Title: Auntie Rene
Name: DLVic
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 26
Posting Date: 03/21/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop* Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
  9- Baby paraphernalia
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: A young Boy's bedwetting catches up with him.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 2 (10%)

"Mommy, I don't want to go to Auntie Rene's house!" I said as mom 
loaded the last of my bags into the car and helped me into my booster 
seat in the back seat (I was small for an 8 year old, actually I looked 
more like the average 5 or 6 year old in size) for the long drive.

"Thomas we have discussed this a hundred times, I�m going to be working 
away from home over the next three months and your Auntie Rene offered 
to look after you over the summer" she said as we pulled out of the 
driveway and began the hour and a half drive to Auntie Rene's house. I 
really liked my Auntie Rene and usually I would normally be excited to 
go to her house, but I had been looking forward to spending the summer 
with my friends as any other 8-year-old would.

Mom reminded me that I was to listen to Auntie Rene and be a good boy 
while I was at her house. Auntie Rene didn't have kids of her own and 
she divorced her husband a few years ago. I remembered that she had run 
a daycare at her house up until she got a new job working from home 
last year and that she still had all the toys from the daycare that 
would be mine to play with over the summer. I also liked the giant TV 
she had in the den for watching movies. I decided that I would be a 
good boy liked my mom asked and behave for Auntie Rene.

Before long we arrived at Auntie Rene's house, I could see her coming 
out of the kitchen door as we pulled up the drive.

"Hello Rene" said my Mom as she got out of the car.

"Hello" said Auntie Rene as she came around to my side of the car and 
opened the rear door.

"And who do we have here" Auntie Rene said with a joking tone as she 
helped me out of the booster seat.

"Don't be silly its me Thomas!" I said with a smile on my face.

As I got out of the car I realized how badly I need to go pee.

"Mom I need to go pee" I exclaimed as I started to do the tell tail pee 
pee dance.

"Through the kitchen, first door on your right" said Auntie Rene before 
my mom could say anything.

I quickly headed for the house and left my Mom and Auntie to get my 
luggage out of the car as I really had to go pee! I closed the door on 
the bathroom and headed for the toilet. I noticed there was a little 
kids potty next to the toilet, but I didn't think anything of it as 
Auntie Rene probably still had it from when she ran the daycare. I 
finished up in the bathroom and washed my hands. As I came out of the 
bathroom, I noticed that mom and Auntie Rene had put on a pot of tea 
and were starting to chat.

"We put your bags in the spare room, why don't you go and settle in 
while I visit with you Aunt" said my mom as I came into the kitchen.

"There are lots of toys in the playroom if you get bored" said Auntie 

"Ok" I said as I started down the hall toward my bedroom for the 
summer. I was surprised to see a mix of furniture as I entered my new 
room. Auntie Rene had a set of bunk beds against one wall with a 
dresser at the far end, but there was a crib with a baby style dresser 
with a pail beside it along the other wall. I thought that Auntie Rene 
must have kept the furniture from when she ran the daycare. I put my 
bags down by the dresser at the foot of the bunk beds and laid back on 
the bottom bunk of the bunk beds. I was surprised to feel the familiar 
rustle of a waterproof cover on the mattress underneath the regular 
sheet. I hoped that my mom hadn't told Auntie Rene about my night time 
problems. I had started wetting the bed again about six months ago. It 
wasn't very often at first, but over the last month it had become more 
frequent. I was upset about it and mom had taken me to the doctor for 
an exam. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with me and that 
my bladder was just slow to develop. He assured my mom that I would 
grow out of it. Mom had put the mattress protector on my bed at home 
after a few wet mornings. When I did wake up wet she would help me out 
of my wet pajamas and scurry me off to the shower while she dealt with 
the wet bedding. While I did not like waking up in a cold wet bed, I 
didn't mind the extra attention I got from Mom.

I started putting my clothes in the dresser at the foot of the bunk 
beds, putting my underwear and socks in the top drawer and clothes in 
the lower ones. As I opened the bottom drawer I noticed a package that 
looked familiar, it was a package of boys pull-ups in the 4T-5T size. I 
had seen pull-ups before at friends� houses that had younger brothers 
or sisters and I always wondered how it would feel to wear one. I was 
interrupted by the sound of someone coming down the hallway. I quickly 
closed the drawer and moved back towards the bunk beds.

Mom came into my new bedroom. "Sweetie, I have to leave to catch my 
flight" she said as she started to hug me. I started crying and I did 
not want to let her go. She picked me up and carried me down the hall 
to the kitchen. We had time for one more big hug and kiss before she 
headed out the door towards the car. Auntie Rene came up behind me and 
we both waved to my mom as she pulled out of the driveway. I was still 
crying as we went back in the house.

"I know your sad sweetie, but we are going to have lots of fun this 
summer. Would you like some juice?" asked Auntie Rene.

"Yes" I said, still sobbing a bit.

Auntie Rene poured me a cup of juice and dried my tears with a tissue. 
Once I had calmed down a bit she handed me the cup of juice with a 
toddler lid on the cup and said "why don't you go play while I get 
dinner together" before I could question the reason for the toddler lid 
on the cup she had led me down the hall to the playroom. I figured she 
didn't want me to spill the juice on the carpet in the playroom, but I 
was careful and never spilled my juice when I was at home.

The rest of the evening progressed normally; we had dinner and watched 
the Cars DVD before bed.

"Ok kiddo, its past your bedtime, lets get you in some PJ's and ready 
for bed" said Auntie Rene as the movie was ending.

"Ok Auntie" I said as I got off the couch and headed towards my new 
bedroom. Auntie Rene followed me down the hall to my room.

"Which drawer do you have your PJ's in?" Auntie Rene asked as she 
entered the room.

"Second from the top" I said as I sat down on the bed and made the 
plastic sheet crinkle. Auntie Rene didn't seem to notice the noise as 
she grabbed my toy story PJ's out of the drawer and set them on the 

She started to help me take off my shirt, but I objected: "Auntie I'm 8 
years old, I can get my PJ's on by myself" I said.

"Nonsense, I always help little boys that stay with me get ready for 
bed" she said while she started tickling me. I started giggling and 
didn't put up any further resistance as she pulled off my shirt and 

"Cute undies" she said as she helped me out of my Thomas the Tank 
Engine briefs (I still had a number of pairs of toddler style underwear 
as I liked them and I had not outgrown them yet). I covered myself with 
my hands while my Auntie was grabbing the bottoms to my PJ's off the 
bed as I was embarrassed to be naked in front of someone other than my 

"You were never this modest when I changed your diapers as a baby 
Thomas" Auntie Rene joked as she helped me into my PJ bottoms. I 
realized how silly I was and blushed as I put on the rest of my PJ's 
with Auntie Rene's help.

"Brush those teeth and use the potty" said Auntie Rene in a motherly 
tone as I headed towards the bathroom. I finished up in the bathroom 
and headed to bed. Auntie tucked me in and said goodnight after reading 
me a story. I really wanted to keep my bed dry as I was sure that my 
Auntie didn't know about my bed wetting trouble. She didn't mention it 
at all as I was getting ready for bed. I also snuck out of bed and 
looked at the unopened package of pull-ups that was still in the bottom 
of the dresser. Auntie Rene hadn't mentioned them at all either. I 
guessed that she had them left over from when she was running the 

I woke up to the familiar feeling of wet sheets, Auntie Rene must have 
heard me start crying because she was in my room right after I woke up.

"Oh my, sweetie. Good thing I had the mattress protector on there" 
Auntie Rene said as she came in and saw the condition of the bed. This 
just made me more upset, but Auntie Rene said "Oh Thomas, its no big 
deal let me help you out of those wet things so you can have a bath 
while I clean up your bed"

"Ok Auntie" I said as she helped me out of the wet PJ's. Auntie Rene 
followed my bare bum down the hall toward the bathroom.

"Need to go pee pee?" asked Auntie Rene in the same way that she would 
have asked a toddler as she started to run the water into the tub.

"Yes and number 2" I answered as she added bubbles to the bathtub. I 
was a bit surprised when Auntie Rene picked me up and placed me on the 
toilet as I was big enough to get on the toilet myself, but I decided 
not to argue with her due to my naked state and I was still feeling 
embarrassed about the wet bed.

"Do your business sweetie, I'm going to go and take the sheets off your 
bed while you use the toilet" said Auntie Rene as she walked out of the 
bathroom. I would have preferred if the bathroom door had been closed, 
but Auntie Rene was down the hallway before I could ask her to close 

After a few minutes Auntie Rene came back into the bathroom, leaving 
the laundry basket with my wet bedding and PJ's in the hall. I noticed 
she had a tub of pampers baby wipes in her hand.

"All finished on the toilet?" asked Auntie Rene as she walked towards 
me and set the baby wipes down on the counter.

"Yes Auntie" I said, still on the toilet. Auntie Rene opened the lid on 
the baby wipe container and leaned me forward on the toilet. She used 
the baby wipes to clean up my bottom and the sweet smell filled the 
room. Auntie Rene Picked me up off the toilet and put me into the warm 
bubbly water in the bathtub.

"I know you didn't wet your bed on purpose Thomas and I'm always happy 
to help when little boys have accidents, but I would like you to try 
something different for bed tonight that will help keep your sheets and 
PJ's from getting all wet" Said Auntie Rene as she soaped up my hair 
while I played with the toy boats in the bathtub.

"umm, ok Auntie what do you want to try?" I asked while she continued 
to wash me up.

"We'll talk about it at bedtime" Auntie Rene said as she helped me out 
of the tub. I headed back to my room to get dressed while Auntie Rene 
loaded my wet Pj's and bedding into the washing machine.

The rest of the day went by without a hitch, but I noticed that Auntie 
Rene kept asking me if I needed to use the potty, especially when we 
went to the mall in the afternoon.

I was playing with a bunch of the toys in the playroom as it was 
getting close to bedtime. I remembered what Auntie Rene had said about 
my bed wetting while I was in the bath this morning. I wondered what 
her new way to deal with my wet bed would be.

"Ok kiddo, you can stay up for another hour and play, but you need to 
get your PJ's on now" said Auntie Rene as she stood at the playroom 
door with her hands on her hips. I followed her down the hall towards 
my bedroom; I noticed that Auntie Rene had put new bedding on the lower 
bunk of the bunk beds where I had wet last night and she had my Thomas 
the Tank Engine PJ's on top of the dresser at the foot of the bunk 
beds. I also noticed that the baby wipes that Auntie Rene had used to 
clean me up in the morning were now sitting on top of the baby dresser 
by the crib with some bottles that I did not recognize.

"Lets get you out of those clothes and in to your PJ's" said Auntie 
Rene as she helped me get my shirt off and lowered my pants. As I 
stepped out of my underwear Auntie Rene opened the bottom drawer of the 
dresser by the bunkbeds that I knew contained the package of 4T-5T 
pullups. She pulled out the package and put them on top of the baby 
dresser by the crib.

"Thomas, I want you to wear pull-ups to bed from now on" Said Auntie 
Rene as she opened the package and pulled out a pair of the training 

"But they're for babies" I said crossing my arms.

"Training pants aren't just for babies and they will keep your bed dry" 
said Auntie Rene as she fluffed out the pull-up and held it out for me 
to step into. I could tell that I wasn't getting out of this, so I 
stepped into the training pants. Auntie Rene pulled them up to my waist 
and ran her finger along the leak guards to make sure the pull-up was 
fitting properly.

"Perfect" Auntie Rene commented as she helped me get the rest of my 
PJ's on.

"Now Thomas, I have some rules that apply to little boys staying with 
me that are in training pants:

1. If you need to go pee when you are in training pants come and find 
me and I will help you with the toilet.

2. If your training pants are wet in the morning then you need to wear 
training pants for the whole day.�

�Ok Auntie� I said standing in front of her wearing pull-ups and my 

To be continued.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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