Summary: 10 Year-old finds wearing diapers is not that bad. THE BABY BROTHERS Part 1 I remember when I just turned 10 years old school would be out for the summer in less than a week. My name is Donny. My brother Timmy was 5. He was already out for the summer; he was in kindergarten. My other brother Jimmy was just three and did not go to school. Timmy needed to wear Pull-ups because he was prone to have wetting accidents just like Jimmy. Mom made me help them change all their accidents. I had to make sure they were all cleaned and powdered before they put on their clean Pull-ups. Every day after school the first thing I had to do was change Timmy’s Pull-ups they were always wet. At least he did not poop; that would be nasty to deal with. I did not want to think of that. The more I changed my brothers the more I thought how lucky they were they did not have to worry about making it to the potty in time. They just wet their pants and someone else would take care of the mess. The first day of summer vacation mom told me I had diaper duty. I had to make sure my brothers stayed dry. I changed about 12 pairs of Pull-ups the first day 7 from Timmy and 5 from Jimmy. Since they both wet the bed I had to be sure they were well protected before their pajamas were put on. They wore Huggies diapers at night. We lived 15 miles from the nearest house so I had no other friends to play with only my brothers. We were out side playing when I felt the need to pee so I ran to the house while my brothers continued to play. Before I left the house after my potty break I drank a large glass of water because I was thirsty. I checked my brothers’ Pull-ups to find only Timmy had wet his so I walked him to the porch to change his wet Pull-up. Timmy could stand while I removed his pants and tore the sides of his wet Pull-up open to remove the wet Pull-up to wipe his bottom with a baby wipe. Then he could step into a new one so I could put his pants back then we could start playing again. By that time I need to pee again so back to the potty I went. Between my potty breaks and my brothers’ pants changing I got very little time to play myself. Then I got and idea-- I could wear one of Timmy’s Pull-ups so I would not have to stop playing for my potty needs. The next time I needed to pee I grabbed one of Timmy’s Pull-ups so I could put it on in the bathroom. It worked. I put the Pull-up on and no one knew that I was wearing my brother’s Pull-ups. I started to play but I forgot to pee when I was in the bathroom. Now I would find out if these Pull-ups worked letting my pee flow. It tickled as the pee went into the Pull-up. The Pull-up soaked up all the pee I had. It was sort of fun wetting my pants with no one knowing what I was doing. Now I knew why my brothers like using Pull-ups so much. After a week of using Pull-ups it was automatic for me to just let my pee go wherever I was. My brothers and I were having the time of our lives, no potty worries. We never had to stop playing to use the potty; we just peed our pants. It was so easy to take care of it later. Then after eight days mom asked me why Timmy was almost out of Pull-ups when he had a two-week supply just last week. Then she looked at me to see my pants with a noticeable bulge because I had wet my Pull-up about 30 minutes ago. She told me to come over to her. She stuck her finger into the top of my pants and said, “What a baby!” I was wetting my training pants like a real baby. I tried to explain I was only playing; I did not need Pull-ups. She grabbed me by the hand dragging me to the house crying with Timmy and Jimmy following close behind. I was led to our room and put on the changing table where my pants were removed. My brothers started to giggle as my wet Pull-ups were revealed. Mom just treated me like I was one of my brothers, wiping and powdering me. Then instead of a Pull-up she pulled out one of Timmy’s size 6 Huggies night diapers and taped it on in seconds. I was turned into the house baby. She removed all my other clothes and dressed me in a one piece jumper that zipped up the back. She put a diaper pin in the zipper, making it impossible for me to remove my clothes. I was sent out to play with my brothers and told to be good. I tried everything I could to get out of the jumper but nothing worked so I gave up and started play with my brothers. I soon forgot about what I was wearing and soon wet my diaper without thinking just like the last few days I just let my pee out. This time it tickled more than ever. The diaper was barely damp when I finished. Mom called us in to eat Timmy and Jimmy went to the potty to pee and wash their hands while mom put me in the highchair. I objected but had no choice because mom was much stronger than I was. As mom fed me in the highchair my need to poop got greater with every mouthful. Since I was three I always need to poop at lunchtime. I tried to tell mom my need but every time I opened my mouth a spoonful of food was put into it. It happed so quickly I could not help it poop filled my diaper without warning. As hard as I tried I could not stop it as more came out. Soft poop went up my back and into the front of my crotch followed by a flood of pee. I tried to cry but mom just put another spoonful of baby food in my mouth. When I was finished eating mom put the nipple of a bottle in my mouth she told me to suck it until it is all gone to get out of the highchair. She would not let me hold it so I sucked it for 15 minutes it finish it. My brothers were amused by me being babied by mom they thought it was so fun that it was not them. When mom let me out of the highchair she told me to go play with my brothers in the playroom until naptime. I ran to the playroom, forgetting about my wet/messy diaper until I sat on the spring horse. I got the surprise of my life when a sat down on the saddle as poop smashed up into the front of my crotch. At first it felt bad until I rocked a little then it became so wonderful. I could not describe it. Back and forth, back and forth, it was so much fun slippery back and forth. For a 10-year-old to poop his diaper at first was bad, but now I was having so much fun. Mom came in the playroom, telling everyone it was naptime. I said I was too old for naps. She said all diaper boys need naps no matter how old he was. She picked me off the horse and said, “baby has poopy diaper.” I started to cry, so mom held a pacifier in my mouth, telling me I better keep it there or get bare-bottom spanked. I knew she meant business, so I started to suck my pacifier. Mom carried me to our bedroom where she strapped me to the rarely-used changing table. I could not reach the release, so I was held in place while I watched mom put my brothers in the twin beds leaving the old hospital youth size crib empty. Just before mom returned to me I flooded my diaper again now I was leaking ands needed a diaper change badly. First she released me, removed my jumper then carried me to the open bathroom where she had a bathtub filling with soapy water for me. Mom removed my Huggie, dropped it into the empty diaper pail and wiped my bottom, crotch, and front free of most of the poop I had smashed all over. When she finished wiping me off she put me in the tub. First she washed my hair with baby shampoo then she washed my face, arms, back, front, then my diaper area finishing with my legs and feet. Mom picked me up in a big towel and dried me well before she put me on the changing table. I was still sucking my pacifier as baby powder was sprinkled over my soon to be diapered body. The diaper this time felt thicker because mom had put a diaper doubler in the crotch. She put a thin footed sleeper on me that zipped up the back again I could do nothing to get out of my clothes. Mom put me in the crib handed me my bottle pulling up the side. She told me when I finish the bottle to call her and I could get out. She pulled up the crib side as I lay my head on my pillow sucking my bottle. I thought I could finish the bottle fast and get out or take the top off and drink it that way. I tried to take the top off but it would not budge. So I had to suck it like a baby. The juice came out so slow but I was determined to finish it to get out of this crib. The more I tried the more relaxed I became soon I was asleep with an empty bottle in my mouth. When mom woke me from my nap my pacifier was put back in my mouth as mom removed my sleeper showing everyone how wet my diaper was. Mom changed my diaper while I was still in my crib with my brothers watching. I was the oldest kid in the house but still the baby of the house. It was late July and I have been in baby treatment for six weeks, each day losing more of my big-boy rights. My brothers are now wearing regular big boy pants during the day but diapers at night; they are still bedwetting. My brothers boss me around because they say I am the baby; they are big boys. Mom agrees and tells me potty training will start when I can stay dry for two hours and NOT until then. I can’t remember when I have been able to hold my pee for two hours in my entire life. Even before this summer I need to pee all the time at school. I needed extra potty times. This war going to be hard for me to do and my brothers were quick to tell mom when I wet my diaper so they could watch mom change me wherever I was at home. When we were out in public mom would change me in the women’s restroom or the back car seat. My diaper was changed just like I was a two-year-old not a ten- year-old. School was going to start next week and I was no closer to passing the potty training test than I was three weeks ago. Mom made arrangements a school for the school nurse to change my diaper at recess and lunchtime. The day before school started we went to school and by the time we arrived I had wet my diaper. Mom let the school nurse change my wet diaper for practice. I was so embarrassed but it was so quick and professional I barely had time to think. The nurse said she had a few more little boys with wetting problems that I was not the oldest. Wooh! I could not believe other boys wearing diapers to school like me. This might not be as bad as I thought. Timmy was told not to tell anyone or he would be going to school wearing diapers too. Timmy and I road the school bus to school he was true to his word he kept my secret. We I arrived at school I went to the nurse’s office for my first official diaper change. Then I went to my fifth grade classroom to start the school year. Part 2 I was in the fifth grade my brother was in first grade. We were in separate parts of the school. I was on the third floor and had recess only at lunch 12:00 noon to 12:45PM. My brother was on the first floor he had three recess times but I don’t know when they were. We were only together on the bus Timmy never told anyone of my diapers. All year long I only poop my diaper three times and that was on the bus ride home. The size 6 Huggies were getting too small for me since I was getting bigger. By the end of the school year the size 6 Huggies were falling off when I wet them mom said she would fix my problem when school was over next week. So I had to go to school with the diaper problem I had to go to the nurse office as soon as I felt wet or my diaper would come off in front of everyone. The last day of school I was so excited the last hour I forgot to go to the nurse’s office. Before I knew it I was on the bus ride home with a wet diaper needing to pee again. I knew if I wet again it would leak and fall off. As I step off the buss with my brother I felt my pee go into my diaper tickling me. As the buss pulled away I started to walk with my brother to our house. I felt the taps break loose on my diaper as it fell into my pants, making me waddle even more. Mom saw my problem as I walked into the house she led me to our room where she removed my clothes. When she finished she pulled out a diaper that looked different it was so big compared to the Huggies. It had a design on the front but I did not see it well enough to tell it was a baby bottle and pacifier. As she taped it on me it felt so big and thick I thought it would fall off when I stood up. Then she dressed me in my powder blue playsuit. As I walked out to play with my brothers it felt like I had ten Huggies on as I waddled to play. I was now eleven years old, my brother Timmy was six, and Jimmy was four. As I walked out to play my brother said my diaper was showing big time. I was sucking my pacifier feeling so good that I could wet now without my diaper fall off. I wanted my brothers to be in daytime diapers like me so they could have fun too. I started to try to talk them into having potty accidents too. Only Timmy would agree Jimmy wanted his big boy pants and clothes not baby diapers. Timmy wet his pants a few minutes later and Jimmy ran to mom and told on him. Mom came out so see Timmy playing in wet pants. She led him to our room where she put one of my left over Pull-ups on him. When he returned I told him now when he pees in his Pull-ups it tickles when he poops how warm that feels. If he poops to try sitting on the spring horse and ride. After dinner Timmy pooped and peed his Pull-up and jumped on the horse to ride. At first he rode slow then he got into it he was hook on diapers now and would not go back to big boy pants for anything. We tried everything to get Jimmy to try diapers but he would not he was a big boy not a baby. He liked his big boy bed and chair at the table he did not like the crib or highchair he would be using like Timmy and I were. Two weeks later Jimmy had two accidents in a row one was poop so mom put him back in diapers just like Jimmy and me. He was not happy at first but then he pooped his diaper two days later after he ate his breakfast, he was on the horse. Now he was hooked too. Within a week we were not potty trained we use diaper all the time. I could change Timmy’s and Jimmy’s diapers when they needed it. Timmy could changed me when I need mine changed. Timmy was good at keeping me clean and dry so diaper rash would not come and get me. I kept my brothers clean and dry too so diaper rash would not get them either. Mom was happy that she no longer had to change that many diapers just a few here and there. My brothers and I were having the best time of our lives playing and using baby things Jimmy did not see the difference in the toys. The Playskool and Little-tykes toys were very fun. I was the only one that liked a pacifier that I always had in my mouth. All three of us like a bedtime and naptime bottle. One week after Jimmy started using diapers like Timmy and me I woke up in my crib sweating with a very sore throat mom looked in my mouth and told me I needed to go to the doctor. That afternoon I was sitting on the examination table with the doctor telling mom I needed to be in the hospital now. That evening mom took me to the hospital where they saw me wearing diapers. They told her the only place they had free was the toddler nursery and since I was wearing diapers that would be the best place for me. I was led to the third floor where they put me in a crib that was almost like mine at home except it had a top on it. I could not climb out like at home when I wanted out. The nurse closed the crib and mom left me in tears. The nurse later came in and put a bottle in my mouth witch I started to suck until I was asleep. I did not wake up for three days then I was awakened to a nurse changing my wet and messy diaper. I started to cry so in went my pacifier that I started to suck keeping me from more crying. I looked around there were six or eight other toddlers in cribs looking around, standing, or getting a diaper change like me. The oldest looked to be about three year-old. Three toddlers had regular hospital youth beds not cribs like me. They did not have diapers they were the big boys of the ward. I tried to stand up in my crib but fell back down as soon as I was standing. I grabbed the bars of the crib to pull my self up I had to hold on to the bars to stay standing. Mom walked in the room with me standing in my crib sucking my pacifier dress in a cloth diaper with thick puffy nursery print plastic pants. Timmy and Jimmy was with her they were wearing thick diapers because you could see the bulge of their pants. I moved to the side a little and fell I was having trouble standing so I stayed laying down. Mom told me I had an infection that was causing me to loose my balance it would take a while to get me better but I might need to learn to walk and use my hands again. She said my throat got infected and went to my brain but I was Okay now that I was in the hospital. They caught it in time and I will be released from the hospital in two or three days. When I was released from the hospital I had to ride in a big stroller because I was unable to walk. Mom put my stroller in the back of the van to take home with us. I had to ride in my new car seat just like Jimmy’s only big enough for me. Part 3 I was at home after my hospital stay sleeping in my crib not remembering anything in the past week. Mom was changing my diaper for the first time I can remember in months I was kicking my legs in the air just like Jimmy does mom struggling to pin the thick cloth diaper on. My cloth diaper was followed by a pair of puffy nursery print plastic pants that have not fit me in years. When mom left the room I tried to stand up in my crib but could not even grab the bars with enough strength to pull myself up to my feet. I started to cry so Jimmy put a bottle in my mouth witch I started to suck on it relax as I drank it. I could not get my hand to hold it my self no matter how I tried they just went every where but where I wanted them to go. My legs were kicking wildly without my control they were just going every where but where I tried to get them to go. I finished my bottle Jimmy was holding for me and started to cry again so in went my pacifier I started to suck immediately it felt so good I could do something, I could suck my Binki. I was happily sucking my pacifier when I suddenly got sleepy and went to sleep. Mom woke me changing my diaper again I tried to asked her what was going on but my pacifier was in my mouth and I did not know how to get it out. Mom saw that questioning look in my eyes she told me I had a high fever in the hospital and the part of my brain that controls my walking, holding onto things, and other body movements was damaged. But with practice I could relearn them just like a baby learns to do them practice. I need to try, try and try until I get it right. I was as much of a baby as a real baby I could not walk or play with toys like my baby brothers but they still tried to play with me. I had to stay in a playpen because I could not crawl yet and I might get hurt on something. I did not mind the playpen the toys were fun to play with sense I did not have to grab anything just push a big button or pull a big ring. Four weeks after I was released from the hospital I could almost roll onto my stomach. When I finely got on my stomach I could not get on my hands and knees. It took almost three more weeks to do that. Within three months of getting out of the hospital I could almost crawl like a baby but I preferred to scoot backward on the floor. I had to go back to the hospital for a night to get checked out thoroughly to see if I was getting better. I spent the day with the babies; age one to potty trained two-year-olds. They were all good babies not much crying just a lot of diapers, bottles, and pacifiers just like me. Except my crib was twice the size of theirs. I did not care I could not do anything about it so I was a good baby just like them not crying much. They took mom into another room where I could not hear them. They told mom it would be six more weeks or more before I walked as good as a one year old and six months before I could feed myself. They told her I have the motor skills of a normal eight-month-old and not to worry within a year I would be walking talking and feeding my self again. Also I would not go through puberty for another four or five years or maybe later. That would make me sixteen or seventeen going through what boy go through at eleven to fourteen at the oldest. At home again my brothers tried to get me to crawl by crawling on their hands and knees to show me how to do it. I knew how but I could not get my hands and knees to do what I wanted them to do. Within three more weeks I could crawl with my brothers almost beating them in races we would have. Now that I can crawl like a big kid I tried to walk like one holding onto everything as I moved around the house. Falling all the time on my diapered butt and giggling I was having so much fun relearning things I know how to do. Three more months pasted and I can walk almost like most two-year-old kids can, falling only a couple of time a day. I can feed myself with my hands no spoon or anything just my hands I have to learn to hold a spoon before I can use one. Maybe in a few months but I am having so much fun being a baby again that I want to make things last as long as I can. Hee Hee. Part 4 After three months of rehab after my hospital stay I am back to being a boy that is almost twelve years old. I am doing twelfth grade school work at a daycare that I go to with my brothers. We are allowed to use our diapers at day care only if we stay with the toddlers making us the biggest kids in the class. We also have to play with the older kids dressed only in tee shirts and diapers. Everyone there calls us the big baby brothers, even the three and four year old kids think it is so funny to see big babies in diapers. We just ignore the teasing and use our diapers no matter what they say. We spend most of our time playing with the toddlers that are not being potty trained. Because they did not want the toddler’s being potty trained to get any ideas about wearing diapers, too. Those toddlers in potty-trained were potty trained by the nine-, ten- and eleven-year-olds in the other side of the daycare away from the diapered toddlers. After the toddlers were potty trained three weeks with the big kids they were returned to the class that shared a playground with us the diapered toddlers and the kindergarten class. We all played together. The kindergarteners were the boss of every other kid. The potty-trained toddlers were boss of the diapered toddlers, so size did not matter. If a potty-trained kid wanted a toy I was playing with I had to give it to him. That would make me cry all the time and criers get a pacifier. At daycare I was almost the same size as most of the nine-year- olds but skinnier. I could wear size 6 baby diapers without a problem. Because I pee every 25 to 45 minutes they would only last about two hours before they leaked. That made it easy for the daycare people to keep my leaks down to a minimum, just change me every diaper check time no need to check me I would be wet. At home my brothers and I would change each other’s diapers when they started to leak. Mom hardly ever needed to change us. We were so good at changing diapers and putting diaper baby lotion on we never got a diaper rash. We even helped out at daycare, changing kids that have leaks. But we had to endure cribs, highchairs, and playpens, just like the other toddlers. The cribs and highchairs I was put in were made for kids that were mentally handicapped, making it impossible for me to escape from. My clothes were made the same way when I was dressed to go out to play. Only a person in back of me could unsnap the release. My pajamas also zipped up the back so when I was dressed by someone like Timmy my brother or anyone else in charge of my clothes what ever they dressed me in I had to wear no matter how baby it looked. All my clothes since my hospital stay have turned into baby- and toddler-style clothes. I had no choice now that mom had total say in my dress. Mom said if I wanted to wear diapers like a baby I will dress like one. I argued that Timmy and Jimmy don’t have to be dressed like a baby. Mom told me they are not old enough to get the baby treatment you have to be at least nine to get the baby treatment. I whimpered as mom put my pacifier into my mouth after she dressed me like a one-year-old in a crawler playsuit with Winnie the Pooh on the front. I waddled out of the room to play with my brothers. My brothers never said a word. It was so normal to see me in baby clothes. They never even looked at me. We just played together. I was now to the point that never realized I was wetting until my diaper sagged. My brothers and I had so much baby fun for the next two years. Then Jimmy said he want to be a big boy to mom. Jimmy was potty trained in less than a day-- no accidents-- he just started to use the potty like a big boy. Three weeks later Timmy was potty trained, too, leaving me the only one wearing diapers, using baby things. My brothers tried to get me potty trained and I wanted to be like them and get big-boy freedom. I could not hold my pee over 45 minutes, no matter how hard I tried. I tried to use Pull-ups at daycare but they leaked ever hour or more. Daycare told mom no more training pants for me until I can stay dry for a minimum of one and a half hours-- diapers only. So for the next six months after Timmy was potty trained I was the only baby in the house. My brothers had their own room. My room was still the nursery next to mom’s room I was treated just like a one- year-old. Mom even made me drink only from a bottle my brothers drank from regular glasses. My brothers were my boss sense they were potty trained mom said until I get potty trained I will be babied at all times. The daycare told mom it was okay for me to be there as long as I don’t start growing private hair. Everything was going fine with my life until I turned seventeen years old. My private hair started to grow in. Mom kept it shaved off so daycare would still take me until Timmy turned twelve next month; then he could baby-sit me and Jimmy. I was still no closer to being potty trained wetting my diaper every hour every hour. I would mess every morning while I was fed my breakfast. I am going to be eighteen next week and still not potty trained, no big-boy life for me like my brothers. Jimmy changes most all my diapers now that Timmy has older friends that don’t like to be bothered by little kids like Jimmy or a baby like me. I was considered to be Timmy’s baby brother being dressed like a baby all the time and my small size. I was 8” shorter than Timmy and 30 pounds lighter. Jimmy was even bigger than me by 2” and 15 pounds. I was quite small for an eighteen-year-old at 55” and 80 pounds with a 24“ waist. Size 6 baby diapers could barely still fit me so mom found a supply of youth diapers that looked and worked the same as baby diapers. They were so much more bulky than real baby diapers. They made me waddle just like a toddler again and I could wet so many time more than baby diapers. My adult diaper life started when I turned eighteen last week with my birthday party where I received baby supplies and baby clothes. What would I do with adult things? I am a baby and I guess I will stay a baby using my new baby things. Thanks to my baby brothers keeping me a baby, by not trying very hard to potty train me. My baby life with my mommy and brothers continues to this day using cribs, highchairs, strollers, baby clothes, diapers, bottles, pacifiers and all other baby things they can find for me. I am still only 56” tall and 80 pounds at age