It was the year 2050. Everything is automated-- driving, grocery 
shopping, clothes buying-- just anything and everything was automated 
either by computer or voice activation or robotic. One evening I was 
walking home just for exercise when I walked by a new building with a 
sign that said “automated baby sitting service for children from over 
night to six months long for ages one year to twelve years old.”
	I thought that it would be funny for someone that was an adult 
like me to try. I read the instructions it said to enter age of child, 
length of stay and enter payment code and a password for release. Then 
send child down the chute for children under three and through the door 
for older children. I entered age 1.5 for age and 1 for length of stay 
then my code.
	I thought for a few minutes as the chute bars opened I looked 
around seeing no one I jumped up on the large opening I could see no 
chute the chute bars closed behind me, leaving no choice but to scoot 
forward my feet out in front of me. Where was the chute I kept scooting 
when all the sudden I heard a peep so I stopped. I heard the machine 
say, “125 pounds”. I scooted more then I heard the machine say, “5 feet 
6 inches.”
	One more scoot the floor I was scooting on angled down as I 
started to slide out of my control. I hit a pad with a thud. An arm had 
me before I stopped it was removing all my clothes. No matter what I 
did I could not get free. Within seconds my clothes were gone and I was 
getting a bath with some strong-smelling soap. I thought it was to 
disinfect dirty babies to keep sickness to a minimum. While I was being 
dried off I notice it was a little cooler but did not think anything of 
	The machine had me in thick diapers and plastic pants so fast I 
did not get to see what color the diaper was as I was being dressed in 
a footed sleeper seconds after. The sleeper had thick mittens on the 
hands limiting me from grabbing things.
	Within five minutes of entering the chute I was in a crib wearing 
diapers plastic pants a sleeper being put in a large crib with a baby 
bottle held in my mouth that I could not get away from. So I started to 
suck, finding it to be sweet chocolate milk. I fell asleep in about ten 
minutes to soft nursery music.
	I was woke up to the machine checking my dry diaper then picking 
me up and put me in a highchair. I had no way to know what time it was 
as there were no clocks. First, the machine put a bib on me then it 
started to feed me. I tried to refuse it but it kept the spoonful of 
warm oatmeal to my mouth where ever I turned my head. I finally gave up 
and started to eat. Sometimes it would miss and oatmeal would be on my 
chin, cheek, or bib. The machine held a baby bottle of chocolate to my 
mouth I tried to again refuse it but it was persistent so I gave in and 
started to suck.
	Halfway through my bottle I could not stop from peeing in my 
diaper. As pee flowed into my diaper a red light started to flash over 
my highchair. When I finish my bottle I was carried to a changing table 
where my sleeper was removed and diaper changed. This time I saw only 
the plastic pants; they were blue nursery print. Then a tee shirt that 
snapped in the crotch covering my puffy plastic pants. Then a pair of 
red corduroy over-alls was pulled over my puffy diaper. The last things 
were a pair of thick blue mittens and thick socks.
	I was taken to the play area where there were three other kids. 
None were diapered like me. I tried to stand but the over-alls kept my 
legs bent so I had to crawl like a baby. I was totally helpless and I 
need to pee again but more importantly I need to poop badly.
	I tried to let just a little pee out with pooping at the same 
time but because I needed to poop so badly I failed with both soaking 
and filling my diaper with poop and pee. I started to whimper. The 
machine reacted with a pacifier. I sat there waiting for the machine to 
change me. Three minutes later I peed again. The machine carried me to 
the changing table in the corner of the room to change my diaper.
	I thought it should not change a hairy man in front of the other 
kids. There was a mirror next to the changing table so I watched the 
machine remove my wet and messy diaper. When my diaper was removed I 
realized the soap I was given a bath in last night removed my hair. I 
look like a real baby now because I was so small down there. The diaper 
change took three minutes and I could go back to playing with the toys.
	After more playtime I was taken to my highchair with a bib around 
my neck. I was fed baby food followed by a bottle that the machine held 
in my mouth. The other kids fed themselves sitting in their highchairs. 
Naptime came we were taken to our cribs where I had to take a nap with 
the other babies. I had a nap bottle just like they did. We were all 
asleep in minutes. I woke up getting my diaper changed, watching the 
other two little boys get sat on a potty chair each one went pee and 
poop getting a small piece of candy.
	I went through two more feedings and five more diaper changing 
sessions and a bedtime bath. This is where I came in, so this is where 
I leave. I set it to one day so I will be taken up to be let go. I was 
handed a bottle after my bath at 7:00PM, so this time I grabbed it with 
my mittened hands and started to suck it, my last baby thing before I 
left this baby place. But I was taken to my crib at 8:00PM then I 
remembered I came in at 11:00PM. I will have to wait a little while 
longer. I was put in the crib with a bottle again where I started to 
suck it without a problem. I was sucking my bottle when I saw an LED 
display that said 29 days left. I cried myself to sleep. No matter what 
I did this machine had control over me.
	The next morning I woke to the machine changing my wet diaper. I 
had wet myself without knowing. What was happening to me? I was sucking 
a bottle like a baby with being forced to having a diaper changed that 
I wet while I slept. My head was starting to spin. Why did I do this? 
How can I get out of it? Same routine as yesterday-- many diaper 
changes feedings and a nap.
	Within a week of trying to escape or get the machine to take me 
to the potty and let me get out of diapers I gave up and my life became 
so routine I did not think of the need to pee or poop. I just let it 
happen automatically. The machine kept me clean and dry changing me 
within minutes every time I wet or messed except when I was in my 
highchair or sleeping. I was wearing toddler clothes and was allowed to 
walk with the other kids that came and went.
	When I had one day left I was so excited I could not wait for 
11:00PM when I would get out of my baby clothes and be an adult again. 
All day long I could only think of what I was going to be like. Then 
bedtime came. I was thickly diapered and put into my sleepers just like 
all the passed nights. Lying in my crib sucking my bottle, I was so 
excited but fell asleep anyway only to be awakened. The machine was 
taking me somewhere. I realized I was going up. It was time for my 
	Then I realized I would be leaving dressed like a baby so I would 
have to try to keep out of sight on my way home that was three blocks 
away. I had a small knapsack on my back I also did not realize was 
there. At the release door the computer said enter code. It was hard 
with mittens on but the keys were inside the bars and were large. It 
took three tries before the door opened.
	I jumped out and ran as fast as I could straight to my door 
opened to by voice recognition. I jumped into my house the door closed 
behind me. I was finally safe in my own house. I realized that the 
backpack was over my shoulders and put it on the table. My automated 
housekeeper quickly removed it as I went to my room and lay down and 
fell asleep, forgetting how I was dressed.
	I was awakened the next morning by the machine changing my wet 
diaper just like always, but wait a minute-- I am at home! The house 
keeper machine had read my report card that was in the backpack and now 
was carrying on with my baby care. I was in trouble now. I should have 
tossed the backpack before I got home. How am I going to get to be an 
adult again with this machine in total control of my life?
	My bed is gone, now I have a crib. My table and chairs are gone, 
now I have a highchair. I have no adult things around the house, just 
toddler toys and clothes. The doors no longer respond to my voice. I am 
just a baby that needs cared for all the time to the machine. I am very 
wealthy, don’t need to work and have just a few friends, no relatives. 
How am I going to get these machine to let me grow up and be an adult 

This is where I say you better be careful of what you wish for you 
might get it hee hee hee.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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