Title: Baby Boy Donny
Name: diapie35
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: Not given
Posting Date: 05/03/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Boy is teased and wets his pants. His mom puts him back into diapers and babies him until he turns into a real baby.
My name is Donny and I am 8 years old. I was potty trained by the age 
of 5, very late and not really successfully. I still had many 
bedwetting accidents at night but I could hide my wet PJs from my older 
sister Judy who is 16. My mum had enough troubles with my little 
brother Billy to get potty trained. He was two years old and mum didn�t 
want him to have such problems I had and wanted to potty train him 
earlier than me. I really had luck that I had my own room and didn�t 
have to share it with my brother or somebody else, so my wet sheets and 
PJs remained as a secret. We were quite rich since my dad died in an 
accident last year and he left us a big amount of money so my mum 
didn�t have to work. We lived in a big house at the city boarder where 
hardly any people lived and I was always very lonely.

For an 8-year-old I was very small, just the size of a three-year-old 
toddler and everyone teased me in school because of that. I also still 
fit into the clothes Billy was wearing and sometimes I just wore his 
toddler clothes to school because they got mixed up when mum did the 
laundry. These clothes had snaps on the crotch to make it easy to 
change the baby�s diapers and I often realized in school that I wore 
them but then it was too late and everyone teased me about that. I 
always started to cry loudly and got punished by the teachers for 
making such a noise in school. Then my mum had to come to school and 
had a talk with the principal about my misbehavior. At home I normally 
got punished, too, continued crying in my room, went to bed where I had 
a nightmare about school and wet my bed like every night.

The problem this time was that I didn�t wake up the next morning alone, 
so mum sent my sister to wake me up. When Judy came into my room and 
woke me up, she saw my wet PJs and bed and called mum. Mum got very mad 
with me, laid me on her knee and gave me a bare bottom spanking for 
making such a mess. �Seems like we have a little baby in the house! 
Let�s hope that this was just an accident!� I had to change my clothes 
and then I went to the kitchen where the breakfast was waiting for me.

In school my sister told everyone about my wetting accident this night 
and I was really embarrassed because everybody called me �Baby Donny� 
and teased me worse than normal. I started to cry and wanted to run to 
the toilet because I felt a sudden urge to pee. Right in front of the 
toilet the bullies who always teased me where waiting for me and didn�t 
let me enter the toilet. �Please, I have to go!� I screamed loudly but 
they just said, �What�s the matter, Baby Donny! Does somebody have to 
use the toilet? Why don�t you use your pants like you always do?� I 
started to cry and wanted to call a teacher but before I could do that 
I felt my pants getting wet. I couldn�t hold it any longer. I was just 
wetting my pants in front of these bullies. They couldn�t believe their 
eyes and shouted, �Look! Baby Donny really peed his pants! He�s more a 
baby than I thought!� I ran away crying but before I could leave the 
school a teacher grabbed my hand. �Donny! What did you do now? Wet your 
pants? Let�s go to the principal!� I was sent to the principal where I 
had to wait sitting in my wet pants for my mother to come and pick me 

When my mum came in surprisingly she wasn�t angry with me. She just 
grabbed my hand, led me to the car and drove me home. There she took me 
to my brother�s room which was a real nursery. He still slept in a 
crib, played in a playpen and used everything a good baby would use. 
Mum put me on my brother�s changing table, took off my clothes and told 
me to wait a bit. I was naked sitting there and was wondering myself 
what would happen next.

I really was shocked when mum came back with one of my brother�s 
diapers in her hand, baby powder and baby wipes. I knew who would be 
dressed in this diaper soon. I started to scream and cry, �I don�t 
wanna wear a diaper! Just babies wear diapers!�, but mum just said, �if 
you wet your pants like a baby and cry all the time like a baby you 
should be treated like a baby too! Now lay down and be quiet!� My 
screaming was so loud that my sister heard it and came into the room 
with my little baby brother. She began to laugh as she saw mum 
diapering me and me crying. Even my little brother giggled through his 
pacifier and pointed at me although he was wearing a diaper, too. My 
sister said, �Oh what a cute baby do we have here! Did you wet your 
pants? A diaper will it make better!� I started crying even louder so 
mum took one of Billy�s pacifiers and put it into my mouth. I wanted to 
spit it out but mum was holding it until I calmed down and began to 
suck on the pacifier. Then mum closed my diaper and dressed me into a 
baby blue footed sleeper that was zipped up at the back and had mittens 
so I couldn�t grab anything and couldn�t release myself. I was trapped.

When I was ready my mom carried me to my brother�s playpen and set me 
into it. I was still crying a bit and tried wanted to get out of the 
playpen but when I tried to stand up I immediately fell down again 
because the sleeper didn�t allow me to stretch my feet and hands enough 
and kept them bended. So I had to sit in the playpen and had to wait 
for someone to pick me out of it.

Now my mum checked Billy�s diaper. �Let�s see now if my little boy has 
a dry diaper!� She put him on the changing table and unsnapped his 
sleeper to expose his diaper. The she opened the diaper and found it 
soaked. �Billy! I can�t give you pull-ups if you don�t manage stay dry 
for two hours!� Billy knew that his mother was angry with him and 
started to whimper through his pacifier while mum was changing his 
diaper, closed the sleeper and put him in the playpen as well. �Now 
play! My cute little ones!�, said my mum and left me and my baby 
brother alone in the playpen.

There was actually no difference between me and Billy. We both were 
diapered babies, were very small which was normal for Billy because he 
was just two years old but not for me, both of us were wearing a 
sleeper and had a pacifier in our mouth. I realized that I was just 
equal to Billy and started playing with him with the toddler toys which 
were in the playpen. Then I started to cry again because I wanted to 
play with the fisher prize cars too but I couldn�t grab them with the 
thick mittens on my hands but Billy could. He was much younger than me 
but had more freedom. He could grab what he wanted and could walk 
because his sleeper wasn�t as small as mine. My pacifier fell out of my 
mouth and I screamed, �Mum! I don�t wanna be a baby any more! I learned 
my lesson! I won�t pee my pants any more!� Then my sister came in and 
tried to calm me down, �There, there baby! Everything�s alright! Now 
calm down and suck on your dummy!� She tried to replace the pacifier 
into my mouth but I wouldn�t open it so Judy called mum who took me out 
of the playpen and spanked me harder than before until I opened my 
mouth and in went the pacifier. My mum took a pacifier keeper and 
clipped it to my sleeve so I wouldn�t loose my pacifier again if it 
fell out of my mouth. She then carried me on her hands to the kitchen 
and sat me into my brother�s highchair and fastened the restraints for 
the waists, the breast and between my legs and put the tray in place so 
I had no chance to get out of it. Now Judy put a bib around my neck, 
took a jar of baby food pulled out the pacifier and started feeding me 
the baby food. It didn�t taste good but I had no chance and had to eat 
it. My sister was a bit to fast for me and made a mess on my face. Then 
she prepared a baby bottle of formula for me and put it on the tray and 
told me to drink it or I wouldn�t get out of the highchair. I tried to 
grab the bottle but with the mittens on my hand it was impossible for 
me. Finally my sister took the bottle and held it for me while I was 
drinking the baby formula. While I was sucking on the baby bottle I 
felt an urge to pee and tried to tell my sister but I had to suck the 
bottle first before I was able to speak again.

After finishing the bottle I tried to tell my sister that I had to go 
to the potty, �Judy, I have to pee!� but my sister just smiled at me 
and put my pacifier back into my mouth. �Does the little baby have to 
pee? But little babies don�t use the potty! Little babies use their 
diapers! Now be a good baby and do what a good baby does!� My sister 
wanted me to pee my diaper because she wanted to continue treating me 
like a baby. That was kind of fun for her. She knew that my mum would 
let me use the potty if I needed to but she wasn�t in the kitchen and 
so I was helpless. With the pacifier in my mouth I couldn�t call mum 
and when I tried to spit it out my sister quickly put it back into my 
mouth. Now my sister said, �Mum, can I go for a walk with Donny?� - 
�Yes of course my dear! If he wants to!� � �Of course he wants!� lied 
my sister and carried me to the wardrobe where Billy�s stroller was. It 
was a baby blue one and quite big so little diaper boys of my size had 
plenty of space. You also could adjust the belts of this stroller and 
put the seat back so that the baby had to lay strapped into the 
stroller. And that�s what my sister did to me. She put me into the 
stroller, fastened the belts and I could just lay there and suck my 
pacifier. I couldn�t even see where my sister pushed me to but when I 
saw some trees above I knew that we were in the park. There my sister 
stopped at a bench and started baby talk with me, �Hey little one! Did 
you already wet your diapies?� I wanted to get out of the stroller but 
I was strapped in and had no chance to escape and struggled a bit. �Oh 
I see! Bad baby! Judy is really angry with you! You have to pee your 
diapie to get out of the stroller!� I was holding my pee all the time 
and really had to go potty. When my sister started pushing the stroller 
again I also felt that I had to poop but I had no chance to use the 
potty. Then we were in front of our house and my sister knew that my 
mom would immediately check my diapers and if she found them dry she 
would give me back my big boy pants. I knew that and tried to hold it 
stronger but then my sister started tickling me and I had to laugh and 
lost my concentration and suddenly also the control over my pee and 
poop and everything just went into my diaper. My sister smelled what I 
had done and was satisfied, �Bad baby! Baby needed such a long time for 
doing that but now baby noticed that baby is just a baby and needs to 
be diapered by Judy and mummy!� I started to cry through my pacifier 
and was pushed into the house where my mum was waiting. When she 
smelled my full diapers she got very mad with me, �Mummy thought that 
Donny can be a big boy again but mummy was wrong! Now baby has to stay 
in diapers and be a baby for at least a week before mummy can start to 
potty train baby!� I cried and was unstrapped and Judy took me out of 
the stroller. Then she carried me to the nursery where she put me into 
Billy�s crib. �For pooping baby�s diapie baby has to stay that night in 
dirty diapies!� she said and left me alone. Billy was standing outside 
of the crib and giggled and pointed at me and said �Baby Donny!�

That was so humiliating. Being called �Baby Donny� by my two year old 
baby brother. Then I noticed that Billy wasn�t wearing his sleeper but 
just a T-shirt and a pull-up. I was surprised that he was out of 
diapers. Then mum came in. �Billy was a good big boy today. He stayed 
dry for two hours. So he wears pull-ups now. But you, little stinky 
diaper baby peed and pooped your diaper like a real baby, so you�re 
gonna be treated like a real baby for at least a week! Now sleep, 
little baby! It�s baby�s bedtime!�

It was just six, but this was Billy�s bedtime normally, not mine. I was 
aloe now in the nursery sitting in a crib in a full diaper sucking a 
pacifier and had no chance to get out. After some time I got tired and 
fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up on the changing table still sucking my 
pacifier. Mum wiped all the poop off my butt, powdered me and put me 
into a fresh diaper. Then she carried me to the kitchen where I was 
again strapped into the highchair and was feed baby food. I saw my 
brother eating in my booster seat wearing regular big boy clothes. I 
lost all my big boy rights just because of my sister who was smiling at 
me and knew that she was in charge of doing to me what she wanted.

After finishing breakfast my mom carried me to the car and strapped me 
into Billy�s car seat where I was as trapped as in all the other baby 
things they put me in. I couldn�t release myself and had to wait for 
someone to release me. I just set there and sucked on my pacifier which 
I really began to like because it felt very relaxing. My mum drove to 
my school and parked the car. I thought, �Oh no, please not to school!� 
Mum put me into the stroller, fastened the belts and strolled me to the 
school to the principal�s office. There she told the principal that I 
wouldn�t be able to go to school any more and that she will teach me at 
home since she was a teacher once.

While mum was talking to the principal she left me strapped into my 
stroller on the school floor. Suddenly the bell rang and all the 
students came out of the classes. My sister came too, saw me and 
brought all her friends with her to see her little 8-year-old baby 
brother. All the girls said how cute I look and that I was the cutest 
baby they have ever seen.

Then the bullies came who were teasing me all the time and at first 
didn�t recognize me, but then they heard my sister talking about me and 
came over to the stroller and started teasing me, �Hey, baby Donny, now 
you are a real baby!� Then my mum came out again and strolled me back 
to the car where she put me in Billy�s car seat again and drove me 

My life as a baby continued that way. I was just peeing and pooping in 
my diapers what got normal after some time because my sister always 
forced me to use my diapers, so mum kept diapering me. After three 
weeks of being a baby I lost all control over my bladder and it just 
came out whenever it needed to. I couldn�t hold it and was a totally 
diaper depending toddler. I wasn�t allowed to do anything big boys 
where allowed to do. Just playing with baby toys in my playpen what was 
difficult for me because of my mittens, just crawling around, no 
walking or talking, I always had my pacifier in my mouth and began to 
cry whenever it fell out of my mouth because it was the only thing that 
gave me comfort, I always slept in a crib and was sucking my night 
bottle of formula before falling asleep. As soon as I fell asleep Judy 
replaced my bottle with my pacifier and I started sucking it 
automatically while I was sleeping. When I went to some place with mum 
I always sat in the car seat and then was strapped into the stroller 
but never allowed to walk myself what was impossible for me anyway. I 
began to really act like a baby, especially when I was out in public in 
my stroller. I also just watched baby programs on TV and danced and 
clapped my hands to the baby music. When mum thought me school work two 
hours a day I sat in Billy�s old walker and couldn�t move.

While I was turning into a real baby, Billy was turning more and more 
into a big boy. By the time I was 9 and he was three he was totally 
potty trained and wore my big boy clothes I didn�t need any more. He 
was allowed to do everything a big boy could do. I was just a baby.

To be continued...

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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