Title: Adventure of 3 Young Boys in Nappies
Name: Jack James
Email: Not shown
Gender: Female
Current Age: 17
Posting Date: 03/28/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop* Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
  9- Baby paraphernalia 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Three best friends develop a love for nappies and eventually, each other.
This is the first chapter in something that I hope to develop into somewhat of a series.
Feedback would be gratefully received.
Thanks, and enjoy :)
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 1 (5%)

Jack came home from school bawling his eyes out. He had just wet his 
pants, and the whole class had been teasing him. At 10 years old, Jack 
Barker was a small lad, sensitive and very quiet. He didn�t have many 
friends, apart from Conan and Alex, his two best mates. They did 
everything together, and knew everything about each other. Well, almost 

It had been an age since Jack had had a day time accident, but for some 
reason he didn�t anticipate the severity of his toilet needs and his 
rush to the nearest �bog� as he called it, was in vain.

Approaching the front door of his house after the half mile walk back 
from school, he was nervous about what his mum would say. She was a 
young blonde woman, a single parent following her divorce from Jack�s 
father a few years back. The pants wetting had happened just after 
school had finished, so he hadn�t had a chance to change. Wandering in 
to the house, he tried to ignore the issue.

�Hi Hun, how was your day? His mother asked calmly, not suspecting 
anything was wrong.

�Uh yeah, good, you know, the usual�, the young boy replied.

As only a mother can, Debbie suspected something was wrong, and tried 
to get through to her son. Eventually his guard was broken down, and he 
opened up about the huge wet spot that was visible on his trousers.

�I never do this mum. Why me? I do it all the time at the night, but 
never in the day. I�m so embarrassed�, he cried into his mother arms � 
ashamed at what he had done.

Indeed, this was Jack�s secret: He was a bedwetter � yet no-one knew 
apart from him and his mother. He had never had a sleepover with Conan 
or Alex, and as far as he was concerned, if he didn�t become dry soon, 
he never would.

Comforting her son, Debbie explained that �these things happen�, and 
reminded the blonde haired boy that there were a lot worse things that 
could happen than wetting the bed. �Think about the poor orphans in 
Haiti�, she pointed out.

The evening wore on and Jack settled down to watch TV. The Simspons was 
on and he was in his element, knowing all the characters inside out and 
back to front. His duvet cover was of the Simpsons family, and he had 
several posters in his bedroom connected to the show.

Bed time was approaching, and Jack was gently reminded to �get ready 
for bed�. He knew what this meant. After brushing his teeth, the young 
boy opened the top drawer of his chest of drawers to reveal a half 
opened package of drynites. Taking off his underwear, he removed a 
drynite from it�s package and put it on, followed by his pyjamas. He 
was used to wearing them, but still got embarrassed at times.

He struggled to get to sleep that night, thinking over and over what 
everyone would say to him tomorrow. Eventually he did get to sleep, 
before his mother woke him to get up for school. Slowly coming to his 
senses, it slowly dawned on him that the daily feeling was upon him 
once again: he was absolutely soaked, and felt completely dejected. If 
he had wet anymore, the drynite may well have leaked such was the 
soaking he had given it.

His school clothes on and books ready, he grabbed a quick bite of 
breakfast before heading out of the door.

The day got of to a bad start: the class bully Graham had seen Jack's 
wet pants the previous day and set about trying to make his day hell.

"Alright, pants-pisser."

"Want a nappy, baby?"

"Go back to nursery, baby boy."

These were just some of the insults that came his way, along with many 
others. He was however relived to see his best friends, Conan and Alex 
at first lesson.

"Not bloody maths", Conan commented in despair. He had always struggled 
academically, but his good nature and fun outlook made him popular with 
his peers. The lesson passed without any real incident, and lunch 

"Hey guys", Alex started. "I'm having a sleepover tomorrow...". Jack 
had always dreaded this moment: His friends didn't know about his 
"condition". With a look of despair on his face, he replied.

"Well, I urm I can't come".

"Why not, you're my best mate!", asked Alex, confused by his friends 

Trying to keep it in, Jack told his friend that his mum wouldn't allow 
it, but unconvinced, the tall for his age Alex pushed for a real 

"I can't tell you", Jack started, crying at this point. "I have a 
massive secret that no-one knows".

The two other boys were genuinely confused, but assured Jack that they 
were best friends and nothing could come between their relationships.

"In that case, I will tell you. But you have to promise not to tell 
anyone else", he said rather defensively"

"Swear on my life", the other two responded appeasing Jack's anxiety.

"I...I...I'm a b...b....bedwetter", he finally muttered, with a look of 
sheer horror on his face. He cried heavily, not wanting to look at his 
friends faces. Would they still like him? Would they still want to be 
friends with him? There were so many questions going round and round in 
his head.

"That's fine mate, was that it?" Alex asked, clearly unmoved by Jack's 
declaration. My brother is still in nappies, it's not a big issue!

"But he's 3!! I'm 10!" Jack cried in despair, struggling to believe 
that his friends were ok with him wetting the bed."

Alex told Jack that he still wanted him to come to the sleepover, and 
that it would be so silly to see their friendship broken up over such a 
minor issue. "I know loads of people who wet the bed", Alex commented.

Getting home after lessons, Jack rushed home to tell his mum the good 
news. It would be the first sleepover he had ever been on, and he 
couldn't wait. He was assured that the bedwetting didn't matter, and 
felt confident that he could have a good time.

Telling his mother that he was planning to go on a sleepover to Alex's 
house, her concern was instant.

"But darling", she interrupted, clearly worried about how he was going 
to manage.

"Mum it's cool, they know and they're fine with it".

She hugged her son and told him that she hoped he would have a great 
time - and praised him and his friends for dealing with his bedwetting 
issues in such a mature way.

He knew that the bullies would always be out to get him, but Jack fell 
asleep grateful for the friendship that Alex and Conan had given him. 
They were going to be best friends for life, at least if Jack had 
anything to do about it.

The next day, Jack really couldn't concentrate at all at school: All he 
was thinking about was the sleepover. His mum would give him all the 
stuff he needed, including of course the drynites, after school. 
Lessons went slowly, and the boys were all rather clock watching as the 
end of the day approached. Finally, the last bell went and Jack ran up 
to his mother who was waiting patiently in the school car park. Usually 
he would walk, but Alex lived much further away from school than Jack 
and thus he had to go to Alex's house by car.

He said thanks to his mum for getting all his stuff to car, and raced 
up to Alex's car, where he and Conan were already strapped in.

The journey passed fairly quickly, with the three boys discussing what 
they would do next: Video games were on the agenda, with Alex having 
recently been given a Playstation 3 for his birthday.

"Ah cool", Conan shouted out - clearly wanting to try out the product. 
The three were in unison that that was what they would be doing next 
and before they knew it, they were home.

Rushing off to play video games, the boys were having so much fun: this 
is what they had always wanted to do, but up until now they never had. 
Jack was enjoying himself, and wasn't overly worried about having to 
put on the drynites given his friends reassurance the previous day.

They continued playing and even enjoyed a delicious pizza that Alex's 
mum Nicola had kindly ordered for them.

"You�re the best", Conan told her, in a way that only Conan could.

After a while, bed-time approached, and Alex tentatively brought up the 
bedwetting subject.

"So erm Jack", he started, not sure how to phrase what he wanted to 

Sensing what his friend wanted to ask, Jack took the initiative, hoping 
that his friends wouldn't mind if he went to put a drynite on. He 
explained that he wore them every night, and they seemed happy with 

"Ok, so if you want to do it now, you know then the bathroom is over 
there", Alex pointed to the left.

Jack quickly left to put his drynite on, taking one out of the entire 
package his mum had for some reason given him. Surely I only need one, 
he thought to himself.

Coming out of the bathroom, Nicola tucked the three boys up in bed, 
telling them that they needed to get some sleep. It was Saturday 
tomorrow so no school, but the boys were still young and needed to go 
to sleep reasonably early.

A small amount of inane chatter followed, before Conan asked a question 
that completely changed the boys relationship for ever.

"Urm Jack", he started out, sensing it was a rather touchy thing he was 
going to ask".

"Yeah Conan", he replied unaware of what was to follow.

"You know the drynites, what are they like? I mean I know you have to 
wear them, but I've always wondered what it would feel like to wear 

Although Jack hated being a bedwetter, he didn't actually mind the feel 
of the drynites: In fact, he positively liked them.

He tried to ignore the question, feeling embarrassed by his true 
feelings: �Uh you know, it�s kind of gay�.

�I guess so�, Conan replied � clearly unconvinced by what Jack had just 
said. It was clear that he wanted to find out more, and Jack�s 
reluctance to truly tell him what wearing a drynite was like proved 

Alex remained silent, but all of a sudden a thought came into his head. 
His 3 year old brother Kevin was still in nappies: it would always be 
possible to try those on.

He perked up:

"guys, you know I've always wondered what it would be like to wear, you 
know...". He pointed in the direction of Jack's drynites, and suggested 
he had a better idea. The others were intrigued, with them all being 
good friends and not holding any secrets, trying on a nappy would be no 
big deal: If they all wanted to do it, which, judging by their 
reactions, they clearly did.

He went on to confirm that he knew where Kevin's nappies were, and with 
his parents long asleep, getting them would be no problem. Conan was 
enthusiastic, exclaiming that it would be cool, as long as no-one else 
found out.

Slipping out of the bedroom, Alex tip toed downstairs, where he knew 
the nappies were stored. He returned a short while later, and turned on 
the light. In his hands was a package of Pampers Size 6.

"Will these fit me?", asked Conan unaware that they would actually fit 

"yeah, I reckon so", replied Alex: although in truth he was only 

It was a while before any of the three boys actually dared to bring up 
the subject of putting one on: they all wanted to do it, but were all 
scared of going first. Suddenly, Jack blurted out that he needed to 

Why don't you just do in your drynite? Asked Conan.

Jack sensed an opportunity, and told his mates that he would - on the 
condition that they both put on nappies.

After a short while, the boys agreed to this - and Alex brought out two 
Pampers from the package.

He offered one to Conan - but the lad looked confused, and was forced 
to admit that he didn't know how to put one on. He had no siblings, and 
thus had never really seen anyone else being changed: he had been potty 
trained very early, and had no recollection of being in nappies.

"It's ok - I'll do it", offered Alex.

Conan considered this for a moment, concerned about Alex seeing him 
naked - but soon he realised that there was very little other option: 
they had made a pact, and if this was the only way to stick to it, then 
so be it.

"ok then let's do it", he said in a soft, quiet voice.

Alex gestured for Conan to lie down of the floor, and his friend 
complied, laughing with nervous anticipation as he did so. He slipped 
off his pyjama bottoms but his nude status didn't seem to faze him.

Lifting up Conan's bum, Alex slid the white Pamper underneath, taping 
it up expertly. He had had a lot of practice with Kevin, and although 
Conan was considerably older, the routine was the same.

Conan's penis stood to attention - with the young boy clearly aroused 
by the situation. It had been something he had wanted to do for a long 
time, and now with a nappy on he felt happy, safe and secure.

Soon afterwards, Alex put on his own nappy - in super quick time. He 
enjoyed it just as much as Conan, and the three of them seemed really 
happy indeed.

So then Jack, have you done your part of the bargain? The 10 year old 
had never before deliberately wet his Drynites, but he now had a 
perfect opportunity. After a short time, his bladder started to 
released urine, and a warm wet feeling came upon him. It was fantastic: 
and much better than simply waking up wet in the morning.

"Yep, all done", he told Conan and Alex.

His two friends didn't believe him and asked for proof: causing Jack to 
ask them to feel his drynite.

Conan wandered over towards Jack's bed, and reached into his covers. He 
was lying there with Pyjama bottoms on over the Drynite, but Conan 
reached for the wet item, and confirmed that Jack had indeed given it a 
good soaking.

Mate you better get changed! Conan joked. He knew that the Drynites 
were really very wet, and was unsure how much more pee they could take.

�Guys, I have to say I do actually quite like the feeling. It�s all 
warm and squishy� Jack Commented, surprised at his own feelings more 
than anything. �I probably need a change�, he joked, winking at his two 
friends as he did so.

�well...�, Conan pointed towards the Package of Pampers on the floor 
beside him. There was no way Jack would last the night with the wet 
Drynite he currently had on, but it was just a case of whether he would 
opt for another Drynite, or join his friends in regulation �baby� 

 On a high after wetting his Drynite, Jack instinctively nodded when 
Conan suggested he put on a pamper. Sitting on the carpet, he took of 
his wet Drynite, before Alex once again expertly put on the nappy. It 
fitted perfectly, and there were now three little boys all in nappies. 
They were all in seventh heaven and none of them could really 
understand why.

Idle chat followed, as none of the boys wanted to breach the subject of 
what they were wearing. They all knew it felt good, but they were wary 
of making too big a deal out of it.

"What if people at school find out about this", Conan whispered 

"Don�t worry - let's make it our secret", Jack suggested.

They all agreed to this, and seemed to be at peace with one another.

Suddenly, Conan got up and ran towards the door.

"where on earth do you think you're going", queried Jack, suspecting he 
knew Conan's reason for trying to leave.

"Got to pee", said the young boy, clearly in a hurry to get to the 

Alex looked over at Jack, and sensing they were thinking the same 
thing, he got up to block Conan's path.

"Use the nappy", he declared, seemingly offering no choice.

Conan was apprehensive, it was one thing having the nappy on - but 
actually using it? Time was of the essence, so he quickly blurted out:

"Only if you do".

"Well, I do have to go...", Alex indicated - nodding as he did so.

A wet patch started to spread over the two boys nappies, as the pampers 
absorbed the warm pee that was being delivered into them.

"How does it feel", asked Jack - who was now dry of course after his 
earlier change.

The boys simply looked at each other and laughed.

"I love nappies", Alex blurted out.

The other two nodded in agreement, and from that moment on they were a 
threesome of little boys who loved each other and nappies.

The adventure had only just begun!

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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