
All Aboard!







Current Age:

Not given

Posting Date:

Posted 09/06/09, updated 12/13/09

Story Contents:

A- Post-toddler (4-8)*


R- Sisters, other girls*

B- Pre-teen (9-12)*

S- Babysitters

C- Teen (13-17)

T- Masturbation

D- Adult (18+)


U- Sexual situations

E- Cloth diapers*

V- Gay

F- Disposable diapers

W- Erections

G- Pee

X- Bedwetting

H- Poop*

Y- Accidents


I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*

Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline


J- Multiple diapers*

1- Female Domination*

K- Baby paraphernalia

2- Enemas

L- Mother


3- Restraints


M- Father


4- Crying

N- Aunt


5- Spanking


O- Uncle


6- Humiliation

P- Brothers (diapered)


7- Babying

Q- Brothers (not diapered)


8- Regression


*Denotes Deekerian story elements





This is a story about a 12 year old boy named Cody who gets put in a diaper for the first time since he was a little boy.

Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]:

19 (95%)



All Aboard!

(An up and coming story series)


Summary: Matt, a socially outcasted 16 year old undergoes a surprising transformation in whole new surroundings when an acquaintance of his makes a simple mix up…




Note: Though this is the first in the series, there will not be a lot of diapers mentioned, seen, or worn. Though there may be some references, I find it unfitting (no pun intended) that diapers are used in the storyline so soon. It’s also really long, but I hope it’s detailed enough for you. Though the prologue is pretty detailed, it’s a stable ground for the upcoming events. As well, this series is purely fictional, and can be very uncomfortable to some viewers. If you are uncomfortable around diapers and gay relationships, then read no further. If you either enjoyed this prologue, or didn’t, I’d love some feedback and ideas for further down the series. E-mail me @ DiaperedM@gmail.com, and I hope you enjoy it.




Chapter One: Good Morning, Mister Auburn…


Beep Beep Beep!


“Eugh… Here comes another 10 months of absolute torture…” I yell to the heavens as I slam the snooze button on my alarm clock. My mother laughs from downstairs, “ Good morning to you too, Matt.”. I can’t help but grin at this. I jump down from my captain’s bed to look at my clock. 6:00 AM. To this day, I have no idea why I continue to wake up at such an ungodly hour, but my bus leaves at 7:30, and I need time to prepare, especially for my first day. I slump a few feet outside of my room and into the bathroom in a sleep-deprived haze. As I prepare myself for a shower, I look at myself in the mirror. Amidst the pink interior of the bathroom and white window, stood a naked, shaven, slender 16-year-old boy. At 120 pounds, there I stood, with a miniature belly, and short, matted brown hair. I step into the shower, and finish my bathroom activities at a slow pace. A half an hour later, I emerge from the pink bathroom, in a white towel, and back into my room, where I surf the web and socialize with the few people that are on at 6:30. As I spaced out looking in front of the screen, an incessant noise erupted from my iPhone beside my desk. Looking at the display of Sonic The Hedgehog, I knew it had to be my friend Josh. Since last year, I got to know Josh a bit better, and we hang out often. We come from similar families, with similar goals in mind. Hopefully, we become best friends. As I slid my finger over the ‘touch to view’ box, I saw in bold text, “Ready for your first day, champ?” I smiled at this, and debated whether a f**k you or an absolutely would fit. I went for the happy medium, and typed “Up yours” with a smiley face. I then looked at the time, and saw 7:10am. I quickly put on a pair of white briefs, which were a size, too small, a pair of black socks and hastily put on my school uniform, consisting of black charcoal pants and a white long-sleeved polo with the school crest. I then put on my newly purchased watch, and jammed my wallet, phone, house keys, and bus pass into various pockets. I then slung a fully equipped knapsack over my shoulder, and turned off the lights to my room. I hastily bolted down the stairs, and took a left into the kitchen, where my mom was standing, making oatmeal. By this time, I check the kitchen counter clock as it read 7:22am. “Hey sweetie, would you care for some oatmeal before you head off for your first day?” She said, smiling. “I can’t mom, I’m probably going to miss the bus, but it’s the thought that counts.” I replied, kissing her on the cheek. I enjoy my family more than anything in the world, as in essence, there basically all I have. With my dad off to work, I put on my blue tennis shoes and slipped on my green hoodie. I unlocked the door, yelled good-bye at the top of my lungs, and slammed the door shut. I looked up at the sky. Grey. Looks like rain. With few clouds in sight, I run left along my long driveway and cross the street, then taking a right while walking to the bus stop. I don’t see the bus yet, so I lean against the electric pole with the bus stop sign above my head by about a meter. While I space out for a good minute, I admire my house. Glancing on the 45-degree angle, I eye my fairly average blue house with a white trim, with a crimson red door as eye-candy. Running along side is a blue fence with shields the large backyard behind it, yielding a Jacuzzi, in-ground Pool with a pool house to boot. A minute later, a large, white city bus blocks my view. I wait until the doors open, while fumbling in my pocket for my bus pass. I then flash him my bus pass, muster up a fake smile, and whisper good morning to Frank, a bus driver who knows me all to well. With a cheerful smile, he replies back, “Good Morning, Mister Auburn…” Before I sit down, I demand the blend of coffee he drinks, as I believe no man can be that happy at 7:29 in the morning. He chuckles, and I sit down. I turn the iPhone on, shuffle the music, and gaze deeply into the overcast skies while Paramore plays.


Chapter Two: Welcome Back, Mister Auburn!


I get off of the bus stop right in front of my school. Turning the music off, I put my hood up and trudge the few meters through what seems to be heavy rain. I don’t mind it at all, but it takes a toll on my mood after a while. I look at my watch. The turquoise fingers point to 7:49 am. Damn it, I mutter to myself, I hate getting here early. Class doesn’t start until 8:15. At times, I wish I would take the later bus, but I fear that I would be late for class. Though I may not have much of a social life, I feel obliged to make it up in my school marks. I walk through the double doors and into the forum; a wide, open space that exploits various social divides and cliques. None to which I am apart of. Plus, at this time, it’s virtually empty. I turn right and walk my usual rectangular-like circuit around the first floor, where I casually walk and talk to other peers and the odd teacher. I continue this for about ten minutes, until I walk by the Special Education offices, where disabled kids are loaded off of the ‘Special’ busses and are herded into the hallway for their normal routine. At points, I pity and envy them. Though they may be doomed to be in a vegetative state until they die, they are always excited no matter what the circumstance, and are top priority by the staff. At points, I feel as if some teachers are emotionally attached to these kids, as if they were their own children. They are babied constantly, something I envy the most out of the Special Education program. I venture further through the hallway, where the children bound in wheelchairs are lined up for attendance outside the Youth Center Office. I glance over at them, and notice a specific boy in a wheelchair. He caught my eye with his odd rainbow-colored seat belt, which secured his midline. I glanced a tiny bit higher just to notice see top trim of a white, thick, disposable diaper. I found this intriguing, and apparently, my penis thought so too, as it ‘rose’ to the thought. In an attempt to hide it, I walked a few feet further to a corner where the phonebooks were located, and brushed my penis downward while facing a phone. Wearing tight briefs, this was no easy task, but I was successful. This was surprising to me. How could I be aroused almost instantaneously by an infantile-like item? I wasn’t sure whether to be grossed out or embarrassed. By the time I ran a full rectangular circuit, the regular school busses pulled up outside, and released a few hundred of disappointed kids. One to which was a good friend of mine, Josh. As usual, I ran up the staircase to the third floor, where we usually would meet at my locker. A few minutes later, there he was, clad in the identical uniform, but in black hoodie, black Lacoste runners, and a navy blue rimmed cap. I smiled, hugged him, and we just walked around the school talking and socializing with some other friends. Though it may seem like I know many people, inside, I’m just a certain face with a certain title that not too many value as friend-material. I’m an acquired taste, hoping that people will get enough of a taste to actually like me for who I am. Unlike 90% of the average teens at this school, I don’t drown my sorrows in cheap beer or get high. As this is a huge turn off to others, it’s unfair that I’m being shoved aside simply because I don’t give in to such peer pressure. The bell rings, and we all roam to our first period classes. Okay, I say to myself. First up on the list, Anthropology with a Mister Zois. I had him last year, same period, same semester, but with Civics. Let’s see how we do…




During the day, nothing really special happens. Same boring first day stuff, class expectations, class coverage, forms to sign, and blah blah blah…. Things didn’t really heat up until I went to religion class, my last period of the day. Not only did I eye Josh, my good friend. I saw Erin with her boyfriend, Shane. I’ve had some thoughts about her, but I wasn’t sure if I would go steady with her. She smiled when she saw me, and came over and had a nice conversation. Your classic ‘How was your summer’ topic, and what not. I cooked up some fresh lies, as my summer wasn’t eventful. At all. They usually never are. For all I know, she’s just a pretty face with a decent personality. I sat beside Josh, and we basically slept the entire class in the back row. Minutes later, my sleep was interrupted by Shane and Erin, publicly displaying a dispute in the middle of the class. Mister Wong, totally unfazed by all of this, told them to solve the dispute quickly, as one should often resort to peace in a stormy dispute. Shane smiled at this, and told her that it was over. Right then and there. By this time, the entire class was open mouthed, in shock. Erin rushed out of the classroom in tears, running as fast as her slender body could. In a split second, I decided I would attempt at being hero. This was a major risk, as I had no friends, and my social skills were awkward. On the plus, I could have a girlfriend – for once. I rushed seconds after her, while Josh cheered for me. I jumped over my desk, and sped after her. I ran to my right, and opened the first door to the stairs, using the sounds of sobbing as my GPS. I saw her on the landing of the staircase, in a total mess. Propped up against the railing, hands covering her face. As the door shut loudly, she quickly glared at me, but smiled faintly. I jumped the small set of stairs and sat beside her. We talked it out, and I got her to realize that there were better people out there for her. As she confided in me, I really wanted her to kiss me. I wanted my first kiss, and there was no better, romantic time. After about ten minutes, I was surprised that the teacher didn’t care at all. I guess it didn’t matter. It was religion, after all. I told her we should go back to class, but she told me to wait. I helped her up, and we gazed into each other’s eyes. Seize The Day! I yelled to myself, and I leaned in for a kiss. Our lips touched, but I honestly felt nothing. This was weird. I thought there was more to this. Television has lied to me once again. I felt nothing, nothing at all. I quickly halted what would have been more, and walked into class. Before we went in, she asked what was that for? I replied, “I’m not sure, I don’t think I can date you, at all.” With this, I went back into the classroom, counting the minutes left with Josh until it all was over.


Chapter Three: The Satisfying Lunch


As the final bell rang, I gave out a sigh of relief. One down, countless other days to go, I said to myself. I exited the classroom, and quickly ran to my locker to put my things away for the day. I told Josh I would meet him at his locker and see what we would do then. I arrived at his locker minutes later on the first floor, and we had decided we were hungry and wouldn’t mind getting some food. The nearest place of interest was a coffee shop just down the hill from our school. This coffee shop basically housed several students on lunch breaks and after schools. Their food was simple, superb, and at a decent price. As we entered, I saw tons of students sitting down, unwinding after a long school day. This was a chill environment, so I bought a coffee and sat down. I looked around, and saw some friendly faces. Josh and I shot the shit, and talked about our day in little detail. I felt like talking to him this morning, about my erection over the diapers. If there’s one thing that is truly unique about myself, I am really open with others, and myself and am free spirited when it comes to sharing my mind with others. I tell what is on my mind, without hesitation to anyone or anything. So I decided to go for it, and told him about this morning. Instead of being grossed out about it and leaving abruptly, Josh laughed softly, and said this, “I’ve heard a bit about it on the Internet, it’s most definitely a type of fetish. It’s not normal, but who isn’t. I’ve heard worse.” I smiled at this, and then he asked, “What the hell happened during religion today?” I laughed aloud about this, and told him about it. I even told him about how I felt nothing when we kissed. He replied by saying, “Whatever stud, she just wasn’t right for you.” I smiled at this, and began to glance around. By this time, the place had hollowed out, leaving a few tables completely full but less than there was before. I glanced over at one of the larger tables, and locked eyes with one of the boys. I’ve seen him before, he was in band, the only club I belong to in school. The only place where I really belonged. Mitch, I believe, was his name. He was slim and slender, with fair, blonde hair. Brown eyes, and completely cute. I smiled at him, and he did likewise. He got out of his chair, and came over to speak to me. “So, did you know that band starts up tomorrow? I’d really like to see you there.” I smiled again and said sure, and that I couldn’t wait to see him again tomorrow. He smiled again, and left to join his group friends. Shortly after this, Josh and I decided to call it a day, and I took the bus home.




Chapter Four: Self-Discovery


After getting off of the bus stop, I stepped through the front door, greeted my mom and dad, and quickly bolted up to my room. I unpacked, and did all my schoolwork. Everything is usually routine at the homestead. Greet parents, get work done, dinner, free time, sleep. This was all going accordingly until I decided to explore what Josh had said.




 For the next few hours, I was searching up on my supposed ‘fetish’. I decided to extend my knowledge, and search it up using the free time that I had. During this time, I found out I am not alone and definitely not weird. This fetish is called ABDL, otherwise known as an Adult Baby or Diaper Lover, where people also find diapers a major turn-on. I read more into this, and even the stories people had written on them. I also realized that a diaper could be stimulated through wearing multiple pairs of white briefs. Now personally, I would be eager to run to the nearest convenience store and buy out all of the size seven pampers in the store, but I was afraid. I would never want my parents to know, as they would be ashamed. If they found out, I would be devastated. I decided to keep them and my separate diaper loving life separate, and put on every single white brief I had in my underwear drawer. About 2 minutes later, my hard penis was sheltered by at least 20 pairs of underwear. Never had me, or my penis been so excited in our lives. I can’t believe how noticing one single diaper could lead to this. It’s been many months since I was this excited. Within the next minute, I was sprawled out on my bed, laptop on my pillow, with just my multiple pairs of underwear on. I began to explore. I dry humped my bed with everything I had. The multiple pairs of underwear fit snugly against my groin as I kept pushing my enforced penis against my mattress. Through every hump, my dick got harder, until it decided to blow it’s load all over the inside of my white briefs. I smiled at this, and began massaging my dick by grabbing it through my bulging, heavily padded private area. After a lengthy massaging of my penis, the entire inside front of my brief was coated in my own jizz. Shortly after this, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I freaked out, and decided that enough is enough, and cash in my eight hours of sleep. I put my head to the pillow, and drifted away.


Chapter Five: The Appreciation of Bands and Dance Lovers


During the night, I dreamt constantly about the cuter boys in my grade. But only one of them really stiffened my pole. It was Mitch, and how he saved me from a burning building in just a size six pamper. It was the most manliest, hottest thing I’ve ever seen. The strangest thing was that there were no women in these diapered fantasies. Could it be that I have a strong sexual preference towards men than women? Eugh, what great shame I would bring to my family if they knew. I removed my multiple pairs of underwear, and had to peel off the stickiest pair, which really took a ‘beating’, as I double coated it during the night to the point where it even soaked the second layer of underwear. I showered, got dressed, the whole morning routine. From there, I got on the bus, and the rest of the day was boring. Same classes, new lessons, more notes, same workload. There was one thing that I really looked forward to. Band practice. I suddenly remembered this during the last few minutes of fifth period religion. As the bell rang, I ran down the staircase from the third floor to the first. From there, I took a right and into the band room. I picked up a tenor saxophone, my instrument of choice, and sat down with Alexa and Tony, my band buddies. From there, we just blasted notes as I gazed intently at Mitch, who was a few seats down from where I was sitting. When the class had assembled their instruments, we were welcomed into another year of band by Miss Leo, and learned a few songs as a band. Miss Leo had fair, black hair, with a long face with a fair complexion. This carried on for the next hour, until we put our instruments away. She had a professional edge to her, but she spoke like a hippy. When we all sat down, Miss Leo had this to say, “Alright dudes, so here’s what we got. This may seem sudden for some, but I wouldn’t want any of you guys to miss this opportunity. A group of school boards, including ours, have came up with the idea that it would be splendid to educate our school’s band and dance programs about various dance and musical icons throughout the 20th century. Now as boring as it sounds, what I’m about to say will turn those frowns upside down. Not only will some of these band and dance icons be at this get-together, this get-together will be on a cruise ship! That’s right, a cruise ship!” By this point, cheers erupted, and high fives were spread all around, like the last day of summer on High School Musical. As the class calmed down, she continued, “ For about a week, many school’s band and dance programs – including our programs, will partake on a breath taking cruise to Hawaii! Now this may be a lot of missed days of school, but you will be pardoned…” At this point, I spaced out completely on what she had to say, and focus on a few choice things. Cruise. Hawaii. Mitch on this cruise. Inside, I was thinking of all the exciting adventures we could have on this cruise as Miss Leo droned on about the celebrities attending. Before we were dismissed, she made this very clear, “ Now, there are two ways to obtain your ticket on this awesome cruise. Because I thought a few of you would want to come on this trip, I only purchased ten from the board. If you really want to come on this trip, which I’m sure many of you will, they will be on sale at the Travel Agency at the mall. I will be here early tomorrow, so make sure you bring a deposit of $450 for your ticket. First come, first serve, people! The cruise ship will be at Metal Harbor, and is to set sail next Tuesday, 9:30am. They will start accepting passengers at 7:00am. All you need to know is on the itinerary, which you should probably pick up before you leave today. That being said, you’re dismissed. Get out!” She yelled jokingly.




That night I couldn’t sleep. I barely had enough focus to finish my schoolwork, let alone indulge in my multiple, thick briefed pleasures. I lay awake in bed, spread eagle, covered only in 26 pairs of white briefs, thinking about all of the good times that will be had on this cruise. As I pictured my sexual fantasies that would occur on this trip, I dry humped the bed mercilessly. Finally, at around 2am, I was down for the count.


Chapter Six: The Early Bird Gets The Worm.


GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I screeched as I woke up this morning. I read the alarm clock. 7:58am. Shit, shit! I forgot to set my alarm the night before! Knowing I was ultimately screwed, I got up, and undressed my thickly padded groin. As I did this, I noticed that through all my excitement over the night, I wet myself. Luckily, it didn’t show on the bed, but it did wreck most of my brief supply. I showered and hastily packed up my things for school. As I ran down the stairs, my mom approached me and said, “Hold it, what’s up with the loud morning? You’re not usually fast and furious when you miss your bus”. I began to quickly keep her up to date on my band escapade, being the cruise. I told her that since I’ve probably missed my chance at buying my ticket from Miss Leo, I would have to purchase it at the community center. I figured I might as well tell her, as she will be paying for it. Leaving out Mitch, she understood, and gave me a ride to school. As I was leaving the car and attempting to head to the entrance to the school, she told me to wait, and fished her credit card out of her wallet and placed it in my hands. “This is for the cruise, and lunch. But don’t go ordering no Filet Mignon.” She said, attempting a poor French accent on the Filet Mignon. I gave her a smile, and quickly bolted to my morning Anthropology class.




My morning classes were same old, same old. Tests coming up, affecting our midterms… yadda yadda. I spent the entire morning gazing at the fall sun, day dreaming about the cruise until the lunch bell rang. I met up with Josh, and we grabbed a bite to eat down at the coffee shop. When we returned back to the school, we walked around the first floor until I saw Mitch sitting alone against his locker. I told Josh I needed to talk to Mitch, so I’d catch up to him later. As he accelerated forward, I slowed my pace, and sat beside him. “Why so glum, Mister Tungsten?” I said in a loud whisper. He smiled at this, but then replied back in the same tone, “I was too late, and I couldn’t get a ticket.” I smiled at this. “Dude, I didn’t either. If you have the money, you and I can go bus down to the community center and get out tickets. No big deal.” “Thanks Matt. Yeah sure, I guess we can do that. Do you mind if Alex came along? He missed out on the boat too, no pun intended.” He chuckled at his corny play on words, but I decided to play along. Alex was our band’s drummer. I never really put attention to his physical features, but from what I heard, he was a total skater who would spend his weekends with some mates at the skate park. I said why not, and that I’d catch him later. We high-fived, and I got up to look for Josh.




After the final bell rang, I ran down to my locker and put my stuff away, then nearly flying down the stairs to get to the front entrance. When I arrived, both Alex and Mitch were there, waving at me. Alex was…wow. His long brown hair covered the top of his head, and sheltered the most beautiful part of his body – his eyes. They were an intense purple contact, which I knew immediately was not his natural eye color. Regardless, he still was very cute, and totally had the average Caucasian skater’s body. I greeted him with a “Sup” and we departed to the bus stop.




During the half hour bus ride to the community center, it was like a never-ending three way conversation. We talked avidly about the cruise, and how awesome it would be. Mitch was really into music, and said he even played guitar. I was really interested in what he had to say. I was head over heels for him, but I was too afraid to show it. Let’s face it; I was totally gay for him. Isn’t it obvious? I said to myself. It was as if right then and there, that I truly was 100% sure that I preferred an intimate relationship with a man rather than a woman. Though it was exciting, and liberating, I just had to keep it secret. If the school found out, they would be merciless. They just wouldn’t understand, like my parents. As chill as my parents are, I was afraid they would look down upon me. I decided to keep this newfound self-discovery to myself – for now. Amidst the deep conversation going on, I was able to eye the bus stop outside the community center, and pulled the cord to get off.

 The boys followed suite, and we got off the bus. As we walked into the large building, I decided that I should go and get the tickets, as Mitch had paid for my bus fare. I collected their thick envelopes of cash, and proceeded to go to the front desk, while Mitch and Alex continued their conversation. The entrance room was very grand, with marble paneling with a gold metallic trim. I approached the semi circular desk that matched the paneling, and asked if I could get tickets for the cruise ship. She smiled at me sweetly, and told me to go purchase them at the machine over there, as she pointed to the left of her, displaying yet another grand, intimidating machine which spewed out what would hopefully soon be my fantasy – at a price. I walked casually over to the machine, and purchased my tickets. $1350 dollars later, I was awarded with 3 pink tickets for The Appreciation of Bands and Dance Lovers and a thank you by the machine. I walked back over to Mitch and Alex, with mile-wide smiles as I handed them their tickets. From there, we said our goodbyes, and disbanded home.


Later on that night, as I was in bed, I got a text message from Mitch, expressing his gratitude and that he couldn’t wait to be on the cruise. I agreed, and said good night. He replied with “sweet dreams”, followed up with a winking face. Then came a thought to my mind. Though they say beauty is only skin deep, I wonder how beauty’s definition would differ if the skin were plastered in 50 pairs of white briefs? I smiled at the thought, and nodded off.



All Aboard!


Chapter Seven: All Aboard The SS Dawn Waves!


Six Days Later: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009.


So why can’t you see

You belong with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

You belong with me…


I woke up with a startle. I then smiled briefly. Today was the day. Today was the day I broke out of my shell and started my operation to swoon over Mitch Tungsten. Damn, how liberating. I awoke from my bed, and took off my soggy briefs, and just stuffed them in the laundry hamper. I turned off my radio alarm and checked the time. 7:34am. I showered, and did my whole bathroom activity while trying to sing the rest of the song that I heard on the radio that morning. Was it Taylor Swift? Who knows? I hastily packed for the next seven days, including 40 white briefs, and my favorite doll, Tails from the Sonic The Hedgehog series. Damn if there was only one cartoon I would see for the rest of my life, it would be Sonic. There’s something about him and his crew that I find interesting. I love it never the less. At around 8, I was ready to go. I bolted down the stairs to see a note on the table and a nice stack of cash, which I pocketed almost sub-consciously. I read the note…


Hey Matt,

I’m sorry to see you off; I had some things to do for the office.

I’ll see you in seven days, and don’t spend all the cash in one place!


 Love, Mom. XOXOXO


I smirked at this, but inside, I was crying. My mom or dad was never there when I really needed them. If it weren’t for their conspicuous income they generated, I would never have survived. But money can’t buy one everything. Deciding to put my newfound personality to the test, I decided to trace Mitch’s number from the text from last night. I asked if he wanted to meet me, he said sure, and that he’s see me in fifteen. I left the house, and bolted down to Metal Harbor. It was only a 15-minute walk, so it was all right.




At the front gates of the gigantic metal harbor, an industrial boat dock, I met Mitch. It was packed, so we were lucky to find each other. The parking lot was maxxed out, probably for our trip. We smiled, and walked up to the office building. We handed the receptionist lady our tickets behind the small metal desk and she told us that dock three would be where the boat is. As she handed us the tickets back, we thanked her, and proceeded to dock 4, where the SS Dawn Waves was soon to be departing. As we walked to dock 4, I checked my watch. It’s only 8:35am, and Miss Leo said it would depart at 9:00. She was dead wrong, as always. She always was one to skip out on the important issues. Anyways, we headed to the SS Dawn Waves, and waited to board the ship. We turned a corner around some large freight boxes and saw the boat. One word. Stunning. It looked like a total cruise liner, with a baby blue paint job with a white top trim. Spelt in various colored baby blocks spelt S.S Dawn Waves. As we were in this line, Alex met us, and we waited in line together. The rest of people in the line were at least between the ages of 8-16, and we were the only 16-year-old boys. Funny, I thought this was a high school cruise. I also saw no decorations to commemorate the name of the event. It may be on the ship, or whatever. Then I checked my ticket, to which I did not do before. It looks in order. The ABDL Cruise for Adolescents. Was this the short form for Appreciation of Bands and Dance Lovers? Sounds like it. Whatever, It could be a boat where we would be pulled into slavery, but as long as I was with Mitch, with Alex as an added bonus, that’s all that mattered. As the female attendant finally checked us, we were told to follow the gateway, which would lead to the stairs to the boat. The staircase was enclosed, and we began to walk up it. It leads to a bright blue room, with dark brown hardwood floors. Almost instantly, three women came in and greeted us. They wore pink, frilly aprons with white blouses and shoes. In unison, they cheered, “Welcome to the ABDL cruise! Please follow us, we must detoxify your body.” “Hold up!” Alex yelled. “I thought this was a cruise for the appreciation of music. I’m pretty sure ABDL is the abbreviation for The Appreciation of Bands and Dance Lovers.” The girls looked at each other, and laughed. “Silly boys, ABDL means Adolescent Baby Diaper Lovers cruise! Now enough said, follow us before we make sure you follow us.” Mitch and Alex hesitated, but I followed suite with the girl, smiling to them “Come on guys, it won’t be that bad.” I guess they took heed, and went with their girls. I couldn’t stop smiling, though I tried to hide it. I knew all about this. Mitch, Alex and I were going on one crazy cruise they would never forget. Before I was put into the detoxifying room, the intercom went on. “Attention attendants and young gentlemen, all aboard! The SS Dawn Waves is departing now, so attendants near staircases, please detach them. Thank you, and enjoy your time on board, boys. You may continue detox.” I smiled, and was then placed in the room.


Day One


Chapter Eight: The Detoxifying Stage


“Alright Matt, If you would so kindly follow me into the room, we can make this detoxifying stage pass as quick as possible so you can explore the ship!” She said smiling, as she opened the door. I said no problem, and quickly hustled through the door with this lady. “By the way, I’m Laurel, one of the ‘Babysitters’ on the ship. It’s nice to work with the older kids, there more… defiant.” Laurel said. “Nice to meet you, too, Laurel. I wouldn’t dare be defiant on this cruise. I don’t want to be punished, I just want to make the best out of a horrible situation.”

She smiled, and awed. “It won’t be so bad, just trust me, you’ll love it. Anyways, first things first, strip down and hop into this,” As she tore off the sheet. The cover revealed a fair-sized in-ground Jacuzzi. With no hesitation whatsoever, I stripped down faster than Sonic The Hedgehog and stepped into the Jacuzzi. She turned the jets and bubbles on, and I tuned myself out for at least a half hour, just relaxing. Damn, I thought. I bet this cruise will beat the shit out of the music cruise.




After this half hour, the jets automatically turned off, and she instructed me to get out of the tub. She put a towel on me, and asked me to lay flat on the cushioned table in the far right corner of the room. I did so willingly, and then she asks, “I need you to remove the towel and get your bum high in the air. I’m putting an enema tube in there. This will be the last thing, I promise, and you can meet up with your friends.” I agreed, and lifted my butt in the air, as she placed a lubricated tube up my anus. I laid down slowly, as warm water and an acidic substance slowly flowed freely into my ass. After a few minutes of it, I really needed to go to the bathroom. As I announced this, she unplugged the now-dry tube, and told me to go into the bathroom behind her. I ran into the bathroom. As I was unloading warm, soapy, anal water in the toilet, the calming, blue tiled bathroom held the most precious thing; a bay window viewing the aesthetically pleasing water. As I was admiring this, Laurel walked in. “All done? Alright, here’s the final touch…” She said, as she pulled out an even more aesthetically pleasing item – A thick, white, diaper. “Yes, I do hope you know what this is, and I know this doesn’t surprise you. Do you want to put it on or shall I?” She said. I thought this out, and decided this. “ Would it be possible if you could change me on the bay window? She smiled, and said, “I guess. The view is pretty awesome.” Having said that, I laid down on the bay window as she lifted my legs and wiped the excess water from my butt with a wipe she pulled from her apron. She then opened the sink cupboard and picked out some baby powder and diaper cream. She sprinkled the baby powder everywhere on my groin area. It felt refreshing, like a light shower of snow. She then smoothed the cream everywhere on my waist. Having done this, she unfolded the diaper. She placed it underneath my bottom, still in the air, as I slowly lay down. She taped it on with her surprisingly lightening quick hands. After this, I stood. This was too real. The snug diaper fit surprisingly well. I wasn’t going to feel myself at the moment, as a lady was present. She told me it was all right to leave, so I said thanks a lot, and opened the door.


Chapter Nine: The Rocking Boat


I was the first to leave the chambers. The receptionist babysitter kindly asked me to sit and wait for Alex and Mitch while they finished up. This time more kids were in the room, and another one was instructed to go see Laurel. Shit, I thought. I should have known Alex and Mitch weren’t going to play along as well as I would. I waited on a navy blue sofa in the orange-crème colored waiting room until I heard the first lock click on the metal middle door. Out came Mitch, also clad in a thick, white diaper. Words can’t describe how…. Fiery he looked. He was clearly pissed, but damn. He put his hands on his hips and pouted, as I took in his stunning body. He looked straight ahead at me, clearly pissed. He walked over to me, and sat beside me. Quietly, I said. “How was it?”. He turned to me, and whispered back, “I was really wierded out by it all, and I am kind of pissed at you, but it wasn’t all that bad, except for the enema part, I never want to relive that part ever again.” He said, half-smiling at me. A split second after this, the door swung open and hit the wall with a crash. Out came one infuriated Alex, right hand opening the door, his face held down, in one, snug diaper as well. Totally nude, exposing his semi-tanned body. With this, we all stood up. As we did so, the receptionist yelled for us to go to her desk. We did so, and received magnetic cards. “These are for your room. Once you get there, you will fill out a form for the customization of the room. There are only about six 14+ year olds, so you guys will have the whole second deck to yourselves. A lot of space for six little boys. Go to the room, fill out the form, and have a nice nap. You guys have had a stressful day.” We nodded in unison, and walked out the exit door. It was dark and dingy, as if we were in the mechanical room. There were six clinical detoxing rooms, with a metal walkway connecting to all six, three to each side. We proceeded right to the staircase up. We walked up the stairs to be immediately hit by the beautiful sun and back deck of the Dawn Waves. As Mitch and Alex walked towards the elevator to the second floor, I hung over the railing, watching the waves collide peacefully against the light blue hull of the ship. “Damn, going to be a good trip, boys!” Mitch laughed, while Alex stopped and shouted out “UP YOURS MATT! YOU’RE THE MAN WHO GOT US INTO THIS DAMN MESS.”

I knew he was pissed, so I decided to razz him up a bit. “A mess? You shat yourself already?” I giggled, and Mitch roared. Mitch didn’t care I guess, he too, is notorious for making the best out of any situation. Alex replied, “Fuck you Matt. If I were you, I wouldn’t dare rock the boat between you and me. I barely know you and I’m beginning I shouldn’t have taken the time to know you.” He flipped me off and got into his own elevator, leaving Mitch and me to share the left one.




The back deck was pretty grand, looking at it from the elevator. It contained a kidney-shaped wave pool with beautiful chaise lounges. Underneath this was a beautiful bed of white sand with various colored, plastic digging pales and shovels. It was empty, and I wondered why. I guess everyone was down for the count. “Don’t look so wierded out Matt.” Mitch said soothingly. “Alex tends to get hot-headed over forcefully adapting to change. I was too, but I really kind of liked it. Don’t tell anybody, though. I’m sure it was an honest mistake that we got the wrong tickets, but it is what it is. Faith brought us together and sent us on this cruise, that’s how I see it. But I’m not sure if you saw it, but he had a mile-wide grin when he busted the door open.” We laughed at this as we walked out of the elevator. Honestly, I never saw the boat so bare. The decks were totally empty. I stared out in the open ocean. This time, Mitch joined me. His beautiful eyes stared meaningfully into the water with his beautiful blond hair blowing away from his face. I stared at him, and I really wanted to tell him I was gay, and that I wanted him more than anything. But instead, he replied, “You weren’t kidding when you said this was going to be a good week, hm? It looks beautiful. The ocean. The sky. It’s just perfect, but it’s just a shame that Alex isn’t taking it so well. Whatever, he’ll get over it. Anyways, can you believe that this whole deck is ours?” “Dude, I know. It’s crazy big. I love it though. Nothing is more of a major turn on than a deep, blue ocean. Our place is going to be huge, and will only be shared with the three of us! Wow.” We walked towards the front of the boat, which was a good 100-meter walk. There was no possible way this was ours to mess around with. Anyways, we got to the front of the boat. Suite 201. Mitch slid his card in, heard the click of the door, and we walked in.




Chapter Ten: The Sweet Suite


Holy shit was all I said. Not once, but at least a hundred times. We opened the room to see a large, open, rectangular room with a gigantic, circular marble fountain in the center. It was grand, with enough width on the edges for at least 8 people to sit around. I walked right up to the fountain, and looked to the left. To the left of the grand fountain lay a peculiar double door. It was a double-door made out of mahogany wood, with golden handles. Wedged between the doors was a golden envelope. On it read in bold, bronze colored cursive. DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU MEET THOSE ON THE FLOOR AND AFTER THE SEMINAR-DINNER. Seminar Dinner? I attempted to open the door. Locked. Damnit. “Matt. Holy balls. LOOK!” Mitch hollered, as I turned around. How could I be so blind? Past the fountain intruded a fair-sized cascade. A huge vertical stream of water coming from the top floor of this loft-like space flowing down to the bottom of a huge rock bed. Of course, both sides of the stream were lined with rocks. Hm, it must have something to do with the fountain. Nevertheless, it was precious. Either side of it were staircases coming down from the sides from the looks of it, the top floor was odd. Above the cascade was a horizontally straight wall. Then, at both sides, the walls went back, and veered off on a 45-degree angle. On these 45-degree angles, were staircases that descended down. The stairs were made of a cherry-red metal, with slate blue banisters, which complemented the cascade. To the base of these stairs were identical doors on both sides of the walls. These, too, were locked. “Matt, come up stairs and open the envelope. I’m too scared to open it.” He said, softly chuckling. Without hesitation, I bolted up the stairs to see what was going on. Upstairs, I was struck by beauty; and this time, not by Mitch. I stepped up and immediately my now bare feet were cushioned by velvety-feeling navy blue shag. I immediately saw straight ahead a wall mounted big-screen plasma with a wrap around chocolate brown couch. Suede, pretty. And of course, in the middle, was a circular matching coffee table. I hopped over the sofa and grabbed the letter. This time, it was in a thick, brown envelope, addressed to Masters Auburn, Tungsten, and Consture (Alex’s last name). It went like this:


Masters Auburn, Consture, and Tungsten,


As senior members of our ABDL cruise, you have been cordially invited to participate in our weekly challenges against your opposing team, being your neighbors. It is advised that you get to know them well, as they will be your adversaries for the next week. A lot is at steak, including an ultimate prize of a lifetime. More is to be said at the Seminar – Dinner this evening, which is absolutely MANDATORY for all staff and guests. This will commence at 7:30.


Much Appreciated,


Teo House


Dawn Waves Captain.


Instinctively, I checked my watch. 4:15am. Not bad, I have some spare time to check some stuff out. I heard a phone ring. It was from downstairs, on the table to the left of the fountain, beside a gigantic fridge. How could I miss that? I slid down the banister slowly and cautiously to go grab the phone. I picked it up. “Gentlemen of room 201. I hope you are enjoying the stay so far in your suite. For now, we would like you to stay in your rooms and fill out the forms for the additional things you would like in your room. In about an hour and a half from now, your babysitters will move into your room to ensure the best for you guys. Oh, and be sure to talk to your neighbors whenever your comfortable. Preferably before you go out to the seminar. Have a joyous time on the S.S Dawn Waves!” Click. I hung up too. Before Mitch asked who called, I instinctively summarized the call. Mitch was like, great, but before that, I’m totally freaking hungry. What’s in the fridge? Mitch said, as he ran down the stairs in his diaper. I smiled at this and said, “I’m not that hungry, check for yourself.” I walked up the stairs, and went to go look for the envelopes until we heard the door open. Alex. “Sup fucknuts! What it is?” Shouting, I said, “Wow Alex! You look so gangster in your diapers. Where’s the gold chain and wife beater?” He laughed and ran up the stairs and stood right in front of me. He raised his hands and … hugged me? “Matt, I’m really sorry about today. I flipped out, and it’s not your fault. I get hot headed and what not, and I really didn’t mean it.” I smiled, and hugged him back. “Don’t worry Alex, I wasn’t angry at all. We have to stay here for a while, go grab something out of the fridge, and relax.” We parted from the hug, and said. “Hell yeah, we’re supposed to stay here a few hours, one of the babysitters said, so why not make the best of it.” He ran down the stairs and opened the fridge. Mitch already grabbed a can of Vanilla Coke, and went upstairs to fill out a sheet. I sat down in the center of the big brown couch and picked up the form. I waited until everyone else was there, and began.




The form was like an order as to what we wanted into the room. We openly talked about it with each other. Alex and Mitch were hesitant at first, but I knew they were going to enjoy it. The questions asked were interesting. Do you want baby food or have the chefs make the food? Chefs, obviously. I then began to name my favorite foods for the menu part. Preferred wallpaper for the bedroom? Shoot, I’ve yet to check that out. Looking up, I saw three doors around me. One to the left of the upper floor, one to the right, and one to the right of the television. I got up, and opened the door beside the TV. Locked, damn. I turned around and picked the door on my right. Bingo, but totally freaking stunning. The walls were unpainted, but had hardwood floors. The bed was the best part. It was one of those gigantic beds, which sprawled from one end of the room to the other. It had a cerulean-colored duvet on it, which looked so comfortable. Without thinking, I jumped on it. Once I jumped on it, I heard a crunch. Past the duvet and the white under sheet was a plastic sheet. Fair enough, diaper leaks are common. I also saw a note on the front pillow. Behind it were at least 6 others. It read:


I’m pretty sure you big boys don’t need cribs.



I smiled at this. I can’t wait to meet the captain. Above it, was a glass window of the beautiful sapphire-like ocean. This also sprawled from one end of the room to the other. “Guys!” I roared. “Come look at the bed.” They jumped from the sofa and bolted from to the door. They too, jumped on the bed. “Dude, gold mine. Best week ever ahead.” Shouted Alex. “But quick question, what should we do with the walls? Any suggestions? I’m thinking cartoon, but who.” Mitch agreed. “Sounds splendid. I’m thinking Sonic The Hedgehog characters.” No way! I shouted in my mind. Could he enjoy Sonic just as much as I do? The three of us agreed – Sonic characters it was. As the boys enjoyed the bedroom some more, I quickly finished up the form. Some more questions ensued, here are a few. Disposable or Cloth diapers? Disposable, I guess. Do you prefer force feeding or self-feeding? Self, I don’t want to be totally dependent for the week. Finally, I stumbled upon the last question. Would you care to try out teenaged-baby products sent to us by our sponsors? You can reap various rewards. I was interested in this, and said yes. By this time, the boys had already finished, and both had said they wanted to try products. I thought they hated this cruise, but it sounds like their secretly enjoyed it. After finishing the survey, we piled them up on the tables and checked what was on the Television.




Halfway through a re-run of Drake & Josh, I had the strongest urge to pee. I ignored it throughout the day, as there were better things to worry about. I walked into the other room, thinking it was a bathroom. I opened the door, and the bathroom was just flawless. With a light-turquoise tiling head to toe, it accentuated the open shower and a way-modern sink, which matched the tiling. It had everything, instead of a toilet. Instead of this toilet, there was a large changing table. With tons of diapers underneath the enormous table. They were all size-7 pampers, still in their boxes. Beside these boxes, were boxes of colored plastic pants. My now comfortable dick was now both excited and comfortable. I sat back down, and told both of them that there was no toilet. They both laughed. “Obviously, this a Diaper Lover’s cruise. So you obviously have to use him.”, Alex said, Matter-of-factly. I laughed, “Fine, because I really have to piss. I guess I’ll have to wait for the babysitters.” “No problem, I can change you.” Mitch said, blushing. We both looked at him. “What? I have experience, I change my little brother all the time.” Okay, now I was seriously turned on. “Fine then, I’ll hold you up on your offer.” I smirked cockishly. “I don’t want to do it in front of you guys, so I’ll go get a drink to fuel the fire.” They were in tears after this, as I left to go pee downstairs. The rushing water of the cascade made things easier to flow into my diaper. Before I actually peed, I ran down the stairs and leaned against the wall. I then began to masturbate profusely. Mitch is going to change me, I’m so excited. It’s already the first day! What does this mean? I’ll find out after I do this. First, I blew my tiny load into my diaper, before the real fun began. A huge wave of urine totally soaked the thirsty diaper. Over the cascade, I heard nothing, but the warmth was all I needed to feel. The warmth of the urine hit the spot wonderfully. I had a massive erection to the point where I feared it would tear from the sodden diaper. It was noticeably wet, but it didn’t transfer to my hand as I patted my penis. Awesome. I ran up the stairs, sat down on the couch and announced, “I’m wet!” They both smirked and Mitch said, “You want to get changed now?” “No, the warmth of my piss is totally amazing right now, I’ll pester you when it gets cold, and when the shows over.” They laughed, and we continued watching the show.



Twenty minutes later, the novelty worn off, and the show ended. By this time, Alex, too, had wet himself. I had seen him do it. Mitch did too, and offered him a change after the episode. He graciously accepted. Anyways, I followed him into the bathroom, and he told me to hop up on the table. As I laid down, Mitch untapped the diaper, and by that time, I was as hard as wood. I smiled nervously. “Sorry, I’m not usually this excited…” “It’s alright, really. My brother does the same thing. It must be natural.” I smiled at this. This would never have happened on the music cruise. He continued. He rolled up the diaper, and placed it in the pail. He took out a fresh diaper, but powdered my front first. He then diapered me back up, and sent me out. “Next!” Mitch shouted, as I left the room. As soon as I left, I was surprised, it smelt awful. Exactly like shit. Instantly, I knew it was Alex. “Damnit Alex! Way to be full of surprises. He’s all yours , Mitch!” I said as I gently pushed Alex to Mitch. The scent, I didn’t mind at all. I continued to watch TV, until I heard the doorbell ring again. “Could you get it, Matt? I’m in a stinky situation.” Mitch giggled. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. It was Laurel, and another babysitter. “Hm, I forgot all about this room, it’s better than the other ones on this ship. The captain must really like you. Anyways, allow us to come in, we bear gifts.” Laurel said, bringing in our luggage on a cart. “By the way, this is Alexa, my good friend, and babysitter.” I greeted Alexa, and let them both come in. “Our rooms are the locked ones on the bottom floor,” Alexa explained. “We will live here with you, and cater to your needs.” As Alexa spoke, Mitch and Alex came down the staircase. “Sorry, I was on diaper duty.” Mitch spoke, smiling. “That’s alright, Mitch, we’re here to relieve you from such duties. I’m Laurel, and this is Alexa. We’re going to be living in the suite with you, to cater to your needs.” “Basically, we’re the mothers you will always want” Alexa said, giggling in the end. We laughed in unison, and I took my luggage upstairs. I then placed my luggage in my room, and put some decent clothes on. I went back downstairs, and saw the clock. 6:00pm. While the ladies were busy as bees readying their rooms; I rounded up my clothing-clad roommates. “As you may have known, we have been advised to get friendly with the neighbors. Wanna go meet ‘em?” I said, over soft drinks with Mitch and Alex at the living room once again. “But not too friendly. They are our adversaries, after all. But yeah, why not.” Mitch had said, Alex nodding in agreement. “Allrighty then. Laurel!” I yelled “Me and the boys are going to go see our neighbors. We’ll be back by 6. Could you do something with our forms while were gone? Thanks.” I said this in a rush as we left for the door. I heard a muffled “Okay, have fun” from Laurel before Mitch shut the door. As soon as we left the room, we were hit by the evening sky. Truly beautiful. This mesmerized me as we walked halfway across the ship. At this time, we saw small, diaper-clad children walking around with babysitters. Interesting, I noted. I kept admiring the sky until we reached room 202. Alex knocked on the door, while I tried to predict who was going to be behind the door.


Chapter Eleven: The Worthy Adversaries


The door creaked open to reveal a long, brown haired boy similar to Alex. “Ahh, you must be the dudes next door, I’m Tye. Come on in!” He said, as he swung the door wide open, with a welcoming arm gesture. We smiled politely as we entered the room. We said our thanks, and immediately tried to insinuate conversation with Tye for a bit. He was a fairly short teen with a fairly slim build. His hair to me was a turn on, but it hid his beautiful husky-blue eyes. I knew right away we would warm to him. “Great place, huh? Our place is just like this.” Mitch said, attempting to initiate conversation before we were interrupted from a noise above. “I smell shit that stinks worse than Tyeby.” A voice boomed. Suddenly, two other boys descended from down the stairs. Their layout was almost symmetrical than ours, except for the locked back door and the green wallpaper. “Oh, you chumps are the new neighbors. Right on, I’m Ethan, and the other dashing gentleman is Blaise.” We smiled, and I shook hands with both of them. They looked like total jerk-offs. They were the same size as the three of us, but clearly taller than Tye. Their egos weren’t big enough for the room, and clearly intimidated Tye just for fun. Public bullying brings my piss to boil. Jesus, their clearly jealous of Tye's looks, because they clearly had none. “Nice to finally meet the neighbors. Are you guys twins or something?” Alex said in a serious tone. “Nah, just close friends. We’ve been besties since Kindergarten.” Said Blaise. He’s clearly more of a henchman than he is a ‘bestie’. I guess you need someone to fuel the ego of such a prick. “Well it’s nice to finally meet you guys, I hope we can hold it out for the next week. You guys are welcome at our suite anytime.” I said cheerfully. Tye smiled at this, and Ethan and Blaise laughed. “Yeah, whatever.” Ethan said. “Anyways, Blaise have some unpacking to do, and I could use a new diaper. So essentially, please leave. Oh and if you want, bring Tye with you, he’s no use here.” I saw the emotional look on Tye’s face. Devastated. Heart just broke a bit. Without thinking I was like. “All right then, we’ll get out of your face while you do your shit. But honestly, treat your fucking roommates better; it could work in your favor. Come on boys, let’s go. Tye, you too. You’re welcome to be with us anytime!” I exclaimed and exited the room before Ethan had anything else to say. We all departed for the room. As we entered the room, we all got up the stairs, just soaking in what the hell just happened. Dead silence occurred as all four of us sat on the couch. Suddenly, Tye breaks down. Completely. As if instantly, I sidle up beside him, as Alex does so to his right. Mitch sits directly in front of him. “I’ve never had someone stand up for me…ever. Those guys are such pricks… They’re taking shit too seriously. The game that’s going on tonight… They’re being dead serious about it. They’re also busting me up…a lot. It’s getting to the point where it’s total abuse, and it hasn’t even been 4 hours yet!” Tye said, sobbing. “Don’t worry, bro, we’re going to get it all sorted out. Don’t you fucking worry. If not now, than very soon. You have my word.” I said, smiling down on him. He looked up to me with his tear- streaked face, and totally embraced me in this crazy, bear hug. Then he began to lie down on my lap crying his tears of joy/sorrow into my lap. Jesus, they were new pants. But oh well. I value a new friend over a pair of new pants.



After fifteen minutes of this, he got up, and nothing was said. I checked my watch as it said 7:00. Shoot, dinner in a half hour. “Guys, dinner is in a half hour. Go get changed…. Clothing and diaper wise. I need to quickly pinch one off, and I’ll get one of the babysitters to change me. Same for you, Tye. Oh, and help yourself to the fridge” I said to everyone, with a grin. As Mitch, Alex and I went into the rooms and got dressed, Tye went back to his room to put his formal suit on. I packed one just in case, so I didn’t need to grab the one laid out for me. Before I put my white dress pants on, I really had to poop. I could feel it being ready to be pushed out. So I decided to run down the stairs. As weird as this was, I couldn’t describe it, only actions could. I slid down the banister carelessly and jumped off at the bottom. Beside the fridge was a full-length mirror. Like in the dream I had, I secretly hid behind the fridge and packed as much diaper as I could between my butt cheeks. I then placed by butt in front of the mirror, and slowly watched my diaper sag as I dropped my load. I felt the warm; log of brown waste slowly hit my diaper with a soft cush sound. At this point, My dick was so hard, it was dotting my diapered front with semen. After dropping two never-ending logs, and my diaper sagging at least ten centimeters, I decided to hold up my diapered butt, and tap around. I felt it. A hard, brown, warm substance was concealed in my luscious diaper. The scent was glorious. Then I smirked, and leaned against the fridge. I could feel and hear the diaper smash into the fridge. I rubbed myself up and down, totally coating my asshole. I slid up and down the fridge until Alexa interrupted me. “Having fun? Allow me to wait until your finished. I’ll clean you right up. I’ll go get your pants for afterwards.” I smiled at this, totally speechless. Whatever. I kept sliding up and down the fridge for a few seconds until I started massaging my poop and butt cheeks. It felt amazing. Finally, wish a poopy gluteus maximus and a totally sticky frontal situation; I called Alexa in to change me. With a complete grin on my face, she took my hand and I followed her into the bathroom. Within minutes, she untapped my diaper, cleaned up my sticky and poopy situation, and rediapered and powdered me with the utmost care to my inflated penis. I wish I could expand on this, but it literally was just a blur. She then stood me up, and put my pants on for me. I thanked her profusely, and told me to go back and meet up with the boys. I ran up the stairs, and was gobsmacked. There before my eyes, were three of the most stunning boys I had ever met. I honestly could have pulled any one of them close to me and made out with them right then and there. All suited up, they looked absolutely dashing. They said the same to me. “Damn boys, you clean up good.” I said, laughing. “One could say the same for you,” Mitch said, near-blushing. I sensed he really meant it, and he looked dashing. He gelled his hair, to ultimate perfection, his bangs now looked better than before, and his angel wings were purely … angelic. “Come on guys, let’s go!” Tye said, being as enthusiastic as possible. “What he said!” I said cheerfully, as we descended from the top floor for the umpteenth time today. “Have fun guys! Take your time, we have to get things ready for you, and this evening.” Laurel said from below, waving us goodbye as we left the room.


Chapter Twelve: Skye Serrano


With the banquet hall right between the first floor elevators on the back deck, it wasn’t a far walk for us. With our spirits high, we proceeded to walk along the second deck and took the elevator down. Two babysitters in dress-suit attire greeted us. We smiled, and walked past the mahogany doors, and into the banquet hall. The hall was very Romanesque, with marble flooring, and pillars surrounding the granite long table. At this time, children were already seated enjoying their food. They were all wearing plain, white dress shirts with their diapers underneath, and we dressed like penguins. How I would have enjoyed being in a white dress shirt in diapers, I was totally sweating. Anyways, we sat down in our reserved positions up at the far end of the table, besides the seat at the end. This would have cost a fortune, yet there were no more than a hundred people on board. Unbelievable. Of course, I was the odd one out, as I chose to bring my own suit. It was a completely white suit, with a crimson red interior. I looked like a pimp, but I digress. We all sit down at the end of the table, with glasses of water already on the table. With this, we started comparing answers on our forms. We had some laughs about it, as Alex decided to try cloth diapers. We laughed at this, until Blaise and Ethan stepped into the room and sat beside Mitch and I at opposite ends of the table. We greeted them, and ignored them. We kept discussing on discussing the forms for a bit, while Ethan and Blaise struck up their own conversation. About half-hour in, chefs began pouring out of the kitchen and started serving out our favorite meals. Mitch got the fettuccine alfredo, which looked delicious. Alex got buttered noodles, while Tye and I got our most favorite dishes - chicken strips. Food kept on coming to the table for the next hour, as we started to learn a bit more about Tye. Tye was 15 years old, and came from a well off family, like me. His parents signed him up for the cruise, as they felt he needed some attention their busy schedule just couldn’t give him. I found this sad, but I kind of understood. He, of course, argued, until he realized he was fighting a losing battle. He decided to bite the bullet, and hope on the SS Dawn Waves. By this time, the hall was empty except for the six of us, except for a stunning lady in sea foam green dress that walked casually towards us. She had blond hair in a stiff, long ponytail, exposing her hazel eyes. You could tell by her facial structure that she was a very serious person. As she came closer, I checked my watch. 11:30pm. Shit, times does fly by when you’re having fun. As she sat down at the head of the table, she spoke. “Evening, gentlemen. I’m Skye. Skye Serrano, the co-captain of the ship. I’m sorry the captain isn’t here, he’s sorting our your forms and making sure that everything is being done to your rooms right now. But he did say that he is going to make an emergency trip on-shore tomorrow to go and get your Sonic the Hedgehog wallpaper.” She said sternly. “Whoa, cool dude. I love Sonic.” Tye said to me in a bare whisper. I smiled at this, as she continued. “I’m personally excited for it, as I would like to get some shopping done. Anyways boys, this isn’t really a seminar. The captain and I have a few things to say. First of all, for those who have decided to try some products, you will be rewarded with monthly supplies of diapers for quite some time, as well as the various other types of products you will be testing out. You will also receive an additional $10,000 each for co-operating. The trials of products will be picked up tomorrow, which will also be on-shore. With this, there will be two new teenage boys entering the ship tomorrow, so please be courteous to them. Anyways, the main reason I’m here is this. Not only will you gentlemen be enjoying the aspects of Adolescent Babies and Diaper Lovers and the Adolescent Babies and Diaper Lovers’ community, you will also be competing in teams of four for loads of cash, and prizes. Not bad for a $450 dollar trip, hmm? Anyways, it’s getting late. You can expect a full tour early tomorrow before we dock. But before you go to bed, you do have a challenge. The winning team from the challenge gets a key. This key unlocks the locked room in your suite. What is inside of this room contains things worth unlocking. Now tonight, I would have given you guys the whole spiel on how to behave and what not. I am hoping you gentlemen are smart enough to not sass the babysitters or abuse each other emotionally or physically. If you act out of your place, we will put you back in there, with any force possible. Anyways, its getting super late, and it has been a busy day for me. Have fun with the challenge, and try not to get hit.” She said soothingly, as she walked up from the table and left the hall, leaving the 6 of us there. “LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” I shouted, making a beeline out of the room. The fun has truly just begun…


Day Two


Chapter Thirteen: Team Sonic Versus Team Chaotix – Round 1


As soon as Skye left the room, both teams got up casually and walked out of the banquet hall and into the elevators. Both teams went into separate elevators, and not a word was spoken. I gazed out of the glass elevator as it was in motion to see the midnight sky. Quiet, serene, and hid much to the world. I felt this was going to be a night for the books. The elevator stopped and opened its majestic doors to the second deck. Before, it was a barren floored deck with meters upon meters of hardwood deck. As we left the elevators, we realized that it was littered with oversized crates. The time of day could have made whatever game was to occur nearly impossible to do, except for the bright floor lights, which glowed almost every ten feet. These crates were covered in a moss-like camouflage. It looked almost military like. An unfamiliar babysitter stepped into frame, and told our team to head to our suite, while Tye’s team stood there with the rather tall-like babysitter. We started to walk to our room. This was no easy task, as our path was cluttered with various crates, which differed from shapes and sizes. A few meters near the suite, I spoke. “I wonder just what in the fuck is going on tonight? Sounds like we’re in for a crazy night.” Mitch chuckles lightly. Alex was saying something, before a loud rumble rudely interrupted him. Thunder. Perfect, I thought. We suddenly decided to beeline to our suite, dodging all of the boxes in our way. As soon as we swiped the card through the reader and opened the door, Laurel and Alexa greeted us warmly. “Before we explain the rules of the game to you excited boys, we outta change you first.” Alexa said, smiling, as she produced 3 thick, white disposables diapers. “Come with me Matt, you’re first.” I followed her to the bathroom, and stripped down completely. At this point, my penis knew the drill, and stood up for its role call. Naked in all but my wet diaper, I sat down on the changing table, and relaxed myself down into a laid-down position, with my penis as the only thing standing on my entire body. Alexa couldn’t help but comment on this. “You must really enjoy this, Matt.” She untaped the diaper for the second time today, and slid the diaper from my butt. As she powdered me up and began to slip another one on, she began to explain the game to me. “Tonight sounds like a pretty awesome game of Paintball. Despite the weather, it sounds pretty interesting. A lot is at stake, and I hope you shoot first. That’s all I know. Now go put your special suit. Laurel will explain the rest tomorrow. Now get going!” She said, as I jumped off of the oversized changing table and out of the bathroom. I slid down the banister with total confidence as Alex and Mitch watched me, with mile-wide smiles. It didn’t matter that I had a huge diaper on underneath me, but damn, it feels like the inside of a pillow, but more sexually pleasing. I hopped off of the banister at the right time, and I jumped right in front of Laurel. She saw me, and said “Nice landing, Matt. Now go on, and put on the equipment I left you in your room.” I nodded, and ran all the way back up the stairs, and into the best bedroom ever. This was going to be an interesting night, the sky can’t lie. It just can’t.




Five minutes later, I emerge from my luxurious bedroom. I went downstairs to take a look at myself in the mirror and … damn. From head-to-toe, I was dressed in a thin layer of black armor. The shock damage looked as if it could only protect from paint shots, which I guess is what it will be used for. On my left breast was an emblem of what looked like a therefore sign, with the three dots, except they were in a light, baby blue. I smiled at this, and walked away from the mirror, and sat on the rocks below the cascade, waiting. The running water made me want to relieve myself, so I did. Ahh, the comfort and importance of a diaper right now, good to use at any time. I stretched out completely on the rocks, and relaxed my bladder. From here, all of my kidney impurities made a splashing entrance into my what seemed to feel like a cotton castle around my penis. Muffled sounds were heard under my armored suit. I let out a grateful and relaxing smile as the warmth of my pee coated the inside of my diaper. I couldn’t feel the warmth through all the armor, so I just waited until I saw Mitch and Alex walk down the stairs. The skintight suits made them look absolutely dashing, and I got an insta-boner. I smile. “Ready?” “As ready as we’ll ever be” Alex spoke. “Laurel said we’re to head to the front deck for a briefing of what was going to go on tonight. So let’s motor!” Mitch said, enthusiastically. As he ran for the door, we followed suite. He swung the door open, and walked out.




It was absolutely dreadful outside. It was raining. No. It was pouring. We arrived within seconds, and by that time, Skye was waiting, sitting on a crate. “Took you long enough, boys. Now, before I go on, as a team, you gentlemen must provide a team name for easier identification. What shall it be?” She asks, words barely audible from the rain smashing against the hard wood. Without hesitation, I step up to the plate. “We will be Team Sonic.” I said, pushing back my soaking hair from my eyes. Mitch and Alex both nodded in agreement. “Excellent, you shall all be known as Team Sonic. Anyways, tonight is to be one of the more exciting challenges, as it involves shooting multi-colored balls of paint onto the opposing team, and various parts of the ship. All of these crates are testing supplies that you all signed up to test, so don’t damage them too bad. The rules of the game are simple. You must gun down your opponents before they gun you down. One shot, you’re out. Various babysitters are stationed around the second deck to ensure fair play. If you go anywhere else other than the second floor, your team will be disqualified. You may go anywhere on the second floor except in your rooms, so make good use of your surroundings, and weapons, which are in this crate. When the klaxon on the ship is sounded, you may bust open the crate I am sitting on. This should contain all the weapons vital to your survival in this game. The winner gets a key, which unlocks the locked room in your suite. Any questions?” She asked quizzically. We shook our heads in unison. “Good, now once the klaxon is heard, fun time starts, wait here until it goes.” Skye runs off into the darkness. A few minutes pass, as Mitch, Alex and I stand in silence. As we do this, we begin to devise a plan. Alex decides to take the roll of team captain, as he has the most experience in paintball than both Mitch and I together. We don’t seem to mind this; at least, I don’t anyways. All I can concentrate on this glowing warmth of my wet diaper. I hope this feeling lasts the whole game – and then some. “Mitch, Take the left side of the boat, while I take right. Use the crates for cover, and slide more than you can run, the weather is perfect for it. Matt, you can cover any one of us, or find another route. Try to find open spaces between crates; they could be used for shooting without being detected. Good luck guys.” As he said this, the klaxon blared. Game on.




Almost as a reflex, Mitch turned around and lunged towards the crowbar leaning on the lone crate. From there, he picked it up and beat the crate senseless until he busted it open. As Styrofoam spewed from the side as 3 paintball guns slid out of the crate opening. “Way to totally go ape shit.” Alex said, as he pulled out the three guns, and a belt of smoke grenades. “Take a gun, and two smokes. If you need ammo, try to get back here. Now go!” Alex yelled, then ran off to the left side. Mitch nodded quickly, and too to the right. Then there was me. Where was I to go? I wasn’t totally panicked, but I didn’t want to sit around. I grabbed my gun and smokes, and pocketed the smokes. I decided to follow Mitch on the right. I suddenly heard a yell, someone shouted out. Sounded like Tye. Yes, things are looking up for that key. I ran down the right corridor until a strong gust of wind brought me to the railing. I leaned over, and I saw my route. It was dangerous, but it could work. Outside of the railing, was a long catwalk it stretched to the other end of the boat, and would give me excellent cover. The best part? I was almost undetectable. I hopped the slippery railing, and started to crawl along the even more slippery catwalk. This was totally risky, but somehow, I knew it was worth the reward. About a few minutes of crawling and holding onto the bottom rail for dear life, I flinched after hearing 2 distant whistles. “DOUBLE OUT!” Was heard. “ONE LEFT FROM BOTH SIDES” Was shouted. Unfazed by this, I continued crawling until I heard footsteps and splashes above me. I waited until it passed, and peeked from above the railing until I saw a clear view of the culprit. Ethan. Without hesitation, I followed after him from behind cover, until he stopped for cover behind a large, brown crate. With the rain as my cloak, I decided to get up close, but maintained cover from at least a meter from behind his position. As he turned to run to the front deck, I followed suite swiftly. I got him into a headlock, and was able to stick the gun to his back. In a Clint Eastwood accent, I said. “This one’s for Tye.” And almost immediately, he attempted to resist, and attempted to squirm around, but it was too late. I shot him three times. Once in the back, then two shots in his left lower floating rib. He doubled over, groaning in the rainwater. “Team Sonic, don’t you ever forget it.” As I turned to walk away, the klaxon blared again, instructing us to go back to our rooms. As I walked past Ethan’s lying corpse, he muttered. “Fuck Tye, and fuck you. Your ass is grass next challenge.” I smiled at this, turned around, and shot him in the shoulder. “Sorry, can’t hear you from all your bitching. Seriously? Four rounds in an armor suit. Grow up.” From there, I pushed my wet bangs away from my eyes, and I walked back into the room, and opened the door.


Chapter Fourteen: The Great Reward


Almost instantly, I was being bear hugged by two diaper-clad boys, who had nothing on but their soggy diapers. Aroused, I took advantage of the hug, and placed one hand on the back of Alex’s diaper, and the other on Mitch’s. They didn’t mind. Life is good. This continued for another second, and we departed from it. Laurel stepped forward from her room and presented a small box to us. “Your prize, as promised.” She opened the box to reveal a small, metallic key. I took it before the rest of them, and walked slowly towards the big door, until I stopped completely. “What is it?” Asked Mitch. “I’m going to get out of this suit first, and into a new diaper. I think I either wet myself, or the rain did.” Mitch laughed, and Alex groaned. “Hurry up!” They yelled in unison. I ran up to the bedroom, and removed the suit. Deciding I couldn’t wait to open the door, I ran down the stairs in nothing but a soggy diaper. Passing the beautiful cascade, I ran to the big door and stabbed the key inside of it. I turned the key right until I heard a loud click, and turned both the handles. I swung the doors open to reveal easily, the best room in the house.




As if in unison, our jaws dropped to the floor. The doors decided to swing open a whole new, interesting part of our life on this ship. Not bad. Laurel and Alexa smiled, and said “Nice huh? Looks like the captain really likes you guys, it’s usually not this furnished. We’re going to bed; wake us if you need a change or whatever. And don’t stay up too late…” Laurel said, exhaustingly. As they went to their rooms, we were still in shock and awe of the room. Dead center was a four-person hot tub. To the right, was a mahogany billiards table, with dark green velvet. I’m not sure about Mitch or Alex, but I freaking love billiards. To the left were four chairs and a lovely, gold-edged glass table. The floors were made of marble, and there was a majestic crystal chandelier right above the hot tub. Enclosing the room was a dome of one-sided glass, covering the room like a black bubble, like the inside of a motorcycle helmet. I can’t believe I overlooked this. While I was mesmerized by the pitter-patter of the rain, I released my bladder, while it graciously sank at least an inch lower. Nobody noticed, bonus. “Oh, so that’s what the bubble is – this!” Alex exclaimed! Arms up, spinning around like a mad man. Mitch and I laughed whole-heartedly, and decided to sit down on the sofa-chairs. “Dude, that paintball stuff was crazy shit.” Mitch said, excitedly. “I took out Blaise and Tye, but Alex got capped by Ethan. How did you take him out?” “Ultimate stealth, I said mysteriously. I actua—“ As I said this, Laurel ran into the room. “Oh, right, I totally forgot. You’re product testing will start tomorrow, but if you want to go swimming tonight, Bambino has made aqua-diapers, called Oceanicas. I left a few on the bed, if you guys are interested in a dip tonight. “No, as awesome as this is, I speak for the three of us when I say that we’re plum tuckered out. Thanks anyways, Laurel.” “Don’t mention it. “ She said with a smile on her face. She then sauntered back to her room, and slammed the door shut. “Well guys, if you don’t mind, I’m going to nestle into the big bed and doze off. G’ni--” We were interrupted again by a thundering knock on the door. This time, it was a knock at the front door. Hurriedly, we all went to the door, and opened it without looking through the peephole. With the rain beating down hard on the wood flooring outside, a small, wet-looking figure spoke in total sadness. Nothing was heard due to the rain, but the tears from his face and his sniffling meant something was up. He emerged closer to the door, with nothing but his diaper on. He was badly bruised, and the figure came down to his shaking knees with a red face, and fresh tears streaking down his face. It was Tye, and clearly, something wasn’t right.


Chapter Fifteen: Find Love In Sadness


“Those FUCKING ASSHOLES!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, not even caring who was asleep. Mitch stepped backed, surprised. I took Tye by the hand and hugged him with every muscle in my body. “Did Blaise and Ethan do this to you?” Mitch asked as I emerged from the hug. “Y…yeah. I –sniff- tried to run, but I wa—was too slow…” Was all we could make out before he broke down again. I heard the door open behind us, and Alexa stepped out, then Alex shortly after. Alexa calmly stepped forward while Alex ran down the stairs as fast as he could. Sadly, Alexa beat him to us. “What happened?” Tye sobered up, and told his story. He broke down a few times throughout the story, but I think I kind of got the sum of what he had to say. Essentially, they blamed him for his loss, and totally beat him down when the babysitters left the room. Ethan spanked him, while Blaise pushed him down the stairs and threw him out in the cold. “We’ll have a chat with them tomorrow.” Alexa said softly. “Right now, I’ll get you changed out of that old diaper, and get you into a new one. Then you’ll go to bed with Alex, okay? Anyone else need a clean up?” “I do.” I said. “Okay then, let me do Tye up first, then you. It’s getting late, so make sure you guys go to bed soon, okay?” Alexa said. I nodded, and Alexa held Tye’s hand as they walked up to the bathroom. Mitch walked up right beside me, and whispered in my ear. “After your done, go to the bedroom, and grab the Oceanicas. I want to talk to you…” “Alright Mitch, I’ll do it as fast as I can.” I said solemnly, trying to hide my ecstatic emotions. “If you don’t mind, I’m fucking parched, I’m going to go grab a soda.” “Sounds good, Matt. I’m going to learn how to play billiards.”, Mitch said. “Oh, cool! I don’t know how either, so learn a bit, maybe you can teach me a thing or two.” I replied. I went to the fridge and opened the fridge door. As it once was full, it is now crammed with not only sodas, but with different types of bottled goodies. Most of it looked like milk, but others had strange colors, and different cans. Some of it was beer, which I knew was Mitch’s forte. “Mitch!” I whispered loudly. He opened the mahogany door slowly. “What is it?” He said, turning off the lights to the main foyer. “Check this out, beer!” I exclaimed quietly. Mitch came closer, and his eyes lit up. He picked up a can. “Amazing, never heard of D-Brew before, but I’ll give it a try.” He picked up the can, and opened it quietly. As he began to chug, I looked over to see Alexa hanging over the rails. “You’re up next!” She said, with a diaper in her hand. I smiled, and walked up the stairs. I met her, and followed her into the bathroom.




“Totally used this. If you hadn’t asked for a change you so would have leaked those sheets.” She said during mid-change. She was right; the poor, full cloth was used and abused. I suddenly forgot something. “Wait, Alexa… Before you strap another diaper on me, can you slap an Oceanica on me? I’m going for a quick dip with Mitch, and then going to bed. I promise, a quick dip.” She smiled. “Okay, okay. You two take as long as you like, as long as you guys don’t stay up too late. It’s already 2 am! You guys won’t wake up till the afternoon, but it’s all right.” She said, pulling out a diaper under a crate. “Goodness gracious, it’s way too unorganized in this suite. Tomorrow, the rest of the shipment will come in, and the whole place will be redecorated. While we get it set up, we’re kicking you out.” She said, smilingly. “While you’re booted out, go take a look around the ship, and meet our younger patrons, but there in a more worse situation than you guys.” “Oh? Why is this? Oh!” I said, surprised by the coldness of the wipe. “They’ve been bad boys, and are here against their will. They get punished, spanked, and all other sorts of hells you guys find enjoyable in hopes that they behave better. That, or make them into true adolescent babies.” She said, stately, while she softly slapped my padded crotch. “And you’re all set. Shoot, for an underwater diaper, that sure is thick.” “Yeah, it is.” I said, rubbing the side of my padded thigh. “Oh, by the way, my final words before I go to bed. The drinks in the fridge. Feel free to try them out. If you want a sleepless night, try that D-Beer. It contains a diuretic, and you’ll pee all night long. Actually, in that case, I’ll triple diaper you right after your tub, just knock on my door. Okay?” “Alright, have a nice night, Alexa.” “You too, Matt.” She said, as she left the bathroom. Well, looks like Mitch is in for a fun night. I left the bathroom, and looked over the railing to see a precious Mitch in a thick Oceanica. He looked just as dazzling as he was in a regular diaper. Under the light of the other room, I could see his bright blonde hair. It looked amazing, his gold locks still hiding over his precious blue eyes. Before I was going down to eye his even more alluring body, he spoke. “I’ve been waiting, let’s go!” He said, motioning me over. I ran down the stairs on the tips of my toes, as to not create noise for a sleeping Tye and Alex. As I approached him, I thought about a drink. “Hold up, Mitch, it’s D-Beer time!” I said, coming down the last few steps. “Sweet, get me a juice, I’ll meet you in the tub.” “Alright!” I said in a loud whisper, running to the fridge and grabbing a D-Beer and grape juice. With this, I tiptoed into the only enlightened room in the house, the front deck.




I walked in to see Mitch already in the tub. With both of his arms reaching the opposite ends of the tub, he used his left to push his hair away from his face, and showed his deep, artic-blue eyes. “Sit down, Matt. It’s been a long day.” He said. Without hesitation, I sat down in the warm, bubbly tub, and handed him his juice. “Thanks!” Mitch said nervously. He looked confident, but nervous. I sat down, mirroring his arm positions, as my arms stretched from one end of the tub to another. Both of us were in a relaxed position, but Mitch spoke. “Matt, as much as I want to hate you so much for deluding me on this trip, I can’t. I absolutely love it here, but it was as if it was subconscious. I’ve never had a more sexually pleasing moment. The time spent on this ship has been fantastic, and I hope I’m not enjoying this alone. Matt, do you enjoy it here?” I was completely stunned. Of course I did! Isn’t it obvious? I freaking LOVE it here!!! I didn’t want to scare him, so I spoke. “Mitch, this cruise was a complete accident…. It’s the costliest mistake I ever made…” Mitch looked let down, and I caught his gaze. Then I laid out a mile-wide smile. “… But it was the best mistake of my life, and I couldn’t be happier. What makes it just as better is that I’m with you, Alex, and hopefully Tye.” Mitch blushed, then got out of his position, and moved closer towards me. “Matt, I have something to say.” I was about to open my mouth, and then he put his forefinger to my lips. “Don’t speak, please, just listen. About a week ago, I attempted suicide. I tried, but failed. I don’t know why, I just had a feeling that I shouldn’t at that moment. Life was unfair to me. I’m popular; I’m well off, sure. But I’m empty inside. All the girls I was with, they meant nothing. My parents are too busy working, and there’s just me, either crying myself to sleep, or drinking my brains out at meaningless parties. Matt…. I think I’m….” I couldn’t hear him; the bubbles and his soft sobbing with fresh tears muted the moment for the paused second. I pushed his finger away, and embraced him with everything I had. Two warm, wet bodies, covered only in water, diapers, and possibly pee, embraced each other with everything he had. “Matt…” He said in a bare whisper, his mouth to my ear. “I’m gay…. And I think I’m in love with you.” With my hands around him, he was vibrating like a cell phone. I held him closer, and attempted to complete a phrase. “Mitch…. What you did was the bravest thing you could ever do. Ever. And to be honest, Mitch. I’m glad you failed. And that will be one of the few failures I will praise you for. Now let’s get out of this tub, I’m shriveling up like a prune.” Mitch smiled, and looked a lot relieved. Either he found comfort in my words, or the D-Beer was going through him like nothing. I got out of the tub in a soaking wet Oceanica, and walked towards the door. “Matt…” Mitch said quietly, but in a solemn tone. “You didn’t answer my question. Do you feel the same way?” I stopped dead in my tracks. What was I to say? I didn’t want to sound desperate, but right now, I’d love nothing more than to say yes twenty times. “Mitch, I’m tired, can we go to bed?” I said, looking over my shoulder as I took off my diaper. I found a rack to the side of the room, and picked a white robe off of it. As I put it on, Mitch was puzzled. “No, Matt. Tell me now, yes or no. All or nothing.” I stepped towards him. I looked up at him, right into his artic blue eyes. His eyes met mine, and I closed my eyes and touched his lips with mine for a straight second. I opened my eyes, and his were still closed. I pulled away slowly. “I hope that said enough. Can I go to bed now?” He nodded, puzzled. I walked away, turning the light switch off as I left the room. I tipped toed up the stairs, completely naked. I didn’t dare look back, it would add to the sexual tension tomorrow. I just hope his lips aren’t as loose as I want them to be. So many things were going through my mind. What was I thinking? Kissing him? And kiss him so boldly without a heavy explanation? I’m crazy, and I hope he liked it. There’s plenty more where that came from, if he asked politely. I walked up the stairs, and checked the clock on the coffee table. 3:06am. Shit, I thought, I’m going to be a total zombie tomorrow. I opened the door to the bedroom. It was completely dark, except for the moonlight, which spilled over Tye and Alex, who were sound asleep. I took off my robe, and as I was crawling onto the bed. I realized something. They were spooning. Alex had his dominant hands over Tye’s, bringing him as close as humanly possible to him. I smiled at this. Romance in the air, and it feels as if this Love-boat hasn’t even set sail. I dug into the beautiful sheets, and rested on my back on the luscious pillow. I’m glad I didn’t drink the D-Beer, otherwise I’d have to bug Alexa for a thick diapering, which would have made it way too hot under these sheets. After shutting my eyes for a few minutes, the bed moved a bit. It was probably Mitch, crawling into bed. As I lay a few centimeters from Tye. I laid down on my right side. Mitch lay behind me, and soon enough, I moved closer to him. He took the hint, and I let him put arms around me. For once in my life, I felt secure, at ease. A feeling so peaceful, I wish the world would stop forever so I could bask in this moment. I decided nothing lasts forever, and that the stars never lie. I got in closer, and turned my body around to look at him. Mitch met my gaze, with his blonde locks covering the top of his right eye. I kissed him goodnight, and went back to sleep. Though an entire day has slipped through my grasp, the next six just got a bit more interesting.


            Chapter Sixteen: Lay Awake In Lust


I opened my eyes and tilted my head slightly upward, to admire the rain pitter-pattering against the glass, which brought gray skies upon the bedspread. Still secured by the seat belt like arms of Mitchell Tungsten, my body relaxed. This cruise was for relaxing, so what’s a few minutes in bed?

 I decided to cross my left arm over to check Mitch’s diaper. Still asleep, I could feel and smell that he was totally full. He was on the verge of leaking, because of the diuretic beer. I retracted my hands, and put my arms around his. I waited for a few minutes, while I peed in my diaper. It had swelled up slightly, and reset an odor of fresh and old urine and poop that hid underneath the large duvet.

 For another minute, I stuck my nose in there. Though some may gag at the stench, it aroused my senses. Mitch’s arms started to move, and I turned my body around in bed to greet him. “Good morning, Mister Tungsten.” I said, as I pushed his bangs into his bed-headed state. “Morning.” He muttered groggily, as he came in for a kiss. His lips met mine, and it was instant euphoria, though neither of us were even close to looking happy. “Shall we get up?” Mitch asked. “Yes, we shall.”

“Give me a minute, I don’t know what I’m feeling, but I’m really enjoying this diaper aspect. My shit and piss feels amazing, and just to rumble around in your own filth feels amazing. Would you mind a minute?” I decided on a risky action, which would either freak him out or bring us closer together. “Sure, can I assist you?” Puzzled, Mitch asked with a quizzical facial expression, “How can one go about doing this?” He articulated this perfectly, even in his groggy state. “You want me to pleasure you in ways I have never done before?”

I said in his ear, in a bare whisper. “Why not. Wake me up.” He said, emphasizing the last three words. “Roll over!” I said, swatting his padded penis, which was surprisingly wet and hard. He rolled over willingly, as I noticed he was still in his Oceanica. I didn’t mind this, but I did mind it when I lightly traced my fingers over his backside. “You dropped a deuce while you were asleep?” “No.” Mitch said, blushing. “I dropped a fresh one this morning, when I was too tired to wake up and go.” “Well, I guess that was pretty awesome. After all, there is no toilet.” I said, smiling, as I squished the log into his diaper, manipulating the mush all over his padded butt cheeks.

Mitch sighed relaxingly. It didn’t freak him out. “It feels fucking amazing. No girl could deliver such beauty.” I began to massage his ass tissue, and rubbed the poop almost everywhere, on the backside of his diaper. He sighed again, but this time, one hand was in his diaper. “Are you rubbing one off?” I asked. “Hell yeah. Meet me at the front.” He rolled over, and the entire front of his diaper was yellow, and you could feel it on the front of his diaper.

“You’re leaking, sailor.” I said. “So what, anything you can do to pleasure me here, boss, I’ll return the favor.” He said in a soft tone, as he leaned up to bring his other arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. I put both my arms around him, and our lips met again. We did this for about a half-second, until our mouths opened, and I was on top of Mitch.

My diaper on his, and my tongue fighting against Mitch’s mouth. The sheer wetness of Mitch’s Oceanica had transferred to my Oceanica, and we were one, big, wet, happy mess. “Jesus kids, we did that before we went to bed.” Alex butted in. When we heard this, we stopped and stared. At this point, we were either scared, or relieved that he, too, was having a somewhat meaningful sleep with Tye. “But you are giving us damn good ideas.” Tye said, in a half-smile as he got up from bed.


Chapter Seventeen: The Real Wake-Up Call


As Tye awoke from bed, and was fully standing, the bedroom door slowly creaked open. I turned around and quickly dove back to bed. It was Laurel, smiling. “Yes Matt, I’m sure his butt smells down-right lovely. But let’s not bottle it as a fragrance just yet.” I laughed nervously, as Mitch smiled in a daze. Alex and Tye laughed. Hard.

 “Anyways, it’s like, 2:30pm. Get up. You guys have to leave the room in an hour and a half. Then we have to adjust everything to your needs and wants. Product testing starts as soon as the rooms are done. We’ll page the ship. And I saw what you did to Ethan last night, Matt. Come here.”

Nervously, I walked up to her. As soon as I took my eighth step towards her, she kneed me in the stomach, causing me to bend over in pain. She held me in this position, and took off my diaper with her free hand. In a daze, I waited in this position while she spanked me mercilessly. 10 hard smacks across the bottom, and she pushed me to the ground. Shocked, I said nothing. “Matt, I’m really sorry I did that, but it’s the protocol. Consider this a warning. Now, you guys will shower, and then I’ll change your diaper. Matt, would you like to shower first?”




            As I walked across the upstairs family room, I heard the cascade roar softly. I stopped, and as my forearms sat on the railing overlooking downstairs, I noticed the fountain, and the multiple crates around it. Supplies, I thought. Looks promising. “Let’s go, Matt, times-a-wasting.” I heard Laurel bellow in her soothing tone.

I hastily sped-walk into the bathroom, and turned on the beautiful sit-in shower. As the showerhead above spewed warm water, I stepped in, and sat down on the cold limestone. It hurt my reddened bottom, and I cried. For the first time in a while, I sat down on the cold floor of the shower, crying. Could it have been the spanking? The fact that I was actually in a relationship? Afraid that I was going to mess up my very first relationship? I don’t know, but tears were flowing out of every orifice. I moaned softly, until I heard the door creak open once more.

Single file and straight into the shower, appeared Mitch Tungsten, Alex Consture, and Tye. When they opened the door to the shower, Alex and Tye slowly sat down on either side of me, while Mitch picked me up, and embraced me once more. Completely naked, we embraced each other. His soft, semi-wet body felt amazing against my wet body. We departed from it, and we all re-arranged ourselves so that we were sitting directly underneath the showerhead.

 As we sat down, Alex spoke. “You guys, I just wanted to let you know this. After walking away from you guys, I was furious. As I was walking around an alternate way to the room, I met you, Tye. And I’ll be completely serious; it was your smile that made me stay. I wanted to stay to meet you, to get to know you. I’ve never felt that way for another dude, and I certainly never felt that way with other girls. Anyways, Tye, what I want to say to you was that... I’m sorry about last night.” He said, with fresh tears dribbling town his face. “I can’t explain it… my body just wanted you, and inside, I knew it was right to spoon you. I just…”

Tye, who put an open hand to his lips, interrupted Alex’s explanation. “Can I say what I have to say now?” Tye said, in a soft, pre-pubescent tone. Alex slowly nodded, with a palm still on his face. Tye wiped a tear from Alex’s face, and I could see that Tye was soon going to have his own waterworks. “As soon as I got on the ship, I was thrilled. This all stopped until I opened the door and was greeted by those fucking assholes Ethan and Blaise. I was cursed at, harassed, and they even threw my luggage down the stairs in rage.”

 “The worst part? The babysitters didn’t do shit. They were in their rooms, packing, and kept telling us to quiet down. As I went down to get a drink, yesterday afternoon, they picked me up and threw me out of the room. That’s when you came along, Alex. Now usually, I don’t smile at anyone, but there was something about you that made my heart almost rip out of my chest. All I could do was smile. As you walked past, I didn’t care that I was locked out, I just wanted to see you again.”

“And last night… It was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Of all the lonely nights I’ve spent alone, last night was when I felt complete. It was just… godly. Words couldn’t explain it. And now you’re wondering, my true reaction?” He said, with his beautiful, husky-blue eyes, which were now seeping tears. Nervously, he removed his hand, and slowly pecked him on the cheek. “You made me feel alive.”

 Alex smiled, and soaking wet, he lunged forwards on his hands and knees and wrapped his soaking wet arms around Tye. In surprise, their lips touched, and then gripped each other in what looked like an intense make-out section. This is too unreal, I thought. For the second day, who knew relationships could blossom so fast? I smiled at a wet Mitch, who smiled back nervously.


Chapter Eighteen: Goodbye, Laurel!


Five minutes later, we emerged from the bathroom squeaky-clean, only to be waited on by Laurel and Alexa, Laurel with 3 disposables in her hand, and Alexa fanning out 5 cloth diapers. Alexa spoke first, as always, with a smile on her face. “Alex, since you decided to choose cloth diapers for your survey, come with me, and I’ll pin you right up.” She said, gesturing for him to meet her in the bedroom.

Laurel then spoke. “Okay guys, before I put on your diapers for now, I just want to let you know that the babysitters from room 202 have been fired for neglect, and that I am to be their babysitter. I will be moving over shortly, but first, I am going to teach you how to put on a diaper. Matt will be our first victim. Please follow me into the bathroom.”

Laurel walked into the bathroom first, while a naked Mitch, Tye, and I followed suit. Judging by the shower, I had the second largest penis. Compared to Mitch, I still had a long ways to go. Tye came in last, and Alex cut close to me. Size doesn’t count, but it’s what you can do with it that does. I re-entered the bathroom, and took my spot on the changing table.

At this point, it was nearly impossible not to get an erection. I failed miserably, as my flagpole rose once more to the splendid occasion of getting padded. “Up!” Laurel, commanded, while I lifted my pale, white bum into the air. Tye and Mitch smiled at this, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Mitch’s pole was beginning to give me a standing ovation. I laid back in total comfort, as she explained to the boys how to diaper me up. Still in a bit of a daze, I only felt the soft touch of baby-powder hit my privates, and the snug application of what Laurel called the brand as Abena X-Plus.

 As I stood up, I knew this was a perfect diaper. “I like this diaper for everyday use, as it absorbs a lot, and is extremely thick, which is visually pleasing to me, and just as arousing to you, correct, Matt?” I blushed, and stood with a naked Tye and Mitch. “Now Tye, hop on the changing table, while Matt changes you.”

 I was completely fine with this, but I could clearly see that Tye wasn’t. Tye’s face reddened as he lay down on the table, and while I lunged to my position, Tye’s penis, too, was hardening. I picked up a smaller X-Plus diaper, and slid it under Tye’s already-lifted butt. After I powdered his penis to the point where it looked like Frosty the Snowman, I snugly taped the diaper shut. He said thanks, and got back into line with me.

 Finally, Tye was to diaper Mitch, and he did so in great success. Although, he did have trouble trying to wrap the diaper around his massive cock, to the point where Mitch had to push it down to get the extremely, thick diaper around him. As I thought of this, I began to feel the walls of my own cotton fortress. Judging by the X in the name, they clearly were the thickest diaper on the market. They seemed almost bulletproof!

 After this, Laurel spoke once more. “Guys, make sure that you learn to diaper one another, as Alexa may not be around to diaper you guys 24/7. I hope you guys have an amazing trip on Dawn Waves, and I hope you guys visit me often. It hasn’t been a full day, and I freaking love you guys. Now give me a big, diapered hug.” We all got together, and hugged her in the small, bathroom space. “Oh, and about Alexa. Respect her, and maybe you won’t end up with a sore ass like Matt. Now head down to the dining hall, and grab a bite to eat!” She said.

As we walked down the stairs, we were stopped. “Wait!” She said, throwing three, solid blue pairs of plastic pants at us. “Put them on, it masks the smell, and keeps it together.” We did so willingly, pulling up our plastic pants on the stairs. We then continued down the stairs.


Chapter Nineteen: What May Be Right For You… May Not Be Right For Some.


            “Alright guys, let’s head out. I’m super hungry.” Mitch said, patting his bare stomach. I agreed, and salivated not about the food, but for his hot bod. “Hold on, I’m going to grab some pants.” I said, but as I was going to open the door, Alex and Alexa emerged from the room first.

I backed up to let them through. She smiled, as if she knew exactly what I was going to do. “Hold up, bud. Your clothing won’t be needed unless you are in activities requiring clothing.” She said softly. “Is dining such an activity?” I asked inquisitively.

 “For informal dining, no. But for fine dining, such as our proper dinners this evening – yes. You’re going to go grab something to tide you over until a formal dinner, so that’s informal. So walk down there in your nappies.” Alexa said firmly.

 “Also, formal dinner will be every night at 7pm. It will be just the older boys, so play nice. A challenge will be introduced every other day, so you guys don’t have one tonight. However, some may find the upcoming challenges physically enduring, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get active, or hit the gym. Not that you guys aren’t fit or anything.” She said enthusiastically. “Anyways, enough of me babbling. I have to fix your rooms up. Get out!” She said, making a gesture to the door. Without hesitation, all four of us bolted out of the room, and I didn’t even get a proper chance to get a look at Alex in the haze.




            As soon as we left the room, Mitch stopped and sat with his back to the door. I rested among the railing, arms gripping the rails. Alex and Tye stood opposite of each other to the left and right of me. Mitch began to speak, but I couldn’t focus on what he was saying.

On the other hand, Alex’s cloth diapers had a lot to say, and I was all ears to what it had to say. First and foremost – boy were they thick, I looked down at his midline and there was a good inch of two of cloth. On top of that, it was covered through green-tinted plastic pants, which crinkled every step of the way. Of course, we all had them on, but they looked better with cloth.

 As much as I wanted to cop a feel of this heavenly-like cloth, I could understand what they felt like. Warm, even warmer when wet, and absolutely comfortable. I think I’m going to ask for those tonight when I need a change. “Matt, you coming to go eat, then hit the gym?” This broke my trance-like faze. “Yeah, for sure.” I said, following my new, crinkling friends to the elevators.




We walked through the grand banquet room, and was instructed to take an immediate right into the mess hall. We did so willingly, and headed in. It was as if it was the exact opposite of the grand ballroom. The entire room was a sky blue, with various cartoon-animal prints everywhere.

On the left was a bar-area containing various snacks and juices, with a steel counter with finished-steel barstools with metal backings. Opposite from the bar, was a more proper dining area, with various tables, and booths.

 The room was barren, except for a few boys sitting in one of the booths. The three looked like they were aged 8 to 11. We acknowledge their presence, and sat down at the bar. A babysitter asked us what we wanted, and we all asked for any cereal they had. We unanimously settled for fruit loops and grape juice.

 Our plastic pants crinkled in the swivel chairs as the juice and cereal arrived. I sipped on my grape juice first, and then spoke. “I’m not sure about you guys, but I’m still pissed about what those fucks did to Tye. I really want to pay them a friendly visit.” I said, smiling, then taking my first spoonfuls of the delicious colored loops.

“Matt, don’t worry about it. I’m done with them, and I’m with you guys now. I talked to Alexa about it. I just need to go and get my stuff from the room later.” “Oh, that’s amazing, Tye!” Alex said, with a grin on his precious face, his eyes emitting a great intimate interest in almost every syllable he spoke.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind giving them a talking to after I hit the weights. They shouldn’t be doing that kind of shit to you, Tye. Don’t stand for it, even if you get your ass kicked, you stood your ground, and that’s all that matters.” Mitch said in a firm tone. “Anyways, are you guys good to go? I’m kind of excited to see the gym.” We all nodded, and got up out of our chairs.

As we walked to the double doors to the main banquet hall, we heard a loud “Wait!” behind us. We turned around only to see the young boys we acknowledge earlier with bright smiles on their faces. “We saw your paintball fight, and boy was it ever awesome!” One of the shorter kids said with a bit of a squeak in his voice. “Whoa!” Alex said in surprise. “How did you see it?”

“All the cameras are linked to a channel on the TVs in our rooms. And you...” He said again, this time, pointing at me. “What you did to that one kid was hilarious!” He said, breaking out in fresh chuckles along with his friends. I chuckled light heartedly, but one of the other children spoke.

“I’m Myles. I’m Eleven years old, and totally here against my will.” He said, laughing nervously. As he shook the hands of Mitch and Alex with his small hands, he looked at me with his shiny green eyes, and was almost too quick to greet me. He stretched out his arm to meet mine in a handshake. I took it, and returned the shake. We departed from the shake, and began to shake the hands of Mitch, Tye, and Alex.

 As I looked into his green eyes, I could already tell there was some distress or depression in young Myles’s life. I couldn’t say for sure, but I just had some negative feeling. His body was average, no muscle, but a small amount of flesh on his bones. He wasn’t anorexic, but he was just – average. He had short, jet-black hair and wore only black plastic pants, which contained a diaper underneath, judging the white trim above the pant.

 Plus, it completely smelled like the heavenly scent of baby powder, so what are the odds that his powdered butt contributed to it? As I inhaled this lovely smell, I was interrupted yet again by the boy who commented on my Paintball game.

“Hiya!” He said in his prepubescent tone. “Name’s Will. I’m 12, and I’m also here against my will!” He said, laughing at his dumb pun. I falsely chuckled at this, and I said, “Pleased to meet your acquaintance. But why come here if you’re against your will?”

He recoiled at this in a surprising way, and then said with his cheeks reddening, “W-well…” He said, stammering. “T-that’s another story for another day.” I nodded, shook his hand, and began to shake the other boy’s hand. “Uh, hello.” The young boy said shyly.

 He was at least foot smaller than the other, but the cutest of them all. With fairly long hair, it wrapped around his head to which all but his left eye was uncovered in this light-brown, silky hair. But what really made me wonder were his eyes. Encircling his black pupil was a circle of slate gray. These, of course, were contacts, but they were an interesting feature on a young boy. He too, wore black plastic pants.

 “I’m eight. And I hate it here!” He said angrily. “Then why stay, little boy?” I asked, in a puzzled tone. “Don’t treat me like a little kid! I have more brains then those two nitwits. I’m staying because I’d die if I jumped ship, we’re far away from home, Dorothy.” He said, sarcastically. “And I have a name, you can call me Nigel!” He said with great and obvious disdain.

Now personally, I would have told him off, but these boys must be here for an obvious reason I’ve yet to find out. I decided to leave it at that. “Well, nice to meet you boys,” I announced loudly, halting all conversation near the door. “But we have some things to do, and you boys have a ship to explore. So if you don’t mind—”

“Okay! Okay! We’ll let you guys go.” Myles said. “But if we all could hang out later, that would be a plus, I’d love to see your room.” “Me too!” said Will. Nigel just grinned and nodded slightly. “We’ll definitely see. If we can, I’d like to have dinner with you dudes tonight!” Said Alex, who was really excited when he said this. The two boys cheered, and Nigel just smiled. “Goodbye!” We all said in unison, before we opened the door and left.


Chapter Twenty: Just One Spark…


As I shut the door to the tiny mess hall and followed the grinning Mitch, Alex, and Tye out of the dining establishment, I checked the clock that floated above the grand doors. It was a few minutes until five, meaning we had plenty of time to go to the gym.

“Do we even know where the gym is?” Alex said, shouting. “That’s what I was thinking.” Mitch replied. “I’m going to go and ask Alexa, while grabbing my iPod.” “Good idea. I could use some tunes as well.” I added in, and pressed the up button on the elevator.

As we got to the second floor of the ship, we were stopped by Laurel. She told us to stop, and began speaking. I tuned out and looked out on the deck. Most of the crates were gone, but there still were some, and some were even open.

“You guys will have to go without your silly iPods, and the gym is on the first floor, and look for the sign on the right flank of the ship. Have fun, and don’t be all sweaty for dinner tonight!” She said cheerfully, kindly ushering us back into the elevator.




            As we were walking down the right flank of the ship, I realized I really had to poop. As much as I really wanted to hold it in and wait until we got to the gym where I could pop a squat in peace, I realized I had to do it in motion to avoid awkwardness.

As Alex and Mitch decided to take the role of finding the room, I confided in Tye about my problem. He chuckled softly, and whispered in my ear, “I let mine go half-hour ago in the conversation. Why didn’t you?” “Not sure, I was caught up in conversation.” I said softly.

“Well, whatever, like Laurel said, the plastic pants will cover the smell.” Tye said reassuringly, hopping up to pat me on the shoulder. I shrugged, and decided why not. As we kept moving towards the gym door, I hesitantly let go of my bowel controls. As I did this, my bowels oozed warm, moist, and gooey fecal matter, and then my bowels kicked in to full affect.

For three solid seconds, the diarrhea spewed out of my asshole and slammed into the back of my thick diaper. It was like a warm, relaxing hurricane, which covered my backside completely. Of course, the noise and smell was muffled by the plastic pants, but was audible enough for everyone to hear.

“Phew, who dealt that one?” Alex said, in a joking tone. As I was about to answer the question, Mitch spoke out when he stopped at a door. “This is the one.” Mitch said, opening the door to the gym.

The gym looked fairly modern, but with everything else on this ship, it had an infantile-like look. The walls were baby blue, this time, with bears and building block prints on the sides. The ceiling was like a beautiful star mural, which covered the modern equipment below it.

 In the center of the room was a boxing ring, with a shelf underneath it for equipment and mouth guards. With a meter-distance all around the gym were weight lifting and exercise machines, varying from your basic free-weights to treadmills. There were also mats for stretching, and a huge rack containing various hand-weights, medicine balls, and skipping ropes.

 “Wow.” I whistled. “And to think, all this for a couple of boys.” Alex added. “Let’s get to work!” Mitch added, running to the mats.




                                             For about an hour, Mitch, Tye, Alex, and I did various stretching, weights, and various other exercises. Mitch was like my personal trainer, and taught me how to properly lift a free-weight, and to work various machines and stretches. We went in a complete circle, and worked on every different machine.

                                             At the end of the hour, we all gathered inside the ring laying down, panting and sweating. After a minute of this, Mitch spoke. “I’m going to go wash my hair and face. I hope my diaper can take another wetting. “Alright guys, Tye and I are going to just stabilize ourselves for a sec.” He said, with a panted laugh. I nodded, and followed Mitch’s suite.

                                             As I followed him into the tiled open shower room, he turned around to face me, with his tired eyes and sweat-soaked hair. He spoke. “Matt, I’m really proud of what you did today, and I thought you did fantastic for your first time.” He put his arms around me, in a tight hug. “Thanks man, that means a lot.” We separated, and he turned around and turned the shower on. “You know what else meant a lot? To me anyways?” I asked, quizzically. “What did?” Mitch said, turned around as water beamed on his back. “What happened… last night.”


Chapter Sixteen: Lay Awake In Lust


I opened my eyes and tilted my head slightly upward, to admire the rain pitter-pattering against the glass, which brought gray skies upon the bedspread. Still secured by the seat belt like arms of Mitchell Tungsten, my body relaxed. This cruise was for relaxing, so what’s a few minutes in bed?

 I decided to cross my left arm over to check Mitch’s diaper. Still asleep, I could feel and smell that he was totally full. He was on the verge of leaking, because of the diuretic beer. I retracted my hands, and put my arms around his. I waited for a few minutes, while I peed in my diaper. It had swelled up slightly, and reset an odor of fresh and old urine and poop that hid underneath the large duvet.

 For another minute, I stuck my nose in there. Though some may gag at the stench, it aroused my senses. Mitch’s arms started to move, and I turned my body around in bed to greet him. “Good morning, Mister Tungsten.” I said, as I pushed his bangs into his bed-headed state. “Morning.” He muttered groggily, as he came in for a kiss. His lips met mine, and it was instant euphoria, though neither of us were even close to looking happy. “Shall we get up?” Mitch asked. “Yes, we shall.”

“Give me a minute, I don’t know what I’m feeling, but I’m really enjoying this diaper aspect. My shit and piss feels amazing, and just to rumble around in your own filth feels amazing. Would you mind a minute?” I decided on a risky action, which would either freak him out or bring us closer together. “Sure, can I assist you?” Puzzled, Mitch asked with a quizzical facial expression, “How can one go about doing this?” He articulated this perfectly, even in his groggy state. “You want me to pleasure you in ways I have never done before?”

I said in his ear, in a bare whisper. “Why not. Wake me up.” He said, emphasizing the last three words. “Roll over!” I said, swatting his padded penis, which was surprisingly wet and hard. He rolled over willingly, as I noticed he was still in his Oceanica. I didn’t mind this, but I did mind it when I lightly traced my fingers over his backside. “You dropped a deuce while you were asleep?” “No.” Mitch said, blushing. “I dropped a fresh one this morning, when I was too tired to wake up and go.” “Well, I guess that was pretty awesome. After all, there is no toilet.” I said, smiling, as I squished the log into his diaper, manipulating the mush all over his padded butt cheeks.

Mitch sighed relaxingly. It didn’t freak him out. “It feels fucking amazing. No girl could deliver such beauty.” I began to massage his ass tissue, and rubbed the poop almost everywhere, on the backside of his diaper. He sighed again, but this time, one hand was in his diaper. “Are you rubbing one off?” I asked. “Hell yeah. Meet me at the front.” He rolled over, and the entire front of his diaper was yellow, and you could feel it on the front of his diaper.

“You’re leaking, sailor.” I said. “So what, anything you can do to pleasure me here, boss, I’ll return the favor.” He said in a soft tone, as he leaned up to bring his other arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. I put both my arms around him, and our lips met again. We did this for about a half-second, until our mouths opened, and I was on top of Mitch.

My diaper on his, and my tongue fighting against Mitch’s mouth. The sheer wetness of Mitch’s Oceanica had transferred to my Oceanica, and we were one, big, wet, happy mess. “Jesus kids, we did that before we went to bed.” Alex butted in. When we heard this, we stopped and stared. At this point, we were either scared, or relieved that he, too, was having a somewhat meaningful sleep with Tye. “But you are giving us damn good ideas.” Tye said, in a half-smile as he got up from bed.


Chapter Seventeen: The Real Wake-Up Call


As Tye awoke from bed, and was fully standing, the bedroom door slowly creaked open. I turned around and quickly dove back to bed. It was Laurel, smiling. “Yes Matt, I’m sure his butt smells down-right lovely. But let’s not bottle it as a fragrance just yet.” I laughed nervously, as Mitch smiled in a daze. Alex and Tye laughed. Hard.

 “Anyways, it’s like, 2:30pm. Get up. You guys have to leave the room in an hour and a half. Then we have to adjust everything to your needs and wants. Product testing starts as soon as the rooms are done. We’ll page the ship. And I saw what you did to Ethan last night, Matt. Come here.”

Nervously, I walked up to her. As soon as I took my eighth step towards her, she kneed me in the stomach, causing me to bend over in pain. She held me in this position, and took off my diaper with her free hand. In a daze, I waited in this position while she spanked me mercilessly. 10 hard smacks across the bottom, and she pushed me to the ground. Shocked, I said nothing. “Matt, I’m really sorry I did that, but it’s the protocol. Consider this a warning. Now, you guys will shower, and then I’ll change your diaper. Matt, would you like to shower first?”




            As I walked across the upstairs family room, I heard the cascade roar softly. I stopped, and as my forearms sat on the railing overlooking downstairs, I noticed the fountain, and the multiple crates around it. Supplies, I thought. Looks promising. “Let’s go, Matt, times-a-wasting.” I heard Laurel bellow in her soothing tone.

I hastily sped-walk into the bathroom, and turned on the beautiful sit-in shower. As the showerhead above spewed warm water, I stepped in, and sat down on the cold limestone. It hurt my reddened bottom, and I cried. For the first time in a while, I sat down on the cold floor of the shower, crying. Could it have been the spanking? The fact that I was actually in a relationship? Afraid that I was going to mess up my very first relationship? I don’t know, but tears were flowing out of every orifice. I moaned softly, until I heard the door creak open once more.

Single file and straight into the shower, appeared Mitch Tungsten, Alex Consture, and Tye. When they opened the door to the shower, Alex and Tye slowly sat down on either side of me, while Mitch picked me up, and embraced me once more. Completely naked, we embraced each other. His soft, semi-wet body felt amazing against my wet body. We departed from it, and we all re-arranged ourselves so that we were sitting directly underneath the showerhead.

 As we sat down, Alex spoke. “You guys, I just wanted to let you know this. After walking away from you guys, I was furious. As I was walking around an alternate way to the room, I met you, Tye. And I’ll be completely serious; it was your smile that made me stay. I wanted to stay to meet you, to get to know you. I’ve never felt that way for another dude, and I certainly never felt that way with other girls. Anyways, Tye, what I want to say to you was that... I’m sorry about last night.” He said, with fresh tears dribbling town his face. “I can’t explain it… my body just wanted you, and inside, I knew it was right to spoon you. I just…”

Tye, who put an open hand to his lips, interrupted Alex’s explanation. “Can I say what I have to say now?” Tye said, in a soft, pre-pubescent tone. Alex slowly nodded, with a palm still on his face. Tye wiped a tear from Alex’s face, and I could see that Tye was soon going to have his own waterworks. “As soon as I got on the ship, I was thrilled. This all stopped until I opened the door and was greeted by those fucking assholes Ethan and Blaise. I was cursed at, harassed, and they even threw my luggage down the stairs in rage.”

 “The worst part? The babysitters didn’t do shit. They were in their rooms, packing, and kept telling us to quiet down. As I went down to get a drink, yesterday afternoon, they picked me up and threw me out of the room. That’s when you came along, Alex. Now usually, I don’t smile at anyone, but there was something about you that made my heart almost rip out of my chest. All I could do was smile. As you walked past, I didn’t care that I was locked out, I just wanted to see you again.”

“And last night… It was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Of all the lonely nights I’ve spent alone, last night was when I felt complete. It was just… godly. Words couldn’t explain it. And now you’re wondering, my true reaction?” He said, with his beautiful, husky-blue eyes, which were now seeping tears. Nervously, he removed his hand, and slowly pecked him on the cheek. “You made me feel alive.”

 Alex smiled, and soaking wet, he lunged forwards on his hands and knees and wrapped his soaking wet arms around Tye. In surprise, their lips touched, and then gripped each other in what looked like an intense make-out section. This is too unreal, I thought. For the second day, who knew relationships could blossom so fast? I smiled at a wet Mitch, who smiled back nervously.


Chapter Eighteen: Goodbye, Laurel!


Five minutes later, we emerged from the bathroom squeaky-clean, only to be waited on by Laurel and Alexa, Laurel with 3 disposables in her hand, and Alexa fanning out 5 cloth diapers. Alexa spoke first, as always, with a smile on her face. “Alex, since you decided to choose cloth diapers for your survey, come with me, and I’ll pin you right up.” She said, gesturing for him to meet her in the bedroom.

Laurel then spoke. “Okay guys, before I put on your diapers for now, I just want to let you know that the babysitters from room 202 have been fired for neglect, and that I am to be their babysitter. I will be moving over shortly, but first, I am going to teach you how to put on a diaper. Matt will be our first victim. Please follow me into the bathroom.”

Laurel walked into the bathroom first, while a naked Mitch, Tye, and I followed suite. Judging by the shower, I had the second largest penis. Compared to Mitch, I still had a long ways to go. Tye came in last, and Alex cut close to me. Size doesn’t count, but it’s what you can do with it that does. I re-entered the bathroom, and took my spot on the changing table.

At this point, it was nearly impossible not to get an erection. I failed miserably, as my flagpole rose once more to the splendid occasion of getting padded. “Up!” Laurel, commanded, while I lifted my pale, white bum into the air. Tye and Mitch smiled at this, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Mitch’s pole was beginning to give me a standing ovation. I laid back in total comfort, as she explained to the boys how to diaper me up. Still in a bit of a daze, I only felt the soft touch of baby-powder hit my privates, and the snug application of what Laurel called the brand as Abena X-Plus.

 As I stood up, I knew this was a perfect diaper. “I like this diaper for everyday use, as it absorbs a lot, and is extremely thick, which is visually pleasing to me, and just as arousing to you, correct, Matt?” I blushed, and stood with a naked Tye and Mitch. “Now Tye, hop on the changing table, while Matt changes you.”

 I was completely fine with this, but I could clearly see that Tye wasn’t. Tye’s face reddened as he lay down on the table, and while I lunged to my position, Tye’s penis, too, was hardening. I picked up a smaller X-Plus diaper, and slid it under Tye’s already-lifted butt. After I powdered his penis to the point where it looked like Frosty the Snowman, I snugly taped the diaper shut. He said thanks, and got back into line with me.

 Finally, Tye was to diaper Mitch, and he did so in great success. Although, he did have trouble trying to wrap the diaper around his massive cock, to the point where Mitch had to push it down to get the extremely, thick diaper around him. As I thought of this, I began to feel the walls of my own cotton fortress. Judging by the X in the name, they clearly were the thickest diaper on the market. They seemed almost bulletproof!

 After this, Laurel spoke once more. “Guys, make sure that you learn to diaper one another, as Alexa may not be around to diaper you guys 24/7. I hope you guys have an amazing trip on Dawn Waves, and I hope you guys visit me often. It hasn’t been a full day, and I freaking love you guys. Now give me a big, diapered hug.” We all got together, and hugged her in the small, bathroom space. “Oh, and about Alexa. Respect her, and maybe you won’t end up with a sore ass like Matt. Now head down to the dining hall, and grab a bite to eat!” She said.

As we walked down the stairs, we were stopped. “Wait!” She said, throwing three, solid blue pairs of plastic pants at us. “Put them on, it masks the smell, and keeps it together.” We did so willingly, pulling up our plastic pants on the stairs. We then continued down the stairs.


Chapter Nineteen: What May Be Right For You… May Not Be Right For Some.


            “Alright guys, let’s head out. I’m super hungry.” Mitch said, patting his bare stomach. I agreed, and salivated not about the food, but for his hot bod. “Hold on, I’m going to grab some pants.” I said, but as I was going to open the door, Alex and Alexa emerged from the room first.

I backed up to let them through. She smiled, as if she knew exactly what I was going to do. “Hold up, bud. Your clothing won’t be needed unless you are in activities requiring clothing.” She said softly. “Is dining such an activity?” I asked inquisitively.

 “For informal dining, no. But for fine dining, such as our proper dinners this evening – yes. You’re going to go grab something to tide you over until a formal dinner, so that’s informal. So walk down there in your nappies.” Alexa said firmly.

 “Also, formal dinner will be every night at 7pm. It will be just the older boys, so play nice. A challenge will be introduced every other day, so you guys don’t have one tonight. However, some may find the upcoming challenges physically enduring, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get active, or hit the gym. Not that you guys aren’t fit or anything.” She said enthusiastically. “Anyways, enough of me babbling. I have to fix your rooms up. Get out!” She said, making a gesture to the door. Without hesitation, all four of us bolted out of the room, and I didn’t even get a proper chance to get a look at Alex in the haze.




            As soon as we left the room, Mitch stopped and sat with his back to the door. I rested among the railing, arms gripping the rails. Alex and Tye stood opposite of each other to the left and right of me. Mitch began to speak, but I couldn’t focus on what he was saying.

On the other hand, Alex’s cloth diapers had a lot to say, and I was all ears to what it had to say. First and foremost – boy were they thick, I looked down at his midline and there was a good inch of two of cloth. On top of that, it was covered through green-tinted plastic pants, which crinkled every step of the way. Of course, we all had them on, but they looked better with cloth.

 As much as I wanted to cop a feel of this heavenly-like cloth, I could understand what they felt like. Warm, even warmer when wet, and absolutely comfortable. I think I’m going to ask for those tonight when I need a change. “Matt, you coming to go eat, then hit the gym?” This broke my trance-like faze. “Yeah, for sure.” I said, following my new, crinkling friends to the elevators.




We walked through the grand banquet room, and was instructed to take an immediate right into the mess hall. We did so willingly, and headed in. It was as if it was the exact opposite of the grand ballroom. The entire room was a sky blue, with various cartoon-animal prints everywhere.

On the left was a bar-area containing various snacks and juices, with a steel counter with finished-steel barstools with metal backings. Opposite from the bar, was a more proper dining area, with various tables, and booths.

 The room was barren, except for a few boys sitting in one of the booths. The three looked like they were aged 8 to 11. We acknowledge their presence, and sat down at the bar. A babysitter asked us what we wanted, and we all asked for any cereal they had. We unanimously settled for fruit loops and grape juice.

 Our plastic pants crinkled in the swivel chairs as the juice and cereal arrived. I sipped on my grape juice first, and then spoke. “I’m not sure about you guys, but I’m still pissed about what those fucks did to Tye. I really want to pay them a friendly visit.” I said, smiling, then taking my first spoonfuls of the delicious colored loops.

“Matt, don’t worry about it. I’m done with them, and I’m with you guys now. I talked to Alexa about it. I just need to go and get my stuff from the room later.” “Oh, that’s amazing, Tye!” Alex said, with a grin on his precious face, his eyes emitting a great intimate interest in almost every syllable he spoke.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind giving them a talking to after I hit the weights. They shouldn’t be doing that kind of shit to you, Tye. Don’t stand for it, even if you get your ass kicked, you stood your ground, and that’s all that matters.” Mitch said in a firm tone. “Anyways, are you guys good to go? I’m kind of excited to see the gym.” We all nodded, and got up out of our chairs.

As we walked to the double doors to the main banquet hall, we heard a loud “Wait!” behind us. We turned around only to see the young boys we acknowledge earlier with bright smiles on their faces. “We saw your paintball fight, and boy was it ever awesome!” One of the shorter kids said with a bit of a squeak in his voice. “Whoa!” Alex said in surprise. “How did you see it?”

“All the cameras are linked to a channel on the TVs in our rooms. And you...” He said again, this time, pointing at me. “What you did to that one kid was hilarious!” He said, breaking out in fresh chuckles along with his friends. I chuckled light heartedly, but one of the other children spoke.

“I’m Myles. I’m Eleven years old, and totally here against my will.” He said, laughing nervously. As he shook the hands of Mitch and Alex with his small hands, he looked at me with his shiny green eyes, and was almost too quick to greet me. He stretched out his arm to meet mine in a handshake. I took it, and returned the shake. We departed from the shake, and began to shake the hands of Mitch, Tye, and Alex.

 As I looked into his green eyes, I could already tell there was some distress or depression in young Myles’s life. I couldn’t say for sure, but I just had some negative feeling. His body was average, no muscle, but a small amount of flesh on his bones. He wasn’t anorexic, but he was just – average. He had short, jet-black hair and wore only black plastic pants, which contained a diaper underneath, judging the white trim above the pant.

 Plus, it completely smelled like the heavenly scent of baby powder, so what are the odds that his powdered butt contributed to it? As I inhaled this lovely smell, I was interrupted yet again by the boy who commented on my Paintball game.

“Hiya!” He said in his prepubescent tone. “Name’s Will. I’m 12, and I’m also here against my will!” He said, laughing at his dumb pun. I falsely chuckled at this, and I said, “Pleased to meet your acquaintance. But why come here if you’re against your will?”

He recoiled at this in a surprising way, and then said with his cheeks reddening, “W-well…” He said, stammering. “T-that’s another story for another day.” I nodded, shook his hand, and began to shake the other boy’s hand. “Uh, hello.” The young boy said shyly.

 He was at least foot smaller than the other, but the cutest of them all. With fairly long hair, it wrapped around his head to which all but his left eye was uncovered in this light-brown, silky hair. But what really made me wonder were his eyes. Encircling his black pupil was a circle of slate gray. These, of course, were contacts, but they were an interesting feature on a young boy. He too, wore black plastic pants.

 “I’m eight. And I hate it here!” He said angrily. “Then why stay, little boy?” I asked, in a puzzled tone. “Don’t treat me like a little kid! I have more brains then those two nitwits. I’m staying because I’d die if I jumped ship, we’re far away from home, Dorothy.” He said, sarcastically. “And I have a name, you can call me Nigel!” He said with great and obvious disdain.

Now personally, I would have told him off, but these boys must be here for an obvious reason I’ve yet to find out. I decided to leave it at that. “Well, nice to meet you boys,” I announced loudly, halting all conversation near the door. “But we have some things to do, and you boys have a ship to explore. So if you don’t mind—”

“Okay! Okay! We’ll let you guys go.” Myles said. “But if we all could hang out later, that would be a plus, I’d love to see your room.” “Me too!” said Will. Nigel just grinned and nodded slightly. “We’ll definitely see. If we can, I’d like to have dinner with you dudes tonight!” Said Alex, who was really excited when he said this. The two boys cheered, and Nigel just smiled. “Goodbye!” We all said in unison, before we opened the door and left.


Chapter Twenty: Just One Spark…


As I shut the door to the tiny mess hall and followed the grinning Mitch, Alex, and Tye out of the dining establishment, I checked the clock that floated above the grand doors. It was a few minutes until five, meaning we had plenty of time to go to the gym.

“Do we even know where the gym is?” Alex said, shouting. “That’s what I was thinking.” Mitch replied. “I’m going to go and ask Alexa, while grabbing my iPod.” “Good idea. I could use some tunes as well.” I added in, and pressed the up button on the elevator.

As we got to the second floor of the ship, we were stopped by Laurel. She told us to stop, and began speaking. I tuned out and looked out on the deck. Most of the crates were gone, but there still were some, and some were even open.

“You guys will have to go without your silly iPods, and the gym is on the first floor, and look for the sign on the right flank of the ship. Have fun, and don’t be all sweaty for dinner tonight!” She said cheerfully, kindly ushering us back into the elevator.




            As we were walking down the right flank of the ship, I realized I really had to poop. As much as I really wanted to hold it in and wait until we got to the gym where I could pop a squat in peace, I realized I had to do it in motion to avoid awkwardness.

As Alex and Mitch decided to take the role of finding the room, I confided in Tye about my problem. He chuckled softly, and whispered in my ear, “I let mine go half-hour ago in the conversation. Why didn’t you?” “Not sure, I was caught up in conversation.” I said softly.

“Well, whatever, like Laurel said, the plastic pants will cover the smell.” Tye said reassuringly, hopping up to pat me on the shoulder. I shrugged, and decided why not. As we kept moving towards the gym door, I hesitantly let go of my bowel controls. As I did this, my bowels oozed warm, moist, and gooey fecal matter, and then my bowels kicked in to full affect.

For three solid seconds, the diarrhea spewed out of my asshole and slammed into the back of my thick diaper. It was like a warm, relaxing hurricane, which covered my backside completely. Of course, the noise and smell was muffled by the plastic pants, but was audible enough for everyone to hear.

“Phew, who dealt that one?” Alex said, in a joking tone. As I was about to answer the question, Mitch spoke out when he stopped at a door. “This is the one.” Mitch said, opening the door to the gym.

The gym looked fairly modern, but with everything else on this ship, it had an infantile-like look. The walls were baby blue, this time, with bears and building block prints on the sides. The ceiling was like a beautiful star mural, which covered the modern equipment below it.

 In the center of the room was a boxing ring, with a shelf underneath it for equipment and mouth guards. With a meter-distance all around the gym were weight lifting and exercise machines, varying from your basic free-weights to treadmills. There were also mats for stretching, and a huge rack containing various hand-weights, medicine balls, and skipping ropes.

 “Wow.” I whistled. “And to think, all this for a couple of boys.” Alex added. “Let’s get to work!” Mitch added, running to the mats.




                                             For about an hour, Mitch, Tye, Alex, and I did various stretching, weights, and various other exercises. Mitch was like my personal trainer, and taught me how to properly lift a free-weight, and to work various machines and stretches. We went in a complete circle, and worked on every different machine.

                                             At the end of the hour, we all gathered inside the ring laying down, panting and sweating. After a minute of this, Mitch spoke. “I’m going to go wash my hair and face. I hope my diaper can take another wetting. “Alright guys, Tye and I are going to just stabilize ourselves for a sec.” He said, with a panted laugh. I nodded, and followed Mitch’s suite.

                                             As I followed him into the tiled open shower room, he turned around to face me, with his tired eyes and sweat-soaked hair. He spoke. “Matt, I’m really proud of what you did today, and I thought you did fantastic for your first time.” He put his arms around me, in a tight hug. “Thanks man, that means a lot.” We separated, and he turned around and turned the shower on. “You know what else meant a lot? To me anyways?” I asked, quizzically. “What did?” Mitch said, turned around as water beamed on his back. “What happened… last night….”


Chapter Twenty-One: … Starts A Fire.


                                             As soon as I said this, Mitch turned toward me and walked towards me with his utmost stride. As he walked towards me, I came to the conclusion that he was either really angry or that he had some alternate motive. Almost angrily, he pushed my weakened, steamy body into the door.

                                             Helpless to resist, I just relaxed myself against the door as Mitch attempted to suck the lips off of my body. His tongue pierced into my mouth like a needle into flesh. I closed my eyes and began urinating while our tongues wrestled as if their lives depended on it.

                                             Mitch placed his right arm over my head and stuck to the door as he continued to suck my face off. After I stopped spewing warm liquid out of my penis, I wrapped my right arm around his neck, and felt his steamy body, hearing nothing but the sound of the water hitting the tiles.

                                             My left arm slowly went up his body, and up to his hair, when I pushed his hair back from his face, and then, his face, resisting the intense make-out session. “You forgot to answer my question. What does this mean, Mitchell?” I asked curiously.

                                             “This means….. A lot. A whole fucking lot Matt, jeez, I haven’t felt so free since… since ever!” He said, spilling his beautiful smile on the situation. “Matt, I really wish that we…” The rest of his words were inaudible as a piercing “What The Fuck!” Penetrated the shower door. With our sagging diapers, I forcefully swung the door open to observe the situation.

                                             I opened the door only to find a distressed Tye on the floor, with an enraged Alex standing in the way of Ethan and Blaise. “Just what in the sweet name of fuck is going on here.” Mitch said. “Let me guess, these two twats totally came here to cause shit, and to prove their macho asshole-ness, they pushed Tye over? Not cool, guys. What do you think, Alex?” I said, in a loud and obnoxious tone. “Nice follow up, buddy.” Mitch whispered, as he pinched my soggy bum.

                                             I blushed as Alex began to tell Ethan and Blaise, in a loud, angering tone. “Yeah, that basically sums it up! If they make another quip about Tye, I’ll have their heads.” “Big talk, small-fry.” Blaise muttered nervously, as he stood behind Ethan, who was totally unfazed. Instead, he took a step towards Alex, almost butting heads, and spoke softly, “Why so defensive? You two barely know each other. This is, unless, you two have become more than just friends in the past day. Butt buddies?” “And just what in the hell is that to you? If any of us were remotely gay, it definitely would be you two butt-buddies.” I said this to cover both myself, and my roommates asses – aside from the diaper that was already covering them. Beautifully, in fact. “Oh yeah? Speak up. My fists couldn’t hear the words.”

                                             I guffawed at this, and looked at Mitch, and smirked. He looked at me, and did the same thing. We walked beside Alex in a confident stride. By this point, Ethan still looked unfazed, yet I looked at Blaise. His facial expression changed from worried to scared, and a noticeable wet spot emerged from his thick, freshly powdered diaper. I pulled Alex away from his position, and took his place. Out of the corner of my eye, Tye began to stand beside Mitch while I looked Ethan dead in the face, and as I was about to speak, all our heads turned as the door was bashed open. In came Alexa, Laurel, and Skye Serrano. Serrano spoke. “As much as I wanted to interrupt your rumpus time, the captain wants a word with both groups. Follow us.”


Chapter Twenty-Two: The Cap’m


                                             Not a word was spoken as we followed the three ladies out of the exercise room. We were all in trouble, and we knew it. As we went up the elevators to the prohibited third floor, I watched outside the glass as the sun began to set. “Alright, let’s go.” Laurel said, as she, Blaise, Alex, Skye, and I emerged from the first elevator, while the rest followed suit.

                                             As we stood waiting for the other elevator, I realized how light the wood was on the third floor of the ship. Not only was it the last, but also it was elegant. You could tell this was where the captain and the staff slept because it looked so damn precious.

                                             As the rest came through, we walked along the left side of the ship and into the Captain’s quarters. As Skye opened the door, the entire room was wallpapered in a dark brown and light brown Damier, which complemented the brown semi-circle with a marble counter-top. This desk guarded the also-brown mahogany doors to both sides of the desk.

                                             Seated behind the desk was a beautiful brunette, with a fair complexion, and a husky body. Definitely plus sized material. “Boys, have a seat until the Captain comes back.” We did so, and popped a padded squat on the luxurious brown and black leather sofa. Everything looked completely professional, to the touch.

                                             As we sat silently on the couch, the diaper had lost its charm, and became cold, soaking wet, and totally uncomfortable. I beckoned Alexa over, and asked if she could change me. She went back to Skye, proposed the question, and nodded. She then took me by the hand, and lead me outside the office, and beside the office, was a “Female Attendants Only!” door.

                                             Pulling out a sting of keys, Alexa soon found the right one, and unlocked the door. Inside contained a clear bathroom, with a sterile toilet, sink, mirror, and changing table with a cupboard underneath. “Okay big boy, up you get! We don’t want you to get a rash, now do we?” I shook my head, and sat and laid flat on my stomach once more on the changing table while grabbing my butt, squishing whatever was in the contents of the Abena the umpteenth and last time.

                                             While Alexa struggled to take my plastic pants off, I took the time to empty my bladder, feeling the slightest bit of warmth on my crotch before Alexa pulled the plastic pants away. Looking at my diaper, I was amazed. It held absolutely everything, and didn’t even transfer a drop onto the plastic pants. “Shoot, these really do hold a lot,” Alexa said. “Now I can’t wait for the real surprise.” She said as she untapped my now fowl-smelling diaper.

                                             After two smooth peels, she slowly peeled back the sticky, and smelling diaper. Not even surveying the mess, Alexa picked up a few wipes from underneath the cupboard and began to thoroughly wipe my ass. With every wipe she performed, my penis grew exponentially firmer. As she told me to lift up, I did so willingly, as she opened up the cupboard and slid another Abena under me. As soon as my dick hit the new, soft, and thick diaper, my mind was completely at ease.

                                             She then picked up a bottle of baby powder, and sprinkled at least an eighth of the bottle on my butt. “For the extra-squeaky cleanliness.” She said, giggling. She then taped the diaper back onto me, and gave me a firm pat. “Now get back there, the captain is absolutely dying to meet you.”




                                             As Alexa and I walked back into the office, the door to the Captain’s office opened to reveal a tall, chubby, tanned white man. He smiled at Alexa, and spoke in a deep voice. “Alexa, the boys and girls are upstairs in my room, changing the boys. Go and give them a hand.” He said, with a small smile. “No problem, Boss.” She said, returning the smile, while turning the knob on the door to the right, revealing a small staircase.

                                             “And then there was one…” The captain said, smiling. “If you read the note, than you know who I am.” He said, stepping – rather waddling forward in his white sailor suit. “Victor Teo, call me Vic, or Cap’m. I’m the biggest boy on the ship!” He said, mimicking a small infant. “Come into my office.” He said, beckoning as he opened the door.

                                             As I was ushered in to the office, it looked very executive. His office desk had a black top with a brown, mahogany base. He sat in a classy black chair, with a dark oak trim around the chair. The walls were the same as the waiting room, with the dark Damier carpet. I sat in front of his magnificent desk, while he took his spot on his big chair. Behind him was a magnificent view of the ship, and the orange skies ahead. While he began to speak, I shut him out for the first few seconds and stared in awe of the sunset ahead.

                                             “So anyways, it takes Alexa a crazy amount of time to change a diaper! Agreed?” Vic said in general excitement. I nodded, and he spoke again. “Anyways, the meeting was a pretty straight forward meet and greet. As well, we talked about the new rooms, and how everything was in place to fit all of our needs.” He said, and I smiled in contempt. Perfect, my personal room to share with the best guys in the world.

                                             “As well, I made the Blaise and Ethan apologize to Tye, and it went okay. After all, boys will be boys.” I nodded at this, as he began to speak once more. “As well, tonight we will be greeted by two new arrivals, Adam and … I forget the other boys name. Anyways, there being cleansed, and they will be sleeping in Blaise and Ethan’s suite.” Loud clattering down the steps then interrupted us. Instantly, Vic picked up the phone off his desk and rang someone up. He then checked his watch. I looked at it. 7:30. Damn, time does run fast on this ship.

                                             “Yeah, hey. Just send them down to dinner. Make sure they dress nice!” He said, and then hung up after a mutter. “Anyways, Matt. Just wait here with me until one of the girls brings you up your suit.” He said, continuing his words. “Tonight will be your average dinner nothing special. After however, is something different… we will have a small challenge, or rearrangement, if you’d like to call it.”

                                             “Yes? Tell me more.” I said, with a slight bit of interest and confidence in my tone. He laughed aloud. “Easy my boy, in do time. However, it does involve the new arcade that opens tonight.” “No way! Awesome!” I said aloud. If it weren’t for video games, I would have died long ago. As sad as it is, they’re my best friends, always and forever. “Yes way, it’s totally worth it. I knew you would like them.” “What does that mean?” I said.

                                             “Well…uh…I know a lot about you Matt.” Okay, this is really awkward. Really, really awkward. This is where I draw the line. Being diapered 24/7 and being the biggest boy on the ship is okay with me, but when it involves me being researched like a rat, that’s not alright with me. After a minute of him pretending like that ever happened, I decided to let it slide… for now. Shortly after this moment of silence, Laurel returned to the room, with a suit in her hand. “Put this on, and we will see you down there.” She said. Vic nodded, as I caught the thrown suit, and quickly put it on, half-watching Vic stare at me, while mainly staring at the moonlight being cast outside.


Chapter Twenty-Three: Dance Dance Revolution: Twist Edition


                                             Dinner lasted three hours, which went by incredibly fast. While enjoying a plate of battered fish and fries, I enjoyed a better conversation between Tye, Alex, and I. The deep eyes of Tye and the doughy eyes of Alex showed, showing that they were clearly in love. Mitch and I kept it together, but tonight, he seemed distant. Not from me, but by something else. After eating my food, Mitch asked for me to come outside.

                                             As we walked out, moonlight spilt on the both of us as we leaned over, adoring the moonlight waters. Mitch spoke first, with a scowl on his face. “Matt… tonight something awful is going to happen.” “Just what do you mean, Mitch? Nothing can possibly go wrong, everyone’s here, and things are going to be just peachy.” “No Matt, you don’t understand. There switching one person over to live with Blaise and Tye tonight, so that we get along better or something.” My jaw dropped at this. How could they ruin the only social connections I desperately tried to establish?

                                             “We have the choice to vote someone off. Between you and me, I’m going for Tye.” “Why would you even vote in the first place?” “I have a few reasons though, hear me out.” As I was desperately trying to grasp the situation, I couldn’t help but let my bladder go into my unused diaper, it was begging for a drink. As I looked intently into Mitchell’s deep blue eyes, I concentrated hard on expelling the fresh urine from my penis.

                                             As it slowly dribbled down into the fresh disposable Abena, it soon rushed towards the front of the diaper, instantly warming my penis. “So what do you think, Matt?” I laughed, and told him the absolute truth. “Couldn’t you tell? I was peeing my pants.” He laughed, and said, “I’m holding it until after this. I couldn’t really care either; I’ll just let those hardheads think. Can I feel?” He asked.

                                             I was shocked. Right now? I was either really excited, or nervous as I nodded. He brought his hand under my pants, and grabbed the front of my diaper. I expelled a bit more urine into the diaper, warming his hand. He smiled at this. “I am getting so turned on right now,” We said in unison, laughing aloud. Quickly, he took my hand, and led me behind the elevator. He took my hand, and jammed it down my pants as he peed into his warm cloth. As giddy as a schoolboy, I palmed his diaper, making a crinkle sound, and began to gently rub. Suddenly, as he began to open his mouth and lean forward, we heard the hardwood squeak and the words “Mitch? Matt?” It was Tye, shit. Quickly, I took my hand out of his pants and walked away from the elevator, smiling at Tye. “Hey!” I said, hugging Tye.

                                             “Easy there, Lover-boy.” He said with a squeak. “We’re all going down to the corridor into the new arcade, where were going to have some fun!” I met his excited smile, as the rest of the crowd came towards us. “Onwards! To the arcade!” Vic yelled, as all of us cheered. Mitch emerged from the elevator, and smiled at me. We were in for a fun night.




                                             As we walked down to the left end of the ship, we were greeted with various noises and sounds from inside the door. Skye pushed the door open to reveal the wondrous arcade.

                                             As I was the last one in, my jaw dropped as I saw the neon-green room covered from head to toe in various arcade games and game-character ceiling stickers.    While the adults moved up the staircase and into the lounging area, I took a few steps forward to see all the children testing out the different racing, action, and adventurous games. Laughter and various sounds were heard, while the boys were beckoning me over.

                                             I smiled at them and as I began to move forward, I was tapped on the shoulder. It was Alexa. “Matt, come meet Adam and Jac, the two newbies that just came today.” She said, pointing at the boys corresponding to the names. I got out of the doorway, and met the deep brown eyes of Adam. He was a tall, round boy similar to the captain, with a chubby face, and a kind, yet nervous smile. He stood naked, all but in a diaper and blue plastic pants. He spoke first. “Hey!” He said. “Welcome to the ship.” I said, smiling at him. My eyes melted all over him. He looked like a great, big, teddy bear, and I wanted him to be a part of my collection.

                                             I then met the eyes of Jac, who too, looked like a super-stud. With luscious blonde locks, and an amazing grey hat, I leaned in to shake his hand. He also looked tremendous in his thick, white diaper with blue tinted plastic pants. He stepped forward with a crinkle and performed a handshake. “Welcome aboard.” I said. “Thanks!” He said, and shying back into his spot. “Now, what are we all waiting for? The games are screaming to be played!” She said, running back into the arcade. I like Alexa, she’s so energetic.

                                             “The girl says good things,” I said, addressing Adam and Jac. We all laughed, and walked back into the arcade. Now, there was a large circle in the middle of the room, while the captain pointed me out. “Matt! Adam! Jac! Get in here, time to face-off!” Puzzled, I pushed past a few younger boys to get to the center, where I walked towards an enthusiastic Mitch, Alex, and Tye. I stood in front of the huge crowd of pre-adolescents, who at this point, were cheering and screaming. Adam and Jac seemed to take their place, as they went behind a pissed-looking Blaise and Ethan. When Adam began to say something, Ethan met his gaze with a dirty look. He then proceeded to look forward, as the captain spoke. “Tonight, we’re switching things up!” He said in a course yell, used to climb above the screaming adolescents.

                                             “One person from each side is being switched over to reside in the opposing suite for the rest of the cruise! Who will it be?” People began to shout out various names, to which I was mentioned in the haze. It was as if it were a game show. “Well, here’s how it’s going to go down.” Vic said, in a loud, energetic voice. “The rules of the game are simple, we’re playing three songs on Dance Dance Revolution to determine which person is moving to the other team’s room! One person from each team will be chosen to dance for their team. Should one team win, they have the option to grant immunity on themselves or another team mate from being picked to switch. Nothing happens to the loser. Everyone understand?” The entire crowd roared once more, and both teams nodded. “Okay, the two nominations are… Matt and Jac!”


Chapter Twenty-Four: Silver Dream


As soon as my name was called, I jolted up and jumped onto the machine. With my hands placed behind my back on the balance beam behind the dance pad, I looked unstoppable. Inside, I felt just as unstoppable, especially when a frightened-looking Jac stepped up to the monstrous machine. Feeling confident, my eyes traced towards the large red machine monitor, showing the exact title display on both the monitor and the top of the machine.


“Good luck, mate.” He said to me, before Vic cut him off.


“Alright, ladies and gentlemen. If you’re not staff or part of the 13+ teams, disperse!” Captain Victor Teo (Vic) bellowed, as kids began to disperse, resuming their social activities.


As I turned around and saw the crowd of staff and teammates at us, I caught a friendly smile from Adam, the large boy I met in the hallway. I saw his chubby cheeks stretch into a smile, and I returned it. As my eyes began to drift downwards to gander at his groin, I heard an outburst of a techno mix from behind me, my eyes shot forward just in time for the name of the song to be picked. The screen turned black, and then appeared two male avatar characters, with glowing blue screens, with the song name Escape in the center of the screen.


“3, 2, 1, Dance!!!” The machine shrieked, as the crowd began to cheer.





After the first song, it truly was a warm up for me. It was nothing but the cheering of our names from start to finish, and it was pretty difficult to concentrate once you lost your rhythm. Our grades were both D’s, but Jac won by a couple hundred points, which isn’t much. The roulette button was pressed once more and the game re-started. The song title was Beautiful Inside, and I put my hands on the back pipe and my feet angled to the right, assuming the worst.


As it started up, it revealed to be a rather fair paced tempo. Actually, as I caught Jac struggling in the corner of my eye, I was doing all right. Better, in fact. At the end of the song, our scores were very far apart. I had beaten his C score with a B. My group cheered, and I saw Adam clap.


“Okay, guys. The competition is fierce, this last song will determine the immunity, one more roulette!” Vic said, fiercely slamming his hand on the roulette button.


 The screen blackened once more, only to reveal the final song title with a purple background, displaying our avatars. It was Silver Dream, by some Japanese artist. I smiled at the song, but it faded as I saw the rapid arrows zooming towards the arrow imprints at the top of the screen. I stomped furiously, as I heard Jac stomp as well. I saw my success bar drop rapidly, and through Jac shouting, “Damn”, I was guessing he was in the same boat as me. All I could do was mash my feet to match the arrows and stay alive longer than Jac.


As it was a fast song, it was also short. Two minutes later, the screen blackened, and re-appeared to reveal the scores. Still in our suits, now semi-sweat stained, I turned to Jac, as he returned my eye contact. “No hard feelings mate.” I said. He nodded, and saw the screens. The room erupted, and my team came up to group hug me. I saw the final score. I had beaten Jac by 10,000 points. Though the captain and the staff comforted him, it wasn’t as energetic as my team.


“But wait!” The captain shouted, silencing the room. “Matt, as you are immune, you may do one of two things, keep it, or give it to someone else. Whatever will you do?”


As the crowd was still silent, waiting for my reply, I thought this out. Although it is really nice to be immune to moving, I really don’t care. Tye, on the other hand…


I saw Tye, smiling at me, but looked clearly nervous. This was enough for me. There was no way he was going back, and through granting him immunity, this would secure that. “I’m giving it to Tye.” I said stone-faced. The crowd gasped dramatically, then laughed about it.


“Very well.” Vic said. “Tye! Congratulations on immunity from moving over to the other suite. However, you now face a difficult decision that Matt would have faced, had he held onto it.”


Phew, who would have thought that would happen.


“Tye, you must now pick someone from your team to get the boot, and pick someone from the other suite to move into yours. Who will they be?”


Without hesitating, he spoke. “I’m really not sure…” he said in an unconfident tone.


“Well then, would you like me to randomly pick two people to go?” Vic said, followed with a loud random guffaw.


Tye looked up at Alex, and they both nodded. “Yeah, why not.”


“Fine then. Teams, follow me to my office, I’ll use my computer’s randomizer.”




Traveling up to Vic’s office again, I was kind of excited. It was going to be different having someone leaving from the suite. I’m not sure who it’s going to be, but it’s going to suck knowing that one of us is going to coming over, and someone from the other suite comes over to our new suite. I’d be furious if it were Blaise or Ethan, otherwise shit would go down.


As the elevator doors opened, the 8 of our padded butts followed the Captain into his office, with the reception doors deserted. This made me realize something.


“Vic?” I asked quizzically.


“What is it, young Matt?” He said, stopping before unlocking his office door. All heads were now turned on me.


“Who is steering the ship, and where exactly are we going?” I replied.


He smiled. “Glad you asked. I have people who do that for me, I just own the ship, and I wanted to take this cruise to relax.” He said this, and unlocked the door.


We all piled behind the desk, waiting for the two names to be called. Victor typed furiously, and then stopped abruptly, and spoke. “Now, before I pick the names, I want to finalize that the person switching over will be in the opposing suite for the remainder of the cruise, and will be on the team for the rest of the cruise. Everyone understands?”


We all nodded collectively, as he clicked his mouse.


“Well well. It seems as if Team Sonic will lose Matt, and will gain Jac.”


Chapter Twenty-Five: Unimportance


A collective gasp was shared as the names were announced. I looked at Jac, and smiled. I jokingly sidled beside him, and whispered in his ear, “Have fun. You can attempt to court anyone but the hot blonde. He’s all mine, for now.” I said, and sidled back to my old team.


“Damnit, man.” Alex said.


“We’ll miss you, bro.” Tye said, in his prepubescent tone.


Mitch just said nothing, but scowled with moist eyes.


“Well, it’s decided. Now, I guess that sums up the fun for tonight. Mitch can bring your bags to your new room, Matt. I’ll have Jac’s things sent to Team Sonic’s room. Now skedaddle!” Vic said mischievously.




I walked out of the office and into a dark abyss with floodlights guiding the way. The moon was waning, and a thick fog covered the ship.


I leaned over the starboard railings, and looked down at the crashing waves. I heard multiple footsteps head to the elevator, but heard a more solemn step continuing on. I heard them becoming louder, and louder, until they stopped.


I was greeted by sniffles. “I… I…” No doubt that was Mitch’s voice.


This was my obvious cue. I turned around, and stroked his cheek with my right hand, wiping his tears away with my left. Never could I have imagined that I would be on a cruise with two of the most popular kids in my school in diapers, and the fact that they care… for me. I also can’t believe that I have the courage to talk to them, and actually wipe the tears from their sad faces.


“Mitch, just calm… I’m only across the ship, we got our phones back, I think…” I said soothingly, putting a finger to Mitch’s face.


With his charming smile showing beyond his tear waterfall, he placed my finger away from his mouth, and back onto his cheek.


“It’s not that.” Mitch explained. “I think what you did for Tye was by far the most…. I can’t explain it, but it was really a sweet thing to do. Now I’m not much of an emotional guy, but he’s probably really thankful about it. It’s just a shame our relationship was affected because of it, rather than theirs…”


“It’s just how it is. It would be selfish for me to truly break that love at first sight thing they have…” I explained to him, placing my hands back out on the rails, now facing the still crashing black waves.


“And what about us? Isn’t our relationship just as important?” Mitch asked, with a bit of rage in his voice.


“Mitch, I don’t know you all that well… What Alex and Tye have is special, or at least looks like it. You’re a crucial lifeline to me, but we can’t be selfish about our relationship. As far as I’m concerned, we’ve only spooned and made out.” I said in a sincere tone, still freezing my padded butt off.


“Oh….” Mitch recoiled, obviously hurt.


There was an awkward silence as a gust of wind rustled our plastic pants. Mitch walked towards the elevator, and then stopped.


“You’re right, Matt. We never ever had a relationship. I had no idea what I was thinking of. Honestly, I totally didn’t. I’m not gay… I’m as straight as an arrow. I BLAME THIS CRUISE, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I BLAME YOUR SORRY, NERDY, FUCKING RETARDED ASS, MATT AUBURN. I HOPE YOU HAVE A HOLLY JOLLY FUCKING TIME PACKING FUDGE WITH TWO TARTS AS DUMB AS YOU ARE AND THAT FAT FUCK.” He screamed, and then stepped into the elevator. As I turned around to see the elevator, I saw a distraught Mitch with moistened eyes, as he gave me the doubled fingered salute as the elevator de-escalated.


I took everything in, and stared meaninglessly in the ocean water while doing so. Cold and hurt, I took these words to heart, feeling immense confusion, shock and self-sadness; I stared into the moonlit aquatic abyss as tears flowed freely across my face.


Chapter Twenty-Six: So Far So Great


After a while, I stood up, and walked to the elevator. With my tear-caked face, and urine-filled Abena, I waddled to the elevator and pressed the down button. Sniffling, I waited for the familiar ding, as I stepped inside the lush elevator. I checked the time inside the elevator. 2am. Shoot, time flies when you’re getting bitched at for making a poor choice. The familiar ding sounded again as the doors opened.


Outside waited a fog-hidden character. From the outline, he was tall, and definitely round.


“There you are!” He said in his soft, plush-like voice. Adam had come to my rescue, and embraced me in the most comforting, warmest hug I’ve ever been in.


This completely disarmed me – all this anger I had inside of me just exploded into the sky, as I reached around and attempted to move my arms around him. I did, but barely. I didn’t want this moment to end.


Finally, after at least a minute of silence, he dispersed, and I slowly let go.


“I got your bags, Matt. I’ve already set them on the bed. It’s huge, huh!” He said in complete innocence, not even aware of the situation. I went along with it, and just smiled. He walked me back to my new suite, and not a word was said.


            As I got to the door, Adam began fidgeting in his diaper. He pulled out two cards, and handed one to me.


            “You stash things in your diaper?” I asked, quizzically.


            “Of course I do! Always have, and always will.” Adam said, proudly.


            “Yeah? What else do you have in there?” I said, playfully swatting at his backside.


He giggled, and replied while swiping his red card through the door, “That’s for me to know, and you to find out…” and turned the handle.




            I walked inside the door first, and saw the exact same layout of our room, except for a few decorative changes. For starters, the boys decided to paint the room green, with various small animals, to which some were even wearing diapers.


            Looking up, I smiled at them until I almost stumbled over a rock underneath the cascade. It looked exactly like the one in the other room, except it did not face a grand door that contained a hot tub and pool. Instead was a lovely snack bar, with a square table that sat six. To the right 45 degree angle of the cascade was a giant, mahogany cabinet/counter piece that clashed with the rest of the decorations. Letters lay scattered upon it, as well as clothing in the cabinet.


I heard a huge rumble as Ethan and Blaise bolted down opposing staircases to come right in front of us. “Well, if it isn’t fatty, and … fatty junior!” Blaise said unconfidently as Ethan laughed aloud.


Okay, personally, I believe that Ethan and Blaise are probably the biggest idiots and quite possibly the bullies of the ship. However, I can’t live in such a hostile environment for the rest of my so-called “vacation”. I am going to try and make peace, and if all else fails…


“Matt, I only grabbed a few bags, so go check if it’s all yours. They kind of wanted me out in a hurry…” Adam said wearily, ignoring Blaise and Ethan.


“Alright, I’ll go take a look through. Stay strong with these guys, huh?”


He nodded as he moved towards the fridge. Poor guy, I love him exactly for who he is, and I think his weight is a turn on.


I ran up the stairs only to see the exact same setting. This time, there was another staircase that leads up to the big, oak mahogany doors similar to the Sonic suite. How much space does this ship mysteriously have? I thought to myself, as I opened the bedroom door.


I opened the door to the same animal print ceilings and wallpaper with white marble flooring. I then saw my bags neatly on the bed. Hmm, I’m really glad Blaise and Ethan didn’t fuck with my luggage.


After a few minutes, I scrounged around my luggage to find that everything was in order. As I was about to venture into a third bag, I decided to take a quick bathroom break in my chilled diaper. I decided to warm it up with a flood of fresh urine. As I was about to squat down and drop a load into my X-Plus, the door turned open to reveal Adam, smiling down at me, with an unfamiliar bag in his hand.


“What are you doing?” He asked inquisitively.


I smiled, and decided to be honest. “Pooping, if you needed to know.”


He smiled, and squatted down in front of me. “You’re a mind reader. I was about to do the same thing in the bathroom, but I have this other bag for you.” He dropped the bag in front of me.


I looked at it. This wasn’t my bag, as the pattern matched Alex’s luggage set. My set was in a Louis Vuitton monogram pattern, and this was just plain brown. “This isn’t my bag, Adam. I’ll go and return it after I settle something.”


Adam smiled, and spoke in a bare whisper “Take your time. I’m taking mine.”


            I pushed the bag inside, and froze myself. I became focused in pushing out the warm, solid poop emitting from my backside. I heard wet farts from Adam, who laughed nervously as small, audible crinkles from his diapers spoke softly, and he winked at me as he turned around to show his sagging diaper.


            He waited for me as I continued to push the mess out of me. As the poop hit contact with the back of my diaper, the collision mashed the poop a bit and it dropped right into the centerfold of the diaper. I smiled greatly at this, and by now, the smells were in the air.


            “I haven’t done anything like that in a while,” He said, as I lightly tapped the backside of my warm diaper, running my forefinger up and down the parallel poop-stick.


            Feeling totally adventurous and perverted, I decided to ask Adam a risky question, to prove that he was willing to do almost anything for me.


“Can I feel?” I asked nervously.


Adam’s face light up, and patted me on the shoulder with his massive hand. “I thought I was going to have to ask! But only if I can too.”


I nodded excitedly as we embraced each other in a crouching hug, and I think I can say I enjoyed his warm hug more than I enjoyed his warm diaper. I felt his load courageously, and it smelled decent. I then ran my fingers to the front of his diaper, as he did to mine, and began to feel his wet spot, as he did for me. Instantly, I felt his boner already rising, and mine as well. I looked into his eyes with pure excitement, as he did as well.


He spoke. “Lie facing down, and it will so be worth it. Never have I had such an immediate connection with someone in my life… Do you really like me?”


I smiled. “Buddy, me neither, and honestly, I can sense this coming to great wonders. More ways than one…” I said, kissing his cheek, and obeying him willingly.


As I dived onto the bed, I turned my head to see Adam pounce on me with enough force to move deep into the bed. With his knees in between my legs, he began to deeply massage my back.


 I let out a gleeful groan as he worked out the multiple kinks. The thing is that I barely know Adam, and I love him already. He’s courageously hands-on, in the most attractive way possible.


As he slowly massaged my back, he moved his hands down to my stiffened diaper, and nearly blended my feces with his massaging techniques. I became so hard; I coated the entire front of my diaper in semen. I told him this, and he chuckled.


“Here’s the bonus. I’ll change you after. Let it all out.” He said, putting his face between my padded cheeks.


As totally wrong as this entire situation was, I felt a deep commitment to Mitch. Oh well, I realized, he broke it. I spread my buttocks apart to let out a surprisingly wet fart, which lead to an oozing out of diarrhea. It backed up my diaper, and as Adam rested his head on the mountain of scat in my diaper, he sighed of relief. “Jesus, Matt. You must think I’m the weirdest kid in the world right now, but I don’t care anymore.” He said. “ I DON’T CARE ANYMORE, THIS IS A NEW EXPERIENCE, AND A BRAND NEW ME!!!” He yelled, his right arm in the air as he was still lying down on my load.


I smiled along with him, and turned around, and shimmied down so that his head was now on my breast. I stroked his head as the poop now marinated my back.




I woke up in a fright. I looked down to see that I had a fresh, white diaper that smelled heavily of baby powder. I woke up still in bed, with all the other boys still in bed. I checked the clock on the nightstand. 3:54am. Shit. I’m going to be dead tomorrow.


I got up, and decided to return my old card and Alex’s bag to their suite, as I was pretty sure that one of the boys would be up. I opened the bedroom door slowly, and moonlight spilled from the never-seen before skylight and onto the still-dripping cascade. I tiptoed down the stairs, bag and card in hand, with the only sound being the crinkling of my thick diaper. It wasn’t an Abena, but something much lighter, and more plastic-like.


I jumped down the last three stairs, and ran as fast as my crinkling butt could outside the door. In nothing but my diaper, I opened the door and into the post-midnight ocean.


As I walked down the freezing planked deck, I rubbed my arms as I walked quietly to 201. I swiped the card and walked in to see the brand new suite.


Chapter Twenty-Seven: What Goes Around…


I opened the door all the way to see a dark room with light emitting from the hot-tub room. I tip toed into the room, being careful as to not bug Alexa. I peered into the room only to see Alex playing pool alone, and Tye in the Jacuzzi.


            I knocked on the door quietly, and startled Alex. He saw my face, and smiled. I walked towards him, and put my arm around him. He looked rather sad – as if something were troubling him.


            “That’s my bag!” He said, smiling. “My personal stuff is in there, thanks for bringing it back. I knew Adam got the wrong bag, but I didn’t have the heart to tell him. I hope you’re defending him over there, he sounds nice.”


            I smiled. “No worries, he’s my top priority. What’s up with you and Tye? Why aren’t you joining him?”


            Alex looked away at the hot tub, as did I. Tiny Tye looked as if he had dozed off in the warm water. I smiled at the image, until Alex spoke once more. “We’re not speaking right now, he’s being immature.”


            As much as I wanted to explore his feelings, I knew I had to go. “Listen Alex, I really have to leave, the babysitters will kill me if they see me out this late.”


            “Very well,” Alex said. “But can you do me one more thing? Could you put my bag upstairs in the bedroom? I really want to practice my shot here, then get straight into bed.”


            I smiled at the request. “For you, anything.” I said, pinching his thickly padded bottom playfully.


            I silently stalked up the stairs, and turned the familiar bedroom doorknob. Without thinking, I turned the lights on to see Mitch on top of Jac, making out.


            All eyes turned on me, and the joy on both Jac’s and Mitch’s face now faded as they stopped and stared. I drop the bag on the floor. Mitch spoke first. “Don’t even think about bitching me out right now Matt, I just essentially broke…”


            He continued, but I was too tired to give a fuck. I just did almost the same thing to Adam, so I can’t really blame him. Plus, if this was the worst he could do at getting back at me, then our relationship can’t be that bad. “Mitch. I don’t care. I really don’t. I hope you two have a pleasant time.” I said monotone, as I walked out the door with only my heart beating and my lungs breathing in the urine scented air.


            “What happened up there?” Alex said with watery eyes, as Tye walked passed me angrily as I descended down the stairs.


            “Oh, nothing I can’t handle tomorrow. Why? What’s up with you? Why are your eyes watering?” I started bombarding him with questions.


            “To keep a long story short Matt, I got pissed with Tye. You see…” Alex explained, as my eyes began to shut.


            Alex, wisely studying my sleep-deprived stupor, decided to comment on it. “Look, I know you’re pretty much comatose, but I hope I can see you for breakfast or lunch tomorrow. I’ll text you when.”


            I had enough energy to reply back. “Sounds good Alex, I’m really sorry I’m bailing. I love you, bro. See you tomorrow.” I said, hugging him as I opened the door out. Alex smiled, and said it meant a lot to him. Secretly, it did to me, as well.


I left the room, and closed the door. Holding back tears, I thought anything we ever had with Mitch and I was over. As for Alex and I, we had something strong. If not built on love or lust, then we are on a strong foundation for an amazing friendship. After all, not too many boys emerge as better friends on a random fetish cruise. Even though I ditched his emotional breakdown, I couldn’t sleep on it. All in all, I guess I emerge from Mitch’s charades as the better person, as he told me off, and made out with someone he barely knew. The best part is, I didn’t retaliate. Go me.


            I ran out of the room, and back into mine. I stormed up the stairs and into the group bedroom, where I jumped on the bed and alerted everyone.


            “What the hell! Where were you?” Blaise asked.


            “Shut the fuck up, all of you! Now would most definitely be the time to piss me off. Now GOOD NIGHT!” I said in a harsh whisper, as I immersed myself in warm sheets, and smelly farts. I warmed my front with a flood of urine, and pushed out a surprisingly large mound of poop.


            With this, I turned into Adam’s dormant body, wrapped my semi-thin arms around his large body for warmth, and shut my eyes shortly after my urine-soaked erection.


(I hope you enjoyed it! Mail me feedback or ideas @ DiaperedM@gmail.com.

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(6+ pairs)
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I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
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