Title: Always a Big Brother
Name: Steven
Email: stevez1985@yahoo.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 24
Posting Date: 06/28/09, Updated 07/05/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: A 13-year-old big brother (Chris) and his 9-year-old little brother (Max) and his two friends (Matt and Michael) are kidnapped and broken into thinking they are babies. But when Chris snaps out of it and gets caught trying to escape, he is made to be the new baby's big brother.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 7 (35%)

Hello, my name is Chris. I am a pretty normal 13-year-old boy and had 
just about completed my first year of middle school. I was somewhat 
scrawny for my age. I am probably one of the shortest kids in my class 
and have not started to sprout much body hair, yet. I have blonde hair 
and blue eyes and I am not one of the most popular kids in school. To 
be completely honest I don�t really have any friends in school. I 
usually hang out with my brother, Max and his friends. Max is younger 
than me and is still in elementary school. He is 9 years old and small 
for his age, too. He has reddish brown, curly hair and a lot of 
freckles on his cheeks. He is a lot more popular than me and often has 
friends coming over to the house, especially during the summer months 
because of our large in-ground swimming pool. I guess the reason I like 
to hang out with him and his friends is that I am bigger than them and 
they look up to me. I am a pretty good big brother, in my own opinion. 
I really don�t pick on Max that often, just when he really deserves it. 
I really look out for him and try to be a good role model. Ever since 
our dad left us and our mom, I have been the �man� of the house. And 
even though I was the smallest and weakest at school, I was the biggest 
and strongest around Max and his friends.

Schools Out!

School had just let out for the summer and I was in charge of Max 
during the day, while mom was at work. Mom usually lets us sleep in 
when she had to leave early for work. So I was responsible for waking 
Max and making us a breakfast. Max had been potty trained for years, 
but still had the occasional problem at night with wetting his bed so 
mom made him wear Goodnights to bed. I liked being in charge around the 
house, but I absolutely hated cleaning up after Max when he had an 
accident. But I was the man of the house and mom was gone. So, of 
course, last night was a night that Max decided to drink a huge glass 
of water right before bed and not only wet his diaper, but his PJ�s, 
and his sheet. It was disgusting. But being the man of the house I woke 
him up about ten, noticed the wet bed and got mad. �Why do you have to 
make such a mess when you know I have to clean up after it? Gawsh, you 
are such a baby sometimes.� He woke up and started crying. I told him I 
was sorry for making him cry and sent him to the shower. I took his 
PJ�s and sheets to the laundry room and tossed them in the washer.

After Max was done showering, we ate a late breakfast of Frosted Flakes 
and Pop-tarts and watched some TV for a while. Around 12 o clock, the 
phone rang. I answered it and it was Michael, one of Max�s friends. He 
wanted to know if him and Matt, his twin brother, could come over and 
play in our pool. I told him I would have to call mom and check but if 
she said yes and they asked their parents, then it would be OK. Mom 
said it would be fine, but to make sure the gates were locked while we 
were in the backyard. Mom is so overprotective and it didn�t help that 
there was a report on the news about a kidnap attempt a few blocks down 
the road from us two nights ago. Two kids who were in Max�s class were 
grabbed in their own yard, but a neighbor saw it and yelled out his 
window. The kidnappers got scared and ran off. No one had seen them 
since. Luckily the boys were safe, but they have been too scared to 
come out of their house since.

Michael and Matt rang our doorbell about 30 minutes later. Max and I 
had already changed into our swimming trunks. His was printed with 
Spiderman; mine were just plain yellow trunks. Mike and Matt both had 
on X-Men trunks. The twins almost always dressed the same. I told Matt 
and Michael to bring their bikes into the backyard and we started 
swimming. After playing around for a half an hour or so, I told them 
all we were going to have a contest to see who could hold their breath 
the longest. I loved these kinds of contest, because when it was just 
Max and his friends, I almost always won. On the count of three we all 
closed our eyes, held our breath and sunk into the water. I held my 
breath for what felt like two whole minutes then burst through the 
water to claim my victory. But when I came up, no one was in the water 
but me. Still slightly blinded by the chlorine in my eyes I looked 
around, but Max, Michael, and Matt were all gone. I thought they must 
be playing a trick on me so I started to head towards the ladder. Just 
as I reached up for the first step an arm reached over the edge of the 
pool, grabbed my hand and pulled me up hard. At the same time another 
hand came around the front of my face and pushed a cloth into my mouth. 
Before I knew it everything got really blurry and then turned black.


I woke up and looked around, feeling very confused. Suddenly I noticed 
that I was not in my bed. I shot up quickly, or at least tried to, only 
to find out that I was tied down to the bed. I tried to scream, but 
there was something in my mouth. I tried to move my hands and realized 
they, too, were tied down. I tried to move my legs only to find them 
immobilized as well. I again turned my head from side to side to take 
in anything that I could see from this motionless state. All I could 
see were block walls like a basement or dungeon or something. Unable to 
move or see anything else, I just lay there silently thinking about 
what happened. I had locked the gates, just like mom had said, right? 
THE BIKES! Matt and Michael must have left the gates open after 
bringing the bikes around. What had happened to Matt and Mike AND MAX? 
How could I have let this happen? I am supposed to be in charge of them 
and I let them get kidnapped. At least I think they were kidnapped. 
Just then I heard noises coming from across the room. I could make out 
three distinct voices. All of them were crying. I recognized one of 
them as Max. The other two must have been Mike and Matt. They were 
muffled as if something was in there mouths, too. I tried to say 
something to comfort them, but was quickly reminded that I, too, was 
unable to speak.

Suddenly, a bright light glowed in to the room. I heard footsteps 
coming down what sounded like stairs I turned to my right and left and 
saw nothing. I assumed the stairs were on the other side of the room. 
Without being able to see what was going on, I heard what I thought was 
Michael�s muffled cries grow louder as this unknown person was untying 
him from his bed and taking him back up the stairs. Several minutes 
passed, then another bright light, the sounds of Matt being untied and 
carried away. Several more minutes passed then the light and the sounds 
of Max being taken away. I flailed in my bed trying desperately to free 
myself and save my brother from this unknown menace. But I was no match 
for these ropes. I just lay there beginning to cry. I wept 
continuously, until the light came back on. I quickly dried my eyes and 
heard the footsteps coming down again. I tried to put on a brave front, 
but since I was unable to wipe my eyes, I knew this person, whoever it 
was, would notice the tears on my face. I felt a shadow cross over my 
face and I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful woman I had ever 
seen looking down on me. She pulled up a chair next to my bed and 
gently caressed my hair as she untied the body strap from my bed and 
removed the gag in my mouth. She spoke softly and asked me to stop 
crying. Then she asked what my name was. Although I was terrified at 
what was happening, and enraged by my brother being taken away, I felt 
calmed by her voice and her touch. I softly answered, �Chris�.

�Chris,� she repeated softly, �My big boy, Chris. You are a lot older 
than the others, aren�t you? Oh well, even big boys can be broken.�

�What do you mean broken?! Where is my brother?! What have you done to 
him and his friends?!� As I continued to bark out questions I felt a 
sting in the back of my neck and then suddenly a dizzy feeling. Before 
I could ask another question everything went black� again�..


When I woke up, I was in a much different room. This one was painted 
bright colors, like my room was when I was in kindergarten. I stretched 
out� My arms were free; my legs, too. I turned to get up only to notice 
bars in place. I was in a cage. Wait not a cage, but a crib. I reached 
down to pull the latches and noticed that even though my arms were 
free, my hands were in thick cotton mittens. I could not grasp a thing. 
I started to stand up to climb out, but noticed a large mass between my 
legs making hard to stand. I was�. was� was� diapered. And this was no 
ordinary diaper. It was huge! My legs were spread so far that I could 
not even stand. And even though I wanted very much to remove it, my 
hands were unable to do a thing. I tried to scream but again something 
was in my mouth. Not a gag this time� A PACIFIER! And it tied behind my 
head so tight that I could not even spit it out. My arms and legs felt 
heavier than normal. Like my muscles were really weak. Whatever they 
gave me in that shot must make me weak even after I woke up. Once again 
I felt the urge to just cry and cry.

The lady from earlier came into my room. Removed my pacifier and again 
I started to ask questions, but all that came out was garbled noise. I 
could not even form the words. �Ah, my baby is trying to say his first 
words. No time for that right now, you need to eat,� she said. As she 
force fed me six jars of baby food. It was disgusting, but I was too 
weak to protest. Spoonful after spoonful was jammed into my mouth and 
dumped into my throat. After the sixth and final jar she fed me a large 
bottle and then replaced the pacifier and left without saying a word. I 
lied in that crib for what seemed like hours. I actually felt my diaper 
get heavier. I dropped a huge load of pee and poop into my diaper and 
didn�t even notice. I had no control over my muscles down there. I was 
forced into being a baby once again and I did not even have the ability 
to fight it. I just laid there and cried, unable to do anything about 
the filth I was sitting in. Finally after hours of crying to myself I 
became exhausted and fell asleep.

The next morning I was greeted by another six jars of baby food, 
another shot of this mysterious drug that effectively was turning my 
body into that of a one year old, and another huge bottle. I begged and 
pleaded to be changed out of this very, very uncomfortable diaper, but 
again I was not able to make any coherent noises. She looked and me and 
smiled as if she knew what I was saying, but said nothing in response. 
She just replaced my pacifier and left again. Once again I could feel 
my diaper increase in volume and weight. Again I could do nothing but 
cry and wait. She visited twice more that day. Each time, she would say 
nothing, just feed me and leave.

This lasted for three days. Every day I was given a shot, fed several 
jars of food and huge bottles of milk, juice, or water, then was left 
to lie in a huge diaper that now probably weighed as much as me because 
of three days worth of poop and pee. I was sore from head to toe, but 
especially within the confines of the diaper. Amazingly it managed to 
hold all that I had put into the last three days without leaking. But 
every inch of my crotch, butt crack and cheeks were burning from the 
filth that had now, no doubt, been encrusted onto it. I no longer was 
crying because of the predicament I was in, but now it was from nothing 
else but the extreme pain I was forced to endure. Not only that, but 
all the time I was left alone, my mind wandered on to other thoughts 
that only inflicted more mental pain than the physical pain I felt from 
my body.

I wondered what this crazy lady was doing to Max and the twins. I 
wondered what my mom was thinking. I wondered how long this was going 
to last. I wondered if the cops were looking for us. How far away were 
we from home? How many days had actually passed, since we were taken? 
What was going to happen to me, to Max, to the others? I just laid 
there and cried until I finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

Finally on the fourth day, my mind stopped wandering; I could focus on 
nothing but the searing pain. All else had faded. Like my mind had been 
reset over night. I could not talk. I could not move. Everything was 
new to me. When I awoke, I just slowly turned from side to side and 
took everything in. I was in a beautifully bright room. An angelic 
figure was heading toward me. Was this my mom? I hoped it was because I 
was so sore. I was taken from my crib and laid on a changing table. I 
just laid limp, so weak and tired from the pain and torment of the past 
three days, not to mention the drugs that left my muscles so weak I 
could not even move on my own. The woman cleaned my entire butt and 
crotch area, rubbed ointment on my sores and blisters then laid me on 
the floor to �air out�. I laid there completely naked and weak. I was 
on a large play mat with pictures of a road and a little neighborhood. 
I noticed that there were some big plastic cars lying around me and as 
I started to regain some motor skills in my arms and hands, I felt 
instinctively like playing with them. I was actually enjoying it, too. 
After several minutes of contently playing with the cars in this 
imaginary neighborhood, I noticed that I had once again peed myself. I 
was upset with myself for ruining my fun time and began to cry. I 
couldn�t stop myself, I just cried� and cried� and cried. The woman 
finally returned and held me as I cried. She put the pacifier back in 
my mouth and I sucked on it and was glad to have it. She rocked me in 
her arms and said, �Everything is going to be OK, your mommy is here.� 
I smiled back at her feeling at peace. This woman had saved me from the 
misery I was in and I felt like she would protect me from anything. I 
felt safe and all the worries from the day before had disappeared.


The next day after I had been diapered and fed, I was carried 
downstairs and put into a huge playroom with lots of toys. I was so 
excited. I started to play with everything. A few minutes later, three 
other boys all wearing diapers were put into the room to play with me. 
I was so excited to meet some new friends. I took a toy train to one of 
the new boys. He had curly reddish brown hair and freckles. We sat and 
played together for several minutes. As I looked at him play with the 
train, my brain suddenly flashed back to a scene of my little brother 
playing with a toy when he was little. It was just then that my mind 
had finally �rebooted� and everything came rushing back to me. This was 
my little brother, and the other two boys were Matt and Mike, his 
friends. I remembered everything� the kidnapping, the basement, and the 
torment of the three days it had taken me to become �broken�. These 
boys had been �broken� too. They did not even recognize me or say 
anything. For all I knew they had been drugged and were unable to talk, 
too. I looked around and noticed that there were cameras in every 
corner of the room. I pretended to be a baby boy like the others. I 
carefully put my lips together and whispered, �Max�� He did not even 
turn. He just kept playing with the train. I touched his shoulder and 
said slightly louder, �Max.� He froze for a second, looked at me, I saw 
his eyes light up and then he just continued to play with the train. I 
knew that if I got any louder then I might give it away that I had not 
been completely broken. So I just sat there and played with the boys 
and tried to think of a way out of this.

First Attempt

Since she thought I had been broken, the woman was much more relaxed 
about my security. She would leave me in an unlocked crib from time to 
time. I was no longer made to wear the thick mittens, and she 
administered the drugs less often. I thought I could use this to my 
advantage, so one night I managed to climb out of my crib. I wobbled 
over to the door. My muscles were still weak and at night, I still wore 
a thick diaper, but I managed to make it to the door. It was unlocked. 
I crept into the hallway and noticed at least five other doors. I 
figured one must be Max�s room, but without knowing which one, I 
decided not to open any. If I was discovered by the woman, who knows 
what would happen. I headed for the stairs. I figured the safest bet 
would be to call the police and tell them what had happened. I 
carefully climbed down the stairs. It took a lot of concentration to 
get my wobbly legs and arms to manage the large staircase, but I 
finally made it. I turned and went toward the kitchen. There it was, my 
ticket out of here. Hanging on the wall was a phone. I frantically 
grabbed it, and as I did my weak hand lost its grip and the phone 
crashed loudly to the floor. I FROZE. I heard a door open upstairs. I 
grabbed the phone and quickly tried to dial 9-1-1. But before I could 
press the last number I was grabbed from behind and thrown across the 
room. �Maybe this big boy is not so broken after all,� I heard as she 
came towards me with a needle in her hand. I tried to get up and run 
with all my might, but it was no use my muscles just would not go. She 
grabbed me, inserted the needle, and again all I could see was black.

A day at the �park�.

When I awoke this time, everything was different. I was not confined to 
a crib or tied to a bed� I WAS IN A CAR SEAT. I couldn�t believe it. 
This lady had kidnapped four kids from their own backyard and now she 
was driving them down the road in a minivan. When I looked out the 
windows I noticed we were no where near our neighborhood. We were 
driving down a very winding road in the middle of no where. I looked 
behind me and saw Max, Mike, and Matt just sitting in their car seats 
looking out the windows. They looked excited, like they were on their 
way to Disney world. I still could not speak, because a pacifier was 
once again fastened into my mouth. I noticed my diaper was once again 
filled and that it was becoming uncomfortable. I had no idea how long I 
had been out this time. But from the burning sensation I could tell 
this diaper had been dirty for at least 12 hours, possibly a whole day.

�Oh, look, Baby Chris is finally awake. Chris, honey, since the others 
have been so good, we are going to a very special park. But you have 
been a bad boy, so you cannot play with the others when we get there. 
Do you understand?� I just glared at her in the rear view mirror. She 
obviously knew that I was not as �broken� as she thought I was. She 
just smiled back at me. This was not the calming smile from the first 
time I saw her. It was dark and twisted as if she knew something I 
didn�t about what the next few hours had in store for me.

When we got to the park, I noticed that this was no ordinary park. She 
pulled the van up to a large gate, punched a code into a keypad, and 
drove through the gate. We drove for another � a mile or so before we 
came to a very secluded playground area. I knew that there was not 
going to be another person around for at least a mile, so there was no 
chance of escape from this �park�. She got out of the car and helped 
the others out. She led them to a kiddie play area directly in front of 
the van. She then came back, opened the backdoor, and sat down right 
next to me.

She turned and looked me straight in the eyes and said in a stern 
voice, �You are the first one, ever, to go through my treatment and not 
become a baby again. You see, I have been taking boys for a long time 
and turning them into the perfect little babies then selling them to 
families who want big babies of their own. And I have become very good 
at what I do. I already have buyers for the twins and I have another 
family ready to buy both you and Max. But if you are not ready by the 
time they come to get you, Max will have to go without you. And I know 
you do not want that to happen. I can tell you like being a big 
brother. So maybe instead making you a baby, we should make you a big 
brother. Here�s what we are going to do. Anytime from now on that you 
are a bad boy, Max will be punished, and if you are a good boy, Max 
will be awarded, you will be responsible for Max�s diaper changes and 
feeding from now on. But if you try to break Max out of his baby 
character, he will be punished for it. If you try to contact the 
police, Max will be punished. If you try to escape, Max will be 
punished, and if you disobey me, Max will be punished.�

Every time she said the words �Max will be punished� I cringed inside. 
I could not imagine what she meant by that and I did not want to see 
anything bad happen to Max. She told me she would leave me in the van 
to think about it while the others played. She then rolled up all the 
windows and locked the doors. She left and went back to the others. I 
was stunned; she was going to make me treat Max like a baby so that we 
could both be sold to some other sadistic couple. Who knows what they 
would be like? I guess they could be loving parents who would take care 
of us. It would be kind of nice to have a dad again. What was I 
thinking? I already had a family and a mom who loved us. And besides, 
what if these people were monsters? I mean after all they were buying 
kidnapped boys who had been tortured until they physically and 
psychologically became babies again. What kind of person would do that? 
But what else could I do but play along? She was going to �punish� Max 
if I misbehaved.

I had been contemplating the situation for over thirty minutes now when 
I began to notice the sun was shining down directly on the van now. It 
was in the middle of the summer and there was no shade around the van. 
There was an internal thermometer on the dash of the van. It read 104 
degrees; just minutes ago I remember it said 85. Several more minutes 
passed and now it had reached 108. I was sweating profusely now. And 
the smell was becoming unbearable from the filth in my diaper. I knew 
that this was my punishment for trying to call the police the night 
before, but what could I do? I couldn�t yell because of the pacifier. I 
could not reach any windows or doors because of the car seat. And I 
feared that in mere minutes I would have heat stroke or dehydration 
setting in or I would choke from the heat or the stench or something. I 
began to panic. I frantically wiggled around in the car seat, clawing 
at the straps, but it was no use. The straps were locked in place and I 
was not going to get out until she let me out. The thermometer now read 
112. I started to become delirious. Everything got hazy and I passed 

I woke up on a changing table in what looked like a public bathroom at 
the park. Wherever it was, it was air conditioned. She was changing me 
again. But this time, there was no needle, no drugs. She told me that I 
would start being treated like a big boy now. But she did diaper me, 
because she said I would need to be potty trained again because of the 
drugs still in my system. She told me that this was my last punishment 
because of what I tried last night. She said as long as I was a good 
big brother there would not be any more punishments. She reminded me 
one more time that next time I misbehaved, Max would be the one to be 
punished. And I knew she was serious, so I nodded that I understood, 
and she took me out to the playground where the others were still 

A good big brother:

We had a picnic lunch there at the park. Max, Mike and Matt all had 
baby food. The woman fed Matt and Mike and told me I had to feed Max. I 
hated the fact that I had to treat Max like a little baby, but I knew 
that it was the only way to protect him from being punished. I fed him 
three jars of baby food and a large bottle of juice. Then I was told I 
had to check his diaper. It was full. She took the twins by the hand 
and led all of us to the bathroom. She quickly changed the twins to 
demonstrate how it should be done, then told me to change Max. I 
thought changing wet sheets was gross. This was the most disgusting 
thing I had ever done. I gagged when I first opened his diaper. I 
nearly threw up when my hand actually touched the poop on his butt. I 
felt so uncomfortable wiping around my little brother�s penis. The 
woman just watched and laughed each time I made a disgusted face. 
Finally when he was cleaned I put on the new diaper. I prayed I would 
find a way out before the next diaper change.

After the changing, she loaded us back in the van. Of course, I had to 
strap Max to his car seat as she strapped in the twins. She allowed me 
to sit in the front. But I was still locked in by a seatbelt. She 
played �Toy Story� on the DVD player in the back for the boys, so that 
they could not hear the conversation she was having with me. �You are 
doing good, so far, for a new baby�s big brother.� I just glared at 
her. �You might as well get used to it. I talked to your soon to be new 
family and they were excited to hear that you would be helping with 
their new baby.� I turned and looked at Max. He seemed to be enjoying 
Buzz and Woody playing on the back monitor. She saw me look at his 
face, �See Max is enjoying his new life and soon you will learn to 
enjoy it, too.

 My New Life:

I tried to pay attention to where the house was located as we drove 
back to it, but none of the roads were familiar. We were still way out 
in the country and I could not even make out any street signs. I did 
see a Shell station and a McDonalds, but that only narrowed our 
surroundings to one of several million towns.

When we came up to her house, I noticed it was huge. Again there was a 
large gate with a keypad. She punched in the password and drove up the 
long driveway to the mansion like house at the top of the hill. She 
stopped the van, unlocked my seatbelt and told me to help Max out. He 
was asleep from the long drive, so she told me to follow her to his 
room. She picked up the twins. I was surprised to see how strong she 
was when she held one in each arm like they actually were babies. She 
took us upstairs and showed me which room was Max�s. I laid him in his 
crib and left him to sleep. She went down the hall and took the twins 
to their room. I looked at Max just laying there like a baby and I told 
him I was sorry for treating him this way, but that I would find a way 
to get out of this. Just as the words finished coming out of my mouth, 
she was back. She told me to follow her. She took me to another room, 
one I had not seen yet. She said this was to be my new room. It had a 
regular bed and a TV. She said as long as I continued to be a good big 
brother, I could stay in here. Then she said only four more days and 
Max and I would be moving into to our new house with our new family. 
She told me I could take a nap if I wanted or just lay and watch TV. 
She said that she would wake the boys at about 6:00 for dinner. She 
closed my door and I heard a lock from the outside and knew that I was 
trapped again.

There was a window in my room. But of course it was bolted shut. And 
the glass looked pretty thick. I decided there was no way out of the 
room, so I laid on the bed and turned on the TV. I flipped the channels 
for a little while until something caught my eyes. It was my mom on the 
local news. She was standing beside Matt and Mike�s mom pleading to the 
people who had kidnapped us to please return us safely. I started to 
cry as I saw her. And I once again was filled with a strong 
determination to escape from this place and get Max, Mike and Matt out, 
too. And I only had four days to do it.
What happened in PART 1...

Chris (13) and his brother Max (8) and his two friends Matt and Michael 
(8, twins) were kidnapped by a woman who regressed Max, Matt and 
Michael into infants. When Chris was not successfully regressed she 
assigned him a new role�Caring for �baby� Max. She plans to sell the 
boys to new families who pay her to regress children. Max, Matt and 
Michael are all effectively regressed to one-year old. Chris must find 
a way to rescue himself, his little brother and their friends.


(Chris) I lay in my bed for what felt like the entire night without 
sleeping. I must have dozed off for at least a few hours. When I woke 
up the next morning, I noticed that my diaper was once again full. 
Although this lady was unable to regress me mentally to a one-year-old, 
she had sure done a good job of convincing my body that it was only 
one. I had no control over my bodily functions and my muscles were so 
weak that I could not run or even stand for extended lengths of time. 
It had been at least 36 hours since she last gave me any of the drugs 
that had brought me to this point, but their lingering effect was still 
there. There was no clock in the room, so I was not sure what time it 
was, but the sun was pretty high, so I assumed it was late in the 
morning. I could not hear anyone else up or moving around, but the 
house was pretty big. I supposed they could be up. I tried my door 
knob. It was still locked, of course. So I lay back down and flipped on 
the TV. The clock on the morning news said it was only 8:30. I flipped 
a few channels until I found some cartoons. I know I am in middle 
school, but I have to admit, I still like Pokemon. I watched for a 
while, until I saw the door knob start to jiggle.

Seconds later, she opened the door. �I see you are already up, are you 
dirty?� I nodded. �Well you are going to be a big boy now, so go take a 
shower, and then come straight back here and I will put a new diaper on 
you. Then we will wake the others.� I nodded again and she showed me 
where the bathroom was. I went in and heard the all too familiar lock 
behind me. �Don�t take too long. The babies will be getting up soon.�

I ripped the tapes off of my diaper and threw it in the pail in the 
corner of the bathroom. I felt nasty; I jumped in the shower and washed 
all the filth from by butt and crotch. I dried off and knocked on the 
door to let her know I was done. She came to let me out and took me 
back to my room, where she diapered me for the rest of the day. �Come 
on,� she said, �let�s wake the babies.�

She took me to Max�s room. He looked peaceful, laying there just� well� 
just like a baby. I actually hated to wake him. I knew that as soon as 
he woke up, I had no choice but to treat him like a baby for the rest 
of the day. She told me to wake him, clean him up, and re-diaper him 
and she would be back to take us downstairs for breakfast. She left to 
get the twins up and again I heard the door lock behind her. I let the 
sides of Max�s crib down and gently shook him. He turned and looked at 
me with a smile on his face. I noticed that there was a baby monitor 
hooked to his crib and it matched the one that was on our captor�s 
belt. I knew that she must be listening in on me while she was waking 
the twins. I took a deep breath and began to talk to Max just like a 
baby. �Wakey, wakey, baby Max. You need a new diaper? Oh yes you do. 
Come on Maxy, right over here.� I helped him down from the crib and led 
him to the changing table. He cooed and giggled as I laid him down and 
removed his diaper. Again I held back the urge to vomit as I wiped the 
poop from his butt and wiped his crotch. I powdered and oiled him just 
like the lady had taught me the day before. After he was clean and 
ready, I put a new diaper on. I let him down on the floor to play, 
while we waited for our temporary mommy to return. As I watched him 
play with the cars on the playmat, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. 
I was glad he was happy, but felt sad knowing that my 8-year-old little 
brother had been turned back to a one-year-old. I knew that if we could 
just get out of here, he would snap out of it.

I heard the door knob and quickly tried to dry my eyes. She came in, 
took a look at Max and smiled at me, �My, aren�t you a quick learner? 
Come on, it�s time for breakfast.� She had a hold of both of the twins. 
She let them walk, albeit slowly, down the stairs as Max and I 
followed. She led us into the kitchen. Before I even made it to the 
room, she took the phone off the wall and put it in her pocket. She 
told me to put the boys in their highchairs (slightly oversized, of 
course) while she got the food. I timidly asked if I had to eat baby 
food, too. She said that she had some Pop Tarts for me, if I preferred. 
I actually love Pop Tarts so I said that would be fine. I had to feed 
Max first, though.

I don�t know how max kept that green mush down, but he actually seemed 
to enjoy it. After two jars, I wiped off his face and had my Pop Tarts. 
She had already finished feeding Matt and Mike, and was just finishing 
her bagel. She asked what I thought about our new lives. At first I 
didn�t know what to say but finally I answered, �to be completely 
honest, I think you are sick twisted woman. But Max seems to be happy 
and I guess as long as the people who adopt us are loving, caring 
parents, then I will be OK.�

She laughed and said that was fair enough. �You�ll see for yourself 
what kind of people I work with when the Wilson�s get here to pick up 
Matt and Michael, tomorrow morning.�

�TOMORROW?!?� I yelled as I almost choked on my drink of milk.

�Yes, tomorrow,� she said with a smile. �They are all ready; there is 
no sense in keeping them here any longer. Your family has to wait a 
couple more days so that you can be properly trained. Do you have a 
problem with that?�

�Well, I just thought that Max would be upset losing his friends, 
that�s all.� I said, trying to hide the real reason, I was upset. I 
only had one day to rescue the twins before they were sent who knows 
where with their new family.

�Oh, he�ll be okay,� she said, �as long as he has his big brother. 
Isn�t that right, baby Maxy?� She gave him a little tickle on the chin 
and he giggled. �Now take the boys into the playroom. Let me know if 
Mike or Matt needs a change. There is a table in there if you need to 
take care of Max. I need to go to my office and talk to the Wilsons 
about their plans for tomorrow. Don�t forget; I�ll be watching you.�

I took all three of them to the playroom. When we were all in, the 
doors automatically closed behind us. She must have them on a remote or 
something I thought to myself. I got out a bunch of toys for the boys 
to play with and sat to watch TV again. My mind was racing. How am I 
going to get us out of here? I know she is going to lock us into our 
rooms again tonight. The windows are locked. The only phone that I know 
of is in her pocket. This house is in the middle of nowhere. There is a 
locking gate out front. What can I do? CRASH! What was that?

Max had accidentally knocked over a lamp on one of the tables. As I 
went to pick it up, Max reached out to grab the light bulb. Before I 
could stop him he put his hand around it. He quickly drew it back and 
started to cry. �NO, HOT!� I shouted. It was too late, he was crying 
franticly now. I tried to comfort him as best as I could, but now I 
noticed Matt and Mike were starting to make the same face. I knew that 
if Max did not stop, that all the twins were going to join in, too. 
Max, please be quiet, PLEASE. Too late. Matt and Mike started to cry 
franticly, too. The doors flung open. �What�s going on!?�

�Max knocked over the lamp and burnt his hand before I could stop him! 
I�m sorry. I was watching TV and didn�t get to him in time.� She 
grabbed the twins and took them away.

�Pick that up and take Max upstairs and calm him down,� she said. �I 
will lay these two down for a nap. Then come check on you.�

I started to pick up the lamp, when I suddenly had an idea. I quickly 
took the lamp shade off the lamp, piled as many stuffed animals as I 
could grab and tossed them on top the lamp. Then I closed the doors and 

I took Max to his room and played with him till he calmed down. I hoped 
that my plan would work. If so, we might be able to escape. If not, who 
knows what this lady will do to me. Or worse yet, to Max. About fifteen 
minutes had passed. She came back to Max�s room and sat down next to 
us. �This is what I meant by training you,� she said �A baby�s big 
brother should know to watch out for the baby, even when they are 
playing. Not to just ignore them and watch TV. Max could have been hurt 
today. Luckily no damage was done. Now, let�s lay Max down for a nap 
and you can go to your room for a while.�

I put Max in his crib and pulled the bars up. Then she took me back to 
my room and locked me in. I hoped that she went back to her office now 
and would not go check the playroom. My heart raced as I heard her walk 
down the stairs. I turned on the TV to see what time it was. My plan 
was that the playroom would catch on fire. The house was big enough 
that she might not even notice till it got big. She would have to call 
the fire department. When they got here, they would surely rescue us. 
All of a sudden I panicked. THE CAMERAS. What if she saw the lamp and 
stuffed animals on her cameras. She would be able to stop it before it 
caught fire. What was taking so long, anyway? It had been nearly twenty 
five minutes. Shouldn�t that be long enough to catch on fire? I was 
literally pacing back and forth, when I started to smell it� SMOKE. I 
smell smoke. I half celebrated, half worried. What if she couldn�t 
smell it? What if she couldn�t see it? What if it got too big? We were 
locked upstairs. What if she left us up there? Could a neighbor see us? 
I started to freak out. Maybe I had not thought this all the way 

Ten more minutes passed. The smell was strong now; she had to smell it, 
wherever she was. I heard a voice come from a speaker above the TV. She 
must have been calling me from her office. �Very well done, Chris. I 
assume you started that fire on purpose in hopes of being rescued. It 
is too big for me to put out now. But oh well, I have lots of money. I 
can get another house. The question is, can you get out in time? My 
closest neighbor is pretty far away. I doubt she will see the smoke 
until it�s too late. If you do manage to escape, I�ll be long gone. So 
long. I hope you don�t hurt the babies.� SILENCE.

She was going to leave us here to die. I got the chair beside the desk 
and started beating the door, hoping to knock it open. I ran from one 
side of the room and threw my body into it. Nothing. I kicked as hard 
as I could. Nothing. One mare time I ran from one side to the door, 
jumped in the air, threw my feet out in front of me and slammed right 
against the door knob. IT MOVED� about an inch. I tried again� six 
inches. I pushed it again and it finally fell open. I looked around. 
Smoke was all over the ceiling. I could barely breathe. I heard crying 
coming from down the hall. I ran to Max�s room. It was unlocked. THANK 
GOD. I ran in grabbed him from his crib and ran for the stairs. When I 
got to the stairs, I could actually see the flames. I ran down as fast 
as I could with my weak muscles and carrying an 8-year-old baby. I 
almost fell by the time I reached the last stair. I made a straight 
shot for the door. I got outside and finally fell, hard, to the ground. 
I dropped Max and we both rolled several feet. He started to cry even 
louder. I hated to leave him, but there were two more 8-year old babies 
inside. I laid there for about 30 seconds to catch my breath. Got up 
and got ready for round two.

By the time I got back to the door, the flames had spread closer to the 
stairs, but they were still about ten feet away. I ran upstairs and 
tried to find the twins� room. After two tries, I found them. Luckily 
they were in the same room. I grabbed Mike and headed back for the 
stairs. I was getting very weak by now, but I knew that I could not 
slow down. I made it to the bottom of the stairs on pure adrenaline 
alone. Dove out the front door and fell to the ground again. I could 
not move. My muscles were numb. My eyes were blurry from the smoke in 
them. I could not take a deep breath because of the smoke I had 
inhaled. I knew that if I made it back to Matt it would be a miracle.

I slowly got to my feet, took as big as big a breath as I could manage 
and raced for the stairs. The flames were now only three feet from the 
stairs. I crawled up the stairs, unable to stand now. Crawled into 
Matt�s room and lifted myself up, using his crib. I pulled down the 
bars and pulled Matt to the ground. I looped one arm through his 
armpits and pulled myself out of the room with the other. It took 
several minutes to make it to the stairs. By now, the flames were right 
up against the staircase. I wiggled us over to the far wall away from 
the flames and we slid down, one step at a time. By the time we reached 
the bottom. The flames were blocking the doorway. I gave up. I fell to 
the ground, unable to move another inch. Matt lay next to me crying 
until we both passed out from the smoke. The last thing I remember was 
thinking at least I got Max out okay. As I closed my eyes I could 
barely make out the figure of a man standing over me.

My life passed before my eyes:

* My first day at preschool
* Max being born
* Our family trip to the beach, I was 8, Max was 3
* Dad leaving us when I was 10
* That day at the pool, what felt like years ago

Everything was bright now. The smoke was gone. The fire was gone. Was I 
dead? Is this heaven? I could not make out anything but light. I heard 
voices� �Doctor, he�s waking up.� That was a funny thing to hear an 
angel say. This wasn�t heaven. I�m in a hospital. �Son, are you OK? Can 
you hear me?�

�Where�s Max?� was the only thing I could say.

�There were three other boys, when we found you, they are all OK, but 
none of them have said anything since waking up. We think they may have 
been traumatized by the fire. We only found the four of you; was anyone 
else in the house?�

�No, just us,� I fell asleep again.

Several hours must have passed. I was awakened again by a man in a 
white jacket. �What�s your name?� he asked.

�Chris,� I replied, finally coming back to reality. I shot up out of 
the bed.

�It�s okay, you�re in a hospital. My name is Dr. Mitchell. How are you 

�I feel a lot better. Is my brother okay? Can I see him?�

�All three of the boys that we found with you are healthy. But I need 
to ask you a few questions before we let you get up. You said there was 
no one else in the house. Where are your parents? Also I noticed that 
all four of you are wearing diapers and have a lot of unhealthy drugs 
in your systems. Can you explain that for me? And finally, you are the 
only one that seems able to communicate with us. Is there something 
wrong with the others?�

I explained the entire situation. The kidnapping, the torture, the 
lady, the families, the training�he just sat there and listened. I 
started to weep uncontrollably. I asked to see Max. I begged to see my 
brother. He lifted me out of the bed and took me to Max. I grabbed him 
out of his bed and squeezed him tight. I grabbed me and hugged me. He 
smiled a big smile and giggled a little. I cried some more. Dr. 
Mitchell put his hand on my shoulder and watched me hold my little 
brother. He said he would call the police and get a hold of my mom. MY 

It has been six months now since that day. Two months passed before I 
was out of diapers again, at least during the day. I still have to wear 
them to bed, because I have trouble controlling myself. I have regained 
all of the strength in my muscles, though. I have nightmares pretty 
often about the whole situation.

Max had to wear diapers day and night for the entire six months. He is 
just now starting to be potty trained again. It took him almost a month 
to start talking and doing things on his own again. His muscles have 
regained their strength, but he still has the mental capacity of about 
a five-year-old.

My mom had to quit her job, but we are receiving victims� benefits from 
the state to help us through our situation. She has to be there for us 
24/7. And even when we are completely recovered, I have the feeling she 
will not leave us alone for a while.

The twins have taken a while to be re-potty trained again, too. They 
are still really close friends and are at our house a lot. But usually 
inside now.

The police never found the lady that kidnapped us, but due to some 
paperwork that survived the fire, seven children have been returned to 
their real families and five couples were arrested for �adopting� them.

I have to admit. I do actually enjoy our new life. Our family is 
closer. Our friends are closer and I confess: I like wearing the 
diapers to bed. I would hate to ever have to go through something like 
this again. But if I had to do it, I would do it again for my brother, 
�cause that�s what big brothers are for.

This story was a complete work of fiction. All the characters and 
situations were completely made up. Kidnapping is wrong! (but kind of 
fun to read about WHEN IT IS FICTION).

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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