Baby Brothers

By David (

Author's Notes: This story is fiction. All characters and situations
depicted are not real.

Baby Brothers

Chapter 1

	I wake up at four A.M. I wonder what it was that woke me up. I 
get out of bed and silently go down the hall to the big room at the end 
of the hall. I open the door and walk into the nursery I built for my 
two baby boys that I adopted some time ago. I peek into the first crib 
and see ten-year-old Chris sleeping peacefully. The sweet blond hazel-
eyed boy has been through a lot and I am glad he is here now. He knows 
he's safe here now and the memories of what happened to him are fading 
now. He looks so comfortable and cozy in his red Bugs Bunny sleeper. I 
gently touch his cheek and smile. Looking into the second crib I see 
12-year-old Dakota lying on his back sleeping in his blue sleeper. He 
suffered the worst while trying to protect his younger brother. Both 
boys had infections that destroyed the nerves in their bladders and 
they have to wear diapers because they have no control. To make a long 
story short, their father was angry about it and abused them for nearly 
a year before I found them while on patrol in my security truck. I took 
the boys home once they were able to leave the hospital. The house I 
had at the time was a bit too small for all three of us, but we made 
do. Things changed a bit when I hit the state lottery for some serious 
money. We left that town behind us and bought a six bedroom house by a 
lake in Idaho. While I was furniture shopping for the house, I saw the 
boys looking at the baby furniture. Once we got home from the shopping 
trip, we sat down and had a long conversation about it. The nursery was 
the end result. Chris and Dakota both love it. I had good feelings 
about it because they were getting something they need and that was 
someone to love and care for them. They knew I loved them 
unconditionally already, they just wanted a bit more. I couldn't blame 
them at all. Even thought they had the nursery, they still got separate 
bedrooms for when they had their friends over or they wanted privacy.
	I turn and head back to bed, feeling confident that they are 
happy and secure in their new lives. I am going to do my best to show 
them that they can still lead a normal life. I get back into bed and 
recline against the pillows, a smile on my face as I feel warm and 
fuzzy inside. I close my eyes and dream of the things we all will do 
together. Life is good, and it keeps getting better all the time.

Chapter 2

	I wake up as two rambunctious boys invade my bed. I roll over and 
see the two of them start to jump up and down on my bed.
	"Okay, I'm up!" I shout. They laugh and I love to hear that 
joyful sound. I roll out of bed and check the time. It's nine on a 
Saturday morning. I stretch and hear things pop in my back. I lead both 
of them back to the nursery and put Chris on the change table first 
while Dakota sits on the floor and starts to play with the toy cars. I 
unzip the sleeper and pull it off Chris. I pull off the plastic pants 
and start to unpin the thick cloth diapers. I prefer to use cloth 
diapers on them at home and they wear the disposables to school and on 
outings. I wipe Chris clean and pin a new cloth diaper on him and put a 
fresh pair of plastic pants on him. He hugs me. "Thanks, Daddy."
	Dakota hops up next and I repeat the same procedure but with one 
difference. Dakota's six inches of uncircumcised penis stands up at 
	"Sorry Dad," Dakota blushes.
	"Nothing wrong with that son," I said. "It's a normal thing. I'll 
have to sit down with you and explain things."
	Dakota looks relieved and I smile. I gently pull his foreskin 
back and clean it all. Very important to do so it won't get infected. 
It's even more important if the boy is a diaper wearer. I pin clean 
diapers on him and pull fresh plastic pants on him and gently slap his 
diaper covered butt as he hops off. Dakota gets his pacifier and joins 
Chris on the floor as I drop dirty diapers into the bucket and put away 
the wipes. Then I take them by the hands and lead them to the kitchen 
for breakfast. I put them into their high chairs and give then each a 
bottle of juice. I serve then their breakfast of eggs, toast, fried 
potato, and bacon. I sit and watch them eat and drink their milk as I 
have my breakfast. After I clean them up I set them down in the living 
room to watch cartoons while I clean the kitchen up. Then I join them 
for an hour with my usual cup of coffee. Today we are going into town 
for shopping, movie, and a late lunch. I go upstairs to pack the diaper 
bag and lay out their clothes for the day. Dakota comes up first. I 
remove his wet cloth diapers and tape a disposable in place on him. He 
raises his arms as I pull a large t-shirt on him and then pull a pair 
of cargo shorts on him. Then I put his shoes and sock on him.
	"You're all set Dakota," I said. He puts his arms around me and 
whispers into my ear, "Thanks for being our Dad. I love you so much."
	That lifts my spirits up real high and I feel really good. "Send 
Chris up, okay?" Dakota dashes downstairs and I wait to hear Chris come 
charging up. A moment later he does and I suddenly have a ten year old 
wrapped around me. I have to laugh at his eagerness as he looks at me 
with bright shiny eyes.
	"Where are we going?" Chris asked eagerly.
	"That's for me to know and you to find out," I said as I laid him 
down on the change table.
	I pull his wet cloth diapers off him and wipe him clean. I tape a 
disposable diaper and then dress him in t-shirt and shorts like his 
brother. I see a somber look in his eyes and he hugs me.
	"I love you Dad," he says.
	I hug him back and I just feel good all over. This is what being 
a Dad is all about. Taking care of a child and they tell you they love 
you. Nothing could ever replace that feeling. Sometimes I wish I could 
somehow bottle up those feelings and keep them someplace for when I 
need them.
	I sigh and head downstairs to find the two eager beavers at the 
front door waiting.
	"Okay, let's go," I say to them.
	We get into the Lincoln Navigator, Chris in the passenger seat, 
Dakota in the back seat and me at the wheel. I drive the four miles 
into town. Once at the mall, we get out and go in. We look like the 
typical father and sons on an outing. They see their friends and I give 
them money for the arcade and off they go. The boys are lucky to have 
great friends. They know about the boy's problems but still treat them 
as friends. I remember the day the boy's friends found out about their 

	Dakota and Chris had their friends over for a slumber party. Yes, 
even guys have them, too. The occasion was the Harry Potter movie on 
DVD, a barbeque, and just plain old fun. The boys worried about it at 
first but events laid their worries to rest. The first half of the day 
went great, all ten boys played soccer until it was nearly dark. It 
happened during the barbeque that their secret became known. One of 
Dakota's friends tripped on something as he followed Dakota to the 
barbeque for more chicken. He fell against Dakota and accidentally 
pulled his shorts down. Everyone saw Dakota's diaper.
	"Dude you wear diapers!" exclaimed the boy.
	Dakota calmly pulled his shorts back up, helped his friend back 
to his feet, and then sat down at the table and explained why he wore 
diapers. The eight boys listened and then expressed their feelings on 
it. Later in the evening Dakota and Chris showed off their nursery and 
their friends were impressed with it. I was pleased with the way the 
boys handled everything. After the movie was done and it was time for 
bed, one of Dakota's friends asked if he could be diapered. When I 
asked him why he wanted to be diapers he said he wanted to know what it 
felt like to wear one. Before I knew it, I had all of the boys 
diapered. They sure looked cute! Chris and Dakota enjoyed watching 
their friends get diapered. I enjoyed doing it! Since that night their 
friends were a bit more supportive and understanding to the point of 
helping them with three bullies at school. As the story goes, they 
ganged up on the three bullies and dragged them into an empty 
classroom, stripped them and diapered them. Then the bullies were 
shoved back outside and the classroom door locked with their clothes 
still inside. The three bullies quickly found out what it was like to 
get laughed at. The three bullies never bothered anybody again.

	I smile at the memory and I watch the boys run off with their 
friends towards the arcade. I turn and head for the kid's store where I 
get the cloth diapers and other things. I needed to find out why the 
case of disposable diapers never showed up. Arriving at the store I 
discover it empty and a sign on the window stating it had gone out of 
business. But someone had written a web address on the sign so I copied 
it down. It's for something called Deeker's Teenbaby Homepage. I go 
down the mall to the drugstore and all I could find was adult sizes. On 
impulse I buy a package for myself. I hide them in the back of the 
truck and go back to the mall. I find the boys in the arcade and take 
them all for pizza after I finished getting what I needed. We go to a 
movie after the pizza and the boys enjoyed it. Then we go grocery 
	"Guys, the baby store closed. But I copied a web address for a 
place called Deeker's Teenbaby Homepage," I tell them.
	"That sucks big time Dad," Dakota says.
	"That it does," I said.
	"So what are you going to do?" Chris asked.
	"I'll check out the website after you guys go to bed. Hopefully 
I'll find a link to a diaper supplier," I said.
	"Cool!" Chris exclaimed.
	"I think so. We'll see what happens," I said.
	I pulled into the driveway and the guys helped me unload the 
shopping and get it all put away. The boys amaze me. When they are out 
in public and at school they look and act normal. But when they are at 
home act like little two year olds. Their psychiatrist says that is a 
normal reaction of an abused child to regress. I forget the percentages 
but some boys will regress back to being a baby because of the abuse 
they suffered. He also informed me of other categories and the 
percentages. When I asked the boys why, they said it was because they 
wanted to.
	"We're not hurting anyone with this," Chris said.
	"We're not hurting ourselves either," Dakota added.
	"We knew we will be wearing diapers for the rest of our lives so 
we decided we wanted this," Chris said.
	"Both of us talked about it. I didn't push Chris into it," Dakota 
	"It was my idea and Dakota liked it," Chris said in his defense.
	We had discussed it some more and then I agreed to it all. I was 
glad I had.
	All that happened back at the old house. I didn't have the space 
for cribs or other things but I did what I could. Hitting the state 
lottery was the best thing that happened to us. I didn't hesitate to 
quit my security job, move us to middle Idaho from the southern part, 
find and buy this house and give the boys the nursery they wanted. When 
they first saw it both of them broke down and cried on my shoulders. 
Once they recovered, I showed them everything in there and they loved 
what they saw. They have been in there ever since. I got them into the 
school here in the new town. I liked this school. Medford was a small 
enough town where all the kids went to one school, kindergarten to high 
school 12th grade. The teachers and the staff were great people. Dakota 
and Chris would go to the nurse for all of their changes. At first they 
were real shy about having friends. Eventually they did make friends 
and that worked out better than I ever hoped. Their friends accepted 
them, wore diapers with them, and helped them the trio of bullies. 
Their lives were getting better all the time and that made me happy.

Chapter 3

	After I settled them down in their cribs for the night around 
ten, I headed for my office downstairs and sat in front of my computer. 
Going online I typed in the addy for Deeker's website and found a 
treasure trove of things (Okay, yes, I am doing a plug for his place. 
Don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself. Thanks to Deeker 
for being brave and courageous to create this place) to check out. 
There were tons of stories, pictures, links to other websites (AB=adult 
babies and TB=teen babies), and links to other groups. I also found 
links to diaper suppliers. I checked them out and settled on one I 
liked. By the time I finished ordering stuff I was sure my Visa was 
crying for mercy. It was worth it to me to see the guys being happy. I 
was sure their friends would enjoy their things too, even though they 
would be kept here. I also set up a regular delivery of disposable 
diapers based on what I knew the guys went through every month. Using 
cloth diapers here at home helped keep the costs down a bit. I went to 
bed very happy about finding that website.
	The phone rang just as I got home from dropping the boys off at 
school the next morning.
	"Hello?" I answered the phone.
	"Is there a Darren James there, please?" the female voice asked.
	"That's me," I replied, wondering who it was.
	"This is Sharon with the Little Angels Diapers company. We are 
calling in regards to an order you placed online last night," she said.
	"Is there a problem?" I asked.
	"Well the order in question is a sizeable order and we are 
calling to make sure you did place the order," she explained.
	"Can you hold a minute?" I asked. "I want to change to the phone 
in my office."
	"Sure," She replied.
	I grabbed a cup of coffee and went into my office and turned on 
the speaker and sat at my desk, retrieving the order I printed out.
	"Hello? Still there?" I asked.
	"Yes I am," she said.
	We talked for nearly twenty minutes. I told her all about the 
boys and promised to send pictures of them in their nursery. I also 
joined the parent's club and enrolled them in a kid's club. It would be 
good for them to talk to other diaper kids their age. After I hung up I 
got busy and started getting things done around the house. It's amazing 
how three guys can create a mess in a house without really trying. By 
three in the afternoon I managed to get things squared away. The last 
load of cloth diapers was tumbling in the dryer as I went to get the 
guys from school.
	"Hi guys!" I said as Chris and Dakota got in. "How was school 
	"The usual. Boring as hell," Dakota grinned at me.
	I sighed. When I was their age I had said the same thing to my 
folks. I guess some things never change. The boys laughed at my 
	"Well, I had an interesting day," I began. "Talked to a lady at 
the Little Angels Diaper company this morning. They were calling about 
the order I placed online last night while you guys were in bed."
	"Cool! What did you get?" Chris asked, his eyes lighting up.
	"That's for me to know and you guys to find out," I said.
	"No fair," Dakota said, slumping in his seat.
	"If I told you, it would spoil the surprises," I told him.
	Chris smiled, bouncing up and down in his seat. "I like 
	"Well, you guys will like this one. I also established an order 
of disposable diapers each month," I informed them.
	"Good. Mrs. Timms has enough to last us two weeks," Dakota said.
	I sighed in relief. "Hopefully we'll get the case before then."
	I pulled the Navigator into the driveway just as the first drops 
of rain started to fall. It had been overcast all day with showers of 
rain predicted. I was glad I had the new driveway put in. The last 
rainstorm had really messed up everything and turned the long dirt road 
into a muddy mess. I pulled the Navigator into the garage just as it 
turned into a downpour. The boys looked at me and I knew what they 
wanted to do.
	"Go for it. I'll have towels waiting," I said.
	They whooped with joy and stripped down to nothing. I disposed of 
their diapers as they ran out into the rain. I was glad to see they 
still had their sense of adventure. It had taken a bit of effort on my 
part to get it going again. I carried their clothes and backpacks into 
the house and got the change table in the pool bathroom ready for the 
boys. The dryer stopped just as they came in.
	"Just in time. The dryer stopped," I announced.
	"Oh, cool! Getting a fresh warm diaper wrapped around your butt 
on a cold day is one of my favorite feelings!" Chris grinned.
	Dakota and I had to laugh at that. Chris hopped up on the table 
and relaxed as I slid the large thick cloth diaper underneath him. I 
order the cloth diapers two sizes big bigger than Dakota's waist size 
to ensure a proper fit. Cloth diapers do shrink a bit. They fit Dakota 
snugly while they were a bit too big on Chris. He didn't mind because 
he liked them big and thick on him.
	"I'm going to start my homework," Chris announced as he hopped 
down from the change table and went into the living room.
	I saw him go up the stairs with his backpack and clothes. I 
turned to see Dakota covering himself with his hands. I knew why he was 
doing that. I closed the door between the house and us. No need for 
Chris to see this just yet.
	"Happening again?" I asked.
	He just nodded. I reached for his hands and pushed them away. His 
boyhood was standing up. I taught him about erections and how they 
happen and then taught him about masturbation and how to do it. I left 
him alone so he could do it in private. There are things a boy should 
do in private and this was one of them. I decided to try and find a 
book on the web for him to read. I knocked on the door ten minutes 
later and he told me to come in.
	"Thanks Dad," he said hugging me.
	I smiled as I returned the hug and then got him diapered. I felt 
good about what happened. My father had never told me about sexual 
matters. I had to go and find out about it on my own. I was determined 
to help Dakota with his questions and I would answer them honestly. If 
boys got the right information from their fathers then they would be 
much better off to handle those needs and pressures.

Chapter 4

	The evening passed quietly. After their homework, folding 
diapers, and dinner, I gave them their baths and then put them into 
fresh diapers and their sleepers. They snuggled up to me as we watched 
a movie on the satellite. Chris fell asleep halfway through. I ran my 
fingers through his fine hair and marveled at what a fine boy he was. I 
looked up to see Dakota smiling at me.
	"Chris thinks you're the best thing that's ever happened to us," 
Dakota said.
	I smiled as I felt a warm glow go through me. "I'm glad he's 
happy. What about you?"
	"I'm glad you adopted us. I was afraid it wasn't going to 
happen," he said.
	I shuddered at the thought. The boy's social services caseworker 
was an older lady who didn't like me at all. Mrs. Gephart went as far 
as to accuse me of being a child molester and a pervert. People who 
knew me backed me up and one friend discovered what her real intentions 
were. The end result was that she lost her job and went to jail. It 
came to light that she helped her sister run an orphanage and they took 
all the money the state sent them. The kids in the place were rescued 
and sent to good homes. The sister took off with all the money.
	"Well, it all worked out in the end," I sighed.
	"I'm glad it did. Life has definitely changed for the better," 
Dakota said.
	"I'm glad you are my son. I want you to know and understand that 
you can come to me anytime you need a question answered or a concern to 
tell me about. I'll do my best to give you the right answer. If I don't 
know the answer, we'll find out together. Same goes for Chris. There's 
no such thing as a dumb question. You're at the age now where you are 
starting to change and grow up. You're becoming aware of yourself and 
the world around you. We'll talk more later," I said.
	Dakota smiled. "Thanks Dad. Thanks for earlier today. I feel much 
better about that now that I know it's okay."
	"Good, I'm glad. There will be more conversations on that subject 
and more, later. For right now, it's getting late. Time for bed," I 
	Dakota followed me upstairs as I carried a sleeping Chris in my 
arms. I laid him down on the change table for a diaper change. He was 
still dry so I put him in his crib and tucked him in, leaving a bottle 
of water in the bottle holder hooked to the rail. I went and sat down 
in the big rocking chair in the corner. Dakota sat in my lap and 
snuggled up close to me. I put my arms around him.
	"You are growing up and getting older, but I think that deep down 
inside of you a little boy named Dakota still needs this," I said as I 
rocked him.
	I felt his tears on my neck. "I'll always want this no matter 
what. I love you Dad," he sobbed as he clung to me.
	I rubbed his back as he lat his emotions out. After a moment he 
settled down. I wiped his tears away as I held him close to me. 
Something inside of me wished my Father had been like this. I resolved 
to do this for both boys as much as I could. Dakota's even breathing 
told me he'd gone to sleep. I stood up and put him in his crib and 
tucked him in. I kissed him on the forehead and stood there watching 
him for a bit. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I cracked the door a bit 
and then went down to the office and went online to the DPF (Diaper 
Pail Friends) website and spent an hour in the chat room talking to 
people. They provided some very good advice and someone suggested a 
book. I went right to Amazon and ordered it immediately. Then I decided 
to call it an night and headed up to bed.

Chapter 5

	It was still raining the next morning when I got up. I pulled on 
my sweats and went into the nursery and found the boys awake. I got 
Dakota up on the change table first and got him out of his sleeper and 
wet diapers, and then into a disposable and his school clothes, being 
jeans, a t-shirt, and the school sweatshirt. Dakota headed downstairs 
while I got Chris on the change table and repeated the same procedure 
on him, getting him ready for the day. Dakota had breakfast on the 
table when Chris and I walked in.
	"Oh, good job," I complemented Dakota as Chris started inhaling 
his food.
	I poured myself some coffee and watched the boys eat. I'd have my 
breakfast after I dropped the boys off at school. They grabbed their 
packs at met me at the Navigator. It was a light rain falling as we 
left the house. Winter was definitely coming. I hoped the new sleepers 
would keep them warm. The ones they had now were a bit thin. The ones I 
had ordered were fleece made and advertised to be warm. Well, we'll 
just see about that.
	I dropped the boys off at school and went to the post office. 
Since I lived out of town, I had to get a post office box. I didn't 
mind at all. It just made life much more convenient for me.
	"Morning Mr. James," the counter clerk said. "How are the boys 
	I looked up to see Sam Jennings standing there. He was in his 
seventies and one of the friendliest people I've ever met. He'd been 
here in this town longer than anybody and knew just about everybody.
	"Dong just fine, Sam. They're doing better than everybody 
expected. Even the kids in school have accepted them," I said.
	"Good, good. Glad to hear that. They needed a good break," he 
	I nodded. "You know it. I was lucky to be in the right place at 
the right time."
	"Lucky for them," he nodded.
	He was right on that. I finished collecting my mail and headed 
out to take care of some other things. I stopped at the pool store 
where I get my pool supplies and made arrangements to have an enclosure 
set up over my pool so the boys and I could keep on swimming during the 
winter months. I was glad I had ordered four more swim diapers for the 
boys. I stopped at a few places more for things we needed and then 
headed home. I had just pulled up to my gate when a truck pulled in 
behind me. I wasn't expecting anything today and it was too soon for 
the boy's special delivery. I took my H&K nine millimeter from the 
center console and tucked it into my belt. I had a few enemies from my 
security officer days and I never took chances. I approached the 
driver's door slowly.
	"Who are you looking for?" I asked the driver.
	"Darrin James at this address. We're from the Little Angel Diaper 
company," the guy said as he handed me the delivery bill.
	"You are? Where's Rolling Hills?" I asked.
	"We're about thirty miles south," the man said.
	"Didn't know that. I'm new here," I said. "Come on."
	I went back to the Navigator and opened the security gate. I 
opened the house and got some coffee perking as they carried in the 
	"We do next day delivery within a fifty mile radius for most 
orders," the driver said as I signed off on the delivery bill.
	"Then I'll be seeing you guys often," I said. "I have an 
outstanding order for disposables through you guys."
	I showed them out after asking them to call ahead in the future. 
I opened the packing list and checked it out. According to the list 
everything was there but I knew from experience that wasn't always the 
case. I decided to wait for the boys and then open it when we got home. 
I laughed to myself as I pictured their expressions when they saw 
everything I had gotten.
	"This is going to be fun!" I declared out loud and laughed.

Chapter 6

	The look on their faces was priceless when they saw the boxes. 
They looked at me for an explanation.
	"Business first. Do you guys need a change?" I asked.
	"I do," Chris said first. "I just loaded it."
	I knew what he meant by that. The boys followed me upstairs to 
their nursery stopping long enough to drop their school packs in their 
rooms. Dakota pulled his clothes off and hung them up in his room while 
I took Chris to the change table in the bathroom. Dakota came into the 
nursery and got on the change table by the diaper cabinet. He put the 
waist strap in place on him and popped a pacifier in his mouth and 
started the teddy mobile over him as I undressed Chris and cleaned him 
up, pinning fresh cloth diapers on him. Then I pulled a pair of yellow 
plastic pants on him and then a red striped shirt. I set him on the 
carpet with a toy and a pacifier that he put in his mouth. I turned to 
	"Just went Dad," he informed me.
	"Okay," I said and proceeded to get him taken care of.
	"No homework this weekend. I got an "A" on my English essay," 
Dakota grinned as Chris gave him thumbs up.
	"Good for you!" I applauded as I pulled a blue striped shirt on 
him. "Now let's go and see what we got today."
	Dakota grabbed his pacifier as I took them by the hands and led 
the out of the nursery and downstairs. Chris opened the first box of 
three. It was a case of youth disposables. He grinned and I sighed in 
	"Good. Now we are set in that department," I said.
	Dakota opened the next box and pulled out a pair of rompers. The 
look on his face was comical and I had to grin.
	"These are specially designed to help me change you easier," I 
explained. "See the snaps along the crotch area?"
	Dakota smiled once he realized what they were. Chris grinned when 
he saw his. There were overalls, shorts, winter sleepers, and other 
baby style clothes. Dakota and Chris approved of them all. I opened the 
last box and took out ten sleepers. Two of them were for me, the rest 
for the boy's friends when they staged another sleepover. The boys 
howled with laughter at the thought.
	"That would be awesome Dad," Dakota grinned.
	Chris pulled out a packaged bedding set. "Wow! A teddy bear set 
for my crib! Thanks, Dad! It looks awesome!"
	"It's a flannel set. Hope it keeps you warm this winter," I said 
as Dakota pulled out his from the box.
	"Good thing we got them now. I need to change my crib," Dakota 
	Chris reached in and pulled out four extra thick blankets and an 
extra thick comforter. The comforter was bright blue with sleeping 
teddy bears on clouds.
	"For the sleepovers. Hope it's big enough to cover you al of you 
guys," I said as they looked at it.
	I looked into the box and found the two special items I had 
ordered for them. They were gift wrapped in baby paper and labeled with 
their names. I handed a box to each boy.
	"Something special for my baby boys," I said.
	Chris and Dakota opened them at the same time. They were baby 
blankets, both of them with teddy bears on them wearing diapers and 
playing baseball, football, and soccer. The only thing different about 
them was in the upper left corners were two teddy bears holding a 
banner that had their name there done in gold thread. Next thing I knew 
both of them had their arms around me and they were crying. I held them 
close and let them cry themselves out. Once Chris and Dakota settled 
down I wiped their tears away.
	"Are you boys okay?" I asked, concerned.
	"Yes, Dad. We're okay now. Getting these blankets from you 
confirms something I've been dealing with in my mind. No more doubts 
about being here. We're really your sons and you're really our Dad 
forever," Dakota said.
	Now it was my turn to get emotional. The boys hugged me close and 
I felt so good right then. I know life is good.
	"Thanks for the blankets Dad," Chris said.
	"You're welcome guys. Now let's get all this stuff upstairs," I 
said as I got up off the floor and picked up a box.
	We put everything away in the nursery and I tossed my sleepers on 
my bed. I entertained the thought of letting the boys diaper me for a 
weekend. Perhaps then I would understand what they have to deal with.
	"Tomorrow we'll try on everything to make sure it all fits you 
guys. Now let's go have dinner," I said.
	"Okay, sounds like a plan," Dakota agreed.

Chapter 7

	After dinner we settled down in the living room. I decided to 
tell them of my idea and see how they reacted to it.
	"Guys, I've been kicking around an idea in my mind lately. I've 
wondered what it is like to have to wear diapers. I could have you tell 
me, but that wouldn't be enough. So, what would you guys say if I wore 
diapers all weekend and let you guys change me? It would help me to 
understand what you guys go through," I said.
	Chris and Dakota looked at each other for a moment and then 
Dakota motioned for Chris to follow him into the kitchen. I could hear 
them talking. A moment later they came back and sat down on the couch.
	"Dad, you don't have to do this. It's up to you if you really 
want to do this. If you do, it's okay with us," Dakota said as Chris 
	"I want to," I said, making up my mind right then and there. "I 
hope it won't upset you is all."
	Chris snuggled up to me. "Dad, I think it's cool you want to do 
this to understand us better and what we go through. That tells us that 
you really care about us and love us."
	"I agree with Chris, Dad. I don't know of anyone else who would 
want to do that. If you really want to do that, it's cool with me," 
Dakota stated.
	I looked up at the clock. It was approaching eight and the movie 
we were going to see on the dish would start about then. Dakota and 
Chris Bounced off the couch and grabbed my hands and pulled me to my 
	"No time like the present!" they sang out.
	They led me upstairs and I stopped at my room for my sleeper and 
the package of diapers. The boys gleefully led me into the nursery and 
I got undressed as they pulled their own sleepers out of the drawers 
and fresh diapers for themselves. I got up on the change table by the 
diaper cabinet and waited. I wasn't too worried about being too heavy 
for the table. I kept myself in good shape, running three miles a day, 
weight lifting in my home gym, and swimming laps in the pool. For a guy 
in his early thirties, I didn't look too bad.
	The boys did a good job taping the diaper on me. They helped me 
into my royal blue sleeper and it felt nice and cozy. Then I changed 
the boys and zippered them into their sleepers. After they were ready, 
we went back down and watched the movie. We had a good time watching it 
and throwing popcorn at each other. I felt very relaxed and 
comfortable. The diaper felt lie a pair of thick snug underwear and it 
felt comfortable on me. Had to be if a person was going to wear them. I 
felt a bit closer to them and even felt like a kid again. Once the 
movie was over, I led them up to bed, tucked them into their cribs and 
kissed them goodnight. I settled down into my bed feeling very 
comfortable in my sleeper. I slept very well and woke up the next 
morning feeling refreshed. I felt the need to pee and I started to get 
out of bed when I realized I was wearing a diaper on me. I lay back and 
slowly relaxed and let it out. It was an experience. I felt it flow out 
of me hot and go over my groin and down between my legs into the 
diaper. I felt the diaper expand a bit as it soaked up the pee coming 
out of me. I wasn't sure how to describe it. I got up and reached down 
and rubbed the front of my diaper. I could feel the warm liquid start 
to cool after being absorbed by the diaper. I just shook my head and 
went into the nursery to find my two adorable babies awake and trading 
	"Good morning my eager babies," I said, walking in.
	They turned to face me with big smiles on their faces. I lifted 
Chris out of his crib and placed him on the floor and then got Dakota 
out of his and on a change table after taking his sleeper off him. I 
got him changed and dressed in a romper outfit. I put him on the floor 
and he started playing with a truck. I stood Chris on his feet and 
unzipped his yellow sleeper and checked his diaper. He had bombed it 
big time so I led him into the bathroom and peeled the diaper off him 
and dropped it carefully into the diaper pail. I had Chris step into 
the tub and I ran hot water into it. From what I had been told by the 
doctor, it was important to bathe right after a BM. The germs inside 
feces could get infectious if left on the skin too long. I had read an 
explanation on Deeker's web page (check out the articles section. 
Excellent articles about diaper care, skin care, and how to properly 
change the diaper on a boy and teenager) which made much more sense and 
backed up the doctor's lecture.
	Once Chris was done with his bath, I led him back into the 
nursery and put him back on the change table. I pinned fresh cloth 
diapers on him and pulled a pair of teddy bear plastic pants on him. I 
dressed him in a romper similar to Dakota's.
	"Your turn Dad!" Dakota grinned.
	The boys unzipped my sleeper and I stepped out of it and got on 
the table. Chris took the wet diaper off me and Dakota wiped me clean. 
Chris sprinkled powder on my groin and it felt good to me. Dakota taped 
a new diaper on me and then I got up. I went to my room and put a sweat 
set on.
	"You guys ready for breakfast? I asked as I walked back into the 
	They just grinned at me. I had to laugh as they followed me down 
to the kitchen. Working together we soon had breakfast ready to go. I 
put the boys in their high chairs and gave then their plates. They 
acted like typical five year olds while eating and I enjoyed their 
antics. They sure made my life brighter.

Chapter 8

	After breakfast was done and cleared away, I gave each of them a 
bottle of apple juice and sent them out to the living room to watch 
their Saturday morning cartoons. I finished cleaning up the kitchen and 
then looked in on them before heading to the weight room for my daily 
workout. I kept a large playpen in there for them to play in if they 
wanted to. Dakota would be in later. He'd recently developed an 
interest in weightlifting and I was teaching him how to work out 
properly. He followed exactly what I said and I watched him carefully 
to make sure he didn't hurt himself. Both boys were active in sports at 
school and Dakota was expressing an interest in hockey now that it was 
getting cold. I decided to talk to Dr. Benson first. I wanted to make 
sure it would be safe for him to play.
	The phone rang at that moment and I answered it there in the gym.
	"Hello?" I replied.
	"Mr. James? It's Bob's Pool service calling. Just wanted to 
confirm Monday for the pool enclosure installation," the man said.
	"Okay, no problem. I'd forgotten to put that on my calendar," I 
said walking to the office with the cordless.
	"Ten 'o clock is the arranged time," the man said.
	I wrote it down. "Good. I'll see you then."
	I hung up and turned around to see Chris holding his bottle.
	"What's up Dad?" he asked.
	"I have a crew coming to install a kind of dome to enclose the 
pool for the winter months. If I keep the pool water heated, it would 
hopefully heat up the enclosure and everybody would be warm while 
swimming. The only way in and out is through the pool bathroom," I 
informed the boys as they grinned and gave each other high fives.
	"You ready for your workout?" I asked Dakota.
	"As soon as I stretch a bit," Dakota replied.
	I helped him with his stretches after I put Chris into the 
playpen with his blanky, a bottle, and a book to read. He settled down 
and started sucking on his pacifier and started to read. Dakota started 
his workout and I supervised him carefully. I didn't want him to hurt 
himself doing something wrong or trying to lift too much at once. I 
glanced over at Chris a third of the way through and he had curled up 
on his right side and had gone to sleep. He looked so cute. Dakota 
leaned over and covered his brother with his blanket.
	I smiled at the sleeping boy. "Be right back."
	I jogged upstairs for my digital camera and came back with it. I 
got a few good pictures of Chris sleeping in the playpen. I sighed 
thinking how sweet he looked there. Dakota smiled as he hugged me.
	"Love you Dad," he said.
	I returned the hug and then we got back to the workout. Halfway 
through I felt the need to pee again and let go, filling my diaper. It 
felt strange to do that, to let go and pee in a diaper. I know Chris 
and Dakota didn't have that choice and that was a sobering thought.
	"Are you okay Dad?" Dakota asked.
	I sighed and looked at Dakota as he paused at the arm curl 
station. "Just thinking about things is all."
	He nodded and started his second set of ten repetitions. I 
watched him to make sure he did them right. I forgot about my wet 
diaper until I sat down and was reminded of it. Dakota noticed my 
	"Need a change, Dad?" he asked.
	I nodded. "Yes I do, son."
	He smiled and followed me upstairs. While he changed me, I 
noticed him staring at my penis. I took the opportunity to explain why 
mine was bigger, had hair around it, and why I had extra skin on mine 
and his didn't. Dakota listened carefully as I changed him.
	"Thanks Dad. Hope you didn't mind me looking," he said.
	"Every boy looks at the other guy's equipment. It's a normal 
thing to do. Don't worry about it," I said.
	Chris was waking up when we walked back into the weight room. I 
smiled as he got up on his knees and peeked over the top of the playpen 
like a toddler would and smiled at us. I lifted him out and hugged him 
tight and then checked his diaper. He was wet so I took him up for a 
change. After he was in clean diapers, I took him back down and he 
wrestled both Dakota and me on the mats I had on the gym floor. We had 
	As the weekend progressed, I thought about their situation and 
how they had adapted to it. I wasn't sure if I could live like that but 
they managed to lead very active lives despite having to wear diapers. 
The boys weren't letting their diapers slow them down one bit and I 
felt proud of them for dealing with their situation so well. That was 
the subject of Sunday night's discussion.
	"I think I understand you guys a lot better after having spent 
the weekend in diapers," I said as we sat on the couch.
	"Then that makes us feel a bit better about ourselves knowing you 
that you understand us and what we go through with our diapers," Dakota 
	"It wasn't fun after a while," I admitted.
	"Sometimes it's not fun for us either," Chris said.
	"But we have no choice in the matter. We have to wear them. But 
you've made us feel better about ourselves by treating us like normal 
kids and spoiling us with the nursery," Dakota smiled.
	"That was something you guys wanted," I said.
	Chris grinned as he remembered the fun we had getting the cribs 
and the things needed for the nursery. "Yeah we sure did! We had fun 
getting it all, too!"
	All three of us laughed at the happy memories.
	"I love you guys a lot. I'm glad you two are my sons. You guys 
make me proud," I said, hugging them.
	They hugged me back and then we settled down to watch some TV. 
Afterwards I led them upstairs to the nursery for bedtime.

Chapter 9

	The boys actually beat the alarm clock the next morning. I shut 
off the alarm clock and got out of bed as I heard their cries from the 
nursery. I didn't mind them doing that just as long as they didn't do 
it on weekends. School mornings were okay and usually once or twice a 
week was the limit. I stretched as I walked down the hall to the 
	"Okay, Daddy's here," I said, lifting Chris out of his crib.
	I got him out of his sleeper and laid him on the change table in 
the bathroom and removed his soaked night diapers from him. I shooed 
him into the shower and headed back for Dakota. I found him lying on 
his front, hands underneath him and he was rocking back and forth. His 
eyes were closed and he had a smile on his face. Suddenly his 
expression changed and his body shivered as he sighed. I knew he had an 
orgasm inside his diaper. I got down next to the crib. He opened his 
	"Was it good for you?" I asked, smiling.
	Dakota smiled back. "I can't find the right words to describe 
	"Don't even try. Just know you felt really good while doing it. 
Ready to get out of bed?" I asked.
	Dakota stood up and I carried him to the bathroom. He got into 
the shower after I stripped his sleeper and diapers off. I taped a 
disposable onto Chris and he ran off to his room to dress. I put the 
diaper pails in the room by the door and dropped the sleepers into the 
hamper for washday. By then Dakota was done with his shower and I went 
and diapered him. He went to his room and dressed for the day. Chris 
handed me a cup of coffee as I walked into the kitchen.
	"Looks like rain," Chris commented.
	He was right. I hoped it wouldn't happen until the pool enclosure 
was installed. Last thing I needed to happen. I crossed my fingers and 
hoped for the best. In the truck on the way to school the clouds looked 
big, thick, and black. They were down low and I got even more 
	"I hope this storm won't be a bad one," I said.
	"The weather service called for heavy rains," Dakota reminded me.
	"I know. That's what's got me concerned," I said.
	I dropped the boys off for school and went for the mail. Getting 
back to the house I saw a truck in the driveway in front of the gate.
	"Pool service," the man called to me. "Our eight 'o clock 
cancelled on us."
	I hit the remote to open the gate and let us in. After pulling 
into the garage, I opened the second roll up that went into the yard. 
The crew of six went right to work. These guys knew what they were 
doing. In just under two hours and one big pot of coffee the enclosure 
was up and secure. I was impressed and said so. I didn't hesitate to 
give them a bonus for a job well done.
	After they left, I got busy and cleaned up the kitchen while the 
diapers were presoaking in bleach. Then I got busy with the rest of the 
house. We do try to keep things neat and organized but sometimes things 
get out of hand and with three guys under one roof that is a very 
common thing. At least I didn't have to worry about dirty underwear on 
the dining room table! I am patient with the boys on lots of things and 
do let them get away with things quite often but then comes a time when 
I do have to put my foot down and say enough is enough. They severely 
tested my limits on quite a few issues after they came to me and I knew 
they were testing me to see how the real me would react. I must have 
done something right in those situations because they are still here 
with me and they know I love them unconditionally. I am happy with the 
way things have turned out for all three of us.
	As I gathered up some of the toys in the living room I glanced 
out the window. It was really raining and I was glad the pool crew came 
when they did. I carried the toys upstairs to the nursery and put them 
in the toy box. Then I carried laundry down and started in on the crib 
sheets, sleepers, and other clothes. The batch of cloth diapers was 
done in the dryer so I folded them while watching the rain. I decided 
to take a break and go out to the pool so I got a cup of coffee and sat 
in a chair and listened to the rain fall on the roof of the enclosure. 
It was cold out there and I knew it would be some time before it got 
plenty warm out here to go swimming. I smiled as I imagined two very 
excited boys swimming in here while it froze outside. This would be 
their first real Christmas in a forest winter wonderland. A majority of 
mine had been in the big city of Chicago and while it was something to 
remember, I was looking forward to this one. I stood and stretched, 
deciding to take the Land Rover to pick up the boys. The Navigator was 
nice, but the Land Rover was better equipped to handle this kind of 
weather. I had wisely installed a winch, fog lights, foul weather 
tires, and other things for possible emergencies while on the road. 
Plus it was a bright canary yellow, which made it very easy to see. It 
was well worth the money, as I would find out over the winter months.

Chapter 10

	Going back into the house I finished folding laundry and 
delivered it to each party that it belonged to. I got the rest of the 
house done in short order and looked at the clock. It was time to go 
pick up the boys. Opening the garage I was shocked to see snow falling. 
I stood there and watched it for a moment and silently thanked God for 
giving us this beautiful nature. Living here was turning into a 
	I left the house and paid attention to my driving. No need to go 
off the road or rear end somebody. I got to the school and they ran out 
to the Land Rover and got in.
	"Hi Dad! It's snowing! Isn't this great!" Chris burbled excitedly 
as he bounced up and down in the seat next to me.
	I had to laugh at his enthusiasm. Even Dakota was smiling.
	"Have a good day?" I asked as we drove home.
	"It was good for me," Dakota said. "I got a chance to talk to 
Coach Robinson about playing hockey. I referred him to Dr. Benson."
	"Good. I'll call Tony tomorrow morning," I said. "Don't want you 
getting hurt."
	"Okay. The coach just wants to be sure is all," Dakota said.
	"Any plans for winter break?" Chris asked.
	Now that was something I hadn't thought of yet. It was two weeks 
away so I had plenty of time to think.
	"Well, we can discuss that over dinner tonight," I said. "So come 
up with a few ideas, okay?"
	"Okay Dad," Dakota said as he buckled himself in.
	I pulled out into the street and drove home carefully, paying 
attention to the road. The snow was coming down, but thankfully it 
wasn't a heavy one yet. The boys were quiet all the way home, not 
wanting to break my concentration.
	Once in the house, I checked the heat and put on some hot 
chocolate. The boys had gone upstairs with their school packs and I 
followed them up to their rooms.
	"Anyone need a change?" I asked, standing in the hall.
	"I do," Chris said, coming into the hall in just his diaper.
	I led him to the change table in the nursery and untapped the wet 
diaper off him. After wiping him clean and liberally sprinkling baby 
powder over his groin, I pinned a thick cloth diaper on him and pulled 
a pair of green plastic pants on him. Dakota walked past me into the 
bathroom and I knew he had really messed his diaper. I heard the shower 
water start to run as I placed Chris on the floor. Dakota was lying on 
the change table when I came in. I untapped his diaper and wiped as 
much poop as I could from him and then sent him into the shower. I 
disposed of the messy diaper and turned when I heard Dakota mutter 
something. I walked out of the bathroom and into the nursery to see 
Chris sitting on the play town carpet, zooming a car around one of the 
street corners. I got down on my knees and chose a hot rod car to 
compete with his car. We played racecars for a moment until I hear 
Dakota call from the bathroom. I went in there and saw him on the table 
waiting for me.
	"Did the shower make you feel good?" I asked as I pinned a cloth 
diaper on him.
	He smiled. "It sure did. Very much."
	I smiled and patted him on the chest and pulled a pair of ice 
blue plastic pants on him. I helped him down and he went into the 
nursery to play with Chris. I sat in the rocking chair in the corner 
and watched them play for a bit. I got up and walked downstairs to the 
kitchen to start dinner. As I worked on the food, I kicked around a few 
ideas and came up with one. A sleep over with their friends. They could 
bring their swimsuits, I'd barbeque again, and the boys and I could 
dress them for bed in diapers and the sleepers. I'd get movies on the 
dish as well, maybe stage a videogame tournament on the play stations. 
I laughed at the thought.
	"What's so funny, Dad?" Chris said as he walked into the kitchen.
	I reached into the refrigerator and handed him a bottle of apple 
juice and he sat on the floor and started drinking it.
	"I'll tell you guys at diner," I said as Dakota joined his 
brother on the floor with a bottle of juice.
	They nodded as they sucked on the bottle and I turned back to the 
counter. Twenty minutes later I secured both into their high chairs for 
dinner. I explained to them my idea for a party and they grinned.
	"But what about swimsuits for us?" Chris asked.
	"The Little Angel Diaper Company sent me the four swim diapers 
that they forgot to include in the order this morning," I said. "I got 
you both two pairs of Speedos and two pair of the shorts style."
	They grinned at me. I just shook my head and laughed. The two of 
them started laying plans for the party and I planned the food list for 
the two days. This was going to be fun.
	The party was the weekend the guys got out of school. It would 
start Friday afternoon and end Monday morning. It turned out that some 
of the parents had made plans to go out of town and didn't know what to 
do with their sons. Not all of the eight boys had separate families. 
Two of the boys were brothers, three were triplets, and another was a 
foster child. That was fine with me. The five sets of parents and I 
knew each other fairly well and they knew I could be trusted. They 
offered compensation for food but I said it wasn't necessary. The 
problem now was getting the ten boys home to my place and their 
overnight stuff as well. Dakota solved that problem.
	"Why not go and collect the overnight bags from each family and 
take them home after dropping us at school?" Dakota asked.
	The parents liked that idea and so did I. It would make getting 
them back here easy.
	"Make sure there's no homework to bring home," I said.
	Dakota grinned as Chris laughed. "We promise!
	There were no homework assignments that winter break.

Chapter 11

	Friday came, and with it a sense of excitement in the air. The 
boys were hyper all through breakfast and the drive to school. I 
crossed my fingers and hoped they weren't plotting anything too 
outrageous. I drove around to the boy's homes and collected their 
overnight bags. Each of the five sets of parents thanked me for taking 
them on.
	"It's no problem," I said. "I enjoy having Dakota and Chris's 
friends over. Makes me feel young again."
	I got the stuff back to the house and put them up into the boy's 
rooms. Then I got busy and made sure things were squared away and ready 
for the ten boys that were going to be here all weekend. By now the 
pool enclosure was nice and warm, perfect for swimming. I made sure the 
pool toys were out, inflatables blown up, and the pool ready to go. I 
checked the kitchen next, hoping I didn't forget anything. The extra 
refrigerator was keeping the extra cans of soda cold, and the extra 
food I had gotten. I also made sure my camcorder was charged up and had 
plenty of blank videotapes on hand. I sat down in my recliner with a 
cup of coffee to enjoy the peace and quiet before the wild bunch 
invaded me. Yes they could get very noisy, but they were a good bunch 
of boys. I was glad that Chris and Dakota had picked some good friends.
	I looked up at the clock as the two thirty chimes sounded. It was 
time to go. I got into the Range Rover and drove to the school. Sure 
enough, they were waiting by the curb for me. They piled in and got 
their seats and I smiled at their eagerness.
	"Are you guys ready for a fun weekend?" I asked.
	I got a chorus of cheers in return. I suddenly wondered if it was 
too late to back out.
	"Okay, then. Everyone relax and stay calm until we get to the 
house. I need to concentrate on my driving," I said.
	They did relax and keep quiet on the drive home. The snow was 
gently falling as I navigated the road home, driving a bit slower than 
usual. I pulled the truck into the garage after clearing the gate. I 
led the boys into the house.
	"After you guys hang up your coats and leave your snow boots at 
the door, assemble in the living room!" I called out.
	I turned and went into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and to 
check the pot of hot chocolate on the stove. I walked back into the 
living room where the ten boys were pushing each other and laughing.
	"ATTENTION!" I called out and all ten snapped to, forming a 
straight line.
	I nodded as I walked down the line.
	"First off, I want to thank the eight guests who are here this 
weekend. I hope you have a good time. I don't think I have to go over 
the rules again, you already know them. Just understand that when I say 
something it's for a good reason. Follow my directions, and you'll have 
a good time. One new thing to note, and that is the pool area is now 
enclosed. It's nice and warm out there, perfect for swimming. I hope 
you guys packed your swimming suits. The usual pool rules are in effect 
with one addition. Do not throw anything against the pool enclosure. 
That's it. Go have fun!" I said.
	The boys scattered as Chris approached me. "Dad, I need a 
	I led Chris upstairs and changed his diapers, putting him in a 
cloth diaper like he wanted even though I though a disposable might be 
less noticeable.
	"Dad, they've seen me in the cloth diapers already," Chris 
	I gave in. "Okay, Chris."
	I pulled a pair of ice blue plastic pants on him and sent him 
back downstairs with a pat on the behind. Dakota was next, and I got 
him changed, putting a pair of green plastic pants on him. I could hear 
laughter as I came down the stairs from the living room. I walked in to 
see Chris wrestling another boy. I smiled and played referee. That was 
fun to watch. I looked up at the clock and decided it was time to eat 
when it said six thirty. Dakota and a boy named Ronnie helped me set up 
the dining room table with the sandwich makings, potato salad, sodas, 
and other things. I stood back and called the guys in for dinner. Once 
dinner was done, I got everyone's attention.
	"Here's the deal. The first movie shown in the TV room is at 
eight. The second one after that is at ten. I would like everyone to be 
ready for bed before the ten 'o clock movie is shown. Now this is going 
to be a one time offer, asked tonight and only tonight. Some time ago I 
ordered a bunch of new stuff for the boys, and I also ordered something 
for you guys as well, recalling what had happened here last time. I 
went and ordered eight sleepers like the ones the boys wear to bed at 
night. I will diaper up and put any of you into a sleeper if you so 
wish. Dakota, Chris, and I are not going to push anyone into it and if 
someone chooses to do it, I ask the others not to tease him about it. 
It is to be his own choice to do it or not. That is the last I will say 
of it," I said as the boys all nodded.
	I went back into the kitchen and got a dozen bags of popcorn and 
then led the way to the TV room and got them going. The first movie 
came on and it was slapstick comedy, which the boys really enjoyed. 
That movie ended about nine thirty. I went upstairs to the nursery with 
all ten boys following me. Chris got out the eight sleepers while I 
changed Dakota first. It took me about twenty minutes to diaper up all 
eight boys and dress them in the sleeper color of their choice. All the 
boys decided to sleep on the floor of the nursery so I laid out the two 
king sized mattresses side by side and set up the extra large blankets 
on them. I discovered that the two king sized comforters I had gotten 
fit perfectly. I went to the kitchen and got the eight extra baby 
bottles and filled them with the boy's choice of soda and all of us 
settled down in the TV room to watch Arnold Schwartzenegger take on the 
bad guys and win. I noticed all of the boys were relaxed and enjoying 
themselves. That made me feel good.

Chapter 12

	I led the boys upstairs after the movie was over and changed 
whoever needed changing. I put them all down to bed with a bottle of 
water each and said good night to them. I heard them giggle as I left 
the room. I hoped they would actually get to sleep. I stretched out in 
bed and sighed. I could get used to this. I rolled over and went to 
sleep, dreaming of myself being a baby again.
	I woke the next morning and crept into the nursery with the 
camcorder and taped all the babies asleep together. They looked so 
sweet together. I sighed and went down to the TV room and recorded the 
scene onto videotape. It was something I wanted to keep. I setup 
breakfast and then I heard one of the boys crying. A moment later all 
of them were crying and I realized that Chris had put them up to it. I 
went upstairs and found them sitting up and crying. Chris was rolling 
on the floor laughing his head off. I grabbed Chris, put him over my 
knee, and smacked his butt twice. He continued to laugh as I got him 
changed. Then I started in on the other boys.
	"Chris and Dakota, go down and make sure nothing is burning. All 
those who have been changed go with them and start in," I said.
	Boys ran out of the room and I quickly changed the three 
remaining boys. I followed them down and got what food I could as the 
boys worked on clearing the food off the table. After breakfast I gave 
them the option of either staying in the diapers, going naked, or 
wearing their undies. All of them except for Chris and Dakota opted for 
their undies. I folded up the ten sleepers and took them back up as 
each of the eight boys dressed in either undies or Speedos. Then all of 
the boys invaded the playroom. Later in the day Chris and Dakota got 
into their swim diapers and all of us hit the pool.
	The entire weekend was fun. Everyone had a good time and I 
enjoyed myself. These kids were a good bunch and I wanted them back 
again. I hated to see them go home but they had to. I had been playing 
with the idea of taking Chris and Dakota to a ski resort and teach them 
how to snow ski. Having decided on that, I called and made the 
arrangements. The hotel staff was very helpful and understood about the 
boy's problem. The ski trip was a smashing success and they had a great 
time. I was doing what I finally had dreamed of for so long and that 
was snow skiing. Watching the boys learning how was fun, and they were 
enjoying it.
	Christmas for us was a quiet affair. It was also an emotional 
event for us as well. It was our first as a family and a first for 
them. Yes I gave them a lot of gifts, but the best one I'd ever given 
them was to be my sons. I couldn't describe what I was feeling. There 
were so many emotions running through the boys and me. The Christmas 
Mass in town was also another high point for me. I silently thanked God 
for bringing the two boys into my life and for helping me help them. I 
know He heard me because I felt this warm feeling spread through me. My 
life and theirs was perfect. We had what we wanted. We had each other 
and that made life perfect.


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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