Alex's Adventures Summary: This is a fictional story about a 9-year-old boy, who has an interest in diapers. About his afternoons at his mom’s best friend’s home, who has a 3-½-year-old boy who is still in diapers. Alex woke up around 7:00am as he usually did on a weekday morning. The sun was shining in his bedroom window, brightening up the whole room. He rolled out of bed, yawned, stretched, and then went over to his dresser to find some clothes to wear for the day. It was the end of June, school had just ended last week, and Alex was very excited at the adventures that awaited him this summer. He quickly picked some denim shorts and a Spiderman t-shirt, got dressed and headed downstairs for some breakfast. Alex’s mom was already up and doing various house chores when she noticed Alex come down the stairs. “Hi honey, how are you doing this morning?” his mother asked him. “Great” Alex exclaimed, “What are we doing today?” “Well, honey,” his mom started, “I was thinking maybe we would go over to Aunt Claire’s for a while this afternoon. How does that sound to you?” “Sounds good, mom,” Alex responded. “How does that sound to me?” Alex was thinking in his head. It sounded great, he loved going over to Aunt Claire’s, as they called her, even though she wasn’t actually their aunt, just his mom’s good friend. He loved going over there, because they had a big house with lots of cool stuff for kids to play with. They had an air hockey table, a Super Nintendo which Alex always likes to play with, a trampoline outside, and many other fun things to do. There was also Jason, Aunt Claire’s 3 ½-year-old son. Jason was a lot of fun to play with, even though he was much younger than Alex who had just turned 9, they had a lot of fun together. Alex didn’t know what it was; maybe it was his carefree attitude, or the fact that they always had imaginary adventures to brave new worlds; but whatever the reason they always got along well. There was another reason Alex enjoyed going over there, something he did not let on to anyone else. Alex enjoyed going to Aunt Claire’s because Jason was still in diapers. At least he was still in diapers the last time he’d seen him. He was 3 ½ years old now; maybe he would be potty trained. Alex hoped not! Alex first noticed his fascination with diapers when he was at Aunt Claire’s last summer. Whenever Aunt Claire would change Jason’s diaper, Alex would find himself glued to the sight by an invisible force. He couldn’t understand it; he hadn’t worn diapers in years. Why now would he suddenly be interested in them? He couldn’t explain it. He had almost tried to get a diaper and try it on one time, but lost his nerve. Nevertheless, Alex hoped Jason was still in diapers, so he might have the opportunity again. Besides at the very least if he was still in diapers, he’d at least get to see Aunt Claire change Jason’s dirty diapers. With that last thought, Alex grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and some Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast. He ate it quickly, thinking about all the fun things he would be doing in the afternoon. The rest of the morning past fairly quickly, Alex simply played with Lego in his room. His mother fixed herself and her son a peanut butter and jam sandwich for lunch. They then got ready anything they wanted to bring with them; Alex brought some of his Spiderman action figures. The drive to Aunt Claire’s took only about ten minutes. Alex was so excited as they drove up the long driveway to the house. When they got out of their vehicle they could see Aunt Claire hanging laundry out in the backyard. Jason was beside her, bent over playing with a dump truck. As they walked over to them, Alex quickly noticed that Jason was indeed still wearing diapers. The front of his Pamper could be seen sticking out the top of his shorts, along with the obvious bulge that went along with it. Alex loved looking at his little diapered friend. “Hi Claire” Alex’s mom said to her, “how have you been doing?” “Good” she said as she came over and gave her a hug. “And how is Alex doing?” Claire question directed at Alex. “My oh my, he’s growing like a weed Marlene (Alex’s mother’s name), what are you feeding him?” “I know” Marlene said, “I’m tempted to get out the rubber mallet to stop him from growing so much”. The two women laughed at this, and Alex just wanted to turn invisible. He never understood people’s fascination with kid’s growth, and comparing them to weeds. Oh well, he thought. The talk had now turned to Jason. “And how is Jason” Marlene said, patting his head. “Oh, you know, growing like a weed too, getting into mischief and all that” responded Claire. “I see someone isn’t potty trained yet” Marlene commented. “No, I haven’t really been trying that hard yet” Claire said. “He hasn’t seemed that interested and I just haven’t felt the need to press it yet. It’ll come eventually. Heck in some ways I don’t want to rush it, they grow up too fast as it is.” “Yeah I know what you mean, Alex is growing up so fast too.” “Speaking of potty, smells like someone might need a diaper change” Aunt Claire said. She then reached over and took Jason by the hand, and brought him over in front of her. “Do you have a dirty diaper, young man?” she asked Jason. Jason didn’t say anything. She then turned him around and looked in the back of his diaper. “You sure do” she exclaimed. “Let’s go get you changed”. “Why don’t you guys come in?” Claire said, “I need to change Jason, and then we can discuss what we’re going to do this afternoon”. Alex was so excited as he entered their home. He had only been there for five to ten minutes and already he was going to get to see Jason get his dirty diaper changed. Aunt Claire took Jason into the living room, a fairly large room nicely decorated with three chairs and a couch. Off to one side was a diaper bag, to which Claire went and kneeled beside. She proceeded to unzip the bag and pull out the items needed: a new disposable diaper, wipes, changing pad, and baby powder. She laid out the changing pad on the living room floor and placed all the other items beside it. With everything ready for the change to take place, she again took Jason by the hand and led him over the closest edge of the changing pad and proceeded to lower him onto it. By now Alex could smell the strong odor of Jason’s poopy diaper, and it only made him more excited about what was about to happen. Claire put her hands at the waistband of Jason’s shorts and proceeded to undo the top button, unzip the zipper, and pull down his shorts to his ankles. The diaper was fully exposed now and Alex could see that Jason had done a pretty big load in his diaper. He could see a little brown poop at the leg openings, too. Alex was more excited than he had ever been about this, and he was taking it all in. Jason’s mother proceeded to undo the tapes on his diaper with the familiar ripping sound that it makes. With the diaper unfastened, Aunt Claire grabbed Jason’s legs and proceeded to lift them high into the air. She then used the front of the used diaper to clean his dirty bottom. She took the dirty diaper from beneath his bum, using the back of it to wipe him. Claire then took a baby wipe from the container and proceeded to wipe his bottom. Just then Alex heard his mom calling from the kitchen for him to come help her get a snack together. Not wanting to leave he called back to her, “I’ll be just a second, mom”. “Go ahead, sweaty, we’re almost done here, and then we can figure out what we want to do for the rest of the afternoon,” Claire said as she used another wipe to clean Jason’s diaper area. But Alex did not want to leave at all, because he was enjoying watching this diaper change far too much. He was trying to think quickly of a reason that he could stay and watch, but he couldn’t think of one. He considered just staying anyway knowing that his mother would probably get upset with him. He wasn’t one to deliberately disobey his parents, but he just didn’t want to leave. He stood up really slowly not really going anywhere. He had no intention of missing any of this diaper change. By this time Claire had finished cleaning Jason’s bum, and was just reaching her hand over to pick up the clean Pamper. She proceeded to unfold the new disposable diaper, put it on the floor on the diaper change pad, lifted Jason’s legs high up into the air again, and slid the clean diaper beneath him. Holding Jason’s legs in the air, Claire looked over at Alex and said, “You better hurry up and go help your mom in the kitchen, before she gets angry.” “Yeah, I guess I should,” Alex said weakly, “do you need me to help you at all?” “No, I think I got it covered, Alex,” Claire responded. Alex shuffled his feet slowly towards the door that led to the kitchen, still not want to leave. He continued to watch as Claire grabbed the bottle of baby powder and began to put generous amounts on Jason’s bum and diaper area, she even put some on the diaper. Alex loved that smell, the sweet smell of the new Pampers, and the smell of baby powder; how he wished it were him getting changed. Just as he began to be taken away by his own thoughts, his mother entered the room and she didn’t look happy. “What on earth is taking you so long to come and help me?” Marlene demanded. “I’ve been waiting for over 5 minutes; is there something important that you are doing in here?” she continued. “’Cause it certainly doesn’t look like it to me,” she said as she looked over at her son and then over at Claire who was pulling up Jason’s diaper between his legs and taping it snugly in place. “Were you doing something important in here, young man?” Alex’s mom asked a second time, hands on her hips. Alex didn’t like it when his mom called him young man like that. He was genuinely scared though, because his mom seemed to be pretty angry with him. He didn’t know what to say as he was only in the living room to watch Jason get his diaper changed. “I don’t know mommy, I’m sorry,” Alex offered. “Okay, well why don’t you come into the kitchen and help me fix a snack” his mom said. She seemed to drop the issue, and nothing more was said about it. Alex followed his mom into the kitchen, as Claire pulled up Jason’s pants and started putting items back in the diaper bag. In the kitchen Marlene had placed some crackers and veggies on a tray. A block of cheese lay beside a cutting board with a knife beside it. Alex was looking at the food when Claire entered the kitchen behind him, dirty diaper in hand. She proceeded to the sink and opened the cupboard below it, where she kept the kitchen garbage, and dropped the used diaper into it. She then closed the cupboard and turned on the tap to wash her hands. Alex looked back at the food and then at his mother as she started to say something to him. “Maybe you could cut some cheese to go along with the crackers, and put it on the tray,” Marlene said to Alex, then turned to Claire and said, “I thought maybe we could eat outside since it’s such a nice day”. Claire seemed to agree with that idea. As Alex began cutting cheese, his mind wandered back to the diaper change that had just taken place. Everything about it made him want to try on a diaper, and just see what it would feel like. He took a good look at the Pampers size 6 diaper that Claire used on Jason when she was changing him, and they looked pretty big to him. He thought maybe, since he wasn’t a huge kid, that maybe he would be able to fit into one. The idea of trying on a diaper excited Alex. Every time he would look at Jason, he would admire his diaper. It looked so soft, so comfortable; the way it hugged his bottom snugly. Plus Alex thought, you wouldn’t have to worry about when you needed to go to the bathroom; you just use it whenever you needed to. Alex knew that such thoughts were silly for someone his age. Whoever heard of a nine-year-old wanting to wear diapers? Still, he just couldn’t help it, and he began to plan in his mind how to get a diaper. Alex finished cutting the cheese and putting it on the tray, and everyone got ready to go outside. He was the first one out and he began setting out lawn chairs for people to sit on. Alex grabbed some cheese and crackers and a one of the juice boxes that Claire had brought out with them, and then sat down in one of the lawn chairs. As he ate his cheese and crackers he began to think of all the things he would be doing this afternoon. He loved to bounce on the trampoline and swing on the swing set and play all other sorts of imaginary games. He knew he’d have about a half an hour to play with Jason before Claire put him down for a nap. They’d have to make good use of the time. “Hey Jason,” Alex said. “When you’re done eating we should go play on your swing set for a while”. “Okay, yeah,” Jason said excitedly. “Want to play ‘pirates’,” Jason asked. ‘Pirates’ was a game they would play a lot, pretending to sail to faraway lands and seek for treasure. “Sounds like fun,” exclaimed Alex. “Oh Jason,” his mother said, “you go ahead and play but I’m going to put you down for a nap in half an hour, Okay?” “Okay, mommy,” said Jason, and off they went to the swing set to play. A half an hour went by much quicker than Alex would have liked it to. They had only just gotten to the buried treasure, after sailing the high seas in their imaginary game of ‘pirates’ when they heard Jason’s mom calling him to come in and get ready for his nap. Alex and Jason both headed inside; Jason to get ready for his nap and Alex to play with Lego or watch TV or whatever he decided to do this afternoon while Jason slept. As Alex got swept in his own thoughts he could hear Claire asking her son where he wanted to take his nap. Jason seemed to want to take a nap in the living room on his favorite blanky. With that said his mother and him moved into the living room to get ready for his nap. “How’s your diaper?” Alex heard Claire ask Jason. “It’s fine” he replied. “Sure it is” Claire said unconvinced and put one of her fingers into one of the leg wholes in his shorts and into the front of the diaper and determined that indeed it was wet. “Oh yes, you are wet. Let’s get you changed before your nap.” Alex watched from the doorway as Jason was about to get his diaper changed again. This time Jason was helping getting things out of the diaper bag to help get ready. Once things were out and ready, Jason laid himself down on the change pad. Claire again undid his shorts and pulled them right down to his ankles. She proceeded to untape his diaper and quickly lift his legs and completely remove the diaper. With his legs in the air she took a baby wipe to wipe clean his diaper area. Once she was satisfied that he was clean, Claire took another clean Pamper and slid it under Jason’s bum. She then grabbed the baby powder, lifted Jason’s legs again and sprinkled lots all over his bottom and front. She put Jason’s leg down and spread them apart enough to pull up the front of the diaper and tape it snugly in place. She then lifted him up into a standing position and proceeded to pull up his shorts over his diaper. She grabbed the used diaper and rolled it up, put all the things back into the diaper bag, pulled out Jason’s favorite blanket and laid it out for him to sleep on. “Read me a book, Mommy” Jason said to his mom. “What book do you want me to read, honey” Claire asked her son. “Green Eggs and Ham,” Jason replied. “Okay, just a second sweetie” Claire said “mommy needs to get rid of your dirty diaper,” but then changed her mind. “Alex, could I possibly ask you a big favor and have you throw this out for me,” Claire asked as she held the used diaper in her hand. “Sure” Alex said, trying not to act too excited. Claire handed him Jason’s wet diaper and he took it into the kitchen. He moved over to the cupboard where the garbage was located, but did not open the cupboard yet. He was savoring the moment. He felt the smoothness of the outer plastic cover of the disposable diaper. He lifted the diaper up to his nose and gave it a sniff. It didn’t really stink that much since it was only wet; it smelled a bit like baby powder with that sweet smell of the Pampers with a slight hint of urine. The pee in the diaper was still warm to the touch. Alex was in heaven right now, and he didn’t want the moment to end. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case as his mother came into the kitchen suddenly. “Hey, watcha doin’” his mother asked him. Alex almost froze, not certain how long his mom had been behind him. “Nothing” Alex tried to reply nonchalantly. “Getting rid of that diaper for Claire, what a good boy” she continued. “Yep” he said to his mom as he threw the diaper away. ‘Feww’, Alex thought, ‘that was a close one’. Alex did not want his mom to know about his interest in diapers as he really wasn’t sure of what she would think. Would she totally freak out, would she want to disown him, would she spank him? All these thoughts made him too afraid to ever want to tell her about it. So for now, it would remain his little secret. A few minutes later Claire came out of the living room into the kitchen. She washed her hands and poured herself a glass of water. “Well Alex” Claire said, “What would you like to do this afternoon?” “I don’t know,” Alex responded. “You don’t know,” she said in a questioning tone. “Well, let me see, what options do we have for you?” “Well,” Claire continued, “I think your mom and I are going outside for awhile, you’re certainly welcome to come out with us. You could jump on the trampoline or play on the swing set. Or if you’d prefer, you could stay inside and, well, I guess you can’t really watch TV as Jason is having his nap in the living room. But you’d certainly be welcome to go play in Jason’s room; he’s got lots of toys and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” “Well, what do you think sweetie” Alex’s mom said, “you’ve got lots of options. Do you want to come outside with us or play by yourself inside?” What options Alex had indeed. On a normal day he would be glad to be outside on the trampoline and jump on it until he couldn’t anymore. But this was not a normal day, and the opportunity to play in Jason’s room was just too tempting. But it wasn’t Jason’s toys he was thinking about, although Jason did have lots of cool toys. No, Alex had something else on his mind as the excitement began to overtake him. What an opportunity it would be, indeed, to get his hands on a diaper and try it on while playing in Jason’s room. And now that he knew his mom and Claire were going outside; he figured he’d have lots of time to do exactly that. “Is it okay if I just play in Jason’s room?” Alex asked, already knowing the answer. “Sure it is honey” Claire answered, “you go ahead and go up to his room; you know where it is”. “Sure do,” Alex said excitedly as he ran towards the stairs and up to Jason’s room. He could here his mom and Claire talking as they went outside. Alex entered Jason’s room, which was much the way he had remembered it from the last time he was here. Closet on the right as you walked into the room, big kid bed on the far wall, toy box at the foot of the bed, and the change table to the immediate left of the doorway. Last time Alex was here, Jason still slept in a crib; but that was the only major change to the room. Alex loved the way the whole room smelled of that wonderful baby smell of clean fresh Pampers and baby powder. Alex wasn’t sure where to go first. He wanted to go straight to the change table and try one of Jason’s diapers on but was afraid someone might come up the stairs when he did. So he decided to go to the toy box for the moment and see what new toys Jason had. He opened the toy box to see all kinds of toys; anything from Spiderman action figures, to Star Wars toys, and even some Lego; which he and Jason always liked to play with. Alex got out some of the Spiderman action figures and started playing with them, but his heart just wasn’t in it. He had been playing maybe five minutes when he just couldn’t hold his curiosity anymore. He walked over to Jason’s doorway, to make sure no one was upstairs, and then proceeded to shut the door most of the way. With the door now closed, he felt a little less concerned of having someone walk in on him. He walked over to the change table and stood just in front of it, where all the diapers sat on the first shelf. Literally stacks and stacks of Pampers size 6 disposable diapers sat on the first shelf of the change table. Certainly if he took one or two they wouldn’t be missed. He admired the rest of the changing table; the baby powder and wipes beside the stacks of diapers. Admired how the top of the changing table looked quite padded and a comfortable stop for getting a diaper changed. Now was the moment Alex had been waiting for. He grabbed one of the diapers off the shelf and held it in his hand. He was going to really savor this moment. His heart was beating so fast as he felt the smoothness of the diaper in his hands. It was a thin diaper, the new and improved Pampers Baby Dry diapers, with the soft stretchy sides. He’d seen the ad on TV many times when he was watching cartoons in the mornings, and it would captivate him every time. Come to think of it, he was surprised his mom had never noticed his enthrallment at these diaper commercials. He began to unfold and open up the diaper as he’d seen Claire do many times. It made an hourglass shape when opened up and the scent of the diaper was strong, making Alex’s heart race. He couldn’t remember ever being this excited about anything before in his life. The excitement continued to fill him as he held up the diaper around himself over his shorts, just to see if it would fit. He thought it probably would, as he was not a particularly large kid. He sat the diaper on Jason’s floor. He then proceeded to undo his shorts and pull them down around his ankles, followed by his underwear. He then lowered himself onto the disposable diaper on the floor. This was going to be significantly more difficult than if someone else were putting it on him. Oh well, Alex would have to do his best to get the diaper on himself. Now laying on the nice soft Pamper, Alex moved around on it until he felt it was in a good spot. He then grabbed the front of the diaper and pulled it up between his legs, covering the front of him. “Now to just tape it up” Alex thought. He knew this would be the tricky part trying to tape up the diaper by himself and he wanted to make sure it was snug. He felt around for the back of the diaper and grabbed the left side. He opened up the tape and pulled it up to the front of the diaper, which easily fit thanks to the soft stretchy sides of the diaper. With the left side in place, he took the right side, opened up the tape, pulled the diaper as snug as he could, and taped it in place. Alex stood up to admire his work. He’d done a pretty good job, he thought anyway. The diaper was snug on him, and it felt so good. The softness of the Pampers diaper surrounded his bottom and he loved it. He admired the cartoon characters, teddy bears, and baby blocks that decorated the front of the diaper. He felt like a little toddler in his diaper. He felt the front and back of the diaper in his hands. He loved the smoothness of the plastic outer backing, the crinkle noise the diaper made when he moved, and everything about it he loved. Alex’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone coming up the stairs. His heart began to race again as he did not want to be found out. There wasn’t enough time to take the diaper off, so he quickly pulled up his underwear and shorts over the diaper, doing his best to make sure none was visible. He heard a soft knock at the door, and it sounded like Claire’s voice asking if she could come in. “You can come in” Alex responded his heart still pounding. “Hey, how’s it going up here” Claire asked him, not noticing the diaper underneath his pants. “Not bad” Alex responded apprehensively. “I’m just looking for a photo album I wanted to show your mom,” Claire said. “I didn’t want to intrude on you.” “It’s okay,” Alex told her. “So,” she said as she searched Jason’s closet for the photo album, “what have you been up to?” “Not much” Alex answered coolly, “just playing”. “Playing eh, I see you’ve found his toy box.” “Yep” Alex responded, hoping Claire would hurry up as he feared she might detect something was up. She could be fairly observant sometimes, and he was scared she might see the puffiness of his shorts or hear the crinkle of the diaper, not exactly easy things to explain away. *********************************************************************** His heart continued to race as Claire moved to Jason’s bedroom door. She turned back and looked right at Alex as she was about to leave the room. “If there’s anything you want” Claire began, “just ask or go ahead and help yourself to things. We’ve got some drinks outside if you want some, or you can wait if you want until I wake Jason up.” “Okay, thanks Aunt Claire,” Alex said trying to act as normal as possible. “Okay, I’m going back outside now; your mom and I are going to look at some pictures,” Claire said as she left the room. Alex let out a sigh of relief once Claire had left the room. He had felt some pressure building in his bladder and he was really feeling the urge to take a pee. He had done well to hold it while Claire was in the room, but now the urge was becoming too strong to hold. He didn’t want to tell Claire that he had to pee, because he was afraid that if he moved around too much she might hear the crinkle of the diaper he was wearing. He also didn’t want to wet the diaper with her in the room as he knew she would discover that something was up. Now that she was gone he had his chance. He stood in the middle of Jason’s room, with his shorts and underwear concealing his diaper. The urge to pee was so strong now he could barely hold back. Standing in the middle of the room, Alex stopped holding his bladder and let the pee flow into the diaper. It flowed freely into the confines of his diaper and there was no stopping it. He could hear the hissing sound it made, and feel the warm urine on his skin as the diaper soaked it up. Alex peed for a minute straight into the nice soft Pampers. Once finished, Alex decided to walk around the room a bit and feel what it felt like to wear a wet diaper, a feeling he hadn’t experienced in many years. Alex thought about how much better it felt to wear a wet diaper than it did to wear wet underpants. He could still remember the last time he wet his pants quite clearly. The initial feeling of the warmth of the pee was the same, but unlike when he had wet his pants the diaper soaked up the urine before it ran down his leg. Alex also thought to himself, in his own little nine year old logic, that it would be less embarrassing to wet a diaper than it would be underpants. With his diaper thoroughly soaked Alex decided to sit down on it. Another wave of excitement washed over him as he felt warmth of the pee spread around the diaper. Alex could only describe what he was feeling as the most amazing thing he’d ever felt in his life. He loved it, and wished he could wear diapers all the time. Alex decided he wasn’t going to change out of the wet diaper right away. He went back over to Jason’s toy box and pulled out some Spiderman toys and started to play with them. Alex played with Jason’s toys for about a half-hour, enjoying the feeling of the wet diaper against his skin, not noticing how much time was passing. Finally Alex looked at the clock on the wall and realized what time it was, thought about Jason and how he would be getting up soon and decided to change out of his wet diaper. He wasn’t sure about putting another diaper on, as he was concerned he might get caught. Then an idea came into his head, he could sneak a couple of diapers into his backpack and bring them home to use later. Yes, Alex liked that idea, and he began to plan in his mind how he would do that. But first to remove the wet diaper, Alex thought to himself. With the decision to remove the wet diaper, Alex pulled down his shorts and underwear and sat down on the wet Pamper in the middle of Jason’s room. He proceeded to undo the tapes on the disposable diaper, and let the front and back fall loose to the ground. Alex got up onto his knees and felt the cool air surround his bottom. He gathered the used diaper and folded it up, just as Claire did. He stood up, grabbed his undies and shorts and pulled them up into place; now without the nice soft white Pampers underneath. He took the used diaper over to Jason’s garbage can designed especially for dirty diapers, opened it up, saw a can about half full of Jason’s wet and dirty diapers, and proceeded to drop the diaper in, then closed the lid. With the diaper disposed of, Alex began to plan in his mind how he would get his backpack, which he had left in the car, get back into Jason’s room and take a couple of diapers. He had to do this without causing too much suspicion. He left Jason’s room and went down the stairs to the main level. He could still hear his mom and Aunt Claire talking outside. Those two ladies could talk for hours on end. Alex proceeded out the back door to where his mom and Aunt Claire were sitting. The two ladies took notice of Alex as he came outside. “Hey there, you done playing in Jason’s room,” Aunt Claire asked him. “Well I guess, if you want me to be,” Alex responded. “It doesn’t matter to me, sweetie, you play in Jason’s room as long as you like,” Claire said. “Did you want anything to drink?” “No thank you Aunt Claire, I’m okay for now” Alex said. “Actually mom, I was just wondering if I could borrow the car keys for a second”. “Sure honey” Marlene said, “why what did you leave in there?” “Just my backpack with some of my toys in it,” Alex responded. “Okay honey, here you go, just bring them back to me once you’re done, and don’t forget to lock it up again,” Marlene instructed, as she handed him the keys. Alex took the keys and went to the car, used the key to unlock it, grabbed his backpack, and then relocked the car. He headed back to the backyard to give his mom the car keys back. He figured he’d give her the keys and then say he was going to go back and play in Jason’s room for awhile, which is exactly what he did. As Alex headed for the door to go back inside, Claire turned to him and said, “I’ll probably be getting Jason up in about a half an hour, okay”. “Okay, sounds good,” Alex responded and went inside. Once inside Alex wasted no time in heading back up to Jason’s room. Once there, he quickly unzipped his backpack and dumped out the action figures he had brought with him. “Now where should I put the diapers,” Alex thought to himself. The backpack he was carrying had many pockets designed for schoolbooks and pencil cases, any of which would be perfect for stashing some diapers. He decided on one of the front pockets of the backpack and proceeded to unzip it the full way. Alex then grabbed two Pampers disposable diapers and put them in the front pocket of the backpack. Alex then got to thinking that he could probably fit another couple diapers in another one of the pockets in the backpack. That would be five diapers that he had used or taken, but he figured if he took it from another stack, then they probably won’t be missed. So, he took another two diapers and stuck them in one of the other pockets of the backpack. He now had four diapers he would be able to wear at home when he wanted to. With the diapers secured in his backpack, Alex decided to play with some of the action figures he had brought for awhile. He took his Spiderman and Wolverine action and figures and began to set up an action sequence. As Alex played with his toys, time once again got away from him. He didn’t realize how long he’d been up in Jason’s room until he heard some footsteps on the floor. Alex looked to Jason’s door in time to see Jason pock his head around the corner. “Hey Alex,” Jason ran into the room excitedly. “Hey Jason,” Alex said back. “You just get up from your nap?” “Sure did,” Jason exclaimed, “you want to finish our game of Pirates”. “Yeah, for sure” Alex said, “sounds great”. “What have you been up to” Jason asked Alex, as he toddled over to his friend, his Pamper sticking out the top of his shorts. “Oh, not much” Alex responded, “Just been playing with some toys in your room”. “Neat” Jason exclaimed, “What toys?” “Oh just these ones” Alex showed him the Spiderman, Batman, and Wolverine action figures he had brought. “Cool” Jason was really getting excited now. “Did you bring the Batmobile with you?” he asked as he reached over to Alex’s backpack and began to unzip one of the pockets that contained the diapers he’d taken. “No I didn’t” Alex said and reached to grab the backpack away from Jason. But Jason took it as a game and pulled the backpack across the room behind his change table. He continued to unzip the pocket, and was about to look inside it when Alex pounced on him. Alex tried to pull Jason away from the backpack, but his grip on it was tight. Alex decided to try tickling Jason and that maybe that would make him let go. He tickled Jason’s tummy and he let go for a second, but before Alex could get the backpack away from him, Jason’s hand reached for the now opened pocket containing the diapers. Alex again tried to get the backpack away from him, but as Jason struggled to hold onto the backpack his hand went inside the pocket for a couple seconds, long enough for him to feel the smooth Pampers diaper within. Alex then finally got the backpack away from Jason and zipped up the pocket. “What was that inside the pocket?,” Jason asked. “What do you mean, I didn’t think there was anything inside that pocket, maybe an old pencil case or something,” Alex answered him as best he could without his voice breaking. Inside his heart was pounding a mile a minute as he was very afraid that Jason was going to discover his secret and tell his mom. “It felt kinda like a diaper,” Jason observed. “A Diaper” Alex exclaimed, “why would I have a diaper in my bag?” “I don’t know” Jason said, “That’s just what it felt like to me”. “Oh” Alex said, as he wasn’t sure what else to say. He didn’t really want to lie to his friend about what was in the bag, but he also didn’t want to get in trouble with his mom and Aunt Claire. Who knows what would happen if they found out. After all he was stealing diapers from them. He knew his mom would not approve of that. He didn’t know what Aunt Claire would do. “So what’s in that pocket?,” Jason asked. “It’s nothing” Alex said not really wanting to tell him what was in there. “Let me see then,” Jason said. “No” Alex countered, “I don’t have to if I don’t want to”. “I want to see what’s in the bag,” Jason began to whine. Alex knew this was going to get out of control real fast if Jason continued to whine and attract his mother’s attention. That was the last thing Alex wanted to he decided to show his friend, and hopefully explain it to him. “Fine” Alex said, “You want to see what’s in the bag, I’ll show you, but you have promise one thing first”. “Sure” Jason said, “What’s that?” “You can’t tell anyone about what’s in the bag, okay,” Alex said. “Okay” Jason said. “Do you promise?” Alex asked. “Yeah, I promise” Jason assured him. “Okay then” Alex said and unzipped one of the pockets of the backpack containing the diapers. He put his hand in the pocket and pulled out one of the Pampers size six diapers he had taken from Jason. “You were right” Alex began, “it was a diaper you put your hands on. I just wanted to see what it felt like to wear a diaper again. I’ve always been curious when I watch you in your diaper to know what it feels like to wear them again. They just look so comfortable, so soft, so smooth.” “Really” Jason exclaimed, “you wanted to wear diapers again?” “Well, I really just wanted to try them out, see what they felt like” Alex told Jason. “That’s cool,” Jason seemed genuinely thrilled at the idea of Alex wearing diapers too. “You think so,” Alex began to breathe a sigh of relief. “Yeah, I love wearing diapers,” Jason exclaimed, “and now we can wear them together”. “Hold on there Jason” Alex said, “remember our deal, you can’t tell anyone, including both yours and my mother. Promise me you won’t tell them Jason”. “Okay, okay I promise” Jason said. Jason then looked like he was thinking about something. He looked around his room as an idea rolled around in his head. He thought he might try blackmail his friend into wearing diapers again, the next time he was over. “I promise I won’t tell my mom about the diapers your hiding in you bag on one condition,” Jason negotiated. “Fine” Alex said, “what is it?” “You have to promise me that you’ll wear a diaper the next time you are over,” Jason said, putting his plan in motion. “What” Alex said incredulously, “that’s like blackmail. So, what you are saying is that if I don’t promise to wear a diaper the next time I come over you’ll tell your mom about the diapers in my backpack, but if I do promise you won’t tell her anything, is that about right?,” Alex wanted to know. “Yep” Jason said, with a bit of a smirk on his face, “that’s the deal”. Alex thought about it for a moment before coming to his decision. “Okay” he said, “it’s a deal”. “Great,” Jason exclaimed. “Shall we go finish our game of ‘Pirates’ now,” Alex asked him, wanting very much to leave this whole diaper business behind them and talk about something else. “Okay” Jason smiled, “I’ll race you downstairs”. Having said that, Jason raced down the stairs and towards the back door of the house and went out into the back yard. Alex zipped up all the pockets on his backpack and then proceeded to follow his friend outside. Once outside the two boys proceeded to the swing set, and began to play their game of ‘Pirates’ again, right where they had left off. Time once again passed fairly quickly as they became absorbed in the fun they were having. It was just so great, exploring new worlds, fighting dangerous animals and sea creatures, discovering treasure, all in the imagination. Alex loved playing these games as it was a time to be truly carefree. Both Alex and Jason got along quite well because Alex loved playing these games of the imagination, while most kids his age would rather just play Nintendo, or sit inside and watch TV. Alex wasn’t like that at all; while he did enjoy playing video games and watching TV now and then, he really enjoyed being active, having fun outdoors, and sometimes being just plain silly. That’s what being a kid was all about, at least Alex thought so. After about an hour of playing ‘Pirates’ outside the two boys decided that they would go inside and play some Nintendo. As they headed inside to play video games, Alex’s mom told him that they would be leaving in about an hour. That seemed too soon to Alex as he hadn’t really notice how fast time was passing. Once inside Aunt Claire’s home they proceeded into the living room where the Nintendo was. Alex noticed the diaper bag and the change pad still on the floor from when Jason was changed on it earlier. The memories of it came flooding back into Alex’s mind again. He had almost forgotten about diapers in the last couple of hours, but all it took was seeing the diaper bag and change pad again to remind him that his feelings towards diapers were very real. Both boys decided on playing Super Mario World for starters, as they were both pretty good at it. “I want to be Mario” Jason said, “You can be Luigi”. “Sure, sounds good to me,” Alex agreed. So, they played Super Mario World for a while, helping each get to new worlds. Alex was better at it then Jason, although both boys were pretty good for their age. They took turns at the stages, with Alex completing most of the Castles and some of the other challenging stages. After about a half an hour, they decided to change games and settled on Mario Kart. Both boys were good at this game as well; Jason was particularly good at battle mode. So they did some races, and then moved on to battle mode and played for a while. It was about ten minutes before Alex’s mom said they were going to be leaving, when Jason suddenly got a little fidgety, as if he had to go to the washroom or something. “I need to go poop” Jason announced to Alex. “What” Alex said, a little stunned at what Jason had just said. “I said I need to go poopy” Jason repeated. “Right now” Alex asked, his heart beginning to pound. “Yeah,” Jason said with an urgent expression on his face. “Okay, um…,” Alex didn’t know what to say. He was beginning to get excited as he watched Jason continue to fidget, knowing full well what he intended to do. Jason wasn’t potty trained yet and he had no intention of using the potty. To Jason, his diaper was his potty, and he was going to fill it up right in front of Alex, and Alex knew it too. “I’m gonna go poopy now” Jason said and got up off the couch. He proceeded to the middle of the living room where he did a little squat and began making grunting noises. Alex listened as his friend grunted and pushed with great effort. He continued to push and groan, then suddenly he heard some wet farts come from Jason, followed by him filling his diaper. Alex watched Jason’s shorts and saw them expand as Jason continued to put a large load in his Pamper. This went on for a couple of minutes, by which time Jason’s diaper was quite full. Once Jason finished filling his diaper he looked at Alex with a look of relief on his face. He smiled at Alex, thoroughly enjoying his dirty diaper. He then sat down on his poopy diaper, smushing the soft mushy poop around in his diaper. The poop pushed its way up the back of the diaper and threatened to come out the leg holes. Jason really enjoyed his dirty diapers, there was no denying it. “What does it feel like to wear a dirty diaper?,” Alex asked, to curious to contain his question. “It feels great,” Jason said with a smile on his face. “It’s warm and mushy and it just feels awesome,” he continued, “you should try it sometime”. “Maybe I will,” Alex said getting a little embarrassed. Before Alex could ask Jason anymore questions about his poopy diaper, the back door opened and Aunt Claire and his mother were coming in. He could hear them still talking about various things, nothing of interest to him. He knew it wouldn’t be long before his mom wanted to leave, but he was really hoping to stay around long enough to see Jason getting his diaper changed again, even though he’d already seen it changed twice today. “Alex,” he heard his mother call “we need to get going home soon sweaty”. “Can’t we stay for a few more minutes,” Alex asked not wanting to leave. “We’re leaving in about five minutes,” Marlene responded “so get done what you need to and then we’re going”. “Okay,” Alex said reluctantly, not really wanting to leave. In truth he wanted to watch Jason get his dirty diaper changed again. Sure he had already seen him changed twice today but he couldn’t help being captivated by the site. Aunt Claire entered the living room where the two boys had resumed playing Nintendo. “Hey boys, what are you doing?,” Aunt Claire asked them. “Oh we’re just playing some Nintendo,” Alex responded. “And who’s winning,” Claire asked. “I am,” Jason said quickly, which was true. “You are,” Claire said. She then began sniffing the air, and it soon became obvious that she had detected the odor of Jason’s poopy diaper. “Jason” she started, “did you go poopy, cause it sure smells like it.” Jason just smiled at her. He was obviously enjoying wearing his dirty diaper. “Weww, yes it smells like you made a big poopy in your diaper,” Claire observed. Just then Alex’s mom showed up at the doorway to the living room. She proceeded into the room and it became quickly obvious that she could smell Jason’s messy diaper. She turned to Alex and said, “We should be going here soon”. “Okay mom,” Alex said, not wanting to leave yet. “Smells like someone has a dirty diaper again,” Marlene said as she walked over to where the boys were sitting. She sat down on the couch beside Jason and looked at the TV screen where the boys were playing Nintendo. “So, who’s winning,” Marlene asked. “Well, actually we just finished the race and Jason won,” Alex said as they were now picking a new track. “You won Jason, Wow, good for you,” Marlene said encouragingly. “Jason, you really stink, I think we need to get you out of that diaper. Claire where do you keep all the change stuff for Jason,” Marlene asked. “It’s all in the diaper bag there on the floor,” Claire said, “if you want to just bring him over to the change pad I’ll get him changed”. “Well actually, I was going to change him, since you’ve already changed him twice today, I mean if it’s alright with you,” Marlene said. “Sure it’s okay with me, if you’re sure you want to, he can be pretty stinky at times,” Claire warned. “That’s okay, I remember when I used to change Alex’s dirty diapers, there were pretty stinky too. Besides I’d like the practice I haven’t changed a diaper in a while, I want to prove to myself I can still do it.” “Okay well everything that you need is in the diaper bag,” Claire told her again. “Okay great,” Marlene said as she pulled out a clean diaper and wipes from the diaper bag. “Okay, I think I’m ready, now all I need is a little boy with a dirty bottom,” she continued. Marlene walked over to where Jason was sitting on the couch. “I think this is where the smell in coming from,” Marlene said taking a sniff near Jason’s bottom. “Eh Jason, did you mess your pants?” she asked in an almost babyish tone. “Let’s get you out of that dirty diaper,” she continued. Marlene then took Jason by the hand, leading him from the couch to the change pad that was lying on the living room floor. Jason attempted at one point to run away but was quickly caught by Marlene, who picked him up and gently laid him down on the change pad. Even on the change pad Jason was still squirming, trying to get away. “Man, you are full of energy, aren’t you?,” Marlene commented. “I remember Alex was like this, too, at your age never wanting to sit still long enough to have his diaper changed”. Claire laughed, “yeah I know, they can’t slow down for a couple of minutes for anything”. Marlene began by pulling Jason’s shorts down all the way to his ankles, then decided to take them right off. Jason’s poopy Pampers diaper was once again fully visible to everyone in the room. He had really filled up his diaper this time, the diaper bulged a lot, and the smell was quite overpowering at times. Rip, rip, was the sounds made as Marlene pulled off the tapes of the disposable diaper. Alex’s heart was pounding hard again. He watched with great interest while his mom pulled the front of Jason’s diaper off him, revealing a massive amount of poop. Marlene grabbed Jason’s ankles with one hand and proceeded to lift up his legs high into the air and with the other hand she pushed the front of the dirty diaper into his crotch area, attempting to clean some of the poop off his bum. She then grabbed the poopy diaper in one hand and with his legs still up in the air completely removed it from under his bottom. She put the dirty diaper to the side and proceeded to clean up Jason. She took some baby wipes out of the container and proceeded to clean Jason’s bum, with his legs held high in the air. “I bet you’re glad you don’t have to wear diapers and get them changed in front of everyone like this anymore, eh Alex,” Marlene asked her son as she continued to clean Jason with the baby wipes. Alex blushed at the comment his mom had made, why did she always have to do that, embarrass him. Jason on the other hand felt the need to speak up at this comment. “That’s not true, Alex likes diapers,” Jason said with a smile on his face as Marlene used a third and final wipe to clean him. “What would make you say that,” Marlene asked intrigued by Jason’s comment that her son would like diapers. Having finished cleaning Jason’s bum, she proceeded to pick up the clean Pampers diaper and unfold it. Alex began making motions for Jason to stop talking as he did not want Jason giving away his secret interests. “He told me,” Jason said as Marlene slid the clean diaper under his bum. She reached into the diaper bag and brought out the baby powder and began sprinkling some all over his diaper area, she even put some on the diaper. “He did,” she said in that mock surprised tone. She looked over at Alex as she pulled up the new Pampers between Jason’s legs. “Is this true Alex, did you really tell Jason that you like diapers,” Marlene asked. She opened up the tape and taped the left side shut, then pulled the diaper snugly across his belly and taped up the right side. Alex didn’t know what to say, Jason had really put him in a spot with this one. “Well,” Marlene said as she pulled up Jason’s shorts. “I was just kidding,” Alex said only telling a half lie. “I see,” Marlene said not fully believing her son. She taped up the dirty diaper and placed everything else back in the diaper bag. “There you go Jason, all done, nice clean bum again,” Marlene told Jason. “Thank you Aunt Marlene,” Jason said with a smile on his face. Just then, Claire came back into the living room as she had been out putting more laundry outside to dry. “How did the diaper change go,” Claire asked. “Oh fine,” Marlene said “no big deal, right Jason”. “Actually to be honest with you, these new Pampers diapers are a lot easier to change than the old cloth diapers I used on Alex”. “I know,” Claire said “they certainly do make it easier to change those dirty diapers, almost too easy I think sometimes”. “Yeah really,” Marlene said. “Yeah well, look at Jason, he’s three and a half years old and still has no interest in potty training and to be quite honest I really haven’t tried,” Claire confessed. “I mean, it’s much easier for me to just keep him in diapers for now. I know I should probably be pushing him a little harder, but I’m not too worried about it, it will come with time. Besides, I figure I’ll start pushing potty training a little harder in the fall, let him hang on to a bit of his babyhood for the rest of the summer.” “Yeah I guess he is getting to that potty training age,” Marlene said “but don’t worry, some kids learn later than others”. “I’m not really too worried, besides I blame it partially on the diaper manufacturers,” Claire said. “Why’s that?” Marlene asked. “Well several reasons really, I mean look at diapers nowadays, there soft and really absorbent so that the child hardly feels that he has wet himself. I mean don’t get me wrong, that’s a comfort to know that the diaper is going to keep your baby dry, but it does make it a lot harder for the child to potty train when he sees nothing wrong with using his diaper and doesn’t really feel any consequences either. Another thing, look at the size of the diapers they’re making now; I’m using Pampers size 6 on Jason, but Jason’s pretty big for his age. I mean look at the size of these diapers,” Claire said holding one up. “I know Claire I just changed Jason and can’t really believe the size of these diapers, they’re huge,” Marlene said. “Heck they’d probably fit Alex,” she said and let out a little laugh. “Hey Alex, want to try one on?” she said jokingly. Alex just nodded his head no, as he was far too embarrassed to say anything else. ‘There she went again, embarrassing him’, Alex thought to himself. Why did his mom always have to talk about when he was still in diapers or how Jason’s diapers would almost fit him? Did she enjoy embarrassing him, or could she just not help herself? Whatever the reason his mom said things like that, Alex always felt like crawling in a hole when she did. “Okay Alex, it’s just about time to get going,” Marlene said as she picked up the dirty diaper and moved toward the kitchen to throw it away. “Okay mom,” Alex said as he picked up his backpack and followed his mom into the kitchen. He watched her open the cupboard containing the garbage and throw out the dirty diaper. “Okay kiddo, better get your shoes on,” Marlene said as they headed to the front door to get ready to leave. As both Marlene and Alex were getting ready to go Claire and Jason came to the front door to say goodbye to them. “Before you guys go, I have something to tell Alex, something we discussed Marlene,” Claire said to both of them. “Oh yeah,” Marlene said having almost forgot, “you go ahead and tell him”. “Alex, your mom and I were discussing something that might be of some interest to you,” Claire started. “You see over the next couple of weeks your mom is going to be taking a course on computers from 9 am to 5 pm every day, and she needs somebody to look after you during that time. So, what I proposed is that you could stay here for the day and I would look after you. Not that you need a lot of looking after, other then the occasional diaper change,” Claire said and laughed. Seeing that Alex was getting embarrassed again she decided to reassure him. “I’m just kidding Alex, we don’t mean to keep embarrassing you like that, I’m sorry, I’ll stop now. Seriously though, we thought you’d like that better than your mom having to find a babysitter for you. Besides, you and Jason would get to hang out more. So, how does that sound to you?” “It sounds great,” Alex said excitedly. Spending afternoons at Aunt Claire’s would be great. He would be able to hang out with Jason more, play more Nintendo, travel to more imaginary worlds, and lots of other fun things. He also knew full well the opportunities he would have now to wear diapers again. With being at Claire’s house every day he would have easy access to diapers, and now that Jason knew he liked them, he might even be able to wear them at Claire’s house. Just thinking about it gave Alex goose bumps. “Well I’m glad you approve,” Claire said with a smile on her face. “Well it’s been really nice to have you both over”. “Thanks for having us,” Marlene said. “No problem, it was my pleasure,” Claire said. “And we’ll look forward to seeing you next week Alex”. “Yeah,” Alex exclaimed, “I can’t wait”. “See you next week,” Claire said. “Yeah I’ll probably drop him off about 8:30pm as the school is across town,” Marlene told Claire. “That would be fine,” Claire said, “see you later then”. “Bye,” Marlene and Alex said as they headed out the front door. Jason and Claire waved at them from the front door as they drove down the driveway. Marlene turned to Alex as they pulled onto one of the main streets heading home. “So, did you have a fun time today?” she asked him. “Yeah, it was great,” Alex said smiling from ear to ear. “Well that’s good, it looked like you and Jason sure had a fun time”. “Yeah, we did,” Alex confirmed. “That’s good, I’m glad your guys age difference doesn’t stop you from being good friends,” Marlene said. “Jason really looks up to you, you know”. “He does,” Alex asked. “Yeah he does, you can tell when the two of you are just playing together; he looks up to you like a bigger brother,” his mom told him. Just as she finished saying that, they were pulling into their driveway. Once parked Alex grabbed his backpack and got out of the car and ran to the front door excited from all the days’ activities. His mom unlocked the front door and let them in. Alex was just about to head up to his room when his mom stopped him. “Alex, I still wanted to ask you about the comment that Jason made about you liking diapers,” Marlene confronted her son. “Why do you suppose Jason would say something like that?” “I don’t know mom, Jason says silly things sometimes,” Alex answered, trying to keep his voice as even as possible. “That’s true, he does sometimes say some silly things, but I got the impression that it was more than that,” Marlene said, not letting it drop. “It seemed to me like he genuinely knew that you liked diapers, why do you suppose that is?” Alex didn’t like where this was going. On one hand, he didn’t like lying to his mother, but on the other, he really didn’t want to tell her about his little secret. “I don’t know, mom,” Alex said, trying to think of more to say. “Jason and I were talking, he said something about wearing diapers and wondered if I thought it was silly he was still in diapers, and I told him I thought it was kinda cool that he wore diapers.” “Alright,” his mom seemed to accept his answer. “You might as well go play in your room for a while until I have supper ready”. “Okay,” Alex said and headed up toward his room. Once Alex reached his room he dropped his backpack beside his bed and began to reflect on the days events. Not a bad day all things considered; in fact it was a great day. Other than some of the embarrassing moments brought on by his mom, and having Jason find out his secret desires, the day went pretty well. Although having Jason find out about his diaper desires might not be such a bad thing in the short run, Alex was a little concerned about Jason’s ability to keep a secret. He liked Jason, and they had a lot of fun times together. Alex considered the words his mom had said earlier about him being like an older brother to Jason, and he thought it was kind of true because he thought of Jason as a younger brother. Since he didn’t have a brother of his own and neither did Jason, they were every bit as close as brothers. Alex didn’t mind, he liked thinking of Jason as a younger brother. He knew Jason looked up to him, and he liked looking out for Jason. Alex thoughts suddenly turned toward his diaper desires. The interest he had felt only a year earlier, had been rekindled today. After watching Jason get his diaper changed three times in the same day by both his mother and Aunt Claire, Alex couldn’t help but want to be treated like that. As he watched them being very gentle as they wiped him and then taped him into a nice new Pampers, Alex knew he wanted that too; although he’d never voice these desires to his mom. On top of all that, he’d actually worn a diaper today, and it was even better than he had imagined. The softness of the diaper had surrounded him, the smooth outer plastic backing made that crinkling sound whenever he moved, and the sweet smell of a diaper made him feel like a baby again. Well, maybe more like a toddler, as he wasn’t really interested in being bottle fed or anything like that. But he did like the idea of being a toddler again; toddling around in his Pampers diaper and using it whenever the need arose. Both he and Jason could be toddlers together, pooping their disposable diapers and having them changed by their mothers. At least in Alex’s imaginary world. *********************************************************************** Alex suddenly got a strong urge to pee. He had drunk a lot of juice and soda today and it seemed to be going through him. He was about to head to the washroom when he remembered the diapers he had in his backpack. Alex wasn’t sure if he wanted to use another one just yet, though. He went over to his backpack and unzipped one of the pockets containing two of the four diapers he had taken. He reached his hand into the pocket and pulled out one of the soft white Pampers. He held it in his hand feeling the smooth plastic backing in his hands. The fresh scent of the Pamper filled the air. Temptation overtook Alex and he decided he was going to pee in the diaper. He reasoned to himself that he would still have three more, plus he would be going back to Aunt Claire’s next week. Alex put the diaper on his bed and went to his bedroom door to close it. He didn’t want his mother to know what he was doing. Once he had closed the door to his bedroom, Alex walked back to his bed where he had left the disposable diaper. He picked up the diaper again and began to slowly unfold it, enjoy every moment as he felt the smoothness of the outer plastic layer in his hands, and enjoyed the ever present smell of the diaper. Once it was unfolded, Alex set it on the floor and stared at it for a moment. He loved the way a diaper looked when it was unfolded, in that hourglass shape that it made. He wasn’t sure why he liked it; heck he wasn’t even sure why he liked diapers at all. But the truth of the matter was that he did. He undid his shorts and pulled them down followed by his underwear, just like he did earlier in the day when he had worn a diaper. He sat himself down on the soft diaper and pulled it up between his legs. Having done this earlier he did not find it quite as difficult this time. He reached his left hand to the back of the diaper and grabbed a hold right where the sticky tape tab is, pulled it towards the front of the diaper, opened up the tape and taped it closed. He then pulled the diaper snug across his front and did the same on the right side, taping it snuggly in place. He then stood up, hearing the diaper crinkle as he did, and pulled up his underwear and shorts. By this time Alex’s urge to pee was becoming quite strong, and he knew that wetting his diaper would not be difficult. He relaxed his body for a minute and before long he could feel the pee flowing into the confines of the Pamper. He absolutely loved the warm sensation as he thoroughly wet his diaper. The pee continued to flow, making the diaper scrunch up in the front. When he finally finished wetting his diaper he decided to walk around his room a bit to enjoy it a little while longer. He then decided he was going to sit down on it. As he sat down, he heard the diaper crinkle again and felt the warmth as the pee spread across his bottom. He was in heaven. Suddenly Alex heard the front door open and somebody came in. Then he could hear voices, his mom was talking to someone, and then he recognized the voice as his dad’s. Dad was home, and that would mean that supper would be done soon. “I better get this diaper off before supper”, Alex thought to himself, although he really didn’t want to. He was enjoying the feeling of wearing a wet diaper far too much to take it off right now. “Maybe my parents won’t notice if I wear it for a little while, as long as I’m careful I should be alright”, Alex again reasoned with himself. “Where’s Alex”, he heard his dad ask. “Oh he’s up in his room, I told him he could play in there until supper is ready”, Marlene responded. “Ok, well I’m going to go get changed out of my work clothes and go say hi to Alex”, his dad said. Alex decided that there wasn’t time to take off the diaper right now as his dad could peak in on him at any time. He grabbed a couple of his Spiderman action figures and began playing with them. Before long he heard a tap at the door and his father’s voice coming from the other side. “Hey kiddo, are you in there?” Mark asked his son. “Yeah, you can come in if you want”, Alex replied. Mark opened the door to his son’s room and stepped inside. He had a big smile on his face when he looked at his son. “How come you had the door closed”, Mark asked him. “No reason really”, Alex said calmly. “I see”, his father looked thoughtful for a moment. “How was your day today?” he asked, breaking the silence. “It was great, we went over to Aunt Claire’s house today”, Alex said excitedly. “I know, your mom was telling me”, Mark said and smiled at his son again. “And it sounds like you had a lot of fun there. She also told me that you’re going to be spending the next few weeks there while she takes a course at school.” “Yeah I know, it’s gonna be fun”, Alex said and started jumping around the room. In his excitement he didn’t realize that about an inch of his diaper was now showing out the back of his shorts. As soon as he realized it, he pulled his t-shirt down over top of it to cover it up. He then started to get nervous, hoping his dad hadn’t seen the diaper he was wearing. “Alright, well I got to go get changed out of these work clothes and than I think we’re going to have supper”, his dad said and left Alex’s room. Alex breathed a sigh of relief. That was the second close call of almost getting caught in diapers that day. But that was part of the thrill and excitement of wearing a diaper, not knowing if you might get caught. Alex didn’t really want to get caught, although part of him sort of did, just to see how his parents would react. He feared it wouldn’t be very positive, as his parents didn’t put up with his childish behavior, as they always called it, like throwing a temper tantrum. Although he wasn’t often spanked, it did happen on occasion. His parents were more into giving timeouts and loss of privileges than give him a spanking. When he did get one, it was usually because he had done something really bad. It had been over a year now since he’d been spanked last. He remembered his last spanking well enough to know that it wasn’t something he really cared to repeat. He just wasn’t sure if they found out about his interest in diapers, if they would decide to give him a spanking, and he really didn’t want to find out. Alex heard his mom calling him for supper and knew there probably wasn’t enough time to take off the wet diaper he was wearing. He was taking a chance that his parents might notice if he continued to wear it, but he also took a chance if he tried to take it off before supper. He decided to leave it on and hope for the best. He headed downstairs to the dinner table, which was already set for supper. With each step Alex took he could hear the crinkly sound the diaper made as he moved, and it made him nervous. His mom was putting a hot dish containing some kind of casserole on the table, and his dad was reading the paper. Alex slipped into the chair he normally sat at and tried not to move around too much. With everything set for supper Marlene came to the table so they could begin eating. “How was your day dear”, Marlene asked her husband. “Oh it was fine, I had a couple of meetings today so that made it busy”, Mark replied. His parents continued to talk to each other about each others days and not much was said to Alex, which was perfectly fine with him. He was fairly hungry, so he didn’t have much problem getting supper down. They were having what his mom called Shepard’s Pie for supper, mashed potatoes on top of peas and ground beef. It was food as far as Alex was concerned, and there really wasn’t much he didn’t like. “So are we going to rent a movie tonight, after all it is Friday night”, Mark said, putting the question out there for discussion. “Well I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it”, Marlene said. “I guess there wouldn’t be any problem with that”. “What do you think Alex, any new movies you’d like to watch”, his father asked him. After thinking about it for a minute he remembered that Aladdin had just come out on video. “Yeah, I’d like to watch Aladdin”, Alex said with a smile. “Well it’s settled then, we’ll head over to Blockbuster as soon as we’re done supper here, pick up Aladdin and maybe a little something for your mom and I, that we can watch after Alex goes to bed”, Mark said making a decision. “Sounds great”, Alex exclaimed. He’d been looking forward to watching Aladdin. “Sounds good to me dear”, Marlene agreed. They finished supper and the table was cleared and everyone prepared to go out to Blockbuster to rent a movie. In the excitement, Alex had almost forgotten that he was still wearing a diaper. He considered rushing up to his room to take it off, but his parents were already getting ready at the door. Oh well, he thought to himself, hopefully his luck would continue and his parents wouldn’t notice anything was up. They all loaded into the car and headed out to Blockbuster. Alex was excited about getting to see Aladdin as he had heard from some of his friends that it was a great movie. However, Alex was also nervous about the fact that he was still wearing one of the disposable diapers he’d taken from Jason. He knew that when he walked around, the crinkly sound of the diaper could very well give him away. He had to make sure not to bend over to far, to prevent his parents from seeing the diaper sticking out above the top of his shorts. He tried to tuck in his t- shirt as best as possible so that this did not happen. There was also the smell of a wet or dirty diaper, or even a clean diaper for that matter. Alex noticed that the smell of his wet Pampers was becoming stronger the longer he left it on. All these things made Alex concerned that he might get discovered. “Do you smell something?” Marlene asked Mark. “What do you mean?” Mark answering with another question. “I’m not sure, I just thought I smelled something that smelled like a soggy diaper”, Marlene said. “Yeah, I thought I could smell something too”, Mark commented. “Hey Alex, do you smell anything back there”, his mom asked. Alex didn’t know what to say, he could very well smell what they were talking about because, it was coming from him. “Yeah I do, what’s it from?” he said, deciding to only half lie. “I don’t know, it’s really weird”, Marlene said baffled. “Maybe we need to clean this car out”, Mark suggested, “Then you might find where the smell is coming from”. “Yeah, well maybe Alex and I will clean it out tomorrow”, Marlene suggested. They arrived at Blockbuster Video, parked and headed into the store. Alex headed straight for the new movie releases to find Aladdin as he knew it had just come out. His parents were browsing some the movie selection, looking for something they could watch after Alex went to bed. Alex grabbed a copy of Aladdin and headed over to where his parents were looking for a movie of their own. It looked like his parents had picked out three or four choices which they were trying to narrow down to one. Alex’s mom saw him approaching and turned to him with something she wanted to say. “So you found a copy of Aladdin, did you?” Marlene asked. Alex simply nodded his head up and down. “Well, we’re still picking between a couple of movies here but if you want to go pick out some snacks for tonight, you go on ahead and do that; we’ll be done here in a few minutes.” Alex agreed with the idea of finding some good snacks while his parents decided which movie they were going to watch. He went over to where the snacks were located in the store and browsed over the many types of Potato Chips, Nachos, Pop Corn, and other candy they had. He decided on a couple bags of chips, barbeque potato chips and Zesty Doritos, as well as some microwave popcorn. His parents were heading over his way with their choice of a movie in hand. They took everything to the checkout, the movies and snacks, paid and left the store. On the way home Alex couldn’t stop thinking about the diaper he was wearing and how much he wanted to get it off. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the feeling of wearing a diaper, because he loved it. It was just that he had worn it long enough, and he really did not want his parents to discover he was wearing it. He had already had enough close calls today, and he just wanted get the diaper off and not have to worry about being found out the rest of the evening. “So, are you excited about spending days with Jason and Aunt Claire for the next few weeks?” his mom asked, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Yeah, I am”, Alex said and smiled. It was true; he couldn’t wait to spend time at Aunt Claire’s for a whole number of reasons. “I bet you are”, Marlene said and smiled back, “I’m just glad that Claire was willing to take you, as I’m not sure what else I would have done with you during the day. You just make sure you behave yourself when you’re over there.” “Of course I will mom”, Alex tried to reassure his mom. They pulled into their driveway and all got out of the car. Once inside, Alex rushed up towards his room with the intent to remove the diaper he was wearing. His mom stopped him before he could reach his room. “Hey honey, where you going in such a hurry?” she asked him. “Just going to get ready for bed”, Alex said. “That’s a good idea actually, you go ahead and get ready for bed and when you come back down we’ll get your movie started. In the meantime I’ll make some pop-corn to eat while we watch.” Alex entered his room and shut the door behind him. He began stripping his clothes off beginning with his t-shirt. He pulled his shorts down and stepped completely out of them and then did the same with his underwear, fully exposing the diaper he was wearing. Now standing in his room wearing nothing but a wet disposable baby diaper, Alex decided it was time to take it off. Alex undid the tapes of the diaper and let it fall to the floor and heard it make a splotching sound as it hit the floor. He grabbed his pajamas from under his pillow and stepped into his pajama bottoms and pulled them up. He took the pajama top and pulled it on over his head and into place. He then grabbed the used diaper and taped it up and decided to hide it under his bed for now. Ready for bed now, Alex headed out of his room to the family room where his parents were getting ready to watch the movie. His mom had set out a big bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in the family room. Alex went to the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge. Looking at his options, he settled on a can of root beer and headed back into the family room. “You ready to watch your movie?” his dad asked him. “Yeah”, Alex exclaimed, eager to watch the movie. “Great, we’ll get it started in a couple of minutes here, just as soon as your mom and I grab something to drink”, Mark said and headed into the kitchen. After a couple of minutes, they all sat down to watch the movie together. Alex was very excited about watching it as he had heard from some of his friends how great a movie it was. The movie started with the usual previews of upcoming animated films and other kid related movies coming this year. After that the movie started, and nothing else mattered to Alex, and he simply took it all in with wonder in his eyes. They all munched on popcorn as they watched the movie. Time went quick yet again for Alex and before he knew it the movie was over and it was time for him to go to bed. He knew the bed routine well and only had to be told once by his mother that it was time for bed and he better go get his teeth brushed and get into bed. Alex headed up to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a tinkle before bed. After finishing in the bathroom, Alex headed to his room where his mom was sitting on his bed. “I was wondering if you might want me to read you a story before bed”, his mom asked him. His mom often read him a book before bed, it helped sooth him and sometimes he’d even drift off to sleep before she finished the story. “Sure”, Alex said. “Alright, which book would you like me to read to you”? “The Adventures of Huck Fin”, Alex said, it was one of his favorites. Marlene took the book off Alex’s book shelf and began reading to him. Alex really enjoyed these stories as they would lend to imaginary adventures he could later have on his own or with Jason. Alex started to drift off to sleep as his mother read the book. She stopped reading after one chapter as Alex appeared to be sound asleep. His mother left the room and headed downstairs to watch the movie that her husband and her rented for them. Alex rolled over in his bed and realized his mother was no longer there. He blinked open his sleepy eyes and looked around his room. He noticed his backpack that still contained three of the disposable diapers he had taken from Jason. Alex considered wearing another one tonight. He could hear the movie going downstairs that his parents were now watching. He decided it was safe enough that his parents wouldn’t notice if he put another diaper on. Alex threw back his covers, got out of his bed, and proceeded over to his backpack. He unzipped one of the pockets contain one of the Pampers diapers. He reached his hand in and grabbed the diaper. Feeling the smooth, soft, plastic diaper in his hands sent shivers tingling up his spine. It hadn’t been that long since he last wore a diaper, but he just couldn’t help getting excited about it every time. Alex sat the disposable diaper on the floor in his room and proceeded to lower his pajama bottoms to his ankles. He then grabbed the diaper off the floor again and began to unfold it, savoring the way it felt in his hands. With the diaper now unfolded, Alex set in down on his bedroom floor again and positioned himself over it. He sat down on the disposable diaper and felt the softness of it on his skin. He lay flat on his back to finish the diapering process. He pulled up the Pampers between his legs and taped it snuggly in place. Satisfied with the job he had done diapering himself; Alex stood up and admired the diaper he was now wearing. He then pulled up his pajama bottoms and slipped back into bed. Alex was fairly tired and knew that getting to sleep wouldn’t likely be a problem. That didn’t stop him from thinking about the events of the day though. He kept replaying in his mind all the things that had happened today. He had had a fun day today, playing with Jason and all that; but what had made the day so great was the fact that he had got to experience his inner most desires of wearing a baby diaper again. It had been better than he ever could have imagined. The diaper was so soft and it made that crinkly sound, and just something about wearing it made him feel secure. Not that Alex was insecure; it was just that something about wearing it that made him feel like a toddler, but in a good way. Something about when Jason was getting his diapers changed by Aunt Claire and even his own mom, something about the attention they gave to him during that time that Alex wanted too. Alex couldn’t wait to see what next week would have in store for him. With that last thought Alex drifted off to sleep, with only the sounds of his parent’s movie going on downstairs. Alex woke up around 7am Saturday morning as he usually did. He would often wake up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons. He pushed back his bed covers and rolled out of bed. He was reminded of the fact that he was still wearing the baby diaper he had put on last night as it crinkled when he got up out of bed. The diaper was still dry, but Alex could feel a strong urge to pee and the temptation to just use the diaper was very strong. Alex thought about it for a couple of minutes, weighing the consequences in his head and finally decided to use the diaper. He went to his bedroom door and made sure it was shut tight and then walked back over to his bed. He would normally just wet the diaper while standing up, but Alex wanted to do something different this time. He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to try doing it while sitting down, or while lying on his bed. After debating with himself for a minute, he decided to try doing it while lying in his bed. To make the whole experience authentic, Alex got right into his bed and under the covers. He wanted to know what it felt like when kids wet their beds or diapers at night. Once settled under his bed covers, Alex tried to relax his body to let the pee out. At first it didn’t want to come out. Alex did his best to relax his body to let the pee flow into the diaper, but he was having some real trouble peeing in this position. After a couple of minutes of trying, Alex at last felt some warmth on his crotch as the urine began to flow into his diaper. He felt the warmth and wetness of the pee as it soaked into the diaper, felt it against his skin and felt it spread to his little bum cheeks. “Wow”, Alex thought to himself, “what an amazing feeling”. Needless to say, Alex was really enjoying wetting his diaper once again. A knock on his bedroom door brought him back to reality. “Alex”, he heard his mom say, “are you awake in there?” Alex wasn’t sure if he should answer her. On one hand, if he decided not to answer her, she might come in and try and wake him up. On the other hand if he did answer she might come in anyway, then again she might not. Alex decided he better answer her. “Yes mom”, he responded. “Just wondered if you might want some bacon and eggs for breakfast”, Marlene asked her son opening up his bedroom door. She took a look at him still underneath his covers and looked like she had something more to say. “Are you getting up soon honey? I know some of your favorite cartoons are on now, and I’ll start making breakfast in about a half an hour”. “Yeah, I’m gonna get up soon”, Alex said, hoping his mom would just leave it at that. “Okay”, she said and went back downstairs. Alex breathed a sigh of relief to himself once his mom had left the room. Keeping these diapers concealed from his parents was proving to be quite a challenge. That wasn’t going to stop Alex from wearing them though, as he was enjoying wearing them far too much. He decided to himself that the risk of being caught was worth it. In some ways he almost wanted to get caught and just see how his parents would react. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as he feared it would be. Maybe they would accept these desires he had and let him wear diapers. If this were the case, then he wouldn’t have to conceal the fact that he was wearing diapers from his parents. He didn’t like having to lie and hide this secret desires from his parents, and wished he could just get the nerve up to tell them. However, the truth was Alex feared that the response from his parents wouldn’t be a good one and they would forbid him to wear diapers. Alex didn’t want that, and it was because of that possibility that he wouldn’t tell them, at least not yet. Alex decided it was time to get up and get on with his day. He got out of bed again, feeling the weight of the diaper he had just wet. It was sagging a little and the urine in it was still quite warm against his skin. He pulled down his pajama bottoms to his ankles and admired the nice white baby diaper he was wearing. Admired how well it soaked up the urine and kept it away from his skin as it was designed to do. He was nine years old and had thoroughly wet the diaper, and yet it had held it all without leaking. It truly was an amazing diaper. He also loved the crinkling sound it made as he moved around in it and it truly made him feel like a toddler again. Alex untaped the disposable diaper while standing up, and once both sides were undone, let it fall to the floor beside his pajama bottoms. Alex then felt the cool air around his bare bum and decided to quickly pull up his pajama bottoms again. He grabbed the used Pamper, folded it up and hid it beneath his bed with the other one. Now that he was ready to watch some cartoons, he headed out of his room and down to the living room. His dad smiled at him when he walked by the kitchen and then went back to reading his paper. Alex turned on the TV and watched his favorite cartoons and before long he could smell his mom cooking breakfast. The rest of the day went by quick as his parents dragged him around on some of the errands they had to run that day. He got to go to Toys R Us, as a treat for being well behaved during the day, and pick out a couple of new toys. The evening went well too, as the family watched some shows on TV together. Alex decided he wasn’t going to wear a diaper Saturday night, as he had already worn quite a few. Sunday morning, Alex’s mom woke him up around 9 a.m. to get ready for church. Their family was regular church goers, and Alex was used to going to Sunday school, in fact he rather enjoyed it. Unlike regular school, which was often quite boring, Mrs. Peters made learning the Bible fun. They would often dress up to act out a certain part of the Bible like Noah’s Ark, or Joseph and his dream coat. Or sometimes she would make up a game they would play to help them remember the story being taught. She would also bring snacks as she knew children always liked to eat. She just genuinely loved kids and loved to making learning the Bible fun for them. Once his family arrived at church, Alex was immediately taken to grade 5 room, where kids his age were taken for Sunday school. Alex knew most of the kids in this room fairly well, but did notice a couple new faces. One boy, who looked to be maybe a year younger than himself, and the other a cute light blonde headed girl. Alex decided he’d introduce himself to the boy as the girl was already being welcomed by the other girls in the class. “Hi, my name’s Alex”, Alex said being the one to make to bold first move. “What’s your name”, he continued, trying to make this new kid feel welcome. “Steven”, the new kid said shyly. “Hi Steven; is this your first time here?”, Alex asked him. “Yeah, my parents just started coming here”, Steven said. “Cool, well you’ll really like it”, Alex said with confidence. “Mrs. Peters is a really great teacher, and her class is really fun”, he continued. “We’ve been learning about Samson and Delilah. Last week we dressed up in costumes and acted out the verses; it was great”. “Sounds like fun” Steven said and smiled. “It is”, Alex said as he saw Mrs. Peters walk into the room. “Alright boys and girls, today we are going to finish learning about Samson and Delilah, and for those of you who weren’t here last week, we did a play of when Samson slew the lion with his bare hands”, Mrs. Peters addressed the class. “Now this week we are going to act out the rest of the story, and I want us to get started as soon as possible. But before we do that I have noticed that we have some new faces in our class and would like everyone to meet them and make them feel welcome.” Mrs. Peters then pointed over at Steven and asked him to stand up and introduce himself. It was obvious to Alex that this made Steven uncomfortable. He understood being uncomfortable having to introduce yourself in front of a bunch of people you didn’t know, but there was something else about Steven that didn’t seem right. It was almost as if he seemed embarrassed to be there at all and Alex wasn’t sure why. Steven stood up slowly and looked around the classroom nervously. When Steven stood up, Alex thought he noticed something suspicious underneath his shorts. For a second, Alex saw something white sticking out above his shorts and thought he heard that familiar crinkling sound when he stood up. At first Alex thought it was just his imagination, and that he just wanted someone else to like diapers like he did. But the more he looked at Steven the more he thought he could see that distinctive bulge a diaper made beneath his shorts. If it were true, then Alex could understand why the boy was so nervous about being around a lot of people. Alex wanted to confirm his suspicions before the end of class today. If Steven did indeed wear diapers, Alex wanted to talk to him and found out why he wore them. “My name is Steven”, Alex heard the new boy say. “Anything else you’d like to tell the class about yourself”, the teacher asked. Steven just shrugged his shoulders and then sat back down. The girl then introduce herself although Alex wasn’t really paying attention to her as he was trying to see if he could determine if Steven was indeed wearing a diaper. His chance would come soon enough as they were starting to move on to the activity for the day. Both boys picked out costumes to wear and began putting them on. As Steven put on his costume, his one shoe came untied and when he bent over to tie it up again, Alex saw about an inch and a half of the diaper he was wearing. It was unmistakable; Steven was wearing a diaper. They looked like the same kind of diapers he had taken from Jason. Now the only question Alex had was, why would this kid be wearing diapers, did he need them for some medical reason? These were all questions that Alex hoped he’d have the opportunity to ask. As the class continued and they acted out the rest of the Samson and Delilah story, Alex couldn’t help looking at Steven and noticing the bulge beneath his shorts which he now knew to be a diaper. He heard the diaper crinkle a few times during class and thought he noticed that familiar Pampers smell once in a while as well. Alex was getting excited knowing that there was someone else his age that wore diapers; and whether it was out of necessity or because he liked them, Alex really wanted to talk to this boy and find out more about him. Class ended and they were just waiting for their parents to come pick them up, when Alex decided he was going to try and talk with Steven again. “Hey Steven”, he said walking over to him, “did you enjoy the Sunday school class”. “Yeah, it was great”, Steven said with a big grin on his face. “Hey”, Alex started again, “I was thinking, if you wanted to, you could come over for the afternoon”. “Sure”, Steven blurted out at first and then he looked a little uncomfortable again. It had been a long time since he’d been invited over to someone’s house to play and he really wanted to go, but he was afraid of what Alex would think about his having to wear diapers. “I’ll have to ask my parents”, Steven said. He decided to leave it up to them as he would have to ask them anyways. “Ok, sounds like a plan”, Alex said hoping he’d be able to come over. Steven seemed like a really cool kid, a bit shy, but with good reason. Alex wanted to ask him about his diapers, but in an environment the Steven would feel comfortable opening up. Alex felt this was someone he would genuinely be able to connect with as they shared similar interests and both had a need for diapers. Alex’s parents arrived at the classroom first to pick him up. Alex took the opportunity to ask them about having Steven over this afternoon. “Mom, dad, this is Steven; it’s his first week here and I was just wondering if I could maybe have him over this afternoon”, Alex presented the question. Alex’s parents looked at each other, his mom shrugged her shoulders and his dad turned to him and said, “I don’t see a problem with that”. “Great”, Alex exclaimed. “Yeah, but I need to ask my parents still”, Steven said a little unsure. No sooner had he said this then his parents walked up to the classroom. “Well Steven, did you have a fun time”, his mother asked him. “Yeah it was great”, Steven said excitedly. “That’s great”, his dad said. “I haven’t seen you this excited about Sunday school in a while”, his mom said. “Yeah well, it was really fun”, Steven said and then looked at his mom, and in a more serious tone asked her, “mom Alex asked if I could come over to his house this afternoon”. “He did”, Steven’s mom said. “Well I’m not sure, let me talk with Alex’s parents for a second and we’ll see”. The parents stepped out into the hall while the kids stayed in the classroom. Alex could only hear muffled voices, but he was sure they were probably talking about the fact that Steven wore diapers. Steven’s mom looked right at Marlene and said, “I’m really glad your son has made Steven feel welcome here. I know it means a lot to him; it means a lot to me. You see, Steven doesn’t have many friends at school or around our neighborhood. Steven has a medical problem which causes him to have frequent accidents, and it has been the sources of a lot of ridicule for him from some of his supposed friends.” “I see”, Marlene said trying to sound understanding. “It’s actually gotten to the point where we’ve had to put Steven into diapers just to make it a little less embarrassing for him. None of the medications the doctors have given him have helped at all, and putting him in diapers was just a last resort to help minimize the mess and embarrassment he was experiencing. I just want you to understand that Steven has special needs and I just don’t want him getting hurt again.” “Well I know Alex, he wouldn’t make fun of someone with special needs, but I’ll talk to him and make sure he understands the situation”, Marlene said. “Listen, why don’t you all come over for lunch and then the boys will get an opportunity to hang out this afternoon”. Steven’s mom thought about it for a minute and then replied, “sounds like a plan to me”.If you enjoyed this story, please feel free to send me some feedback at and let me know what you think.