Title: Baby Joey
Name: Joe R.
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 46
Posting Date: 10/04/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections 
G- Pee X- Bedwetting 
H- Poop* Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: life story of being diapered                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 3 (15%)
It all began at when I was about 3 years old still in cloth diapers and 
plastic- rubber pants. I was often changed by my older sister or my 
twin. We often took turns changing each other. As we grow older and 
became potty trained the need for wearing the diapers was only at 
night, for about a year I was night time bed wetter. By the age of 5 I 
now longer needed to wear diapers, my parents had another child, a 
little sister. As I watched her getting babied, diaper changed I often 
wished it was me! By the age of six I was taking her cloth diapers and 
plastic pants and wearing them at night with out any one knowing, this 
went for about a year and half. Once she became potty trained the need 
for diapers and plastics in the house was no longer needed.

At the age of 14 the desire to be babied or diapered was coming back, I 
often would find my self looking thru JC penny and Sears catalogs 
looking at the baby items, wanting them. At this time I had started a 
paper route, I was earning my own money. One day after I had saved 
enough money I went to the local Ben Franklin store and bought my first 
pair of Plastic Pants, Super X large, diaper pins and baby powder. The 
lady at the counter was one of my customers on the paper route, she 
said hello and did not mention the items I purchased, I was so nervous. 
I ran home as fast as I could to hide them until later that night. 
During the night I had gotten up and undressed and placed a terry cloth 
towel on the bed, I laid on it, powdered my self and pinned the diaper 
on tight. I then reached for the plastic pants and slowly pulled them 
on up to my knees, at that point I then lifted my self up to pull the 
plastic pants on the remaining way, all the while the sound of the 
plastic rubbing against my skin was heavenly, I got up and stood in 
front of mirror ad mirroring how much I looked like a big baby. This 
continued for 3 years on an off. The most exciting or nervous times 
came when I was purchasing my plastic pants, the lady who was a friend 
of my older sister asked some what jokingly if the plastic pants were 
mine! She said I am sure they will fit you perfectly, she laughed, I 
quickly said no they were for my little cousin. She said that they were 
cute, this got me going.

During High school the desire was became stronger, I had gotten a 
better job and car. I continued to purchase the plastic pants when the 
current pair would wear out. I got smarter when buying my baby 
products. I would go to the near by towns where no one knew me. I would 
hide the items in my car. I would often wear them under my coveralls no 
one knew not even my brothers or sisters nor my parents. One day I was 
up stairs in my bed room putting together a school project and my girl 
friend came into my room, I was wearing a pair of shorts over my 
diapers, but I know she could tell some thing wasn�t right. I would not 
stand up, if I did she would clear see the bugle in my shorts, and I 
knew the plastic pants wear showing in the back. I did not dare move to 
often, because you could hear the plastic pants. It wasn�t until she 
left I realized I had a hole in my crotch see could see the plastic 
pants! She never mentioned it. One time during High school I was 
running late, that night I worn my diapers to bed, because I was 
running late I hide the plastic pants in the bottom of my dresser. When 
I returned home from school my mom asked me to go to the basement and 
get some items out of the freezer. As I passed by the washing machine I 
found my plastic pants hanging on the line above the washer. My heart 
stopped, I panicked, I grabbed them and hide them for later that day. 
When I return upstairs my Mom asked I had gotten what she needed, she 
never mentioned the plastic pants.

At 18 when I went off to college the desire was even stronger, knowing 
I would be all on my own at school was great. I continued to hide my 
desires of being diapered, I would wear them as often as I could either 
in my room or when I traveled back home. During college I was the only 
child at home and had the upstairs all to my self, my parents often 
would travel to their cabin in the woods, so I was home alone. I would 
get undressed and get diapered, and walk around the house with just my 
diapers on. I had found the old high chair, I modified it so I could 
sit in it and eat my baby food and drink from my bottle. I would due 
this just about every week my parents were gone. If they were there or 
not I would wear the diapers to bed. it was a rush. On a few occasions 
I would go to the cabin alone, and again I would be diapered heavily, I 
would walk around the cabin and a few times out in the woods with just 
a short t shirt and my diapers on, clearly you could tell I was 
diapered. I think a few times I was spotted.

During College I found some one, I never told her about my diaper 
desires, we dated for about a year before we decided to get married. 
She was or is 4 years older than I am, not that mattered. She wanted to 
have children early, so we did. Once the diapers were introduced back 
in the house for a reason, I began to want them even more. I found 
myself buying diapers and plastic pants again, but at this point I had 
found a medical supply company that sold youth size disposable � made 
by Pampers, they smelled the same as baby Pampers. I had them hidden in 
the basement so I thought, my wife found them and asked whose were they 
I told her they were mine she did not believe me. I took one of the 
youth size Pampers out and showed her that they fit me, she refused to 
believe me. I took the package and burned them in the burning barrel. 
She never mentioned them again. At this time I work second shift, I 
would on my lunch breaks go to the local Target store and buy Gerber 
plastic pants, with a little stretching I could get them to fit without 
tearing, I would wear them on my ride home.

Because of my job we moved out town, with the new baby my wife would 
often visit her family during the week, so of course with the free time 
I would wear the plastic pants and diapers while I was home. At this 
time I began wearing my diapers out side in public under my jeans, no 
one ever noticed. As time passed I needed a larger pair of plastic 
pants, so I began looking in the phone book for medical supply, my 
efforts paid off, because we lived so close to Hospital I found a store 
that carried incontinent products for adults, size Pampers but adults 
size plastic pants and cloth diapers. I was so excited, at one point 
the lady behind the counter during one of my visits asked if I need any 
help trying the items on, and she would show me or assist me in putting 
them on. As bad as I wanted too I declined. I was so excited with the 
possibility of being diapered by some one just about killed me. This 
went for a period of about 3 years.

Over the course of the next couple of years I continued to wear diapers 
on business trips or when my wife and child were out of town. It was 
not until my son went off to college my wife begun to want to have 
another child, I thought keep her company or the motherly nurturing 
concept. Over the course of time while having sex with my wife I would 
suck on her breast, which got her going, and all the time I would be 
thinking she was feeding me. She would hold my head to her breasts and 
have me switch from one to the other. This just promoted my desires of 
being babied � wearing diapers all the more. On occasion I would wet 
the bed to see if she would suggest me wearing some sort of protective 
garment. She would just say that I was getting older needed to be more 
careful when I drank close to bed time.

This continued for a couple of months, since I traveled often I told 
her that wetting problems began to get worst, and that it was 
embarrassing at the motels, So I purchased so adult size Attends and 
worn them while I was away from home. All the while I was or had 
purchased Adult size plastic pants and cloth diapers, adult pacifier 
,baby bottles, baby powder and night shirts that would show my diapered 
butt. I was an adult baby while traveling, I wore the diapers all the 
time, during work I would wear the plastic pants with a daytime cloth 
diaper and night I would wear a night time cloth diaper with plastic 
pants medium size. I even wear them while flying on a plane, the cloth 
diapers I use while flying have Velcro on them.

While lying in bed at night I would suck on my baby bottle thinking of 
being breast feed by my wife. At one point I bought an adult high chair 
and left in the plant in a hide area, I would take to the motel and put 
it up and I would video tape me wearing my diapers and eating in my 
high chair. On occasion I would request the motel to bring the baby bed 
to my room, they never asked why. Again I would video tape me in it and 
sleeping in it. During my extended stays from home I would go out in 
public to the mall or departments like Wal-Mart and walk around with my 
diaper exposed just above my pants, I knew people saw my plastic pants. 
At one time I was reaching for an item on the upper shelf and older 
women stopped me and told me that my plastic pants were showing. I told 
thank you.

While traveling to work outside of town for a week, I had decided to 
get message, I was not sure if I should wear my cloth diaper and 
plastic pants or should I not wear any thing at all. I decided I would 
wear the diaper and plastic pants. I wasn�t sure if I should mention it 
to the lady or not. She took me to the room and stated get comfortable, 
get on the table, face down. I proceed to get undressed still wondering 
what to do, I kept the diapers on. She walked in on me as I was just 
covering up, She noticed the plastic pants and cloth diaper, she asked 
what had happened and if there were areas she needed to careful of 
during the message. I told her I had an operation that caused me to 
temporally be in content. As she proceeds to message my back she asked 
if she could tuck the sheet under my plastic pants waist band I said no 
problem. She asked where did I purchase items that large, I told from a 
medical supply shop. The message was for an hour long session, I must 
have fallen a sleep. I was awakened by her asking me if I needed any 
help changing! I was not sure what she meant by that until I realized I 
had wet my diaper. I told I had brought an additional cloth diaper in 
my bag. She waited until she completed the message on my arms and legs. 
Once she was done she removed the sheet, exposing me totally. I was 
laying there in just my cloth diaper and blue plastic pants. She went 
to my bag and got the dry diaper, baby powder and oil. She pulled the 
plastic pants off to my ankles, she then unfastened the Velcro on my 
cloth diapers, commenting that she wished she had these for kids when 
they were in diapers. She pulled the wet diaper out from underneath me. 
Rolled it up and placed it in a bag. She then lifts my bottom up far 
enough to side the clean diaper under me. Smiling, she powdered me and 
oiled me. She then pulled the cloth diaper up between my legs tight. 
She laughed a little because baby powder poofed in the air, she said 
she hadn�t done this in some time. She again commented on the Velcro 
closure. She asked if I had a pair of dry plastic pants. I told her I 
didn�t with me. She took them off the remaining way and proceeds to dry 
them with a towel. While laying there in just the cloth diaper, I could 
not have imagined this would ever happen to me. She shook the plastic 
pants out, snapping them. She place both feet thru the plastic pants 
and pulled them up to crotch; she asked to lift my self with my feet so 
she could pull them the remaining way up. What a rush. All I could 
think of was I was just diapered by someone I didn�t know. She help me 
set up and then off the table. I was standing in front of her just in 
my cloth diaper and plastic pants. She smiled and asked when I might be 
back for another message. She told not worry about my special needs. 
She wouldn�t mind help me out again if needed.

I had wet the bed one too many times and my wife said okay wear the 
Attends to bed, so the first night every chance I could I drank a lot 
of water, the first night I wet the diaper so much by morning she woke 
me up and said that I leaked, that we need to do something about it in 
the morning. In the morning I found her on line looking up adult diaper 
products, she found the sites that I was buying items from, so she told 
me purchase a few small and medium plastic pants and day and night time 
cloth diapers. I agreed what surprised was she also told me to buy a 
onesie to help keep things together. The items showed up while I was 
traveling, once I return she asked to the bed room, She told to take 
off my cloths and she was going to try the items on me that we 
purchased. I did it was great being diapered by some I loved it meant 
so much, she laid out the night time diaper and asked me lay down on 
it, so I did. She began to powder me every where, the smell of baby 
powder was great she said that she did not want her baby to get a 
diaper rash, I could not believe what she just said to me, she pinned 
the diaper tight, the cloth felt so good, I was in heaven, she then 
grabbed the plastic pants slide them on my legs she grabbed my ankles 
and pulled the pants on the remaining way. Before I could get up she 
placed a baby bottle in my mouth. I asked her what this was for she had 
talked with the people where I bought the items from and they explain 
that I had been buying items for some time. So she purchased the big 
baby nipple and pacifier for me.

Since the first time she diapered me two years ago, When ever I return 
home it is the same routine I am diapered and wearing plastic pants. 
With a night shirt, showing my exposed plastic pants. She often has a 
baby bottle with formula and baby food ready for me to be feed by her 
in my high chair in the kitchen. On the week ends I not allowed to be 
out of my diapers she diapers me all the time, She often tells me since 
I am a baby I need act like one, she enjoys having me as her baby, this 
gives her feeling of caring for a baby again. Over the last couple of 
months we have converted the spare bed room into my nursery, totally 
stocked with a adult size baby crib, changing table and a mobile for 
the bed. In my changing table I have about 15 pairs of plastic pants 
from high back pants to printed plastic pants. Not sure on how many 
cloth diapers. I even have a pair of ruffled diaper cover ups.

A typical Friday night would follow this, I would be diapered either 
for night time or day time depending on the time of the day and if we 
were going out, If we weren�t she would diaper me for bed. I would be 
feed in the high chair a bottle and baby food. Then placed on the floor 
with my toys, for about an hour by Nine o Clock I would have a diaper 
check, if wet or messy she would change me. Then placed in the crib 
with a bottle, she would return down stairs and watch TV, before going 
to be she checks in on my, checks my diapers if needed she would change 
me. On Saturday mornings she would get me up change if needed other 
wise she tells me to go down stairs and play until she gets up and 
dressed. I normal wear my night shirt and my diapers/plastic pants or 
just my diapers/plastic pants. Once she comes down I placed in the high 
chair, she really enjoys babying me; she often tells me we should have 
done this along time ago. There is on occasion a knock on the door 
while I am in the High chair and the person can see me. Occasionally I 
am placed in her bed with her while she sleeps, to my surprise last 
week she stated she had surprise for me, I totally for got about, that 
Night while laying with her in bed, she lets me suck on her breast, 
acting like she is breast feeding, While the surprise hit me while 
sucking on her breast, she began secrete breast milk, this turned her 
on and me as well. So for the last couple of weeks I no longer drink 
formula but breast milk, she pumps during the day.

I writing this while diapered at my motel room. My wife packs a diaper 
bag for me now; it is great.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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