| Always Wet
| Bradley
| han_2108_law@hotmail.co.uk
| Male
Current Age:
| 12
Posting Date:
| 05/17/09, Updated 06/14/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* | ● | R- Sisters, other girls* |
| B- Pre-teen (9-12)* | | S- Babysitters |
| C- Teen (13-17) | | T- Masturbation |
| D- Adult (18+) | | U- Sexual situations |
| E- Cloth diapers* | | V- Gay |
| F- Disposable diapers | ● | W- Erections |
| G- Pee | ● | X- Bedwetting |
| H- Poop* | | Y- Accidents | ●
| I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* | | Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline |
| J- Multiple diapers* | | 1- Female Domination* |
| K- Baby paraphernalia | | 2- Enemas |
| L- Mother | ● | 3- Restraints |
| M- Father | | 4- Crying |
| N- Aunt | | 5- Spanking |
| O- Uncle | | 6- Humiliation |
| P- Brothers (diapered) | | 7- Babying |
| Q- Brothers (not diapered) | | 8- Regression |
| *Denotes Deekerian story elements
Alvin finds himself in diapers after having one too many accidents that he didn�t even
know about.
Deekerian Score (10 is max.)
1 (5%)
Hi, I�m Alvin, or as my parents call me when I�m in trouble, �Alvin-Lee
Eric Smith�. Trust me, whenever I hear those words I know I�m in a lot
of trouble! I am 8 years old and my story starts when I was coming home
from a school trip at a science museum. Here it goes:
Chapter 1 � First of Many
We were all told that we were leaving the museum in 5 minutes and that
we were to use the toilet and load the bus. I was at the drink machine
buying a bottle of pop and I didn�t have time to use the bathroom so I
didn�t think anything of it and I went down to the school bus where
everyone was waiting to get on. I sat in the back seat next to my
friend Mike. He was the coolest guy ever. He was allowed to stay at my
house tonight since it was Friday and we got to finish at 1 o clock
because of the trip.
I was drinking the last bit of my pop when I felt the sudden urge to
pee. It was a strange feeling. I felt the need to pee so quickly and
without any warning, I crossed my legs and hoped I would make it the
next 5 minutes to my bus stop. I ran to the front of the coach and
eagerly waited for the door to open. Mike ran behind me and I scattered
of the bus in a �I really need the toilet� walk. I toddled the half a
mile to my house and I felt like I was about to burst! I was near my
house and started to rummage through my bag to find my key. I ran round
the back of my house and went to open the back door. Then, I froze. A
small wet spot began to form on the front of my pants and then I
couldn�t stop it. The wet patch grew and trickled down the inside of my
legs. I finally stopped peeing as Mike rushed around the corner to see
what was up. One look at my pants made the situation immediately
apparent. I slowly turned the key to the back door and sheepishly
walked inside. I didn�t say a word to Mike. I just walked upstairs and
put my wet clothes hidden in the back of my wardrobe and changed into
something clean and dry.
I sat in my room reading a comic when Mike walked in. He stuttered to
say anything but finally came out with �it�s not that big a deal,
really.� I knew it wasn�t that big of a deal but still, what got to me
was that it had never happened before. I didn�t even realize I was
peeing until I saw the wet spot. I decided to forget about it.
My mum had just came home and was making lasagne for tea, we ate our
tea and then went out in the neighbourhood. We played basketball for a
good half an hour and then we played football and just generally
chilled out. We were talking about school and next grade and stuff when
amber one of my best friends went silent and her face fell blank,
nobody else noticed her expression but I did. She slowly walked over to
me and sat down before whispering in my ear, �Dude, you like, just peed
yourself.� Then she pointed to the evident large wet spot on my pants.
I went bright red, then she said, �It�s dark; nobody will notice, just
follow my lead� I did. She made up some story and we ended up going
I ran straight up to my room when I got in and my mum stared at me in a
state of shock. I didn�t see Mike for ages, however I did see my mum.
She slowly opened my door and came and sat on the bed beside me. I
still had my soaking wet pants on and I had already gathered that Mike
had told her what happened because she had my other soaking wet clothes
in her hand.
�I�m not mad,� she said. �I just wished you would have told me.�
We talked for a bit and then she handed me some dry clothes and told me
that we were all going to the drug store right then.
Chapter 2- I Don�t (Do) Need Diapers
We pulled up outside the drugstore and walked through the sliding
doors. My mum walked up to a nice looking lady and completely calmly
said �excuse me, could you please tell me where you carry your big-boy
diapers?� The shop assistant gave me an accusing but sweet smile and
politely asked my mum, �And are the diapers for this sweet young boy?�
my mum smiled back and engrossed herself in conversation. I only picked
up a few odd statements like. �He has been having a fair amount of
accidents lately and doesn�t seem to realize it.� I followed along as
the lady led my mum to the Pull-ups section. If I haven�t mentioned
before I was small for my age �I think that in these circumstances you
would be best trying him with the Pull-Ups and just taking him to the
potty yourself.� My mum nodded her head understandingly and then added
�I was thinking about taking him out of school for a while and home
schooling him since I have many teaching degrees� the lady who I later
found out was Mary again started a conversation up with my mummy. It
finally ended with us walking out the store with some bags my mum had
packed go knows what was in them and then Mary shouted �bye Sarah, see
you tomorrow� my mum waved and we walked out to the car, on realising
what was in one of the bags I began to protest �but mommeeeee, I don�t
need diapers� all I got from this was �well if your pants are anything
to go by I would say that you do�� I looked down at my pants and
started to cry softly upon realising there wet condition. �Its okay
Alvin, but this is why we need to get you some protection sweetheart.
Don�t worry, mommy will make it all better� and with that I was seated
down next to Mike and off we went back home, thank goodness.
The car journey seemed to take forever. I think it was only 7 o clock
when we got home but it was dark and it felt like at least 10 o clock.
When we pulled up my mum sent me inside and told me to wait in my room.
I did as I was told and glanced behind me to see her bringing in way
more carrier bags than what I had seen her leave the store with. I blew
this off and went upstairs and slumped on the floor not even caring
about my drenched pants.
About 10 minutes later my mum walked into the room carrying a package
of size 5+ pull-ups. �I think it would be best to get a pair of these
on you now to prevent your pants being soaked much more, if that�s
possible!� she added a funny tone to the last bit which made us both
chuckle. My mum gently picked me up and laid me on my bed, she undid
the zipper to my soaked pants and slid them off my body. I shivered
from the cold and she stroked my tummy as she began to slide off my
even more drenched underpants. She then told me that she would be back
in a minute and left the room after setting the package down on my
dresser. About 30 seconds later she came back into my room holding a
package of wipes and some powder, oil and cream. She first wiped my bum
and pee pee so that I didn�t smell and then she applied some of the
cream before dusting me with powder, �so you don�t get any nasty
rashes, sweetheart,� she said upon seeing my slightly confused yet
disapproving face. She finally opened up one of the pull ups and began
to slide it up my legs before wiggling it into perfect position.
�There you go, all done.� She smiled before handing me a pair of
pressed pyjamas to put on, she motioned for me to go down and play. I
ran off into the lounge ahead of her and a while later she came after
me holding a sippy cup of warm milk �so you don�t spill in bed� she
said, bed already I thought, turns out I had been playing with Mike for
over 2 hours and it was now almost 10 o clock which was actually way
after my usual bed time. My mum herded me up the stairs as Mike
continued to watch TV, when I got to my room I felt my mum pull my
pants down and rip off my nearly overflowing pull-up before grabbing a
new one and pulling it up my legs, she then lifted me into my double
bed and tucked me in tightly before re-handing me my sippy cup,
flicking the light off and walking out of my room.
Chapter 3
I woke up in the morning, startled to find both my pull-up and my bed
soaked. It was really early in the morning and I wasn�t fully awake. My
mum came in to check on me just as I pulled the clingy covers off of my
�It seems these pull ups aren�t doing the job,� said my mum. I
immediately started crying.
�There, there, it�s okay, but I think we may have to get you more
protection,� said my mum in a calming tone. My mum changed me and then
mike went home leaving the time before lunch, which was uneventful...
Until that is... My bowels decided to make a movement... It was just
after lunch and I was sat on the living room floor in my already soaked
pull up when my butt let out a large farting noise and then a load of
poop. My mum walked over with a concerned look on her face.
�Did you make stinky, baby? I'm afraid we need to go to the doctor.�
When we arrived at the doctor�s office around 30 minutes later, I was
led straight into the exam room where multiple tests took place. After
what seemed a lifetime the doctor said, �I�m sorry to say that his
bladder and bowels have regressed and he is now in an incontinent
state. Currently there isn�t anything we can do about the situation but
I strongly suggest that he is put back into diapers and pulled out of
school.� My mum thanked the doctor and then we left with my crying
growing more and more desperate.
My mum comforted me and then we got into the car where she headed for
the drug store. We entered the drug store and I trailed behind my mum
while she was on the phone to my principal [how could she be so casual
about this!?] We soon found ourselves in the diaper section just as my
mum put the phone down. She bent down to my level and asked me what
diapers I wanted, I couldn�t speak so she chose the new pampers size 6.
They were plain white with a sticky tape either side and a fun childish
print on the bit where the tapes go. They still had the old plastic
backing and you could smell the sweet baby scent from the package.
She bought 4 cases of the god damn things and I wasn�t happy. She also
brought some other stuff again but I was too upset to take any notice
although I�m sure she brought some bottles and pacifiers. I still had
tears in my eyes as we entered the car and was softly crying by the
time we got home my mum carried me into the house and stripped off my
soaked trousers and pull ups, which I had also pooped in. Then she left
the room and came back in later with a package of the Pampers in her
hand! She unfolded the fresh diaper and expertly slid it under my but
then applied powder lotion and finally taped the diaper closed.
Honestly, it felt pretty good. I felt safe and secure and I wanted my
mommy again �all better, I�m sorry about this, Alvin, but we both know
it�s for the best.�
If you want to get in contact email me at: han_2108_law@hotmail.co.uk.