Title: Austin's Experience with Diapers
Name: Austin
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 14
Posting Date: 03/21/10, updated 03/28/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop* Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression 
  9- Baby paraphernalia
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Austin is a 9-year-old boy who is injured in a car crash by a drunk driver. As a result he injured his bladder and now has to wear diapers to protect against accidents.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 3 (15%)


Austin>> me I am 9 at the beginning but am 14 when writing this.
Shane>> my godfather he is ummm 38
Laura>> My mom
Greg >> my dad
Cody>> my younger brother
Lou or gamma>> my grandma or godmother

My name is Austin and this is my story of how I became a baby again. 
This is a true story with some fiction added.

In August 2005, my parents took me to my first R-rated movie. I was 
nine and was all excited to be treated as a big boy. On the way home, 
we approached an intersection, and then all went blank. I woke up in 
the hospital a day later and discovered that a drunk driver ran the red 
light and hit my side of the car. I spent a week in the hospital. They 
thought that nothing was permanently hurt, so they sent me home.

My parents, who are in the military, were to go to Kansas to attend a 
funeral. Since I was to start school the next week, I was going to stay 
with my Godfather Shane. I began to wet the bed frequently. Shane 
became concerned and made an appointment with my doctor. We went in and 
they ran the usual tests, taking blood, a urine sample, and such. When 
the doctor came back he told me that he wanted me to wait there and not 
go pee until I couldn�t hold it any more. Not understanding why, I did 
so. After 20 minutes, I felt the urge to go and nearly wet my pants. 
The doctor had me pee in a specimen bottle. He discovered that the 
amount of urine I should hold is a lot more than what I am holding. The 
doctor explained to us that the bladder must be weak to the accident 
and suggested that I practice some protection especially when I sleep.

The doctor left and Shane followed. They talked outside for a bit then 
Shane got me when I dressed. We left, but on the way home we stopped at 
the store where Shane works. Shane had me get some ice cream and candy 
and told me he would be right back. After picking up my candy and ice 
cream Shane returned and we checked out. He usually got tied up with a 
manager giving him some problems he needed to check out at his office 
so I usually wait with the groceries. We loaded the groceries in the 
car and I noticed some bags that we didn�t bring out already in the 
car. I didn�t think much of it since Shane went shopping earlier in the 
day to get stuff for his office.

When we got home, Shane cooked dinner for Lou, Cody himself and I a 
little early. I didn�t mind since Shane had to work that evening a 
little early. After dinner, Shane asked me to meet him in his room for 
a minute.

When I arrived I saw the bags that were in the car earlier and saw a 
package that looked unfamiliar.

Shane said, �Austin you know I love you and your brother like you�re my 
own right?�

I said, �yes of course.�

Shane said, �you know if I do something it�s to help you and not 
embarrass you right?�

I agreed.

He pulled out a package of diapers. I looked horrified!!

Shane said, �I would like you to try one of these tonight. If you hate 
them then you won�t have to do it again. But Austin, if you begin 
wetting the bed as you have, we need to do something until we can 
figure something out to fix it.�

I said, �but those are BABY diapers. I am not a baby!�

Shane said, �Come here.�

He pulled me close and hugged me as I whimpered and explained, �These 
say youth diapers. They are made for bigger boys that need some extra 
protection at night. Do you think a baby could wear a 20� waistline 

I shook my head.

He slid me off my lap and onto a towel that was lying next to us. He 
explained that he was going to put some cream on me to protect me from 
a bad rash, then powder me. Then he would slip a diaper under me and 
fasten it. I asked if I could feel it. He handed me one, and I felt the 
inside. It was so soft and cushy. I felt the outside and it was like a 
plastic bag. Shane explained that when I wet, the plastic keeps the 
water from getting on my bed.

After a few minutes, he took the diaper from me, and told me to roll 
over. I was nervous. I never had my bottom facing up at Shane before. 
Shane took my pants off, and slipped my underwear off. I now was naked 
in front of him. He then helped me roll over onto my tummy. I glanced 
back and Shane poured some stuff out of a bottle into his hand and then 
some onto my back. It was cold, and I shivered. Shane explained that it 
would warm up as he rubbed it in. I felt him rub the cream all over my 
back, bum, and down onto my loins. He made extra sure to get some in my 
crack. Then he spread my legs a little and rubbed some between my legs. 
The smell was very babyish. I didn�t like the smell, but Shane kept 
explaining that the smell was a lot better than the rash that I would 
get if he didn�t do this. I trusted him so I just let myself relax. 
After he rubbed my back down well, he grabbed a can of some white 
powder and sprinkled it on me. He then again rubbed me down with it. I 
looked down and he spread the diaper next to me out full length. I was 
shocked to see how big the diaper actually was! If this were a baby 
diaper, the thing I thought would cover the baby entirely! Shane had me 
roll over, and as I did he guided me onto the diaper. When I was on my 
back he fixed the diaper so I was lying on top of it. He told me that 
he needed me to lie on it in the center for it to fit right. I closed 
my legs instinctively, and Shane gently pushed them apart. He said that 
he needed to finish the cream and powder then the diaper would come up 
between my legs. I complied. He again started with the cream, rubbing 
me down from just above the belly button down to my loins. He then 
rubbed my pee pee, and I felt weird. It got hard. I was scared, but it 
felt good. Shane smiled and said nothing. When he finished with the 
oil, my peepee softened. He sprinkled powder onto me and again rubbed 
it in well. The same thing happened to my pee pee. Shane explained that 
will happen and it is ok for it to happen. With the feelings, I just 
noticed that my thumb was pressing to my lips, but I was a big boy so I 
shrugged it down to my side. Shane then pulled the diaper between my 
legs, and tightly up against my chest. I closed my eyes as I felt my 
boyhood slip away when he taped the sides. I now was locked into a 

The next morning, I woke up. I was startled to feel wet. I wasn�t wet, 
I was soaked. Strange thing was, the bed was dry, but I knew I was 
definitely not lying on a dry surface. I climbed out of bed, and felt 
the bed. Sure enough it was dry as a bone. Then it hit me. I looked 
down at my legs and I was right. I was wet and the thing I had on was 
holding it all in. Shane walked in, and noticed the wet diaper, and 
commented about how it held.

Shane said, �so, is your bed wet?�

I said, �No, but I don�t understand.�

Shane said, �That�s the miracle of the diaper.�

Shane laid me down and stripped me of the diaper. I ran in and 
showered. When I was done, I got dressed and went downstairs for 
breakfast. It was Saturday, so I knew we would have stuff to do, so I 
dressed in clothes that could get dirty. When Shane joined us, he asked 
about the diaper and how I felt.

I said, �it is ok, I mean. It just is weird wearing a diaper now.�

Shane said, �well, it will take some getting used to. I would like you 
to start wearing one when you have problems with holding your pee.�

I said, �when is that?�

Shane said, �well I think you should be wearing one to school, and when 
we go out places. You have accidents too often and it is embarrassing 
for you to walk in wet clothes.�

I said, �NO I won�t wear them to school!! I will be laughed at!� I 
began to cry.

Shane held me close and explained, �they will laugh at you if you pee 
your pants every day in fact several times a day. We can work things 
out with your teachers to get you to be able to change as you need.�

After discussion, I agreed to try it out. Shane explained that since we 
had a bunch of errands that will be run and chores that need doing, 
then why don�t I wear diapers full time this weekend. I asked about my 
poo, and he told me that if I wanted to I can use the diaper for my poo 
or use the bathroom for that. I decided not to because of the awful 
feeling it would be of pooing then being in a diaper.

After breakfast, Shane took me upstairs and again repeated the process 
from last night. Again when he rubbed the oil and powder in on my pee 
pee it became hard. When he was done it got soft. I also noticed that 
my thumb was up near my mouth again. As Shane was taping up the diaper, 
I noticed that my thumb somehow slipped just inside my lips. When Shane 
noticed he giggled, and asked if I were ok, and I immediately yanked my 
thumb from my mouth and tried to explain that I was thinking and that 
was a habit of mine to put my thumb on my chin. He seemed not to 
believe me but didn�t say any more. When I was done, he left the room 
so I could get dressed.

That afternoon we found out that my parents were ordered to go to 
Louisiana to help out for Hurricane Katrina. They wouldn�t be 
returning, since they had to go straight there. My brother would be 
coming home, since he was with my parents. Shane left during the 
afternoon for awhile, and returned. We got a bunch of work done. I 
needed only 2 changes and they were the same process as before.

That night before bed, Shane had me go with him upstairs. He took off 
my wet diaper and pulled out some baby wipes. The smell was very nice. 
I loved the sweet smell. I closed my eyes and felt Shane wipe me clean. 
When he stopped, I opened my eyes. He was looking at me funny.

Shane said, �Austin that seems to be happening often now.�

I went to reply to realize my thumb was fully inserted in my mouth. I 
pulled it out quickly, and laid there stunned.

Shane laughed and said, �its ok. It is normal for a boy to revert to 
some old habits when they have to do something like this. Do you like 
sucking on something?�

I replied, �I don�t know it just happens.�

Shane asked, �would you like to try sucking on something?�

I replied, �like what?? My thumb? Isn�t that not good?�

Shane said, �no but they have something else that you could try. But 
first do you want to try sucking on something?�

I replied, �I guess. I mean it seems like I do it anyway.�

Shane reached into a drawer and pulled out a package. It was small but 
I recognized the thing in it. I shrieked.

I said, �that�s a PACIFIER!�

Shane said, �yes it is. But if you suck your thumb you can hurt your 
teeth. With this the damage isn�t as bad. Want to try it?�

I wanted to say no. Heck every part of my boyhood was screaming no. I 
knew only babies use pacifiers, and if I used it then it completes my 
babyhood. But, I am already being diapered. I already feel my thumb in 
my mouth�

OH MY GOSH! I am sucking my thumb! And it feels good!

I try to take it out, but I don�t want to. It won�t budge.

Shane said, �well guess that makes that call,� as he reaches down and 
gently pulls my thumb from my mouth. I feel suddenly abandoned. Shane 
reached down and gently pressed the nipple to my lips, and I first 
resist the urge to open my mouth. He pulls it away, and as he does 
somehow my jaw drops a little. He again presses the nipple against my 
lips and the tip enters my mouth. I feel it touch my teeth, and the 
world slows down. I open my mouth, instinctively, and feel as the 
nipple slides slowly across my tongue. It stops about halfway back, and 
I feel the plastic shield press gently on my face. Shane lets go, and I 
look down to see the white shield now covering my mouth. Shane moves 
down to again start where he leaves off, and I forget all about 
everything when I suddenly notice I am sucking on this object in my 
mouth. It feels so good. About 5 minutes later, Shane shakes me from my 
trance, and I realize I am fully diapered. Shane reaches to ask if I 
want to take the pacifier out, and for some odd reason, I decide to 
leave it in. Shane tells me that I can have it in but only for an hour. 
I walk out into the living room to watch TV, and Cody laughs at me. 
Shane scolds him and tells him if it is so funny then he can be 
experiencing the same. Since Cody is 5, he is not willing to feel a 
pacifier again since he is a �big boy� and big boys don�t need 
pacifiers. After an hour, Shane takes my pacifier from my mouth, and I 
feel satisfied.

After 2 weeks I started school. Everyone is aware of my problem and is 
working with me. They don�t tease me at all. Every night I have the 
same ritual, Shane takes me upstairs, gives me my pacifier, and changes 
me for bed. I notice a few new boxes in the room and I ask him what 
they are for. He said that I will find out tomorrow. I shrug it off, 
and when he is done, I go downstairs for an hour with my pacifier, then 
he takes it from me.

It is Saturday and I wake up as always now, soaked. Shane walks in and 
sees me. I get into position standing up to get stripped to shower and 
he tells me to lie back down. Confused I do so. He spreads a towel, and 
has me roll over on it. I ask him what is going on, and he says he has 
a surprise for me. I get excited, and see him open one of the boxes. He 
reaches in and pulls out a stack of towels. I ask what the towels are 
for and he tells me that I will see. He pulls out some colored pants 
but these are not like regular underpants. The are made of rubber. He 
opens a second box and pulls out a box that says �Nuk 5 Soother�. I 
wonder what that is until I see the picture. It�s another pacifier but 
I already have one? He pulls out a bottle, but it looks like a baby 
bottle. It doesn�t have a nipple though. Then he pulls out a small box. 
I couldn�t read the fine print, but figured I would find out soon 
enough. Shane reaches down and grabs the box with the pacifier, and 
pulls out a big pacifier out of it. Shane reaches down and presses it 
to my lips.

I push it away, and say, �NO WAY! That thing will choke me!�

Shane replies, �Really? I don�t think so. It is a bit bigger and will 
fit you fine.�

He pushes it to my lips again and I resist.

Shane says, �try it. If you don�t like it, then we can switch back to 
the old one. OK?�

I nod. He pushes it to my lips again, and I open my mouth. Again, I 
feel it slide along my tongue and go to the point of where the old one 
stopped. But it keeps going. I have to open my mouth a little wider, 
and then it slides into place. I know its in all the way when I feel 
the plastic shield press onto my face. I take a test suck on it and 
wow., it actually felt wonderful. I start sucking it normally, and 
don�t notice that Shane has begun his work on cleaning me up. When he 
is done, I don�t even stop sucking, since the feeling of sucking is so 
good. He snaps me out of my trance and taps a stack of the towels and 
tells me to roll over onto them. I then realize they were like 3 feet 

I yank my pacifier out of my mouth and I reply, �NO WAY!�

Shane says, �come on. These are new diapers and will help with the 
cost. Try them. Don�t like �em, same deal.�

After some coaxing, he has the pacifier in my mouth and I roll over on 
top of the towels. He explains that these are called cloth diapers, and 
we can wash them and use them over and over. He begins rubbing the 
cream into my skin and my pee pee is hard again. This time, my pee pee 
won�t go down. Shane explains that little boys that have something that 
makes them very happy will have what they call an erection. I remember 
this from my health class. He explains that it is normal, and not to be 
scared when it happens. He tells me that we can either let it be, and 
it will go down normally. I ignore it, and we finish the process.

Part 2

Austin continues to experience new things with diapers. Shane helps him 
adjust to his new life, and new beginnings.

After a week I am now loving the feeling of the cloth diapers. I wear 
them at night, and wear the disposable ones to school. The next 
Saturday, we plan on going out all day, so Shane tells me in the 
morning before changing me that he is going to put me in a disposable 
diaper. He removes my cloth diapers, then I lie down to be cleaned. He 
is thorough yet rather gentle. When he oils my front, I feel my pee-pee 
get hard again as usual. I ask Shane about it, and why it happens. He 
explains that when men have sex, the pee-pee will make men feel good. 
It is normal, he said that when you rub on your pee-pee that it 
hardens. I ask what it is like when I keep rubbing. He explains that at 
first I will be feeling like I am tickling my pee-pee. After a bit I 
will tense up. The feeling will be very strong, then after a few 
minutes it will stop with a very strong feeling of happy. I ask if I 
can try it, and he says that I could. He asks if I want to have some 
help, or if I want to do it alone. Nervous about what will happen, I 
ask him to do it for me. He agrees. First he scoots me into a 
comfortable position, and squirts more cream into his hand. I try to 
put my pacifier in my mouth and he pushes it away and tells me to put 
my arms to my sides. I do so. He asks me if I am ready, and I nod. I 
watch him grab my pee-pee and slowly begin to rub it. It tickled and I 
began giggling. When he started to speed up I felt my body get tense 
and my head leaned back. He sped up and I felt him tickle my skin under 
my balls. I closed my eyes and found it hard to breathe. I felt my back 
arch, and suddenly I felt my pee-pee explode. I dropped into a state of 
tired. I was panting heavily. I shook a little and it felt very, very 
good. After a minute, Shane asked me if I was okay, and I nodded. He 
grabbed my pacifier and inserted in my mouth. I began sucking normally 
as he wiped me clean and diapered me.

The next month, Shane changed jobs and started working less hours. We 
found out that my parents were going to be gone for 2 years to help 
rebuild in the Gulf Coast. Since I am in school and my brother will 
start kindergarten, it was decided we would stay here with Shane. In 
October, I had forgotten all about that bottle that was brought out 
when I got changed that one time. Shane came in and told me that it was 
time to get ready for bed. I was disappointed since it was 9 pm and was 
a Saturday. I tried to argue and Shane told me that he said that it was 
time to get ready for bed not bedtime. I agreed, so he prepared me for 
the diaper. By now I loved the idea of him giving me my pacifier or 
paci as I now call it. Then Shane pulled out the bottle. This time 
there is a very big nipple on it!

Shane said, �Austin, you�re using the paci a lot lately, and I want to 
help keep the habit under control. I talked to your mom and she 

I said, �To what?�

Shane replied, �Well, from now on if you want to have your paci, then 
you must agree to nurse from a bottle. Deal?�

I argued, �WHY! The paci is just to relax!�

Shane responded, �and at some point you will have to give it up. Do you 
want to go to college with a paci?�

I saw his point. I only nodded.

He cleaned me up. He oiled my back and loins, then powdered me up. I 
have begun to love the smell. I don�t understand why, but I do. I roll 
over on my back, and then realize I have a big peepee. I get nervous 
and Shane giggles. I had forgotten about the first time he fixed this 
problem and asked if I wanted to take care of it. I nodded quickly. He 
told me that this time he wanted me to do it. I asked him not to leave, 
and he said that he wouldn�t but I was going to do it. I agreed. He 
slipped me up into a comfortable position. Next, he told me to hold out 
my hand. When I did so, he squirted the cream in my hand. He told me to 
grab my peepee. I did so, and felt the cream squirt through my fingers. 
It felt weird. I hesitated then Shane told me to move my hand up and 
down. I did it, and I felt the peepee get hard. I kept going, and it 
tickled. I looked up at Shane and he smiled. I kept moving, and I 
started going faster. I felt myself tense up. I couldn�t stop. I arched 
my back, and closed my eyes. I started groaning. Finally I felt my 
peepee explode. I dropped down into the bed and relaxed. After a few 
minutes of joy, I opened my eyes. Shane moved my hand and proceeded to 
clean me up. He diapered me, then sent me downstairs with my paci. I 
spent an hour suckling on it. It felt like only 5 minutes before Shane 
came in.

Shane said, �Okay, Austin time�s up.�

I took the paci out and handed it to Shane. I turned away from him, and 
he sat next to me. I just smiled. He told me to slip into his lap. I 
moved onto his knee, and felt him support me. When I was in position, I 
felt him grab my legs and gently scoot them up onto the couch. As a 
result, I turned sideways and Shane put his hand behind me to guide me 
into a reclining position.

Shane asked, �Are you ready?�

I was watching TV and just nodded. He tapped my shoulder, and I turned 
to see Shane holding that bottle. I looked at it, and Shane slowly 
moved it toward me. I then realized that nipple was soon to be in my 
mouth. When it touched my lips, I hesitated to open my mouth. When he 
pressed the nipple to my lips a little further, I opened up. I felt the 
nipple slide like the paci into my mouth. Unlike the paci, I felt the 
ring touch my lips. Shane pulled the bottle just a little out of my 
mouth and I felt my lips extend and close around the nipple sealing it 
inside my mouth. I turned to watch TV, and held it in position. I felt 
Shane move the bottle and felt warmth in the nipple. I looked up at 
Shane quizzically, and suddenly felt liquid squirt into my mouth. I 
looked down to see Shane squeezing the bottle. I had a look of surprise 
on my face.

Shane said, �Sorry kid, you have to actually suckle the bottle to get 
the full effect. You have to nurse it dry before you get it out.�

I took a test suck, and felt liquid squirt from the nipple. I took a 
few more sucks, and now had a full mouth of liquid. Now I had a taste 
of what was in the bottle. YUCK! It tasted awful! After trying to 
remove the bottle, Shane kept it in place. He explained that I would be 
stuck here till the bottle was empty and the sooner I started, the 
sooner it would be over. I swallowed my pride and my mouthful of 
liquid. I again began sucking on the nipple. After 20 minutes I was 
sucking on the nipple and felt the nipple give nothing. I looked down 
and realized that I was finished.

Shane said, �Well, that wasn�t that bad was it?�

When he removed the bottle, I said it was bad tasting. He said that it 
was baby formula, and I will over time get used to the taste. He also 
explained that once in awhile he will put juice in it as a treat.

To be continued�

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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