
She sat Tommy up on it, laid him in position
He was barely damp, but mama made the decision

To just change Tommy anyway, nothing to regret
And his Pamper was peed, but not completely wet
They left for the food court to find aunt Lily and Scott
Scott was sitting at a table to save them a spot

Aunt Lily waited for the food from the pizza stand
So mommy asked Scotty, " would you please hold Tommy's hand? "
" I need to find him a high chair, or a booster seat "
But when left alone with Tommy, Scott stomped on his feet

" Did little baby, need his diapy changed? ", Scotty teased
And the hand Scott was holding, as hard as he could, squeezed
Tommy screamed out in pain, and everyone turned to see
Mommy sprinted back over, and so did aunt Lily

Mommy held Tommy close, and asked why he was crying
" He hurt me!",  Tom wailed, Scott said, " I did not, he's lying! "
Lily grabbed a Pamper from her nephews diaper bag
Then she took Scott by the collar and started to drag

Scotty straight for the restrooms, to the handicapped stall
Lily blistered his butt, until he started to ball
Then she shoved him down, roughly, onto the bathroom floor
Shrieking, " I'm not going to put up with this anymore! "
" You're a bully at school, and you don't listen to me! "
" So until you've grown up , here's how it's going to be! " 
Lily ripped down his pants, pushing him onto his side
Rolled him back on the diaper and forced Scotty's leg wide

" You will be dealt with just like a baby from now on! "
" Next time, you see your bedroom, all your things will be gone "
The Pamper was too small, didn't reach around his waist
So Lily used his underwear, to hold it in place

Lily jerked up his pants, and yanked Scott up off the floor 
" Don't worry, we'll find diapers your size, at the drugstore "
" Now let's go see if yor aunt and cousin are still here "
" I would't blame them, if they had just left out of fear "

When they got back to the food court, her sister looked up
She had Tom on her lap, helping hold his sippy cup
" Everything alright, sis? ", Tommy's mama, asked his Lily
" I suppose so " said Lily, " but could you please help me? "

" Sure, anything sis ", mom said, " just tell me what you need "
" I've decided from now on, that Scott will be babied ", 
Lily said, " thought you could assist, with what I should do "
" Oh, certainly sis ", mommy said, " I'd love to help you "

Mom put their untouched pizza, in a box marked, " fresh-hot "
Walking to the drugstore, the sisters began to plot
Mommy told Lily, " I just ordered a new high chair "
" and I'll have a changing table and old crib to spare "

" Oh, good ", replied Lily, " I don't have those anymore "
Then they arrived at the entrance of the malls drugstore
They got a shopping cart, mommy sat Tom in its seat
Heading for the baby aisle, Scotty dragged his feet

Lily and her sister, thoroughly browsed each section
And they filled up the cart, with each careful selection
Picked out the largest items, just the ones that made sense
Then headed towards the banner, that read " incontinence "

Mom showed Lily the small, overnight, youth sized Attends
Lily told Scott, " I can't wait to show these to your friends! "
Scotty cried out, " stop it mom, I don't think that's funny "
Lily said, "guess it's too bad, I'm not joking honey "

They took every last package, that was there on the shelf
Lily asked Scotty, " you know you did this to yourself? "
" I think, that this is the best thing  I can do for you "
" I'm just at my wits end, I don't know what else to do "

They went to pay for the items, at the register
As Lily made the purchase, the cashier gaped at her
Lily said to Scott, " let's go and see how these fit you "
She pulled out an Attends and took Scott to the restroom

Mom and Tommy came along, to the bathroom as well
Because mommy thought she caught a whiff of poopy smell
Scott fought against being placed on the changing station
When he was strapped down, Lily took out her frustration

She pulled off his pants, the Pamper held with underwear
And proceeded to lift his feet, way up in the air
With Scotts bare bottom exposed, Lily started her belts
And she didn't slow down, until she saw hand print welts

Scotty lay sobbing and limp, when his beating was done
Lily looked him in the eyes, " You'll be good from now on! "
She slid the youth sized Attends, up under his backside 
Deftly taped it in place, Scott's jeans left nothing to hide

Placed a binky into his mouth, undoing the strap
And when Scott spit it out, his face received a hard slap
" This stays in your mouth! ", she said, " until I remove it "
" Hopefully, one of these days, you will learn when to quit "

As mommy removed Tommy, from the shopping cart seat
Lily picked up Scotty, beneath his shoulders and feet
Scott was placed in the seat, where his cousin had just been
Mom laid Tom on the table, for a fresh diapering

Tommy's Pamper was dirty, but not really too bad
Mommy changed him quickly, then rolled up the changing pad
Lily said to her sister, " we'll meet you at your place "
Mom said, " okay sis' ", with a content look on her face

Lily pushed the cart with Scott, back out into the mall
Then mommy took Tom with her, into a bathroom stall
As mom went pee, she asked, " see how mama goes potty? "
" Not in a diaper, like your baby cousin, Scotty "