| The Baby Babysitter
| Larry
| cjjesper@aol.com
| Male
Current Age:
| 14
Posting Date:
| 01/17/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* | | R- Sisters, other girls* |
| B- Pre-teen (9-12)* | | S- Babysitters | ●
| C- Teen (13-17) | ● | T- Masturbation |
| D- Adult (18+) | | U- Sexual situations |
| E- Cloth diapers* | | V- Gay |
| F- Disposable diapers | ● | W- Erections |
| G- Pee | ● | X- Bedwetting | ●
| H- Poop* | ● | Y- Accidents | ●
| I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* | ● | Z- Punishment/Diaper
Discipline |
| J- Multiple diapers* | | 1- Female Domination* |
| K- White diapers* | | 2- Enemas |
| L- Mother | | 3- Restraints |
| M- Father | | 4- Crying | ●
| N- Aunt | | 5- Spanking |
| O- Uncle | | 6- Humiliation | ●
| P- Brothers (diapered) | | 7- Babying | ●
| Q- Brothers (not diapered) | | 8- Regression | ●
| | | 9- Baby paraphernalia |
| *Denotes Deekerian story elements
I am a babysitter who babysits a kid in diapers. He only has to wear them after he has
an accident, but I used to make him wear them all the
time. He got angry at me, and this is what happened.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.)
5 (25%)
I was a few years older than him- he was only 8, but he got better
scores on the basic skills test than most kids in my grade. Michael
(that's his name) got angry with me for forcing him to wear diapers
when he didn't need to. One day, Michael left the house (still
diapered, I might add) and went to his friend's house. A few days
later, a box came in the mail. He rushed downstairs yelling "I got it!"
then rushed the box to his room. I had to spend the week there, so I
decided to watch a movie before bed. Little did I know Michael would
get his revenge that night.
I passed out on the couch and woke up feeling sick. I found I was in-
you guessed it- a diaper. I instantly thought Michael was playing a
prank on me and reached to take it off. I then noticed the smell. It
smelled like crap. Instead of just taking it off, I went up to his
mom's room and checked- I had pooped and peed in the diaper.
I was scared. I ran to the closet to find all of my underwear replaced
with diapers. I got mad and stomped into Michael's room (after changing
into a new diaper) and gave him an earful. He just laughed and I said
"you think this is funny?" He laughed harder and said "Sure do," three
times. I tried to yell at him some more and all that came out was
I tried again but more gibberish came out. Then I noticed he was
laughing again. I couldn't help it. I started to cry. I had been in
worse situations, but had never cried before. Michael said he had
hypnotized me using some tapes while I slept. He then said "Sure do,"
three more times, and I stopped crying and could talk again. He got up,
showing he was in underwear again and said, "Who's the baby now?" and
said "you are," three times and my legs felt like Jell-o. I instantly
fell on my butt. Michael said that he could transform me into a baby at
any time, or just one little bit at a time. He could make me forget how
to walk, talk, or make me lose control of my bowels and bladder at any
time. As if to demonstrate, I peed and pooped myself again and began to
He said, "sure do," three more times, then picked me up like a baby and
took me back to his parent's room, laid me on the floor next to the
bed, and he began to undo my diaper. I tried to stop him, but found I
couldn't reach him. My arms wouldn't lift up high enough. He didn't
look uncomfortable at all. He just changed my diaper and put guard
rails on the bed. He lowered one and set me inside. He turned on Barney
and left. I didn't want to watch it, but I couldn't move, so I got
really bored and began watching. I found it interesting, even though I
was 14.
I don't remember much after that, I must have fallen asleep. When I
woke up, Michael picked me up and brought me down to the kitchen. I
found that he had built a large high chair big enough for me. Then he
grabbed a bottle and shoved it in my mouth. It was awful, but I had no
choice. He then brought out a bowl of some disgusting-looking green
stuff and shoved some in my mouth. It tasted like peas. After I had
finished the stuff, he picked me up and burped me. I realised it was
already 6 o'clock, and it looked like Michael saw it, too.
He took me upstairs and drew a bath. I was really embarrassing at
first, but after a while I began playing with the bubbles. It was
really weird, but I couldn't help myself. I wasn't embarrassed any
After he put me to bed, he left me with a pacifier and went to bed.
When he woke me up he said he had school today and needed someone to
drive him. He repeated the code phrases and I found I could talk and
walk again. He told me he needed a ride and I needed to feed myself
until he got home. He also said that I could change myself, so he kept
me partially hypnotized so I would still pee and poop myself.
This went on for the rest of the week, and whenever I come by he does
the same thing. Luckily I have grown to love it, and have come by even
after he didn't need me to. He even switched places with me before, but
that's another story.