Title: Another Hard-Working Boy in Diapers
Name: Robbie
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: Not given
Posting Date: 12/21/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop* Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Prepubescent incontinence is a worldwide phenomena. This is Jimmy's story from age 12-13. He works so hard that there's not much time for toilet retraining once puberty hits. Here's his story.                  
All boys around their tenth birthday lose bladder control as a natural 
part of pre-puberty. At 12 or 13 most are able to be retrained to use 
the toilet once the prostate and the bladder return to their proper 

It's Christmas 1980 and Jimmy is 12 years and 10 months old, and still 
wearing diapers 24/7. His dad had entertained thoughts of trying to 
retrain him the summer before when he was almost 12 and a half, but he 
was working his first summer job in the family landscaping business, 
and the truth be told, young Jimmy was such an asset, and they were so 
tired when they came home in the evening, toilet retraining was just 
put on the back burner. Jim remembered too, that he himself was not 
successful at toilet training until he was 14. Jim's dad James tried 
really hard in the early 60's to train him in the evenings after work, 
but he didn't get out of diapers until he was almost in high school. 
Therefore, Jim didn't think it was a big deal that his son stay in 
diapers as long as he needed them, besides, most of Jimmy's male 
classmates still wore them going into the seventh grade.

However, by Christmas time Jim decides that it's time to start 
retraining Jimmy to use the toilet. He even wraps up a package of white 
training briefs (jockey shorts with extra padding in the middle for 
pubescent toilet trainers) and a pack of rubber pants to go over them 
as a Christmas present. The plan is that after Christmas they will 
start retraining him. It's a great time to do it since he's on break 
from school until after New Years.

The plan got foiled a week or so before Christmas. You see, Jimmy was 
working on the weekends from Thanksgiving to Christmas at the family 
business, where they sold wreathes and Christmas plants during this 
season. They also sold firewood, and Jimmy dropped a heavy load of wood 
on his foot and broke it, the weekend before Christmas break. He was on 
crutches the entire break, and the bathroom of their home was on the 
second floor, his bedroom was on the first floor, and his parents 
decided to hold off on the toilet training until he could physically 
get to the bathroom quickly.

Jimmy turned 13 in February, and continued wearing diapers 24/7. His 
dad thought, "I'll train him in the summer," but he ended up working 
the day summer vacation started. Toilet training was attempted on 
Sunday's during the summer, but Jimmy did not do well with it, probably 
because he worked 5-6 days a week and had to be diapered while he was 
working, because he couldn't be having accidents at work. One day a 
week was not enough for successful toilet training. Jimmy went into the 
eighth grade at more than 13 and a half still wearing diapers, while 
almost all of his classmates were now day trained, and many were night 
trained. Jimmy did not succeed at toilet training until the following 
Christmas break, when he was nearly 14.

That summmer of 81, Jimmy's best friend Jack was invited by Jimmy's 
family to hang out at the landscaping business for an afternoon. Jack 
had just turned 13 a couple of weeks earlier, and was still 24/7 in 
diapers as well, although by the end of the summer he was day trained. 
Jack's parents always kept him in Pampers. They tried Luvs for boys 
when they first came out in the late 70's, and for a little while in 
1980 they tried K-mart brand diapers, which were a real disaster for 
leaks. Luv's were decent, but Jack felt wet in them more than he did in 
Pampers, and had developed a slight diaper rash while wearing them. 
Although Pampers were the most expensive brand, and his family was 
trying to save money, they decided not to compromise on diapers for 
their son, and so he stayed in Pampers until he was out of diapers 
around 13 and a half.

Jimmy's family, although they had their own business, really had to 
pinch pennies. When he turned 10 in 1978, Pampers and Johnson & Johnson 
were the leading name brand diapers for boys. Johnson's were cheaper 
than Pampers, but not near the quality, and soon went off the market. 
Stores like Sears and K-mart, and many supermarkets had their own 
generic brands which were pretty lousy. By the time he was 11, Luvs and 
Huggies had boys size diapers on the market too, and both were cheaper 
than Pampers. Jimmy liked Huggies because they were very comfortable. 
They had a soft lining, really soft, thick, fluffy, cotton-like padding 
that did not mat up when wet, plus they had elastic leg gathers. 
Pampers did not start having leg gathers till 1983, although their 
unique absorbent padding kept boys really dry, even after multiple 
wettings. Most fathers would agree in those days that Pampers kept 
their sons the driest for the longest, though Huggies were extremely 
comparable and slightly cheaper.

Jimmy's parents usually bought him Huggies, though some weeks when 
money was tight, they bought him the grocery store generic brand. These 
looked like a Pamper when you took them out of the box: White plastic 
on the outside, white padding on the inside with a lining that touched 
the skin, and no elastic leg gathers. This day in the summer of 81, 
Jimmy was wearing the generic brand. When he arrived at his grandpop�s 
business around 8:00, he had one on, and his dad brought a backpack 
full of diapers to keep at work. Between 10-10:30 he felt wet and told 
his dad, and he changed him. Jack was due to come at 1:00. At 12:30, 
when Jimmy, his dad and grandparents were done lunch, his grandpop 
said, "I'll take yeh upstairs and change yeh before yer friend gets 
here." It was a good idea, because Jimmy had peed a good bit while 
sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch. When he got up and started 
to walk, it felt like his diaper was falling down. He grabbed his belt 
and hiked up his pants, even though his belted jeans were not loose nor 
were they falling down. He grabbed them hard enough that it would hike 
up his drooping diaper. He actually ended up ripping a little bit of 
the plastic in the front trying to hike it up.

When they got upstairs, Grandpop put a changing pad on the bed, and 
Jimmy started to unbelt, unzip and pull down his pants before he laid 
on the bed. Granpop's comment when he saw the bulging, ripped, drooping 
diaper barely hanging from his grandson's waist was: "Your diaper looks 
like it went through the war! Another minute in that thing and you 
woulda had a flood." He untaped the soaked diaper and took it off of 
Jimmy, and saw that it had left Jimmy's privates and his bottom quite 

�Yeh poor guy, yer all wet, let me get yeh a towel and dry yeh up." 
Jimmy laid on the changing pad while his grandfather went to the 
bathroom, got a towel, came back and raised his grandson's legs and 
totally dried his bottom and privates. Then he applied ample amounts of 
Desitin to his entire diaper area, wiped the Desitin from his own 
hands, then got a fresh diaper from the backpack that his dad had 
brought that morning. When he opened up the diaper, he saw that it 
wasn't as thick as the diapers that Jimmy usually wore, nor did it have 
elastic leg gathers. He said to Jimmy, "these aren't the kind you 
usually wear." Jimmy replied, their the grocery store brand, I usually 
wear Huggies."

Grandpop says: "I guess your folks are tryin� to save some money, but 
these things aren't worth crap, are they?"

"Nope," said Jimmy. Granpop told Jimmy that his dad might not be saving 
any money with them, because he'll have to change him more often, and 
should change him more often with these lousy things. He also said, "we 
can't let our boy be all wet, you need a better dydee."

"I'll try en keep an eye after you today. Whenever yeh need a change 
just come n find me, yeh here."

"Thanks, grampa," said Jimmy.

Jack arrived shortly after one. His mom dropped him off, and Jack had a 
bag with 2 Pampers in it, in case he needed changing during the 
afternoon. Jimmy's grandmom put the bag on the kitchen counter, offered 
the boys bottles of coke, and then the 2 boys headed off with their 
cokes to hang out in the fields and in the workshop. Jack had been in 
his Pamper since just before lunch, and Jimmy was in his freshly 
changed generic diaper. Within 30 minutes of finishing their cokes, 
both boys had peed in their diapers. For Jack, this was his second 
wetting in his Pamper, but it still felt dry next to his skin so he 
didn't even consider asking Jimmy's dad or grandpop to change him. 
Jimmy still felt dry after he wet his diaper too, and a little while 
later, the two boys climbed up into the big truck that the company used 
to haul big landscaping materials. This required major stretching for 
both 13 year olds and their not yet fully grown legs and arms. When 
they got inside, they crawled around the cab, while Jimmy showed Jack 
the cab where he and his dad sometimes sleep on overnight trips. There 
was a compartment between the seats in front of the sleep cab, that 
opened up and had stuff in it, including two disposable diapers. Jimmy 
told Jack that when he needs a dydee change on the road, his dad just 
pulls over in a parking lot and changes him right here.

All of this crawling around put strain on both boy's diapers, but 
especially on Jimmy's cheap generic brand. While crawling around the 
cab, Jack could see about an inch of white plastic peaking overtop of 
Jimmy's belt. As Jimmy is crawling around the truck, he feels a piece 
of padding shift in his diaper and the sense of a wad between his legs. 
It doesn't feel wet since the stay-dry lining is still feeling dry 
against his skin, but it feels, bulky, bulgy, and uncomfortable between 
his thighs. He says to Jack, "I need to get out and stand up for a 
minute," so he hops out of the truck, walks a little bit in front of 
it, and unfastens his belt and unzips his pants.

Then he says to his friend with his back turned to him, "yeh ever have 
yer diaper get bunched up?"

Jack said, "yeh, once in a while."

"Mines like that now," says Jimmy, as he pushes on the front of his 
diaper so it doesn't sag between his legs so much, and hikes it up a 
little bit at the waist. He feels somewhat better after the adjustment, 
but it still doesn't fit him right. Jack says to Jimmy, "do yeh need a 

"Nah", says Jimmy, "it just needed a little adjustment. That's all."

The two leave the shed, and hang out and talk a while behind the shop, 
and both boys pee again, though neither tells the other. Now Jimmy is 
feeling a little wet, but Jack still feels pretty dry.

Then Jimmy says, "you've never met my grandpop, have yeh?"

"Nope", says Jack. Jimmy says, "he's way down there, lets walk down so 
you can meet him." He truly wants his best buddy to meet his beloved 
grandpop, but he also wants a diaper change. Jimmy's grandpop had 
actually been out running errands for the last hour or more. On his way 
home, he stopped at a store and bought a box of Huggies for Jimmy, and 
put them in the bedroom of the house next to the shop where Jimmy 
usually gets changed. The two boys hike a quarter of a mile or so down 
to the end of the plant farm, and with each step, Jimmy can feel the 
wetness against his skin and the padding in his diaper moving around 
and balling up. Then they meet up with the grandfather, and Jimmy 
introduces Jack to him, and the two hit it off. A couple of minutes 
later, Jimmy says: "Pop, can you change me?�

�Sure, that cheap diaper you've got on didn't hold up too well did 
it?", as he feels Jimmy's bottom and can feel the heaviness of the 
soaking wet diaper that's inside of his pants. "Nah, it didn't", says 
Jimmy. Pop replies, "I bought yeh some Huggies while I was out and 
they're up in my room." Jimmy replies with a big smile, "yey". Pop 
says: "We can't have yeh hanging out with yer friend without a good 
diaper on."

Then Pop asks Jack, "do you have a diaper on?�

�Um hm," Jack replies. Pop asks, "how's yer's holding up." Jack 
replies, "it's still pretty good.�

�Pretty good," says Pop, "let's have a little check here my friend." 
Pop feels Jacks bottom and can feel some heaviness in his diaper. He 
says: "I think you've been doin some peein too, it wouldn't hurt to 
change you too.�

�Okay," says Jack.

"What kind of diaper do you wear Jack?", says Pop. "I wear Pampers Mr. 
Murphy", says Jack. "Pampers are good diapers, but so are Huggies, 
you'll see." Jack replies, "I brought a couple of Pampers from home and 
they're on your kitchen counter.�

�Oh, okay, yeh brought some of yer own. That's good, then you'll know 
they fit. Yer a large probably, right?" Jack replies, "yah I wear 

�Jimmy wears large now too. He usually wears Huggies but his dad 
decided to try to save a few cents and got him these cheep, grocery 
store brand diapers that aren't worth the box they come in." Both boys 
laugh and smile, and Pop says, "I'll get both of yeh boys feeling 
better as soon as we get back to the house."

All three arrive at the house and go into the kitchen. Jimmy's dad and 
grandmom are in there taking a break and drinking iced tea. Jack hasn't 
seen Jimmy's dad for a few months, so the two shake hands and start to 
talk a little. Jimmy's grandmom offers all three of them some iced tea, 
and both boys accept, but grandpop intervenes and says: "They can have 
their tea after they're changed, we don't want to have a flood on our 
hands here.�

�Uh-oh," says Jimmy's dad, "have we got a couple of wet guys here?�

�We sure do", says grandpop, "you're son is soaked in that cheap diaper 
yeh bought him. Jack's got a Pamper on and he's not as bad, but Jimmy's 
drenched, just like when I changed him after lunch.�

�Yer not savin� any money buying those cheep store brand diapers, if 
yeh have ta change him all the time. Plus, they're not keepin� him dry 
like the others do." He pats Jimmy on the behind and says, "yer boy 
needs a dry tush while he's workin�.�

�I don't mean to scold you", Pop says to Jimmy's dad, "but he needs 
better diapers. I got him some Huggies while I was out."

Jimmy's dad replies, "thanks dad, yer right, we shouldn't skimp on 
diapers. Hopefully we'll find the time to train him this summer and we 
won't have to buy them anymore.�

�Training's hard around here, when he's workin� all the time", grandpop 
says. "You almost went to high school in diapers when you worked here 
in the summers and on breaks.�

�Yeh, I remember", replies the father.

Jimmy's grandmother gets a Pamper out of the bag that Jack's mom had 
made for him that was on the counter, and gives it to her husband and 
says, "here's one of Jack's diapers that his mom left for him." Both 
the grandfather and the dad accompany the boys upstairs, put changing 
pads on the bed, and change the boys. Grandpop changes Jack and Jimmy 
gets changed by his dad. The boys then go downstairs, have iced tea 
with grandpop, and go back outside, while grandpop shows Jack some 
other neat things about their landscaping business, while Jimmy is at 
their side. Then grandpop goes back to work and the boys hang out until 
Jack's mom comes to pick him up at quarter to five. Both boys have a 
good pee in their diapers a half hour or so after their tea, but they 
feel dry and comfortable thanks to Huggies and Pampers. They spend the 
rest of the afternoon dry and happy.

The end

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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