Title: Baby Ben is Back
Name: Strydz
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: not given
Posting Date: 10/12/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop* Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Ben wishes to become a baby again. He has a plan that will make this happen.                  
I�ve been potty trained during the day since I was four. I�ve been 
potty trained at night since I was six. My parents called me a late 
trainer. But, they stayed consistent and I eventually became potty 
trained. All of this took place about ten years ago, and it is all 
about to change.

You see, I want to be in diapers. Sure, I haven�t had to wear them 
since I was six, but I long to. I long to feel the wetness squish under 
my legs. I want to feel the softness of a cushy disposable on my balls.

Today my plan goes in to full swing, starting this morning with soaking 
my bed. And then during the day every time I have to pee and I am going 
to do so in my pants right where I am. I am going to keep at this until 
my parents become so annoyed that they have to put me in diapers. Well, 
here goes 
...................I love it. My bed is soaked and my bladder is empty. 
Time to put my plan into action.

�Mom,� I called, walking out of my room.

�What is it, sweetie?� she asks, coming to the bottom of the stairs. 
�Oh my goodness, Ben! What happened?� She rushed up to me.

�I...I don�t know. I just woke up and...I was drenched,� I said. �I 
didn�t mean to, I�m really sorry.� A tear falls down my cheek.

�Oh, sweetie it�s okay.� She says. �Now go take I shower, I�ll clean up 
your sheets.� She wipes away my tear and smiles. Together we head to my 
room. I grab a change of clothes and she starts collecting my wet 

�Mom...�I say

�Yes, sweetie?�

�Can we just keep this between us, and not tell dad, please?�

�Sure, Ben, this can be just between us.� Again she smiles and leaves 
the room.

In the shower I congratulate myself on a job well done, back there. I 
can�t believe I pulled that off. Even the tear, it�s amazing! And the 
whole �don�t tell dad thing,� like he�s not gonna know by the end of 
the day. I regain composure and turn off the water.

When I go downstairs my mom is stuffing my sheets into the washer and 
my dad is sitting at the table reading the paper. I grab a banana and a 
glass of milk and join my dad at the table.

�Hey, son,� he says.

�Morning dad.�

�Big Colts game�s tonight,� he said folding up his paper. My dad loves 
sports. I normally them with him, my mom could care less. The Colts 
were playing the Patriots tonight and we had high odds to win. The 
Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady, is out all season and they are 
suffering because of it.

�Yeah, I think we have chance, since Brady is out.�

�We could take them even with their precious quarterback,� My dad said 
to me.

�I�m not sure.�

�Oh, boys and their sports,� my mom said kissing both of us on the 
forehead. I Blush and wipe it away, but my dad just kisses her back. 
�Maybe the two of you could go outside and play football instead of 
just watching it.�

�Yeah, that�s a good idea, what do you think son?� my dad asks.

�Sounds like fun.� I knew it would be, my dad was probably the worst 
sports player in the world, but he always made it fun.


I�m back up in my room, now. I really have to pee, but I am about to go 
outside to play with my dad. I hadn�t intended on peeing outside so 
I�ll just hold it until I get back inside.

My dad is outside when I get there. He�s holding a football and there 
is a Frisbee at his feet.

�Ready, Ben?� He asks me.

�Yeah, dad,� My dad launches the ball and I catch it. The only thing 
running through my mind is �Man I really have to pee!!� I throw the 
ball back. And as always my dad doesn�t catch. When he throws it back I 
catch it. But as soon as I catch it I begin peeing. I look around to 
make sure that no one else is outside, to my relief there isn�t anyone. 
Reality comes back to me when my dad comes rushing over. I throw a 
shocked meets horror look on my face.

�Ben, are you okay? Did I hit a nerve or something?� He asks me.

�I don�t know. I didn�t even know that I had to pee! I am so sorry I 
really am.�

�It�s okay, son. Let�s go inside.� My dad leads the way.

Inside my mom is cleaning the house when she sees us come in. �What are 
you two doing in so soon?� She then notices me. �Oh, honey, what 

I look down at my feet and blush furiously. �I...I don�t know. I didn�t 
mean to and I�m really sorry. I didn�t even know I had to pee. Sorry 

She walks over to me and lifts my chin up with her hand. �It�s okay 
Ben, it�s not your fault, just go upstairs and get cleaned up.�

As I head upstairs I overhear my parents� conversation:

�What happened?� My mom starts off.

�I really don�t know. I just passed him the ball and when he caught it 
he just...went.�

�That makes two times today,� My mom says, confused.

�Twice, when was the first time?�

�He completely drenched his bed last night and woke up covered in pee.�

�He wet the bed! Julie he�s fourteen and still wetting his bed!�

�He is probably just stressed, it should all pass.�

That was the end of the conversation.


During the rest of the day I peed my pants four more times. My parents 
were confused, frustrated and sick of it. My plan was working 

�But, I don�t mean to. I don�t know why this is happening. I�m really 
sorry,� I begged, tears slipping out of my eyes.

�Ben, I swear if you wet your pants one more time, you will be punished 
beyond what has ever been done before.�

My mom came rushing over, �David, calm down.�

�He�s fourteen, Julie, and still wetting his pants. He�s not a baby 

Now I�m crying real tears, because I am making my parents fight.

My mom notices and walks over to me. �Ben, go up to your room; we will 
be there in a minute.�

I obey, and go up to room, and sit and wait for what seems like hours 
until they finally come in.

�I�m really sorry,� I begin, about to confess to my crime.

�Sweetie, its okay.� My mom sits down next to me on my bed.

�Look Ben, your mother and I feel that you have been doing this, 
wetting, on purpose, � My dad said.


�If you wet your pants one more time, then we will be forced to punish 
you in an unimaginable way. Now get yourself cleaned up and meet me 
downstairs for the game,� he says and both my parents leave the room.


We�re halfway through the game and I really have to pee. My dad�s eyes 
are glued to the screen, so I figure it�s a good time to go. I breath 
in and as I am breathing out I being peeing. It is the best feeling 
until my dad�s voice cuts in.

�BENJAMIN!� he yells. To my surprise he leaves the room. Moments later 
he reenters carrying my playpen from when I was little. He set it up 
and turned to me. �Well. Get in,� he said.

�Dad, what are you doing...?� But before I could finish he picked me up 
and put me in the playpen. �What are you doing?�

�I told you that if you wet your pants one more time that you would be 

�I can get out, you know.�

�You�d better not.� Was all he said before he sat back down and 
continued watching the game.

Finally, the game ended and I was still in the playpen.

�Dad?� I asked in a whisper.

�What, Ben?�

�Can I get out now?�

�No, you may not, you�re sleeping in there tonight, just until we can 
get a proper bed for you.� He said taking a blanket off the couch.

�What if I have to go to the bathroom?�

�Well, you seem fine with doing it in your pants, so that is where you 
will do it� he said. �Mommy, is going to be out late tonight, so try to 
get some sleep, okay?�

�Mommy?� You mean mom?�

He draped the blanket over me and said, �Night, night, baby Ben.� Those 
words scared me like the first claps of thunder that threaten an all-
night storm.


I woke up the next morning to the smell and feel of pee. I had wet my 
pants and not even realized it. �Oh crap,� I thought. A puddle sat 
around me because of the plastic bottom on the playpen. I looked 
around, my living room had been baby proofed. There were little gates 
on the stairs and baby locks on the doors. In the corner sat a toy box 
filled with toys and other things I remember from when I was little. My 
mom was in the kitchen, and when she saw that I was awake she walked 
over to me. �How�s my baby today?� she asked ruffling my hair.

�What, I�m not a baby.�

�Of course you�re not, honey.� She said kissing my forehead. �Well it 
looks like someone had a big accident, lets go get you cleaned up.� She 
pulled me out and set me on the ground before taking my hand and lead 
me upstairs. We went into my room, but it wasn�t even my room anymore, 
or at least it didn�t look like it. There was a crib complete with 
mobile where my bed used to be. My dresser had be fitted with a 
changing table on top. A shelf sat with diapers, wipes, baby powder, 
bottles, and everything else that a newborn baby would need.

�Where�s my room?� I asked.

�It�s right here, silly,� she laughed. �Lift your arms up.� I do as I 
am told and she pulls off my shirt and reaches for my button and zipper 
of my pants. I back away. �Sweetie, come here, I am your mother and it 
is not like I haven�t seen it all before. Now come here.�

I went closer and she undid my pant and pulled off my soaked boxers. 
�There that is better.� She left the room saying, �I am going to get 
your bath ready.�

I was left naked in the middle of my room. I sat and waited until she 
came back.

�Come on, Ben� My mom said picking me up and carrying me to the 
bathroom. In the bathroom she set me in the tub, even though I made a 
racket about being able to take a shower. She didn�t care and just 
plopped me in.

�Mom, I can do this myself!� I whined.

�It�s mommy, dear and you are too little to do this yourself. Now stop 
whining and it will be over faster.� She dumped water on my head and 
scrubbed my hair with soap. The bath was actually much nicer than I had 
expected. My mom took me out and wrapped a towel around my waist. She 
then took me into my nursery and dried me off before placing me on the 
changing table. There was a diaper already lying on the table that I 
just got onto. My mom put some powder on me pulled the diaper up and 
taped it. �There all better, now you can stay dry. A dry baby is a 
happy baby. Let�s put your shirt on.� She pulled an Elmo shirt out from 
my drawer and placed it over my head. The whole diaper and shirt combo 
made me feel like I was three years old. I loved every minute of it.

�Sweetie, go downstairs to your daddy, he�ll make you some breakfast.�

�Can�t I wear pants, mommy?� I asked.

�No, sweetie, baby�s don�t wear pants. Now go down to your daddy.�

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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