Aden’s Revelation
By Baby Jake (2005) – Revised in 2008
(Story I:
One: The Night Over
Two: Initiation
Three: Dares
Four: Discovery
Chapter Five: Shame
Six: Haunted
Seven: The Night of Submission
Part One: The Beginning
Part Two: Submission
Chapter Eight:
Nine: The Confirmed Diaper-Lover
Ten: Spring Outro
“Chapter One, The Night Over”
I was almost shaking from being so nervous now… And I was
actually getting rather upset with myself because of it. I had just moved here,
and it has been one week since my first day at school. Since then, I had made a
few friends, even though I was as shy as I could have been.
“Let me see that paper again” I heard my mom say, so I
gave her the paper…
We, as in me and my mother, drove around the block a few
times… having trouble finding the street. Until eventually, we found the
correct street…
“You going to be alright?” my mom asked me.
“Yeah… I’m not two years old you know” I said.
“I know, I know… just wondering if you’ll be alright
spending the night with new friends” she explained.
“No no, I’ll be fine…” I assured.
I thought about what she meant and I began to think… And
she did have a point. It would be weird spending the night with people I don’t
know nearly as well as I did with my old friends.
“18… 20… 22… 24” my mom counted down, coming to almost a
screeching halt in front of the house my friend wrote down.
We stepped out of the car, and walked to the door of the
house. The door was open, but there was a screen door that was closed, but we
rang the doorbell anyway, and within moments, a homely looking woman came to
the door to greet us.
“Hi I’m Mrs. Namble, you must be
“Yes I am, nice to meet you! I take it you’re… Brian’s
mom? This here is
“Hi you too! As you guessed, I’m Brian’s mom. They are
upstairs, come on in” she said, welcoming us both in.
I wandered inside, and could hear the voices of my friend
Brian, and two other kids upstairs. I took off my jacket, and sat my backpack
on the floor beside my feet… I was a bit nervous but I was trying not to act
it. My mom, and Brian’s mom, talked for a bit, introducing themselves and
talking about various things for a few minutes, until eventually…
“Okay” I said.
Then she walked outside, and into her car… and with that,
Brian’s mom shut the door and it was all me now.
“They’re upstairs, they’ve been waiting for you” his mom
said to me.
“Okay, thanks” I said. I walked upstairs, and followed the
voices as they grew louder, until eventually, I saw Brian, and the sources of
the two other voices.
I nervously, and slowly, walked to the edge of the doorway
of a bedroom.
“Hey” I said, waving sheepishly.
“Guys this, is
“Sup” they both said.
“Ade’, this is Seth, Seth, this is
“Yeah… I think I’ve seen you around our school before”
Seth said.
“…and this is Daniel” Brian said, pointing to the kid next
to him.
“Hey” I said.
“Hey” he said back.
“He’s my brother” Brian explained.
“Dude you’re so done” I said, holding grabbing a Playstation
2 controller.
“Pffffft… you can dream” Brian said, grabbing the other.
Brian and I began to fight each other on Soulcalibur II, a
fighting game for PS2. But after the tie breaker match Seth walked over, and
tapped him on the shoulder.
“What?” Brian asked.
“Hey um… your mom needs to talk to you” he said.
“Oh, okay” he said.
“Hold on Ade’, I’ll be back” Brian said, standing up and
walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him. The game was on pause,
so the room was silent. Where Daniel was, was beyond me at this moment.
But as I was sitting in the brothers’ room… in the
silence… I took this time to look around. Not be intrusive, but just look at
what’s in their room. I never really took a good look, until now.
The one thing I noticed was that they had a bunk bed,
which was the first indication to me that they had a shared room. Which bunk
was whose, I couldn’t tell.
But, before I could continue on any further, I heard
voices beyond the wall… muffled, but audible. Noticing that there were two
voices… and neither had a female tone… I scooted up closer to where the voices
were coming from: an air vent, and placed my ear near it…
“… I think he’s cool… kind of quiet… but he’s cool…”
“Yeah, he was like that on his first day… but he’s a cool
“Do you know if…?”
“No… not sure yet… what if he’s not though”
“Hmmm… I don’t know then… chances are he isn’t… we’ll have
to do what we did with you, Seth”
I heard a small laugh then…
“Alright, don’t want to leave him hanging…”
That’s where I stopped listening, and immediately shot
from the air vent, in front of the TV with a controller sitting next to me,
like I wasn’t even gone from that spot. A moment later, the door opened,
revealing Brian. Daniel walked behind him, through the hallway, not even
looking into the room. Brian shut the door, and sat down next to me again.
Now I was more nervous than when I had arrived. What the
hell were they talking about, and how was I involved? I had gone from feeling
welcomed into their little group; to feeling as though they were trying to trap
me into doing something I’d probably prefer not to do. And I suddenly felt as
though I wasn’t really wanted…
“Dinner’s almost done” he said.
I didn’t really say anything… and apparently I had a
strange look on my face because…
“What’s up?” Brian said.
“Nothing” I said…
“…you seem depressed.” Brian said.
“Nah…” I said… not really telling the truth.
“Hmmm… you sure?” Brian asked.
I nodded my head.
“Alright…” he said.
“This pizza is bomb Mrs. N” Seth said.
“Yeah, thanks mom” the two brothers said.
I complimented as well, to not seem rude… though I was
fairly quiet beyond that.
“Maytersonville” I said.
“Hmmm… my husband grew up out there. Small world huh?” she
“Hah… yeah” I said.
“Did you have many friends?” Brian asked.
I thought for a moment…
“Yeah… I had my own little crew. Nothing big. Just a small
group of friends I hung out with often” I said.
“That’s cool… Maytersonville is only a 15 minute drive
from here; do you still visit them or call them?” Brian asked.
“Eh… yeah… I’ve called them. We haven’t hung out since I
moved. I only moved here like two weeks ago” I said…
“That’s cool…” Brian said.
I didn’t really care what they had to say at this point. I
was very nervous… and I still felt used. But I looked over at Seth… and thought
about what he and Brian said. They said they had to have Seth do something,
too… and Seth looked as though he wouldn’t hang out with anyone else in the
world, than Brian and Daniel. I began to wonder…
“So do you like it out here?” their mother asked me.
“Yes I do, it’s a very nice neighborhood” I said.
His mother nodded and smiled at me with a friendly,
welcoming smile.
“Yes, yes it is… it’s really beautiful here in Fall” she
I shrugged and grinned.
“Guess that’s why they called it
“Okay you guys, time for bed” their mother told us.
We walked upstairs, and eventually into the brothers’
room. I noticed that the lights were all mostly off in the home, and what I
noticed the most was that Brian’s mom was behind us the whole time.
In a few moments, everyone found their own spot in the
room to sleep. I, myself, was on the floor.
“G’nite guys” she said.
But before shutting the door, she looked at me…
“Aden, you need any pillows or extra blankets?” she asked.
“Nah… I’m fine” I said.
“You sure? Well, if you need anything, it’s in the closet
across from the hall” she said.
“Okay, thanks” I said, lying down onto the floor. There
was already a blanket and pillow on the floor, waiting for me… I didn’t need
much more.
“G’nite” she said again, shutting the door, filling the
room with blackness.
I lay there, sitting in the darkness, feeling so
incredibly out of place. The room was silent, despite having four young
teenagers in it. My mind began filling with various memories of my other
friends, and how much of a good time we’d have during sleepovers. I didn’t hear
a single sound… and I guess it was slowly taking its toll on me.
Before I realized it… I was getting extremely tired. I
stared at an electric alarm clock, and saw the big, bright, red numbers that glowed
in the darkness. 11:30 it said. I shut my eyes, and felt so exhausted… but for
some reason, I opened it again after sitting there for a long period of time,
unable to sleep.
12:00. I had been laying there for a half hour… but it
felt like a few seconds.
I watched the minutes go by until finally, this time it
felt like forever, it was 12:45. I guess the hour I was laying there, I got the
awake-time I needed to help me sleep… because before I knew it… my eyes were
slowly beginning to shut… slowly but surely, they were slowly closing…
“Psssst” I heard.
I instantly opened my eyes. The clock was dead ahead of me
and was therefore the first thing I saw. 1:30. I had been asleep for an hour.
“Psssst Brian” I heard, in a soft, sharp, whispery tone.
“Yeah?” I heard in a similarly soft, sharp, whispery tone.
“Is he asleep?”
It was definitely Seth’s voice.
“…uh… how am I supposed to know?” Brian said.
“Aden” I heard from Seth’s voice.
I remained silent…
“Yeah, I guess he is” Brian said.
“Well uh… wake him up” Seth said…
“For what?” I heard, this time, from Daniel’s voice.
“We need to initiate him and test him” I heard Brian say.
“Ohhh yeah” Daniel said.
“Yeah, hit the light” I heard Brian say.
I quickly latched my eyes shut to pretend I was asleep…
Behind my eyelids I saw the room light up… the black color
quickly switched to that orangish-red fleshy-color you see when you look at a
light with your eyes closed.
It was silent, except for the sound of people rustling
around… suddenly I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and shake me a bit.
“Ade’” I heard Brian say.
I faked a grunt.
“Yo, Ade’, wake up”
I slowly creaked my eyes open and moaning a bit,
pretending I was that tired…
“We wanna talk to you” Brian said. I sat up slowly, and
looked around.
The desk lamp was on, and Daniel was on the top bunk. Seth
was wrapped in a blanket on a love-seat couch near the TV and PS2. Brian was
next to me, but was on the lower bunk. I was sitting on the floor, next to the
bunk bed.
“What’s up?” I said.
“I’ve got a question for you” Brian asked.
“What?” I asked.
“Chapter Two, Initiation”
“How do you feel about doing a little… hmmm… initiation
for us” he said. His tone sounded deceptive… and I didn’t appreciate it.
“Depends on what…” I said in all honesty.
“I see…” Brian said in an understanding tone.
The room was quiet… all but that strange, unidentifiable
ambience of late night…
“Yeah…” I asked.
“We all want to put you through a little… hmmm…
initiation” Brian explained, retaining the deceptive tone.
“…okay…” I said sheepishly.
“Now it’s nothing bad… Seth had to do it too, didn’t you
Seth?” Brian said.
“Sure did” Seth said from the couch.
I sat there feeling so lost… but I was paying attention…
“…well what do I have to do?” I asked quietly, and
Everyone chuckled a small bit… making me all the more
“Dan, get the stuff would you?” Brian asked.
“Sure will” he said.
“Now Ade’, you got to stay quiet because my mom doesn’t
know we’re doing stuff like this okay?” Brian said.
“Okay… I guess…” I said.
“Chill man, it’s alright. Seth did it too” Brian
comfortably explained.
I looked over at Seth, who seemed so damn content sitting
on that couch, hanging out with his friends… He was looking back at me with a
devious smirk on his face though… I wondered what they could possibly be doing.
I started to really wonder though. Big things went through
my head. What if they wanted me to do drugs? I don’t do drugs! I definitely
wouldn’t be okay with that…
But then as I sat there wondering… I realized something.
Maybe I was being too cautious… maybe I was worrying way more than needed. Who
knows? Maybe this silly initiation could be something completely simple, silly,
and stupid. Like “Drink this strange mixture of…” or “Make a prank call”. Who
knows? I might enjoy it… it might actually be fun. Brian didn’t seem like a
person that’d use someone anyways. It can’t be all that bad… All these things I
was thinking began to comfort me. I too began to have a small, near
unnoticeable smirk. I was sitting there thinking “Bring it on…” because I
didn’t think it’d be bad at all.
“Okay, ready” I heard from Daniel’s voice.
I turned and looked over at Daniel, who was behind me… and
my smirk was quickly abolished by what I saw in his hands. I had to examine it
for a minute… and I was quite unsure about what it was… I mean it looked it is
was… but I thought it couldn’t possibly be… a pack of diapers.
“Uh… what is that?” I asked in utter confusion, not
thinking at all it was, what it seemed to be.
“Heh… it’s uh…” Daniel began to say, turning the package
towards himself.
“…male disposable incontinent undergarments” he said,
reading the text from the package.
I was silent…
“They’re diapers,
“W-what!?” I asked.
“They’re diapers!” Brian said laughing, but with the
utmost sincerity.
I was shocked dead… I couldn’t speak, move, or think
clearly… But I guess my face was pretty amusing because out of no where
everyone started laughing.
“W-well… w-w-what do you want me to do with them!?” I
asked, appalled at the thought.
“But why!?” I asked.
“It’s an initiation!” Brian said.
“To what!?” I asked.
“I dunno… our group…” Brian said, shrugging. I guess he
had never really though about it.
“Why can’t I just… not… put it on?” I asked.
“Why? What’s so bad about a diaper?” Brian asked.
“Man… baby’s wear diapers…” I said.
“So?” Brian asked.
“That’s like me asking you to put on a woman’s dress and
stuff, why wouldn’t you?” I asked.
“…who said I wouldn’t?” Brian asked.
“Huh?” I grunted out of surprise.
“Well I mean, I’d rather not. Don’t get me wrong. But I
still would, for my friends. I wouldn’t do it in public… but we’re not in the
public… I’d do it as a joke with my friends, sure… What do I care? I trust my
friends. It’d be funny and we’d all have a good time” Brian said.
“But dude, I’m a 14 year old kid, not an infant. I
shouldn’t have to put on a diaper” I said in desperation.
I sighed… and thought for a minute. I looked over at the
diaper in Daniel’s hands. I looked at Seth, who was looking back at me with a
look of desperation for me to do it. As was Brian, and Daniel too. I felt a
strange… obligation… to put that diaper on. I didn’t want to do it, but the
looks and tension in the room was getting to me real bad… it was peer pressure
by definition.
“…fine…” I said under my breath.
Brian heard me though… he smiled, patted my shoulder, said
“Thanks” as he stood up. Daniel tossed a diaper at my lap, since I was still
sitting up from when I was laying down trying to sleep. It was that quickly
that the entire room stood up…
“How am I supposed to put this thing on?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” Brian asked.
“Like where?” I asked.
“Oh… um… hmmm… put it under your shirt and go into my
bathroom, if my mom sees or hears you, she’ll think you’re going to the
bathroom” he explained.
I sighed once more, and stood up. I took the diaper with
me unfortunately… and I put it under my shirt. I walked to the door, and of
course opened it, looking back at everyone as I left.
I was in the bathroom now… I let the small ‘nightlights’
along the hallway guide me (I guess that’s what they were put there for). I
quietly shut the door behind me, and turned on the bathroom light. It was just
me now. It was quiet… you know… not just quiet but that calm, almost painful
silence that occurs during 2AM. When there are no cars… no birds, no people
walking down the street outside. Just you and the only thing you can hear is
your own breathing.
Well… that was all I could hear until I took the diaper
from under my shirt, and opened it up. I felt it… examined it thoroughly. It
was definitely a diaper… that was for sure. It had an extremely padded part,
which I assumed was the part for where you pee into. It had sticky tapes… and
it was very… loud. The plastic over it was like holding a plastic bag in my
hand. But I ate my pride… and took my pants and boxers off so that I was
standing half naked. I took the diaper, and pressed the middle of it against
between my legs. I quickly realized that it wouldn’t be nearly as easy as I
thought it would be.
“How the hell am I supposed to put this thing on?” I
thought to myself.
Then I thought of how a baby gets it on… it’s usually by
someone else… which was definitely not an option here. But then I thought how
they are always… laying down. I sighed in desperation… and sucked in my pride
once more. I then kneeled, and laid myself down onto my back. I slipped what
looked to be the back, under my butt. I reached out in front of myself, in
between my legs, and pulled the ‘front’ over top of my pelvic and stomach area.
Just laying there, with a diaper simply between my legs,
with the front on top of my… pelvic… area, like I was really wearing one made
me blush in embarrassment. Actually… thinking about it, embarrassment was an
understatement. I was humiliated. And the worst part was it was just me. It
made me almost sick imagining myself having to wear this completely, and
wearing it in the presence of three other kids like me… that were practically
I forced myself to take the sticky tapes, and strap the
diaper together like it would. I then realized there, as I stood up, and the
diaper came with it, that I really didn’t know why the hell I had agreed to
I stood up, and as it crinkled painfully loud, I thought
of something. What if I had just fallen into a little joke planned by Brian and
them? What if Seth really didn’t wear a diaper like I was now, and they lied to
me, just to make me look like an idiot? I sighed… and once again thought to
myself about how I was either overreacting… or how I just made a horrible
mistake by showing up here in the first place.
Everyone was watching me, with a grin on their faces. It
made me feel rather uncomfortable… They were all in the same places as they
were before I had gone to the bathroom… which isn’t too surprising considering
I was only in the bathroom for about five minutes.
“So is it… on?” Brian asked.
“…yeah…” I said in an unfortunate tone.
Everyone got closer quickly…
“…can we see?” Daniel asked.
Once more… I ate my pride… as I looked away from my pants,
as I slowly unzipped, and unbuttoned them. I then pulled the front of my boxers
down, which clearly revealed the diaper. Everyone began to giggle a bit as I
sat there humiliated and distraught on the floor.
“See it ain’t that bad is it
“…yeah…” I said in dishonesty.
“Aww come on, it’s just a diaper!” Brian said.
“Man… why don’t YOU wear a diaper?” I said in reply.
Everyone started laughing again, leaving me confused. I
was looking at Brian… but to my surprise, he had a face with a look of apathy.
He looked around, keeping the same apathetic look on his face, until…
“Sure” he said looking at me.
“Huh?” I said in confusion.
“Sure, why not?” he said.
I was speechless…
“I’ll wear a diaper… no problem to me.” He said in
“Well… fine… d-do it then!” I said.
“Haha, okay, I will. Dan, give me a diaper” he said.
Daniel had one already in his hand, and his tossed it to
Brian without delay.
“Guys, spin around… I don’t want to go all the way out to
the bathroom and risk waking my mom up” he requested.
I felt uneasy about the whole thing… but I did it… I spun
around, because for some reason, I wanted to see Brian in a diaper like me…
Something about his careless attitude… I just didn’t believe that someone could
be so apathetic about such a humiliating thing. It wasn’t even about the diaper
either! He just… seemed too laid back!
I spun around, as did Daniel and Seth…
“Thanks” I heard Brian say, and shortly after that, we
heard nothing but rustling and crinkling, until (way) before I knew it…
“Okay, it’s on” he said.
I turned around slowly, somehow doubtful… but to my
surprise, there he was, standing in nothing but a diaper, in front of the three
of us. He still maintained that careless attitude about being a diaper. I
didn’t understand…
“Satisfied?” he asked sarcastically to me.
I said nothing… he chuckled a bit. And then, when I
thought he was going to request for us to turn around so he could take it off…
he simply sat down, right in front of me, in nothing but his diaper with a
smirk. Then he playfully punched my shoulder…
“Chill out, nothing to be embarrassed about… it’s just us
man. We aren’t going to tell anyone. Promise… otherwise I wouldn’t be doing
this” he said, looking into my eyes. I looked into his, but when I did… I
didn’t feel as though I was going to get backstabbed at all. I didn’t feel like
this was a joke on me… Brian’s words actually sunk in to me at that moment.
Sitting there, looking at Brian in a diaper, open for
everyone to see and not caring a bit… it opened my eyes, you could say. I guess
Brian made a strong point by doing what he did. But shortly after that he stood
up, and turned around, facing away from me…
“…under one condition we won’t tell anyone” he said.
“…huh?” I said in mass confusion…
“…if you don’t tell anyone, either” he said, looking at
“Yeah… no problem” I said.
“Cool…” he said back.
“Heh… you can take the diaper off now,
I nodded in agreement. I quietly snuck out of the room (as
quiet as I could with that diaper on), and into the bathroom. I took it off,
snuck it under my shirt, and went on my way back.
After that experience, after it was all behind me, we all
presumed and talked about different things, for the remainder of our time
awake. It was only about two hours until all of us were asleep, though… except
for me.
I was doing the thing I normally did that night… pretended
to be asleep until I was sure everyone else was. I was once again staring at
that clock through the darkness. I was thinking again, of course. I was
absorbing what I just went through.
I had just worn a diaper in front of three strangers…
Brian still counted a bit, since I didn’t know too much of him. I don’t know
why but… now that I had thought of it… it didn’t seem to be as bad as I was
thinking at the time. I guess because of the fact that most of the displeasure
was because I wasn’t sure if it was a joke on me, to make me look like an
idiot. But now that I knew for a fact that they weren’t… it didn’t seem too
I kind of began laughing at myself then… I mean… I was
pretty miserable about putting it on… but the more I thought about it, I began
to see things from Brian’s, Daniel’s, and Seth’s perspective. I mean… it was
pretty amusing. Definitely silly.
The more I thought, however, the more I began to get tired…
until eventually… I had gotten so tired that I slowly but surely… drifted to
“Chapter Three, Dares”
“Uhhhhh…” I moaned as I struggled to get my eyelids open.
“What time was it now?” I wondered.
The room was brighter now: sunlight was pouring through
the window. Was it afternoon, or was it just after sunrise?
After my blurred vision had faded into clarity, I sat up,
and stretched out. I yawned, and grunted and moaned from feeling so damn
haggard. I cracked my knuckles, ankles, and toes… and a few other things I do
to perform my morning routine.
I looked around when I was finally finished… and I noticed
that I was the only one in the room. I checked the couch, and Seth was
certainly not there. I looked over and saw that Brian wasn’t on the lower bunk
like he was last night. I stood up, and looked on the top bunk, and Daniel
certainly wasn’t there either.
“Hmmm…” I thought to myself.
But it was at that moment that I could hear voices coming
from downstairs. I looked over at the clock and realized that it was about
“Mmm… lunch time” I softly said to myself.
“They must be having lunch or something…” I thought.
I kind of mentally shrugged… or in other words, didn’t
really feel like going down to socialize at the moment. They didn’t know I was
awake… and I felt as though this would be my only time to think without
interruption for probably a few hours.
So, I lay back down, back onto my pillow and blanket. I
still felt fairly tired… I guess sleeping on the floor will do that. But, I
wasn’t tired enough to fall back asleep. As I was waiting for my body to fully
wake up, I began to remember what had happened to me yesterday… with the
diaper. And how shy I was being… I don’t know… now I felt kind of silly for
acting the way I had.
I felt silly for sort of arguing with Brian about why not
to put it on… and I felt silly for seeming like such a wuss about such a small
thing. Brian’s whole explanation to why he would not be afraid to became
perfectly clear… because obviously, he trusts his friends. He put it on and he
showed everyone… and no one cared at all… it really was a small thing. I
certainly had made a mountain out of an anthill… and now I felt somehow
obligated to redeem myself.
“But how?” I thought.
And as I thought, it became perfectly clear that in order
to redeem myself from being so silly last night… I’d have to prove that I am no
longer afraid to put a diaper on.
“Hmmm…” I mentally thought once more.
“Brian seems like the daring type… I’ll dare him… yeah…” I
thought to myself.
The more I thought the more I wanted to prove myself… and
the more anxious I became…
Everyone was sitting at the table, eating sandwiches and
“Hey…” I said back.
“We tried to wake you up… you didn’t get up so we just let
you sleep” Brian explained.
“It’s cool…” I said.
I looked around for a chair to sit in, and I eventually
found one.
“If you want something to eat, feel free to make a
sandwich. The stuff is in the kitchen sitting on the counter” his mom
“Okay, thank you” I replied.
Brandon’s and Daniel’s mother in time left the room
shortly after that, leaving me the chance to share my idea with them…
“Hey guys…” I said, with a quieter tone.
“Yeah? Sup?” Seth asked.
“That… thing we did yesterday…” I said with a bit of
“Yeah what about it” Brian asked.
“…I was a bit nervous but now I am ready to do more stuff
like that” I explained.
“Yeah?” Daniel said.
“Yeah…” I said in agreement.
“I am willing to… hmmm… make up, for how I acted last
night” I explained.
“That’s cool… lets finish eating and we’ll head back
upstairs and scheme” Brian said.
“Sounds good” everyone agreed.
We ate our lunch quickly and immediately shot upstairs
after we were done.
“Uhhh… to be perfectly honest with you… I didn’t…” I said.
“Huh?” Brian asked.
“Like... I was thinking that that diaper thing… when I had
to put it on. I was real nervous… at first you know? Well… I think I am ready
to do more dares if you want…” I said, sheepishly of course.
I didn’t want to seem overzealous about putting a diaper
on again… they might have thought I enjoyed putting the diaper on, rather than
enjoying doing the dare, or enjoying the chance to actually prove myself.
“Hmmm… I get what you mean” Brian said.
“What can we do though?” Daniel asked.
We all kind of thought for a moment, but we were all
coming up blank at first…
“You should take the diaper… and… hmmm…” Daniel said.
“I would say run in nothing but a diaper down the alley
and back, or something along those lines but they are pretty extreme…” Seth
“Eh… yeah” I said.
“Ha-ha… I bet Brian would do it” Daniel said.
“W-what?” Brian asked.
“Yeah, I dare you to do it…” Daniel said.
“Aw come on man…” Brian said.
“Wow” I thought…
“Something really does intimidate him”
“Yeah…” I added.
He glared me a sarcastic look of intimidation.
“Yeah… alright… that isn’t too bad. The alley a few
streets over” Brian said.
“Sure” Daniel said.
“Get one, give me, and lets go” Brian said.
“Alright…” Daniel said.
Daniel, instead of standing up, lay down onto his stomach.
And then, he crawled under the bunk bed. We all heard him dig through various
things, until finally; he came back out, holding a diaper in his hand. He
handed it to Brian, who seemed to happily accept it, and walked out of the room
with it under his shirt.
“Man this thing is
weird to walk in” Brian said.
We were walking down the street now, and as you probably
expected, Brian was wearing the diaper. I felt somewhat strange walking around
in the end of town that I had not been in… but it didn’t really bother me. I
spent some time examining my surroundings.
It wasn’t exactly a sunny day. It was actually humid, and
overcast. It felt like it had just gotten done raining – though there was no
rain on the ground. It was your typical spring day (which made sense
considering it WAS mid-Spring!)
“Stop your whining” Daniel said with a sarcastic tone.
I was a bit content to see if Brian was actually going to
go through with it. I mean… running down some random alley, which featured many
yards which had only picket fences blocking the view (which wasn’t much at
all), in nothing but a diaper, in broad daylight… I know I sure as hell
wouldn’t have gone through with it if I were asked.
But sooner than I had expected, we turned the corner, and
were now standing at the end of a long alley, which lead to another street at
the end.
“Welp, its all you from here bro” Daniel said.
“Yeah, yeah I know… shut up” Brian said, punching Daniel
in the arm.
He sighed, stretched, and in my opinion was stalling… but
then he took his shirt off, and then after a few final looks around, whipped
his pants off… and was now standing in nothing but a diaper in the center of
the alley way, near a main road, open for just anyone to see.
“What are you waiting for, for people to take a damn
picture? Get a running!” Daniel said laughing.
And without any hesitation, Brian went RUNNING. Like a
prisoner out of Alcatraz, to be exact. But despite how fast he was running, it
was a long, LONG alley, so either way… it was going to be a long run.
So long, that he eventually ran out of breath… which was
really funny… because now he had to WALK down the alley, and back, dressed in a
As he was doing this, I, Seth, and of course Daniel, were
all laughing hysterically. Seeing Brian walking down the alley like that was
just too much to keep yourself from just laughing till you dropped… and that’s
exactly what we all were doing.
But the fun didn’t end… because on his way back… as he was
walking back to us… a man came suddenly out of his garage, and was staring
right at Brian like he was an alien. So Brian just ate his pride and waved like
he didn’t care (as in having a sarcastic, ‘yes I know, don’t make it worse’
“Give me my damn clothes” Brian said as he finally made it
But we were all laughing too hard to give him back his pants.
He took his pants from the ground next to us, and slipped the on. His face was
beet red, and he didn’t look one bit happy about having that man stare at him
like that…
“Alright dude… I’ve got one for you” Brian said to me. It
was my turn, since I was next after Brian. Then Daniel, then Seth, and then
start over.
“What’s that” I asked asked, trying to keep a chuckle in.
“Take this diaper” Brian said, throwing it at me “And put
it on…”
“Okay… then what?” I asked.
“…then… you’re gonna…”
There was a moment of suspense… and Brian had a look upon
his face that proved to me that he was up to no good.
“I’m not telling
you till you’re here with a diaper” Brian said.
“Okay…” I said a bit nervously.
The room was rather quiet, and I was personally getting
rather nervous. I began wondering what I had gotten myself into, considering
how extreme Brian’s dare was. I was hoping they were going to go easy on me…
but something told me that they weren’t going to.
I took the diaper tucked it under my shirt, and continued
out of the room, and into the bathroom, not having to rely on the dim light of
the hall’s nightlights of course, since this time there was sunlight coming
through from the bathroom’s (and hallway’s) windows.
I shut the door behind me, took a deep breath… and cracked
my knuckles once more. I once again, unbuttoned my pants, and unzipped them
too, so that I could pull them down.
I yanked my pants down to my ankles, and opened up the
diaper, or unfolded it if you will. I lay down, feeling the heat of humiliation
as I once again slid the diaper underneath my butt, and folded it over my penis
and such. I taped it tightly, and once again… was sitting on Brian’s bathroom
floor with a diaper on.
However… this time… it wasn’t nearly as bad as before. I
was waiting for that horrible heat of humiliation to continue after I had put
the diaper on but… it quickly died out after I once finished securing it on
with the adhesives. I felt confused… why
wasn’t I embarrassed? In fact… I kind of…
“Nah…” I thought…
“Just the moment’s getting to me” I thought.
It was strange… as humiliated as I thought I should be… I
wasn’t. I didn’t understand… I should hate it. I should despise it… but I
didn’t mind it at all. Maybe I was getting used to it… maybe I was finally
lightening up.
I sat up, and pulled my pants up, sighed, and ignored it
for now.
“I’ve got something to do…” I thought to myself.
I looked at myself in the mirror and prepared for whatever
they’ve got in store for me this time around.
I then quickly swung the door open, and took a step out…
but there, all motivation to do whatever Seth, Brian, and Daniel had in store
for me… came to a screeching halt. As a matter of fact, a skateboarder hitting
a brick wall would come to a stop slower than how fast my motivation did that
moment… because as I stepped out… I saw my mom, standing there, at the top of
the steps.
“M-MOM! H-H-HEY!” I said, panicking and stuttering.
“Did you have a good time?” she asked.
“Uh… yeah!” I said half-heartedly.
“Great, great! Well… I need to do a few things. I decided
to swing by here and pick you up… I need to drop you off at the house and then
I need to head into town and fill a few things out since we moved here… just
simple stuff like change-of-address forms and stuff” she said.
“Okay…” I said.
“So… yeah. I haven’t got much time” she said, looking at
her watch.
“Eek… actually… I haven’t got any time at all… c’mon
“W-what!?” I said.
I couldn’t possibly go home yet! I was about to do a huge
dare! I was about to redeem myself for being so cowardly! And for God’s sakes,
I was wearing a diaper! I needed time to at least take this thing off!
“Well… let me at least say bye to my friends, k?” I asked.
“Yeah, sure… just hurry it up” she said.
“I really don’t mean to just… come at you like this Aden
but I’m not going to be able to ride you home for a long while, and I need to
get going” she finished.
I didn’t mind going home… but I DID mind going home in a
I opened the door and there they all were, with big cheesy
grins on their faces. I looked over, and there was the very same vent I had
heard Brian and Daniel talking to each other through. They heard the whole
thing, and they were keeping in a laugh… and it was obvious.
“Yeah, cya
“Peace out man” Seth said.
“Later man, give me and Brian a call whenever you get home
alright?” Daniel said.
I was dumbstruck… I was one hundred percent dumbstruck. I
was wearing a diaper… and they knew it… and they were just going to push me on
my merry little way to home.
“YEAH… I… DEFINETLY… WILL” I said, talking through my
I looked over at Brian in a desperate panic… and he had a
smirk… and then he winked at me… and then, he said something without really
speaking… lip syncing, if you will. And from what it looked like… it looked
like he said… “You’ll be fine”
“Chapter Four, Discovery”
“…I am going to kill them…” I thought.
I was sitting in my mom’s car now, and we were driving
from home Brian’s and Daniel’s house.
“So how was your night over?” my mom asked.
“Huh? Oh… it was fun.” I said, squirming in my seat from
the awkward feel of the diaper.
This thing felt really weird… it was itchy as hell, hot,
and it bundled my ‘goods’ up. And the worst part was that every time I moved
the thing crinkled like a plastic bag. And to top it all off… my mom was only
three inches away from me.
I was trying to remain as slick and sly about wearing it
as I could… but it was really, really getting difficult with all of the
crinkling, squirming, itching, and adjusting I had to be doing.
“You okay?” she said.
“Hmm?” I muttered.
“You’re like dancing in your seat. And you seem a bit
down” she pointed out.
“Oh… no, it’s nothing, for real. Just tired… didn’t get
much sleep… was up late playing videogames and stuff. Just trying to find a
comfortable position to rest my head” I lied… well half-lied. I was, indeed,
“Oh okay!” she said.
“Man… I’m REALLY going to flip out… Daniel told me to call
them… oh yeah… I’ll be sure to…” I thought.
It was only a five or ten minute ride from Brian’s and
Daniel’s house… and like my mom had said, she had to drop me off. She was out
of time and didn’t want to be late for her meetings downtown.
So I stepped out of the car, my mom and I waved bye to
each other, and then she drove away… leaving me standing in my yard alone. I
looked around, and more or less walked to the front door of my house… more or
less because the bulk of this thing made me waddle somewhat.
I hadn’t noticed these things when I was going to Brian’s
bathroom to his bedroom in it… I guess the adrenaline of the situation had
caused me to not notice these things.
I shrugged it off, and walked into my house, determined to
call them, and ask WHAT THE HELL they did that for.
“WHAT THE HELL!?” I yelled.
“Aww man… chill out Ade’” Brian was saying to me over the
phone with a ‘funny’ tone in his voice.
“Dude, for real… what the hell? You let me walk out the
door wearing a diaper with my mom… man now I’m stuck with this thing and I have
no idea how to get rid of this thing” I whined.
“You’ll be fine man…” he assured. But somehow I doubted
“Man… you live like across town from me… and I don’t have
any places to hide this thing.” I whined some more.
“Well think of this as your dare…” Brian said.
I was silent…
“You’ll be fine… I mean there wasn’t anything we could do
anyway. Invite you in, and shut the door in her face?” he said.
I thought about it… and he was kind of right. So I
couldn’t really argue with him.
“You’ll be fine…” he assured once more.
“Yeah…. I’ll think of a way to get rid of this thing” I
“Yeah… and if you’re having a problem wearing it or
something… just think. Some people have to wear those things all of their
lives” Brian said.
“Yeah…” I agreed, realizing that he was right.
“But anyway man, I have to go. Seth got picked up and my
mom needs to run to the store and get some groceries, and I have to come with… ”
he said.
“Alright… later” I said.
And with that, we hung up, leaving me home along in that
house, with nothing to do and a diaper to take care of.
“Hmm…” I wondered.
“How can I get rid of this damn thing?” I asked myself.
I was sitting in my room. The diaper was folded out,
sitting on my bed, and I was in my computer chair.
I stood up, walked out of my room, and proceeded
downstairs, into the kitchen of my house, opening up the cabinets under the
sink. I dug around in some buckets and stuff, but to my dismay… what I was
searching for wasn’t there.
“No trash bags…” I muttered to myself.
I shut the cabinets and wandered back into my room.
“Hmph…” I grunted, staring at the diaper, which was of
course, still lying on the bed.
“You’re nothing but trouble…” I said to it. I guess I was
going a bit crazy.
“No trash bags… and if my mom finds you she’ll think I’m
some sort of freak…” I grunted at it.
“I wish you’d just up and disappear…” I said to it.
It was, of course, not replying back… I guess it being an
inanimate object would do that. I grumbled and mumbled some things, and then
thought of another way to get the diaper out of here. I walked into the
bathroom, and looked at the trash can that was in there. The trash bag was only
a supermarket trash bag, but it was plastic and see-through… not suitable for
disposing of an embarrassing object discreetly in.
So, I returned to my room once more… unfortunately the
diaper was still sitting on the bed. I guess I was kidding myself when I was
actually disappointed to see it there.
“I can’t even hide this thing anywhere…” I thought. My mom
cleans my room ever time anything is misplaced and knows every inch of this
I sat there… and was just gazing at it trying to find a
way to get rid of it.
What if my mom came home? Then what? How was I going to
hide this thing? I guess I was going to have to keep it until my mom brought
home some trash bags at least… but until then - what? The only solution I could
think of was I was going to have to wear it… no one was going to look for it
there… at least I certainly hoped not.
I sighed. I didn’t want to have to wear it… there was no
reason this time. No dare, nothing to prove. Just me having to hide it… The
thing was uncomfortable. It itched, it bundled my junk up, and it was like
wearing an oven in warm weather…
But then… I remembered what Brian had said. During our
conversation, his words returned to me.
“Some people have to wear those all of their lives…” is
what he more or less said.
And at that point, sitting alone in my room, I absorbed
exactly what he meant… or at least what I got from what he said. Some people
really DO have to wear diapers all of their lives… and they haven’t got a
choice or say in the matter. They might dislike the way they feel, too… but
they don’t have a choice or say in the matter at all.
And here I am, sighing and moaning over having to wear it
and I actually I have a choice. Whenever I put that into perspective, somehow…
I felt bad for seeming so spoiled.
“I have to do what I have to do…” I thought.
I shut my door, and pulled down my pants and boxers once
more. I laid myself down on my bed… and took the diaper, and put it on. I
noticed all of the sudden, that somehow the diaper wasn’t as itchy, hot, or
claustrophobic around the goods as it was before. I wondered how… the adhesives
were on like before… I shrugged it off.
But I quickly figured out why… when I went to put my pants
on. I pulled them up over the diaper, buttoned and zipped them… and then and
there. It was there that I figured out that my pants were too small for the
diaper. Whenever I put them on… they squeezed the diaper closer to me… and so
“I see…” I said to myself.
“So that’s why I didn’t notice anything whenever I first
put it on at Brian’s house…” I said.
“I’ll just keep my pants off until my mom gets home…” I
So then, laying on my bed, I pulled my shoes, socks, and
pants off, and my boxers, too. So I was now sitting in nothing but a shirt and
a diaper. I figured it was okay… no one was home and I doubt my mom’ll be back
for some time.
I began to notice things about the diaper I hadn’t before…
since my pants were off, it was a snug fit, and not squeezing up against me
like before. The itchiness and the packing of the goods… weren’t nearly as bad
as before. As a matter of fact, it didn’t itch at all anymore… and my ‘goods’
had room now.
In short, everything bad about the diaper that I had been
noticing before… well they just kind of disappeared. Instead of being an itchy,
tight, oven-for-underwear, I noticed it kind… well… let’s just say it wasn’t
too bad anymore.
As much as I didn’t want to admit, I think I had begun
getting used to everything about diapers. The feel, didn’t seem as bad as
before, as mentioned previously. But other things, too… like I didn’t notice
the crinkling anymore. And before it was like wearing a plastic bag. That was
the biggest thing that I failed to notice anymore.
However… it was at this point… I noticed something that I
had only experienced before, back in that bathroom (the second time). I had
been waiting for that pain of humiliation to sink in… but it didn’t. Instead… I
kind of… I kind of enjoyed the way it felt… because I had; in the bathroom back
there… began to grow an erection. It was for unknown reasons… but yeah… I was
beginning to grow a small bit of an erection again.
I didn’t understand why. Why was I growing an erection in
my diaper? I felt kind of strange because as I was sitting there in my room, in
a house alone, with all of my attention pretty much focused on the diaper and
most things about it, it kind of began to increase… but as strange as I felt
this was, it was even stranger that I began to feel as though it was right.
“Chapter Five, Shame”
“Mehh…” I moaned.
I still had my eyes closed… but I yawned… I stretched and
I cracked every bone in my body… the same old routine. I could hear birds
chirping a bit, obviously from outside my window. It was quite a nice
experience… I wasn’t feeling too bad. I guess I had finally gotten a good
night’s sleep.
I rolled over, to wrap myself up in the blanket and kind
of sat there for a bit, to get ready for my day. But when I did, I heard that
crinkling sound once more, which alone kind of woke me up.
It was there that I remembered the whole diaper experience
last night, and the night before that. I sat up, rubbed my eyes and stretched
once more. It felt real nice…
I moved my blanket away from me, revealing myself under
the covers. I was lying in my boxers, not a diaper, and had the same shirt on
from last night. It was daytime now, not nearly dusk like when I had gone to
bed. I had gone to sleep real early… my guess was because I had very little
(comfortable) sleep over at Brian’s and Daniel’s.
Everything was slowly clearing up in my head, and in my
sight… I was doing the usual “just-woke-up” routine where my brain was more
awake than the rest of my body.
It was within only a few minutes that I felt more awake…
awake enough to at least stand up and function. I woke up, and when I did, the
diaper had fallen from beneath the covers (since I stood up with the blanket
still wrapped around me). I looked at it… and when I did… it all came back to
The strange feeling I get… it grows on me for some reason
every minute I’m around the thing. Each possible characteristic just shoots out
at me more and more and for some reason I feel that I am beginning to get some
form of pleasure… in a strange, subliminal way. I couldn’t understand why.
But suddenly… right then and there as I was glancing down
at the diaper… it came back to me again. Yesterday… what I had done. Wearing
the diaper, and being alone in my room… and the strange feelings… I acted upon
the feelings that I got…
…I masturbated in the diaper. Not exactly in it, but
because of it. I grew an erection and the feeling eventually had grown to the
point where it felt like the right thing to do… and so I did the right thing to
“Ugh!” I said, walking back.
“What the hell was I thinking!?” I thought.
“Only a freak gets turned on by a damn diaper!” I said a
bit out loud… but under my breath to make sure no one else would hear.
I felt that humiliation again. Even though no one had seen
me I felt like I had done it in front of a million people. I felt stupid… I
felt like a freak… I felt… ashamed for masturbating, because a DIAPER turned me
I felt as though I had become one of the largest perverts
in the world. My getting aroused over something that seemed honestly, innocent.
Babies use them… I felt like I was a kind of a child molester for getting
turned on by them. I don’t know why but I honestly felt horrible. I felt like I
was the biggest freak in the world.
I ignored what I had done, and picked up the diaper. It
felt no emotion for this thing anymore…
“I need to get rid of this thing…” I thought.
“Its nothing but trouble… like I figured…” I finished.
“Mom!” I yelled, walking out of my room.
“What?” I heard her reply.
“Do we have any trash bags?” I asked.
“Uh… I don’t think so… why?” I heard.
“I have some trash in my room…” I said.
“Oh… well… no, sorry. We don’t have any” she said.
“Damn…” I thought.
I wasn’t feeling too good anymore. I wanted this thing out
of my room and this whole situation out of my life! I’d like to put the past
behind me, and assume I never got raunchy from a diaper. But unfortunately,
there was very little way for me to rid myself of it.
“Fuck it…” I thought again…
“Mom!” I yelled again.
“What?” I heard again.
“…do you want me to ride down to the store and buy some?”
I said.
There was no reply… but I heard footsteps shortly after I
had said it. It was within a few moments that I eventually saw my mom, standing
in front of me.
“Why do you want trash bags so badly?” she asked.
“My room is starting to stink… I forgot to take some stuff
out a while back…” I lied.
She looked at my suspiciously… not quite sure what to
“…if you really want to, yeah, sure… ride your bike down
to the supermarket and pick up some. I’ve got the money, just give me back the
change.” she said.
“It’d be appreciated…” I said.
“You’re tellin me! Keeps me from taking another trip to
the store. Here you go” she explained.
She reached into his pocket, and pulled out a few bucks,
handing them to me…
“Here” she said.
“This should be enough… if you want, buy yourself a drink
or something when your down there” she said.
“Thanks” I said.
“Wait… you do know where it is, right?” she asked, since
we were living in a new neighborhood.
“Yeah…” I said.
She nodded and walked downstairs. I returned to my room,
and took the diaper from under my bed. I put it even further behind my bed… in
the darkest, most obscure area. If my mother had found it there… then she was
getting way too into her cleaning.
I pulled my bike out from the garage, and rode off, and
began cruising down the street. I was a bit in my own little world, though I
was paying attention to where I was going. This was pretty important,
considering I didn’t know this place nearly as much as I did my old town.
“Man… what was I thinking?” I thought.
“Masturbating in a diaper… man… that’s pathetic…” I
It was the innocence of the fun we were having, and the
things Daniel, Brian, and I all were doing that seemed tainted.
“Hey Aden, put on a diaper! Hahaha!” I thought… all fun in
games and I had to fuck it all up…
I wandered the streets with my bike, kind of nervous that
I hadn’t gone the correct way. I was worried that perhaps I had taken a wrong
turn or thought I went a different way than you really had to literally, in all
of this deep thinking I was doing.
But, it was only in my head. I kept going and in time, I
had arrived at the local grocery store. My mind was racing and I couldn’t
really keep up… I was glad that I had gone the right way.
“Hmm” I wondered.
This store wasn’t like the one from my old town… I didn’t
know the outside very well, so instead of knowing instantly where I could stash
my bike, I had to examine the lot. I wandered to the back of the store, which
is usually where no one would be.
I arrived in an obscure, dark passage way. There was an
emergency exit leading into the store, a few dumpsters, etc. It looked like the
stereotypical ‘dangerous, dark, and mysterious alleyway’… It was kind of
intimidating but I doubt anyone would be back there. Even the daylight, it was
mostly in shadow because it was between two different buildings.
I road my bike back there, and looked for somewhere to put
my bike. I examined the dumpsters… they were pretty close the backside of
another building, but there WAS room between it and the building. So I decided
to shove my bike in that small space… it was a decent fit but because of the
lid of the dumpster resting against the wall, over the small space between the
dumpster and the building… it created a shadow. The bike was pretty much
invisible. I was satisfied… so I then continued back to the front of the store
and wandered inside.
The air conditioned store was a very nice change from the
hot, humid outside world. I walked through, and began to search the aisles for
the proper one. Of course, it was in no time at all that I found the one, and
so I walked down, grabbed a box of trash bags… and walked back.
I decided to take a shortcut through the store though… I
was on my way back, and it was then that I walked past it… the ONE aisle… the
baby aisle. I glared down it, and instantly, I saw various bags of diapers… all
with happy BABIES on them. Next to the diapers were baby bottles, pacifiers,
and other babyish necessities… all with happy, cute, and colorful designs. Each
one I saw made me feel worse…
Its silly sounding, I’m sure. But it was the truth… every
time I see or think of hear of a diaper… it makes me feel awful… and this time
was absolutely not an exception.
I shook my head, and proceeded to the checkout, thinking
that once I toss the diaper away it’ll all be over and I can continue my normal
I parked my bike in my garage, walked upstairs into the
kitchen, and then removed the trash bags from my backpack. I tossed them on the
counter (along with the change she requested), after tearing the box open and taking
one of the garbage bags out.
“Mom! I’m home, they’re on the kitchen counter!” I
announced, shouting it since I didn’t know where she was in the house.
“Okay! Thanks!” I heard back.
I wandered upstairs, into my room (shutting the door
behind me). I crawled under my bed, and pulled the diaper out from the bed. I
gave it one last look… before I tossed it in the trash bag.
“Hmmm… I need more trash…” I mumbled to myself.
I gazed around my room… and then I found all the trash I’d
need. My garbage can, was surprisingly, almost over flowing with garbage.
“Wow… I guess I wasn’t really lying” I thought.
I took the trash can, and dumped the garbage into the bag,
emptying the can and filling the bag up. Finally… I tied the bag up, and then
finally… walked out back with it. I tossed it in the outside garbage can…
ridding myself of the diaper, and of the nuisance in my life.
This little episode was over…
I walked into my house, and lay down on my bed.
“It’s over” I thought.
The diaper is gone… what I feel guilty for is behind me. I
can kind of forget about it and continue with my life…
“Chapter Six, Haunted”
RRRRIINNGGG! I heard. Everyone around me yelled in
excitement, gathered their things, and exited the room. I was in school now,
and that was the bell to lunch, so of course, everyone was excited to get out
of the classroom and into their usual seats at the lunch tables they all sat at.
I was still new to the school… but I knew where the
cafeteria was by now. So, I handed in my assignments and wandered to the
“Hey…” I said.
“How’s it going?” Brian asked.
“Alright… hungry as hell” I said.
“Well get your food, sit with us over there” Brian said,
pointing over to a table in the room.
It was not really populated… as a matter of fact it didn’t
have any people at all. It was also pretty isolated… pretty far off in the
“That’s where we always sit. No ones ever over there so we
get to talk about whatever we want and no one can hear us” Seth explained.
“Oh okay” I said.
They walked over to it, but I was not very excited to sit
with them. I knew they were going to bring up the whole diaper thing and I
wasn’t too thrilled at all to talk about it. Over the past three days I’ve
managed to kind of forget about what I did in my room… and I’d like to keep it
that way. I mean of course, they didn’t know about it. But talking about being
in a diaper and stuff would only remind me.
But I wasn’t going to be an asshole… so I grabbed my food,
walked over to them, and sat down with them.
“This food is so damn bomb…” I said, complimenting their
school’s food since I was still considered the new kid.
“Yeah… it can be good…” Seth agreed.
I recognized the sinister tone… and the strange “dot-dot-dot”
before and after his statement that insinuated some form of skullduggery was
afoot… it all meant he was going to ask about the diaper.
“Yeah?” I asked, knowing inside what he was going to ask.
“…how’s it going with the ‘thing’?” he asked.
“Huh? Oh…” I said.
“…I tossed it out a few days ago” I said.
“Awww…” Seth and Brian both did at the same time.
“Why?” Brian asked.
“Man… I had like nowhere to hide it…” I explained.
“Hah… alright…” Brian said.
“Yeah…” I said.
“Hey” Brian said with a different tone… a more open and
happy tone.
“Sup?” I asked.
“Yeah… its Thursday right?” Brian asked.
“Yeah…” I answered.
“Sweet… listen, that sleepover was fun. You should spend
the night over again” Brian invited.
“Oh… um…” I said. My mind was racing now.
If I went there, they will probably ask me to wear the
diaper again… and I don’t want to do that. I wondered… but I thought of the
other things we’ll probably do. Video games, movies, etc…
“Yeah… yeah sure, I’ll ask my mom.” I said.
“Awesome, sounds good” Brian said happily.
“Eh… yeah…” I said hesitantly, feeling as though I had
just sold my soul to the devil.
Unfortunately, after that conversation, it haunted my mind
like a ghost… and all of my concentration went to it. It was a never ending
battle in my head about two solutions that just couldn’t be worked out… it was
like a paradox.
On one hand… I could go there. I could have a good time,
and if they ask (and they probably will)… I could do it. I could play along and
act as though nothing was wrong. However… what if the little feeling I get when
I’m in a diaper comes back? Not the arousal… the weird feeling it gave me
beyond that. It was one of, not exactly comfort, but a sense of ease. For some
unknown reason, I guess, it was summoning weird emotions and remarkably faint
emotions and memories of my childhood. I was confused… I didn’t know why this
was happening. It was like a deep, dark want hidden in my subconscious mind for
all these years that was finally rising to the surface ever since that night…
and each time I thought about it… it was getting stronger. It was just a
strange, indescribable feeling… and I didn’t want it to come back. I mean… I, a
young teenage boy finding a strange feeling from something meant to help the
incontinent… I was a freak.
However… on the second hand. I could go, and if and when I
am asked to put the diaper on… I could request to pass… But then it would look
like I am not up to the challenge because I am afraid. And this was certainly
not the case… they could lose respect for me, and this I didn’t want.
I sighed a deep sigh of desperation right there in the
middle of class as all of this was rambling around in my head.
“Are you okay
I looked up and there was my teacher, standing over me.
“Huh? Oh… yeah” I said.
“Okay… if you’re having a problem with your work just ask,
I’ll be able to help” my teacher said.
“Will do, thanks” I said.
“Man… now its even affecting me in school…” I thought as I
put my head back down.
But I continued to think about the problem in my life, and
not the problem on my paper.
“Fuck it…” I eventually concluded. In my head, of course.
“…this is getting me no where…” I thought.
“…I’ll just wait until tomorrow…” I thought.
And I did… try. I couldn’t just not think about it… I felt
as though I was stalling. And in truth, I guess I kind of was. I was ignoring a
problem that is kind of inevitable. I couldn’t just call it off. I didn’t want
to do that, I wanted to be there and hang with them. I wanted friends, and they
were my best friends so far. But I don’t want to wear diapers over Brian’s and
Daniel’s house. I don’t want to look like I can’t do dares or anything like
that in front of them…
This little problem haunted me until the next day…
“Hey mom…” I asked sheepishly.
“Brian invited me to sleepover his house tonight… is that
cool?” I asked.
She stopped what she was doing and kind of looked into the
sky for a few moments, thinking.
“Yeah… that’s no problem. I can drive you, no problem” she
“Thanks” I said with a content smile.
I walked away from her room, and walked into my room,
picked up the phone that was sitting on my computer desk, and held it to my
“Hey, she says its fine” I said into it.
“Awesome… I’ll see you tonight alright?” I heard from
Brian’s voice.
“Yeah definitely…” I said.
Brian and I hung up the phone, leaving me there by myself
in my room. I decided something… I was going to trust Brian. I was going to
trust Daniel, and Seth, too. I noticed something… I was doubting them too much.
Over the passed day I had been contemplating what I was going to do and then I
finally decided I was just going to simply ask not to do the dares with the
diapers if we were using them again. I mean, who knows? Maybe we won’t. Maybe
it’ll just be in the past.
I mean… like I said. It wasn’t wearing them that was the
problem. It was that I didn’t want to draw that weird emotion that I get when I
am in one… and then I don’t have to downgrade myself to being a freak by
getting a bit of an erection with the diaper.
I wasn’t sure how the night was going but I was feeling as
though I had no other choice to just say “What the hell” and see where the night
takes me… it was a gamble. But you see I had a bit of a breakthrough. I was
worrying about something for no reason… I, at the time, actually compared it to
worrying about death: death is inevitable… as we all know. So why worry about
it? Live however the hell you want to before that… worry-free. Same goes for
tonight. I’m sleeping over there because I want to, and there’s no point in me
worrying about the diaper thing because it is inevitable.
It was only a mere 60 minutes… well more or less, after
that phone call that my mom had finished whatever she was doing in her room
(paperwork), and asked if I was ready to go. I said yes, and within a few more
minutes after that… I was on my way out of the door and driving the familiar
path to his house.
“Hey” I said back.
“C’mon inside, they’re upstairs” she said.
It was just like the first time… which was rather
discouraging about avoiding the diapers.
I nodded thankfully, and began to walk up the stairs. I
turned back, and my mom was standing in the doorway, chatting with Brian’s mom
a bit some more.
“C’ya” I said.
I made it to the steps… I was alone once again. No turning
back now… not like there was a big chance before. I could hear their voices… I
recognized Brian’s, Seth’s, and Daniel’s. I sighed, since they still didn’t
know I was there. I worked up some confidence, and walked into the room.
“Hey” I said.
“Chapter Seven (Part I), the Night of Submission (The
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Nothing at all man, nothing at all… we’re just sitting
around playing some more videogames” Brian said.
“Cool…” I said.
“It’s me, Brian, then Daniel… then you” I heard Seth say
from on the couch. He was listing the order of how we would play.
“Alright, sounds good…” I said.
We were all sitting around, playing video games, and
challenging each other to challenges on various video games. It was fun, we
were all pretty good. When I was still living back in my old town, I would play
video games all the time whenever my old friends weren’t around. It was a fun
way for me to kill time… personally I like video-games more than movies or
books – they’re like art to me. But that’s getting off-topic.
“Alright, you got me” Seth said, standing up.
He plopped the controller into Brian’s lap… I was the
“Alright, choose your fighter. I’ll play you a round”
Brian said.
“Okay” I agreed.
I chose my fighter, since we were playing Soulcalibur II again.
He chose his, and then we began to fight. We played our rounds through… I won.
But then, the somewhat expected but still surprising happened.
“Man I’m bored… you guys up for any… dares?” Daniel
“Hmm…” I heard Seth mumble.
“I suppose” he finished.
“Uh… sure, are you
I was dumbstruck. It was the moment of truth… but first…
“…what kind of dares?” I asked.
“You know! Ones with… diapers… We never finished our game
from last week” Brian said, saying diapers under his breath.
“I… I uh…” I spit out, looking at everyone, who was
looking at me. The whole room’s attention was on me and… I really couldn’t take
it very well.
I started feeling shaky, and uncomfortable. I didn’t know
what to say! I didn’t want to disappoint my friends… but I didn’t want to
disappoint myself either.
“I um… I…” I continued to spit out again. I wanted to be
truthful. I wanted to say hell no… I wanted to run out of the room and avoid
from telling them no and disappointing them… instead of lying to them and
saying “Yeah, sure”.
“Uh… n-no… Not really… not tonight” I forced myself to
There, I said it. I said “No” and now I was waiting for
the nagging and moaning for me to do some. I looked over at Seth, who was still
doing his some-what blank face. I glanced at Dan, who was doing his bored face…
and I looked at Brian, who’s face was filled with content…. I was just waiting
for his face to cover with disappointment and then for them all to start
attempting to force me into a diaper. I was waiting for the night to turn into
a living hell. I was waiting for me to call my mom after we get in a fight,
she’d pick me up… and I would never see Brian, Daniel, or Seth again.
I looked over at Brian and thought “Go ahead, start…” And
then Brian finally opened his mouth…
“Oh! Okay, sure. Whatever, you don’t want to that’s cool”
he said.
“Huh!?” I said.
Brian looked over at me.
“If you don’t want to, that’s fine” he said again.
“But… I mean… wait… what!?” I said again in complete
“Haha c’mon man, if you don’t want to, that’s fine.” Brian
said, once more.
“B-but you aren’t going to keep talking to me about it,
and make me do it again?” I said.
“Huh? No…” Seth said.
“But last week…” I began to say.
“Last week… that was just for fun. We wanted you to trust
us, and now I am assuming you do. We’re not going to force you to do anything
you’d prefer not to do. Just chill” Brian explained.
“…okay” I said.
“Cool… and like I said, if you don’t want to do the dares,
or you don’t just not want put on the diaper… that’s cool, too. But, we are
going to do it. So you can just chill here or come with us, just so you know.
You don’t have to do any of the dares but you can still come with us and watch”
Brian explained.
“Alright” I said.
“I’ll come with you guys” I finished.
“Okay… that is when we leave later tonight” Brian said.
“Okay…” I said once again.
“Welp, who’s ever up first… here they are” I heard Seth
And when I looked over… there they were, indeed. There, in
the center of the floor was a bag of fresh diapers.
“We can’t do them yet…” Daniel said.
“Yeah… later tonight after mom’s asleep” Brian said.
It had been a few hours since Seth tossed those diapers on
the floor. We had dinner, and once again, I was laying there in the darkness
glaring at those big bright red letters on their electric clock. Once again, it
was around 1AM.
This was almost exactly like the last time… only this time
I knew what was coming to me. I was waiting for someone to break the silence,
and from there, we would sneak out of the house in the midst of the night, and
continue to do “diaper dares” outside… at least this was what they were
discussing a few hours ago.
Of course, I wasn’t too enthusiastic about the idea. But,
not because I don’t want to be near them wearing diapers when I kind of have a
freakish thing for them… but because honestly, I really don’t see why we need
to leave the house. I don’t feel like leaving in the middle of the night in a
town that I don’t know about that well… if you know what I mean.
“Pssst!” I heard, knowing it was all down hill from there.
“What time is it
“Almost 1AM” I whispered back, since it had been an hour
of wondering and pondering such things.
“Okay… Seth, hit the light” I heard.
“Ughh… hold up…” I heard Seth say with a haggard, groggy
Then, after a second or two, and after some rustling
sounds, the desk light popped on and the room lit up with a dim, yellow tone.
I sighed a bit and stretched, yawned, and sat up. I looked
over and Brian was lying on the bottom bunk of his bed, looking fully awake. I
of course, couldn’t see Daniel, since he was on the top bunk. Seth was, of
course, lying peacefully on the couch. Nothing surprising, and nothing out of
the ordinary.
“You guys ready?” I heard Brian say.
“Uhhh…” Seth moaned.
Daniel was kind of grumbling something.
“Yo’ Brian… man I don’t really feel like wandering the
town tonight man…” I could barely understand.
“Awww… c’mon guys!” he said enthusiastically.
“Nah Brian…” Seth moaned.
“Me neither” he finished.
But after Seth confirmed that he didn’t want to go outside
and do the diaper dares… sure, I was happy… but then Brian had a face of like,
sheer disappointment.
“W-well… what about you Aden?” he said with a bit of hope
that I’d say that I want to go outside.
“Well… honestly… I uh… didn’t want to do the dares in the
first place… let alone go outside man…” I said.
“Oh…” he said.
I felt terrible.
“W-well… who here wants to still do the dares?” he said
with a bit of hope.
Seth sighed…
“Uhhh… not me man… I’m too tired.” Seth moaned.
“Oh… okay…” Brian said.
“…Dan?” Brian kind of said.
But there was no response from him… insinuating he was
either asleep, or was ignoring Brian. But regardless, the biggest look of
disappointment swept across Brian’s face. I examined him, and began to feel a
bit sorry for not doing it.
“Well… guess I should turn the light off and we can go to
“Huh?” I said.
“Guess these two are too tired, and there’s no other
reason to be up at 1AM.” He sighed.
“You want to do them bad, huh?” I asked.
“I just wanted to have some fun. Was a bit excited to go
outside at night, you know?” he responded, slowly getting out from the bunk.
I could tell that he was not just talking to me, but was
also indirectly speaking to both Seth and Daniel – trying to coerce them into
changing their minds. But I knew there was no changing their minds… they sounded
way too tired (or just uninterested) to care.
“Yeah…” I said…
My own feelings were getting to me once again. This time,
it wasn’t me drowning in self-pity. I was actually contemplating… but
“Brian…” I said, right when Brian was about to turn the
light off.
“Yeah Ade’?” he asked.
“…if you want to do some stuff… I’m up. I can’t sleep… you
uh… want to?” I said, pretty much lying. I wasn’t anywhere near considered
awake enough not to sleep… and I really didn’t want to do anything at all. But
I was sucking it up… for a friend – because THAT’S the kind of person I was.
“You mean that?” he asked.
“Sure…” I said.
“If you really want to, sure…” he said. He wasn’t nearly
as enthusiastic as he was when he was talking about it with Seth and Daniel. I
guess he wanted us all…
“Cool… get the stuff… show me out of here” I said.
“Okay… but
“What?” I asked.
“I thought you didn’t want to…” he said.
“I didn’t… at the time… but you know… now it sounds fun” I
said, lying once again.
Brian smiled a bit, and nodded his head.
“K… I’ll get the stuff” he said.
“Alright” I agreed.
“We’ll leave these two to sleep… hand me that backpack” he
I tossed the backpack in his direction, while he dug under
the bed for the diapers. While he was doing that… I was building motivation. I
was aware that I had just signed myself up for something I really didn’t want
to do. As I thought, the more I became aware that I was about to do more dares
with diapers, which I really didn’t want to do… something about the diapers,
they just kind of draw the weirdest, just down-right strangest sensation from
what seems to be the darkest corner of my mind… and I don’t know why. It was
like… like a weird kind of… enjoyment.
But before I could give it further thought, Brian was out
from under the bed. Now, he was standing over me, with the backpack on his
back. His shoes were on, and so, it was now my time to get ready. I kind of
‘mentally sighed’ and got my shoes on. It was then, after that… Brian and I
left, and snuck out of that now quiet house, and went off into the night.
“Chapter Seven (Part II), the Night of Submission
It was a really beautiful night, that night. The moon was
bright, and the sky was clear. It was, more or less, the perfect night for the
night that I and Brian had laid down for us. Right now, however, we were
spending our time gunning it out of the local neighborhood. We were headed to
where Brian said no one would know us. I was of course, even more nervous at
the time. He and I were sneaking through the shadows, making sure there were no
local people, and police especially.
We were gunning it, taking obscure shortcuts and sneaking
through pitch-black alleys. I, of course, had no idea in hell where we were
going. But Brian of course, knew where he was going like we were still in his
room. It was after about ten minutes of sneaking, that we slowly came to a
We were both trying to catch our breath at the end of an
alley… but it was there he and I just kind of both, at the same time, dropped
against a wall of a building, and slowly slid down them, and dropped until we
were both in the sitting position. We were both tired from running. I was
curious though…
“Where the hell are we?” I asked.
“We’re in a different part of the neighborhood. We aren’t
here much, no one knows us here…” he said.
“…okay…” I said.
“So what have you got planned?” I asked nervously, waiting
to kind of brace myself for the task ahead.
“Nothing specific…” he said.
“Hmmm…” he began to think.
“First, put this on” Brian said, with a smile.
He had a diaper in his hand already… I must have not been
paying attention. I sighed a bit, but took the diaper in hand. I wasn’t going
to disappoint a friend…
“Wait” I said.
“What?” he asked.
“…um… where?” I asked.
“Uhhh… we’re in an alleyway, at like 2AM… no one’s around,
and its dark. Just pull your pants down and put it on, I’ll turn around…” Brian
“W-what!?” I asked.
“Yeah!” Brian said.
“No!” I said in utter shock.
“Ha-ha, why?” Brian said laughing.
“What if someone comes by or something?” I said.
“No one will man, trust me.” He assured.
I was still a bit skeptical.
“C’mon man… just do it quickly then” he said, kind of
“…fine…” I said.
I began to think maybe I was being a bit too giving to
Brian… but I walked over, further into the alley. This wasn’t like the alley
that Brian, Daniel, and Seth, and I were in a week ago. This was one of those
narrow alleys stuck between two buildings, like the one I parked my bike at
when I was getting trash bags. I walked into the dead center of the alley,
which was a bit of a distance from Brian. It was also the darkest part, but I
looked behind me anyways… just to make sure Brian wasn’t looking. And like he
said… he turned around.
I was alone, considering the distance from Brian and I. I
was alone to sigh for a minute, on the outside. It was a desperate sigh, one of
grief. I looked at the diaper, and thought about how little I wanted to do it.
But then I thought about how I had promised Brian that I would… well… agreed
that I would. I sucked it up once more… but this was a big favor.
I glared at the diaper for a little while… and eventually
pulled my pants down to my knees, and my boxers too. I laid myself down on that
hard cement, ignoring it, and untapped the diaper. I slipped it under my butt,
and pulled the front over my penis, and taped it securely. It was that quickly
that I had a diaper on, once more, when I swore to myself I wouldn’t do it
I glared down the alley, and looked at Brian. He was still
turned around… which was good. I wasn’t ready to go up there yet. I needed some
alone time real quick… to kind of realize what I was doing here. I began to
question what I had just done.
I put on a diaper when it was the biggest fear of mine only
yesterday. But why? I began to wonder… Why did I do it? Was it really for just
friendship reasons? Did I only put this diaper on for Brian? Or was it because…
I wanted this diaper on. I was questioning this now, because I finally could…
and I had it on now… and once again… I was beginning to enjoy it. My mind was
being to become satisfied with the soft feel, the crinkling, and the tapes,
everything… once again… and once again… my penis was beginning to become a bit
erect. Once again, the thought of it all… seemed right.
I kind of sat there in that dark alley, with my pants
still down… contemplating why the hell I didn’t just fall back asleep in that
room. Then all of this wouldn’t be happening and I wouldn’t be sitting in a
dark alley, alone, with a diaper and apparently liking it.
This state of mind was a weird one… I hated to love. And
yes, love was a strong enough word to place what I was feeling for diapers
right now. To further elaborate, right now, all of that pain I was feeling. All
of that guilt and shame seemed like a waste of time now. I felt as though I was
stupid for ever feeling like that for something like this diaper. I mean… it
was so soft… and it was so secure. I felt like… I was safe… from something I
couldn’t quite identify. But before I could give it further thought…
“What!?” I said back, in the same kind of loud whisper.
“Everything alright? It’s taking you forever!” he said.
“Yeah, hold up… I’ll be there in a minute” I ‘loud
whispered’ back.
“Okay…” he said back, turning back around.
Then it came back to me, right there. Why I did this… why
I am doing this for someone. I sacrificed myself for a friend… someone who I do
want as a friend. I mean, he wanted to do these so badly… and I felt selfish. I
stood up, and walked over to Brian.
“Ready” I said.
I was feeling ready now. I was feeling ready for anything
now, because I had my diaper on. I felt as though I could do any dare in the
world that Brian had set for me. And I felt ready to give Brian any dares he
felt he was ready for. But before I noticed anything… it became weird… because
in time, the dares weren’t about doing a dare for me. It was about wearing the
I don’t know how many dares we did, but it was about two
hours that we were doing them. But in time, we did so many that nothing seemed
difficult or daring. He looked at his watch, and it read 4AM.
We had been out, for two hours. Just he and I, running
around in diapers through the night… I was having the time of my life,
surprisingly. For Brian, it was for the dares. But for me, it was about wearing
the diaper. It was incredible… the transition from me now, to when I was in
that alley, hating to have to put on a diaper. I thought about how I was going
to hate myself in the next few days, but I quickly shut myself up by thinking
about how right now was what mattered.
But in time, he and I grew tired… and we began to kind of
walk back towards his neighborhood.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“I want to show you a place… a secret place Seth, and
Daniel, and I go to a lot.” Brian explained.
“Okay…” I said, feeling good about being shown a secret
“Follow me” Brian said.
“Lead the way” I said.
We sprinted through main streets, which personally, I
couldn’t do anymore. But we ran all the way through an entire neighborhood, but
eventually stopped, at the foot of a big section of woods.
“You daring enough to simply go in there with me?” Brian
“Um… lead the way” I said.
Brian and I descended a small hill from there, which was
actually pretty difficult in near-pitch black. It was only a few minutes of
going through the woods from there, just going through various trails and
what-not, led by the faint light of street lights from on top the hill, and the
moonlit trails from the moon above.
But eventually, we were standing in front of a club house…
I couldn’t really make it out. But I could see one side, and the rest was a
silhouette. We then went inside, through an obscure door. Obscure, from the
“This is our secret spot” Brian said, in his normal voice.
“This is cool!” I said.
“Hold up” I heard
Brian say.
All of the sudden, there was a click, and then, the room
was illuminated. Brian was holding a flashlight.
“Flashlight, always behind the seat” Brian explained.
“Good thinking” I said.
“Look behind you, there should be like, a candle and a
pack of matches inside it” Brian said.
“Um… okay” I replied, not really knowing what he meant by
inside the candle.
But when I finally got the candle, I knew what he meant
immediately. It was one of those huge candles, in a glass case, and it had a
lid on top. Think of it as a cube of glass, with a square lid on the top that
slides off, filled with wax and had two wicks. The matches were kept inside.
“Yeah, that’s it. Take it here, put in the middle and
light it. It should light the room up, so we don’t waste the batteries on this”
Brian explained.
“How long are we going to be here?” I asked.
“Not too long, I’m tired” he explained.
I took the candle, and placed it between us, and lit it
with one of the matches. It’s actually really surprising how much light a flame
can give off in the darkness like that.
“There… much better…” Brian said, turning the flashlight
And there we were. It was just me and him, in the club
house at 4AM, nothing but a candle to show off our faces.
“You know
“Huh?” I asked… well… grunted or moaned.
“Yeah… you’re real shy.” He said.
“…so…?” I asked.
“Nothing, just saying...” he said.
“Um… okay” I said, not quite understanding his point.
“I mean its okay. Nothing to be shy about with us, you’ve
really let that up tonight” Brian explained.
“How so?” I asked.
“Well, compared to last week, and your first day at
school… you’ve really changed. You seem happy when you’re around me” Brian
“I guess I kind of am… I mean… you’re the only one I’ve
spent time with out of you three” I explained.
“Yeah… I suppose you’ve got a point. Daniel and Seth are
cool, though. You should call Seth up sometime, especially.” He explained.
“I will sometime, whenever I get to know them better” I
“Cool…” Brian said.
“So how long have you and Seth been friends?” I asked.
“Actually, not too long” Brian said, surprisingly.
“Hmm… how long? Why?” I asked.
“He just moved here, too. Like six months ago.” He
“That’s cool…” I said.
“Yeah… we put him through the same kind of initiation as
you” Brian explained.
“Yeah… I remember hearing about that” I said.
“Yup. He was nervous, too… but he did it pretty quickly”
Brian said.
I nodded.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“You like it here?” he asked me.
“Yeah, I like it… Kids seem real cool around here and
stuff” I said.
“How is it compared to your other neighborhood?” he asked.
“I don’t know…” I said, feeling a bit uncomfortable. It’s
been a long while since I thought about what I left behind.
“I… I know. I just… I don’t know… I feel weird, you know?
I feel weird whenever I think about all that. It’s been only like a month since
I moved and it feels like a year ago.” I explained, feeling a bit nostalgic as
I began to recall things from my old town.
“Well you know… you should always talk about things that
are bothering you. It helps” Brian said.
“Well I mean, its not really bothering me to be away… it
just kind of makes me feel like I am always waiting to wake up in that room, in
that house, and talk to those same friends I’ve known for like eight years…” I
“Yeah… I can see that” Brian said, nodding
“How many friends did you have back there?” he asked me.
I began to count…
“I don’t know… not a whole lot; I’m not the popular-kid
type. But I had a few real good friends. I get along with anyone and everyone”
I explained.
“That’s cool… well… give them a call man. It’s almost
summer… it’s only a week until the end of this semester, and the whole school
year” Brian explained.
“Yeah… yeah I’ll do that” I said, thinking it was actually
a really good idea.
“Now you ask me a question” Brian said.
“Hmmm?” I mumbled.
“Ask me a question… I asked you one, I deserve one” Brian
“Okay… you like Seth a lot… what’s it like between you and
your brother, Daniel?” I asked.
“Hmmm…” Brian said.
“It’s alright between us. He’s only like a year old than
me, but he likes to do the big brother thing and stuff. He has his interests, I
have mine. We talk a lot and we’re close, but to a point, you know?” Brian explained.
“Yeah, I gotcha” I said.
It was silent for a minute as we both kind of thought
about individual subjects… but we quickly began to talk again. We were talking
for a long while after that, just about random things: personal things, funny
things, depressing things… all of that.
“You know
I was no longer on the floor, sitting there in front of
the candle. I was now lying down on one of the benches that were built into the
“What’s up?” I asked.
“I like you…” I heard.
“Yeah?” I said.
“Yeah. You’re a real cool person. I’m glad you moved here”
Brian said.
I looked over at him, and he was smirking a bit. He was
lying on the opposite bench, across from mine.
“Thanks man… I really appreciate that” I said, feeling a
bit of a glow.
“Hey Brian” I said.
“I like you, too. You’re a cool dude. Thanks for all
you’ve done for me… you’re a good person” I said back.
“Thanks… I appreciate that also.” He said back.
“Yeah Brian?” I asked.
“We’re sleeping in here, aren’t we” Brian kind of half
I started laughing…
“Yeah, apparently we are… but won’t the others be
worried?” I asked.
“Nah… they know this place. We were actually talking about
possibly sneaking here and spending the night in here, but they turned back…”
Brian said.
“Oh… and speaking of…
“What?” I asked.
He looked at me, and with extreme sincerity… he said.
“Thanks man… thanks for humoring me. I really appreciated
that…” he said.
“What!?” I asked, becoming more awake.
“I know you didn’t want to do these dares and stuff… and I
just want to say thanks for doing them anyway. You’re a pal” he said.
“Geez… was it that obvious?” I thought… but instead, I
“Nah man… I’m glad I did do these things. Me and you are
here and talking because of it” I said.
Brian smiled and nodded.
“Well… I guess if we’re going to sleep here… I should take
this diaper off” I said.
I have been wearing the diaper the whole time, the whole
night, and not caring one bit.
I stood up, and so did Brian.
“Might as well just blow the candle out, it’ll be dark
enough we won’t see each other” Brian said.
“Good point…” I said.
I looked down at the candle… kneeled down, and blew the
flame dead… and like he said, it was once again pitch black. Even in the dark,
I was a bit sheepish about having my privates exposed in such a close proximity
to someone like Brian… but really, you couldn’t see your hand in front of your
face… so I shook it off. I walked to my side of the house, pulled down my pants
and boxers, and untapped the diaper, and tossed it onto the floor blindly. I
pulled my pants up, zippered and buttoned them, and blindly explored my way
back to my bench.
I could hear Brian taking his diaper off, I heard the same
tape-removing sound, and some crinkling, and then eventually, the sound of it
hitting the floor, and finally the sound of a zipper and the click of a button.
It was silent for a bit, as we both had nothing but our
minds to keep us company, since we both were real, real tired now. All the
running and stuff… just knocked us out. I don’t know what Brian was thinking…
but I know what I was thinking.
I was thinking about what had happened tonight. I went
from being so damn fearful about doing dares, to putting that behind me and
putting a friend first… Then I went from going through with that agreement by
putting the diaper on in a dark alley, to running through the streets of my new
town in one. I went from not knowing Brian, to knowing him as though he and I
knew each other for years. A real good friendship was conceived tonight, at
least I think so. I didn’t feel like I was sleeping in the club house with a
stranger… I felt like I was sleeping in the club house, with a good friend.
Good enough to at least run through the neighborhood with
diapers on, at least. Then I began to think about that… the whole diaper
situation. What was with me, I wondered. I’m sure you know what I was thinking…
so I won’t repeat myself again. The strange feelings, the hate to love thing…
it all kind of keeps getting stronger.
But something happened tonight. Something surprising… it
was… a really good thing. It happened back in that alley, and grew since then.
A form of self acceptance kind of swept through me since then. Since that
moment on, having a diaper on didn’t seem bad anymore. And the thought of
liking them… well… that still seemed strange but, right. I began to wonder why
this self-acceptance had come over me, and it occurred to me… it was probably
because I was wearing the diaper. My mind was doing its tricks again.
But in that darkness, when I had time to really put things
into perspective… I was really happy. I felt great, honestly. I had a friend,
and a good one… and I wanted to enjoy it. And when you’re in a good mood, you
don’t want anything to stop the good times from rolling, right? Well… I guess
that had an influence in what I did next. I was thinking about my little diaper
thing… And either I was delirious from lack of sleep, or I really was that
happy… but either way, in that darkness… I came to an agreement with myself.
The whole night, I was wearing a diaper. And the whole
night, I was happy. When I wasn’t wearing a diaper… I wasn’t happy. If wearing
a diaper makes me happy… I think I should be able to splurge. I began to debate
in my mind if this was correct. I was thinking… I am not hurting anyone
directly… even though I still had a bit of guilt. I was kind of ignoring that
for now. I was feeling real good. I guess you could say I came to a bit of a
submission to the influences that diapers give me. And in that darkness, with a
smile I could only feel on my face, I could easily say to myself, that I like
diapers… and nothing was wrong with that.
“Brian… you still awake?” I asked.
“Yeah… whats up?” I heard.
“I have a question for you” I asked. I needed his opinion
on something, before I went to… well… before I went to bench… since it wasn’t a
“Hurry up man… real tired…” I heard, yawning in between.
“If something makes someone really happy… or they receive
a kind of comfort from something… and the thing isn’t bad at all… it’s not
harmful to anyone, its not anything like that, not drugs, etc…” I said.
“…” I more or less detected from Brian.
“…Well, my question is, if that’s the case… but they feel
a bit guilty for receiving comfort or something from the thing… do you think
they should get some kind of help, or do you think they should further splurge
into their interests?” I asked.
“…um… well… I mean, I can’t really answer… you’re too
obscure with your details. It all depends on the thing. I mean, if it’s not
harmful, or anything bad, I don’t see the harm in splurging. But depending on
how much guilt you have… and how it affects you in completing your day-to-day
activities… you should get help. If it stops you from doing important things,
get help, you know? But if it doesn’t do any harmful things in anyway and you
can still work and live fine, I’d say splurge.
Either way… I don’t know what the object you’re talking
about is. I say who the hell cares and do what you want, you know?” Brian said.
“So you think it’d be okay to splurge?” I asked.
“Sure… I guess you could say that… if they receive a lot
of comfort or happiness than yeah, splurge… if the guilt isn’t that bad, you’ll
get over it soon. Everything has its limits before it’s rid of. You’ll get over
it eventually” Brian explained.
There was a bit of silence…
“Thanks Brian…” I said....
“Yeah, no problem… but anyways… I’m tired. And so, I’m
going to bed. Good night” I heard.
“Good night…” I said…
“Chapter Eight,
“Wake up”
“Uhhh… I’m up…”
“Yup… that’s my
“Oh… I’m sleeping”
I slowly opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was
Daniel standing over me.
“Wake up dude. We’ve got to get back to the house” he said
to me.
I quickly realized where I was, and I got reminded of
everything that happened yesterday. I realized that Brian and I were asleep in
the clubhouse, and not in Brian’s room…
I sat up, but only because I had to - not because I was
awake. I felt far from awake, as a matter of fact. I looked over at where Brian
was… and he was pretty much like me: eyes half shut, leaning against the wall
rather than lying down. He looked how I felt… and that was pretty bad.
“C’mon guys” Daniel said.
“Ugh… okay…” Brian said.
He slowly struggled to get back onto his feet, almost
falling onto his face from almost passing out.
I, too, struggled to get onto my feet. But I got myself to
do it, since I didn’t want to be the one to get Daniel and Brian in trouble.
Brian reached down, and put the backpack over his back, and then, we began to
walk out…
The sun hurt my eyes at first, since it was a bright, blue
skied day. The sun wasn’t glaring in my eyes… but it was so bright that looking
at the ground alone hurt. Either that, or my eyes were still not awake enough
to adjust properly… that was probably the case.
But either way, it hurt. I had to trek blindly (pretty
much) through the woods, but by then, I was awake enough to see properly.
“What time is it? I asked.
“Like… 10AM” Brian answered, looking at his watch.
“Man… five hours of sleep…” I thought.
“Okay Brian… mom doesn’t know we’re out, so we’ve got to
be quiet” he said.
I nodded in acknowledgment to Daniel’s words, and he
looked into the house. We were out back, coming in through their back door,
which led into the kitchen (as opposed to the front door, leading into the
living room).
Daniel opened the glass door, and we all quietly snuck
back into the house. I stopped, from being too exhausted (my legs hurt from
running so much yesterday), but Brian continued on. He walked up the steps, and
in a few moments, I heard a ‘FUMP’ on the ceiling, which kind of made me laugh…
Picturing Brian walking up the steps like a zombie (like he was), and making
into his room, and dropping face first on the floor asleep.
Daniel chuckled, and went upstairs, but there was no bang
on the ceiling. But Seth didn’t, and I wasn’t going to either. I personally,
wasn’t tired anymore. Once I’m up, and awake… I’m awake (a habit from school I
suppose). I just sat at the kitchen table, just kind of lost now that I was
awake with nothing to do.
Seth walked over to the couch in the living room, and sat
down with the remote. He looked over at me, and kind of signaled me to come
over with his hand. I, having nothing better to do (and not wanting to be rude…
and actually wanting company), walked over and sat down next to him on the
“Sup” he said.
“Not much… feeling like I got hit by a truck but I’ll
manage” I replied.
He laughed a bit.
“Yeah… Dan woke up and woke me up, said we had to go get
you two… I wasn’t finished sleeping yet, but hey… I’m awake now” he said.
“Yeah, pretty much same” I replied.
“So you finally saw the club house, huh?” Seth said.
“Yeah, pretty cool. How’d it come up?” I asked.
“Whenever I moved here, it was already in the process of
being built. Daniel and Brian couldn’t build it quick enough just them, but
whenever I came by, they had a third person and could help a lot. Sped the
process up quicker. Its still being added on, but it itself is pretty much
done… the ‘house’ is done” he said.
“Yeah… you guys did a good job” I complimented.
“Thanks” he said.
“So you moved here like 6 months ago Brian told me” I
“Yup” he confirmed.
“That’s cool… Do you keep up with old friends?” I asked.
He shook his head…
“Nah… I didn’t really have a lot of friends back in my old
town, and the ones I did have often treated me like crap… I’m glad I moved” he
“Oh… well… sorry to hear that” I said, feeling a bit sorry
for asking the question.
“Nah, it’s cool. I don’t care; it’s in the past. With a
bad kind of life like that, compared to mine now, I think about the future and
not then. Makes me glad I have Brian and Daniel as friends” he said.
“Yeah, I can see that” I agreed.
Suddenly he started laughing, but not because of what was
on TV…
“Man, they put me though that initiation… that was fun” he
I chuckled, too…
“I tell you man… They had me do the same thing you did.
Wear a diaper, feel embarrassed and humiliated, then take it off and go to bed.
Same deal as before” he explained.
“Yeah…” I said, remembering that night, one week and, one
night ago.
“What were you thinking when they told you that you had to
wear a diaper?” I asked.
“Bah… was really confused but I wasn’t going to sweat it,
you know? I wanted some friends in this town so I did it anyway.” He explained.
“Yeah, I was pretty much the same way…” I explained.
He chuckled a bit…
“Yeah… you were looking pretty nervous.” Seth said.
“Eh…” I kind of said embarrassingly.
“So what street do you live on?” he asked me.
“Hmm… I’m pretty sure it’s called Jakeson Street” I said.
“Yeah… I know where that’s at” he said.
I nodded.
“That’s cool… I’m on
“Oh cool, that’s only like a block from my house… I think”
I said, unsure.
“Yeah, it is. Well that’s cool… What’s address?” he asked
“Cool, I’m 13 Eikram. Red brick house, ring my bell
sometime” he told me.
“Will do” I said.
It had been a few hours, and I was quickly beginning to
lose my ability to stay awake fast. But luckily, it was almost time for my mom
to pick me up…
“Mom” I said. I was talking into a phone…
“Yes?” I heard.
“Can you pick me up?” I asked.
“Alright, just hold on. I’ll be there in a bit, okay?” she
“Thanks” I responded.
I hung up the phone…
“Hmmm… a bit… how long will that be?” I wondered.
I shrugged, and kind of attempted to keep myself awake. I
walked back into the living room, and looked over at the couch. Seth was asleep
on the couch now… he had fallen asleep a little bit after we were done talking.
Once again, it was only me in the house that was awake.
I sat down in the living room chair that was sitting next
to the couch, and kind of stared into nothing. I was once again drowning in my
thoughts, and once again thinking about what happened last night… and of
course, diapers were coming to mind again. I couldn’t help but think lightly of
them now… Once again, I was thinking about how something was up with me liking
them, but I didn’t have a problem with liking them anymore… at least I didn’t
right now. I didn’t know how I’d feel tomorrow, but I didn’t care right now.
Something about diapers made me comfortable, and happy. Every
time I put one on I was happy… and I didn’t know why but I didn’t care. I was
thinking about this issue for a little while… but then all of the sudden, I
heard a doorbell.
It broke my thoughts, but I looked out the front window.
It was my mom! I was heading home, so I answered the door.
“Hey” she said.
“Hey I said back.
“Everyone asleep?” she asked, noticing Seth on the couch.
“Yeah” I said.
“Okay, well… get your stuff, we’ll head back home” she
I nodded.
“My stuffs upstairs just hold on” I said.
I wandered upstairs, since my book bag was up there. I
slowly creaked the door to Brian’s and Daniel’s room… and snuck in, careful not
to wake them up. I looked, and Daniel was asleep on his bunk… Brian was of
course, face first on the bedroom floor, passed out.
I gazed at the floor, trying to find my backpack… when
suddenly; I found it, barely visible under the bed (half of it was sticking out
from under it). So I bent down to get it… when all of the sudden, once again… I
saw them. There they were… the diapers.
My backpack was only inches from the bag of diapers… it
was torn open, and there for a few diapers still left… they were folded, and
still in the original position. I gazed at them, and my backpack…
I was tempted. I was definitely tempted. I looked at them…
and my backpack once more, contemplating taking one or two… or even three. I
felt my inner feelings telling me yes… that it was okay. But then, my conscious
told me no. It told me it wasn’t right to like diapers and worse yet, it wasn’t
right to steal them from my friends.
But my heart took over, and without looking, I ripped a
few out of the bag, and slipped them into my backpack…
“They’re not going to use them… they’ll use them for
dares… I need them…” I thought.
It was a long ride home… not literally of course. It was
only a few minutes, as always. But because of my eagerness and impatience, and
nervousness too, it seemed like it was hours. And I had every right to be all
of those things. Eager, because I couldn’t wait to get myself into a diaper
again… Impatient, because I didn’t want to wait, and nervous… because I didn’t
know if I was going to want to kill myself in disgust the next day. Not to
mention the fact I had a back pack with diapers in it, only inches away from my
mom… but it couldn’t have been any worse than last week, when I had one on.
But in time, we of course, arrived. We walked inside, and
then split directions. She went to her room, I went to mine… and I tossed the
back pack on my bed. I stretched a bit, and of course locked the door. I then
unzipped the zipper on my backpack… and then eagerly pulled one of the diapers
out. I gazed at it with a bit of a smirk, and then opened unfolded it gently,
while laying myself down. I took my pants off and my boxers too, and slipped
the diaper under my butt. I then pulled the top over and the tapes on… same old
“Man… this feels weird” I began to think to myself.
“Here I am, in the middle of my bed in a diaper, and
actually enjoying it… and enjoying enjoying it.” I thought.
It was only a few minutes of me watching my TV, in that
crinkling, soft, warm diaper that I began to feel a bit… raunchy. I felt an
erection beginning to grow… and soon enough, it was enough to get my attention
away from the TV…
It felt strange at first, to sneak my hand through a
diaper to get to my goods… but soon enough, I enjoyed it a lot. I was kind of
handling myself by sticking my hand down the diaper from the top… and it felt
good, but it felt too awkward. I pulled my hand out, but not ready to stop. I
could have taken the diaper off to continue, but the thing was I didn’t want
to. The feeling of the diaper, and everything about it… it really made me feel
good. I thought for a moment, for a way to go about doing this with a diaper
on… and then it occurred to me. I touched my erection from outside the diaper,
and began to move my hand hard against it, up and down. Then I thought of
something else. I built some spit up in my mouth, until I had “enough”. I
opened up the top of my diaper, and spit on my hand, and stuck my hand and
gripped my erection, lubing it up with my spit (kind of wincing a bit at the
way it felt). I put the top back on and then back to rub the outside of the
diaper with my now-lubricated erection.
I kind of moaned because at first, it felt a bit weird,
but man… quick enough, it felt real good. The sound of the diaper crinkling
definitely heightened the situation all the more, and the feelings alone of the
diaper kind of made me feel real good. It was an incredible experience,
honestly. The inside of the diaper was slick from my spit, and it was just
really awesome feeling rubbing against my erection. I began to moan a bit as I
felt the diaper working its magic for me… and soon enough, it all came to its
glorious, epic, and somewhat sticky end…
I was perspiring a bit. I felt my body beginning to
quickly relax as everything was settling down… I let one final grunt as I just
relaxed. I was feeling tired now… REAL tired. With this “aftershock” of letting
all of that go… and no need for a cleanup, since everything was in my diaper… I
kind of… I kind of slowly began to just… doze off, asleep.
“Be a good boy, and…”
“…okay mommy”
“You wanna be a big boy?”
“Yeah mommy!”
“What’s going on!?”
I opened my eyes and saw myself, standing there in front
of my mom. I was standing there, in my room… it was my colorful, bright room. I
had colors all over the place, on the walls, all over the furniture…
“You wanna be a big boy?” my mom said to me.
“Uh huh” I said. I felt so, so happy, and cheerful. I was
so eager!
“What’s this?” I thought, though.
I turned my head and saw my crib… and my changing table.
There were baby things all over the place… pacifiers, bottles, diapers, just
random paraphernalia.
“I want to be a big boy” I said.
“Well then we need to get you out of those diapers” she
said to me.
“But I don’t want to…” I said.
“Do you want to be a big boy?” she asked once again.
“Yeah…” I said happily… I felt… infantile.
“What is this?” I thought, once more. It was like I was
like I was watching a movie, through the character’s eyes. I couldn’t stop
myself from talking, but I could think freely.
“Then we need to get you out of those baby diapers and put
you into big boy underwear!” she said gleefully.
“But I don’t wanna…” I said again…
“Nah… I can wear my diapees forever!” I said.
And she looked at me, and suddenly, I stood up in front of
her. I stood up, over her. She was kneeling down, looking up at me… I looked
over at a mirror, and saw myself… but I wasn’t myself. I was a baby. I had
baby’s face, and I had a pacifier in my mouth. I looked at it…
“I want to grow up” I said, in a mature voice, looking at
her. This time, though… I had control.
Then I looked over at the mirror again… This time, I was
me. I was
“Then grow up” she said… “Get out of those diapers” she
“What diapers?” I asked.
She pointed… and then I looked down… and there I was,
standing in a diaper, in front of my mom.
“Grow up,
“Get out of your diapers… be a big boy” she said to me.
“But I don’t want to…” I said to her.
“I want my diapers…” I said.
“Mom” I said.
“Please don’t make me grow up” I begged.
“But you have to” she said.
I felt tears beginning to swell up in my eyes.
“I don’t want to… I want to be in diapers again mom” I
“But your not a baby… and babies wear diapers” she said.
She picked me up, since she was now larger than I. I
slowly cried as I was carried out of my room... and into the bathroom. She laid
me down, softly, and took off my diaper.
I was crying now, tears were just falling from my face.
“That’s better… big boys wear big boys underwear” she
I looked down, and instead of wearing my diaper… I was
suddenly wearing underwear. I panicked, and suddenly started flailing wildly.
“Mom! Give me back my diaper! I don’t want to grow up!!!”
I screamed.
Suddenly I jumped up. It was dark now, and I was panting.
I rushed around, and eventually was up on my feet. I turned on the light, which
illuminated my room all of the sudden. I realized that I had only been dreaming
suddenly… and right then and there… the dream was still stuck in my head… so I
suddenly just fell onto the ground in tears.
Tears were flying from my eyes in a quiet cry…
“What the hell is wrong with me?” I thought.
“Why… WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?” I screamed in my head.
“Why do I want these diapers SO MUCH!?” I shouted in my
head, once more.
screamed in my head. I continued to cry, holding myself in the praying
position, with my head resting on the edge of my bed.
I looked down, and I could see my diaper still on… and it
only made me cry more.
“I need help… I’m the only kid in the world who wants to
wear a diaper…” I thought.
I sniffed a bit… it had been a few more minutes before I
was done crying. I was still dropping a few tears occasionally… something about
the dream had hit a nerve. I sobbed a few times… and then crawled back into
“I can’t tell anyone this” I said to myself.
“I can’t tell anyone that I am this way…” I thought.
“I’m the only kid in the whole world who wants to wear
diapers…” I thought once more.
I looked around my room from my bed… feeling so
“What IS wrong with me?” I thought once I had a clearer
There was my TV… my book shelf… my computer… my door…
Then it hit me. I looked back over at the computer… and
thought about the internet. I hopped out of the bed, and moved over to the
computer. I plopped down in the chair, hit the power button, and the monitor
power button, too.
“I could kind of see what my problem is… I love diapers…
but I feel horrible for it.” I thought.
Once the computer was all started up, I double clicked my
browser… and up came my homepage. I went to my preferred search engine, and
thought for a minute about what to type.
“Like to hate things” I typed in.
There were quite a few results… but none of them were what
I wanted, at all. I looked at what I typed in, and felt stupid for typing it in…
So I typed in a new thing… and another thing… and one
more. Becoming more and more specific, but never really typing in what I was
thinking. But finally… after a little bit… I typed in something… something that
came to mind.
After all that trying to somewhat diagnose my problem… I
just blurted out the next thing. I realized that maybe I wasn’t being specific
enough… so I typed in…
“Kids who love diapers”
And suddenly, the entire search engine’s first page of
results, since that was all I looked at that day… was filled with results that
I never thought of would be there. For the first result, which was the one I
clicked on after catching my breath from this kind of ‘revelation’… it said
“Teens Who Love Diapers”
I clicked on it, and within that website… I began to
discover things I wouldn’t have ever thought possible. Because within that
site, I read of a huge community, who called themselves “Teen Babies, and
Diaper Lovers”
“Chapter Nine, The Confirmed Diaper-Lover”
“This was one of the most incredible things I have ever
discovered” I thought.
I mean… there I was, sitting on the computer, at 2AM after
a mere 5 hours of sleep total in past day. And I was looking at something that
I still could not believe. I read and read all that I could. This website,
after some heavy looking… it featured a “what-is” section, explaining what
these “teen babies and diaper-lovers” were, exactly. The explanation made me
gasp in astonishment.
“A Diaper Lover is exactly what the name implies. A DL,
for short, is one who wishes to wear diapers for emotional fulfillment, and/or
a fetish. Many diaper lovers get this need or want around the age of puberty,
but feelings can be present, and presented, at anytime during their life.”
I couldn’t believe my eyes, still. Diaper-Lovers!? There
were others like me!? There were OTHER PEOPLE like me!? This was quite honestly
the most incredible thing, to me. I mean… for the past two weeks I’ve been
struggling on the inside, feeling so damn horrible for this weird thing I have…
when there really are other people like me.
I didn’t feel alone anymore. I didn’t feel like an outcast
anymore. I didn’t feel… guilty… anymore. I continued to read more, and more.
There was another kind of people that went along with these “diaper-lovers”,
“An Adult Baby is what the name implies, also. An AB, or
TB (short for Teen Baby), for short, is one whom uses baby’s things and usually
wishes to be regressed to a younger age, most likely the age of a baby, and
often role-play. Role-playing can consist of using babies’ things, like
pacifiers, diapers, baby bottles, bibs, bonnets, baby’s toys, etc. Another big
part in the regression is the part of the caretaker, where they role-play as
either a mother or a father, to take care of the baby
See also, infantilism (the advanced term for acting like a
baby), and infantilist (the advanced term for one who performs infantilism).”
This was remarkable. There was a community of people who
actually like to act like a baby, on top of people who love to wear diapers! A
big, huge smile slowly crept over my face as I continued to read about people
who think are just like me.
This website, it also featured a forum. There, hundreds of
people, talking back and forth to each other about diapers. I was ecstatic to
get in there, and get to know people… and find out more about “AB/DLs”… and
about myself.
But right before I hit the register button, on that
webpage… I stopped myself.
“Wait” I thought.
“Maybe… maybe I should just look at these people… kind of
absorb. I’m moving too fast…” I thought.
So I clicked the register button… and made my username…
and my password… and there I was, registered on a forum, for people who love
diapers, just like me.
I spent that whole night, reading other people’s posts
about their experiences with diapers, and baby’s things, too. And before I knew
it, it was 5 in the morning. The sun was slowly coming up, but as little as I
wanted to… I had to go to bed.
I yawned heavily and carried myself over to the bed… my
head was filled with thoughts of diapers. I feel like I’m saying it a few times
too many… but for once, I was laying there, thinking of diapers… and not
feeling alone anymore. I felt like I had a place… I felt like I had a group of
people that I could call friends, not that Brian, Seth, or Daniel weren’t. It
was just quite possibly the most comfortable thing to have on your conscious at
night, knowing that there is someone out there that shares your interests… and
to have an entire community of people that does…
“Hey there
“Hi mommy!” I said contently.
“You wanna come out of your cwib?” she said, talking
babyish to me… I chuckled.
“Uh huh!” I said, nodding my head vigorously.
She giggled, reached in, and pulled me out of my crib, and
gently placed me on me on the floor… on the soft, colorful rug.
“Stand still
She took her index finger, and took her shirt, and wrapped
the shirt around her finger, and pulled on it… in the motion where you want to
really dry it off. I knew what she was doing; she’s done it to me a bunch of
times… Next she took her dry finger, and stuck it down the front of my diaper…
“Hmm… you’re dry again!” she said.
“You’re getting big!” she said.
She thought for a moment, handed me some toys, and left
the room for a moment…
I don’t know how long it had been, but in a few moments,
she came back in with a big smile.
“Be a good boy, and… come sit down here” she said, sitting
down on the floor.
“…okay mommy” I said, waddling over to her.
“You want to be a big boy?”
“Yeah mommy!” I said with enthusiasm.
I kind of looked around my surroundings, out of curiosity
and saw myself, standing there in front of my mom. I was standing there; in my
room… it was my colorful, bright room. I had colors all over the place, on the
walls, all over the furniture…
“You want to be a big boy?” my mom said to me, once more.
“Uh huh” I said vigorously.
I turned my head and saw my crib… and my changing table.
There were baby things all over the place… pacifiers, bottles, diapers, and just
random paraphernalia.
“I want to be a big boy” I said.
“Well then we need to get you out of those diapers” she
said to me.
“But I don’t want to…” I said.
“Do you want to be a big boy?” she asked once again.
“Yeah…” I said happily…
“Then we need to get you out of those baby diapers and put
you into big boy underwear!” she said gleefully.
“But I don’t wanna…” I said again…
“Nah… I can wear my diapees forever!” I said.
She giggled, but put her hands on my small shoulders…
“But I don’t wanna use the potty” I said.
“How come?” she asked.
“I dunno…” I said.
She giggled once more…
“C’mon…” she said, picking me up, and carrying me out of
the room…
Suddenly, right there, I woke up… but not from my dream. Something
had woken me up, because I was wide awake… not slowly opening my eyes. I didn’t
know what it was though. But my mind knew something had woken me up…
*knock* *knock* *knock* I heard, on the door.
“uh… hello?” I asked, sighing with relief… something in my
head was panicking from just waking up like that.
“Are you up?” I heard my mom say from behind the door.
I kind of sighed into my pillow…
“…yeah…” I moaned.
“Okay, just checking” she said…
I slowly let out a soft sigh…
“Well, come into the kitchen. I’ll make you some lunch”
she said.
“I’ll be right there” I said.
I moaned again, and sat up on the side of the bed. My room
was bright now: the sun had risen considerably. It looked to be about noon… but
I double checked by looking on the clock on my computer. I was right; it was
I slowly made my way out of my room after that, and kind
of hovered down the hall, and into the kitchen. My mom was standing in front of
the windows, which made it difficult to see her. My eyes were unadjusted to the
light, so all I could see was my mom’s silhouette.
“Here, I’ll make you a sandwich” she said, pulling a chair
I sat down in the chair, and just awaited my meal.
“So we didn’t get to talk at all about your night last
night with your new friends” she said.
“Well… not much happened… I just played videogames. Brian
and I talked a bit after everyone was asleep… but yeah, that’s about it…” I
“Oh. Well, as long as you had a good time” she said.
“I did” I assured.
“Good… here’s your sandwich” she said, putting a plate in
front of me. It of course had a sandwich, which had my preferred stuff in it…
ham, cheese, and brown mustard.
“Thanks” I said.
“Here have some milk, too” she said, giving me a glass of
“Thanks” I said again.
She and I continued to talk, which was honestly for the
first time in a long while. And it was good, for a long while. But the after
about an hour, we kind of split our ways again, and I went up to room, and she
went to hers, to continue paperwork and unpacking.
When I finally made it back to my room… I immediately when
back to my computer, digging through the website I was on last night. I
continued reading peoples’ posts, just looking at what most of these ‘teen
babies, and diaper-lovers’ talked about.
But, at one point, I noticed a few posts that were
enticing… that kind of got me in the mood to do the same. Introductory posts,
about a few of these people introducing themselves, new to the forums.
I thought about it… and then figured what the hell. I clicked
the ‘new topic’ button, and began to type about myself. I began to remember
things that other people had posted about themselves… usually age, location,
and something interesting about themselves. I typed it all out, and in the end,
it looked like this:
“Hi, my name is Aden… I am 14. I just recently realized
that there were other people that were like me, when I discovered this forum. I
haven’t been a diaper-lover for very long… about two weeks to be specific. It
might sound strange, but I put a diaper on as a dare from my friends… and since
then I have been kind of dealing with these weird feelings. I looked up on the
internet about why I would love diapers… and I found out about TB/DLs.
I hope to make a few friends that share my same interests…
so if any of you want to talk to me, please e-mail or instant message me… my
contact stuff is below. Thanks everyone J”
That was basically it. I was nervous to click the ‘post
topic’ button, but eventually I did. After I saw that my post was on there… I was
eager to continue looking at more posts and read more about what people like me
do… but suddenly, I heard the phone ring, and eventually, my mom called for me
to pick it up.
“Hello?” I asked, completely not sure who it was.
“Hey” I heard… it was Seth.
“Oh, hey.” I said.
“Not much man… I was just curious if you wanted to come
over. We should hang out” I heard him invite.
I thought about it for a moment…
“Sure, alright” I said.
“Cool, you remember my address, right?” he asked.
“Yup. You know how to get here, right?” I was asked.
‘Well… honestly no.” I said. I heard him chuckle a bit…
I let him explain to me the directions… he was within
walking distance, and it was only a few streets over. After he did, I thanked
him, and told him I’d be over in a couple, and I hung up the phone.
As I was getting dressed though… before I put on my boxers
and my pants, I was just kind of standing there naked… I reached down to get my
pants, and it was there that I thought of it.
“…what if I wore a diaper today?” I wondered.
“People seem to do it a lot, on the forums… I should,
too…” I thought.
I pondered about it for a few moments… and then decided
“It’ll be a bit of an experiment…” I thought.
I took a diaper from my hiding spot, and laid myself down
on the bed. I put a diaper on, thinking and feeling like I was doing a daring
mission. I felt like I was kind of living on the edge as I taped it up, and
finally, put my boxers and pants on over it.
I was walking down the street, making sure to follow the
instructions Seth had given me a few minutes ago. Half of my mind, however,
wasn’t focused on making sure I got to my target destination. Half of my mind
(the dominant half), was thinking about the diaper I had on, right now, in the
“This is kind of COOL” I thought with a smile as I walked
down the road.
I mean, it really was an exhilarating experience, to be
walking down the street in a DIAPER, and have no one know. I walked by a few
people, and I was nervous at first… but no one really noticed at all! I was
walking in the public, with a diaper… and only I knew that.
“Hmmm… 13 Eikram Street…” I remembered, as I walked to an
intersection Seth said I would come to. I saw the street sign, and began
walking down the road that the sign said Eikram was.
It was a real nice street; that was for sure. All level
yards, nice and shady from the trees in everyone’s yards… Real, real nice
suburban road. The whole neighborhood was like it, but this was one of the
exceptionally nicer roads. The houses all seemed to have that upper class feel.
There was a definite sense of wealth in the area. It was almost intimidating.
I came up to what said to be number 13 on the street. It
was a large red brick house, and was like two levels high. I felt actually
really welcome by looking at it. It was so clean… so I walked up to the porch
(with a bit of a crinkle from the diaper), and rung the doorbell.
And soon enough, I saw Seth open the door, and stand
before me.
“Hey Seth” I said.
“Come on in man, I’ll show you around” he said to me.
He showed me around his house, which was as nice inside as
it looked outside, and we were now sitting in his room.
“So what do you want to do?” he asked me as laid back onto
his bed.
“I don’t know, what is there to do?” I asked.
He contemplated for a bit (I could tell from the look of
thought on his face).
“Well, it’s sunny…” he said.
“Yeah?” I replied.
“So it’s a nice day. We could take advantage of this… or
stay inside and play games” he said.
He and I looked at each other at that point, and almost
simultaneously said “games.”
He and I were chatting, and having a really good time as
we both played on his Playstation 2. But in time, I had to go to the bathroom.
“Hey man, I’ve got to use your bathroom” I said, as I felt
the need to pee.
“Oh, okay. You remember where it is?” he asked, since he
had given me the tour earlier.
“Yeah” I said.
I walked out of his room, and walked through his house,
and into the bathroom. I shut the door, and then pulled down my pants, standing
in front of the toilet.
But I was quick to remember something that I hadn’t
thought of before. I was still wearing the diaper.
“I’ll just take this off” I thought.
But then I remembered how loud the tapes were when they
were taken off. And then I thought about what if the tapes didn’t go back on…
then I’d be trapped with a diaper that I couldn’t hide by putting it on.
“Damn it” I thought.
The need to pee was growing at every moment, until it was
very apparent that I urgently had to go.
I looked down at my diaper, and knew it was I had to do. I
thought of what some of the people on the forum were talking about, when they
too were wetting their diapers (which was apparently a very common thing).
I looked around and knew there was no other way. I didn’t
want to, but I had to… to pee in my diaper.
“Remember what everyone else was saying on that forum…
relax, and keep calm” I thought to myself.
I looked over the toilet, put both of my arms on the top,
and leaned on it, and shut my eyes… imagining I was trying to pee in a toilet,
like normal. I was relaxing my muscles, but there was nothing coming out. I
simply knew it all too well that I was going to practically wet my pants, and
something in my head was simply not letting it go yet.
I tried to push it out there, with all of my might… but no
success. It was after a few minutes that I kind of got into the moment of
“Come on
I began to control my breathing, closed my eyes, still
imaging I was peeing into a toilet, like normal.
I kind of got myself into a peaceful state of mind, trying
to assure my mind that it was okay. And then, finally, after the effort. I felt
a bit of pee come out. Adrenaline rush.
“Come on” I thought.
I relaxed and tried to control myself as much as I could.
And it worked. After some more relaxation, I felt the spurt of pee, slowly
transition into a steady stream of pee, until finally it was automatic. I could
take my mind off of trying to pee and finally enjoy my accomplishment. And it
was definitely, enjoyable.
I kind of moaned a bit at the sensation of my pee going
into my diaper. It was, absolutely, one of the best feelings I had ever felt.
It was such a warm sensation… like a glow that went in front of my penis, and
kind of grew around everything. It went on my pubic area, and went and soaked
below my balls… all a warm glow. Then after I was done, finally… I was left to
the strange feeling of a squishy, warm diaper. I grew an erection automatically
from the adrenaline rush, and the feelings of everything come together.
I was now standing, in my squishy, warm diaper, with an
erection… and left off feeling rather raunchy. And as much as I wanted to, I
wasn’t going to, not here. Not now. I kind of forced myself not to begin to, so
I quickly flushed the toilet to make it sound like I had done something there,
I picked up my pants, buttoned and zipped them, and left the bathroom… a now
“confirmed diaper lover”.
It was weird to walk back into the room, with a wet diaper
on. The diaper kind of inflated a little bit (a noticeable bit).
But I dealt with it, and walked into Seth’s room, and sat
down, which was weird too. But I liked it. No, in time, I loved it. The wet
diaper… it was… it was really, really nice feeling. I had to wear it the
remainder of the day, of course. I was only at Seth’s house for about an hour
or two… but eventually, I left. I walked back to my house, now somewhat adjusted
to the feeling of the wet squishy diaper.
I let out a final sigh, and a bit of a grunt, trying to be
as quiet as possible as I was lying on my bed… I held the front of my wet
diaper in my hand, and was pressing it against my erection. I had just finished
I laid there in the post-orgasmic feeling, as my body kind
of laid in shock. I was lying in deep thought, thinking what could drive me to
masturbate in a wet diaper, and enjoy it more (way more) than when I did
normally. It wasn’t the guilt coming in, it was just curiosity.
As I thought, I couldn’t reach any conclusion. I laid
there a bit, letting my body kind of revive from the numbness that covered me.
And then, I sat up, and went over to my computer.
First thing first, was of course, to check my e-mail. I
logged in, and to my surprise… someone had e-mailed me, from the forum I visit
often. I eagerly opened the e-mail.
“Hi I’m from TWLD, I love diapers too. I’m kind of new to
this whole thing, too… So it’d be real cool if you and I could talk. So if you
feel like it, please add me, okay?”
Then, at the bottom of their e-mail, they had their AIM
I leaned back in my chair and, I kind of felt touched that
someone e-mailed me and wanted to talk to me. I felt very eager to add this
person… so I rather impatiently added their screen name.
And from there, I saw their name pop up in my buddy list.
But to my dismay, it said they were marked away and were idle. I looked at the
name, just kind of wishing they would come back. But then I came to my senses…
and knew they had a life, like me, too. So I closed my buddy list, but kept my
AIM up… and just kind of leaned back.
I felt accomplished. I felt as though I had climbed a
mountain. To think, someone just like me… to have a full conversation with
them… is so close. I felt like I had conquered a mountain… I mean, I didn’t
feel as though I had literally accomplished anything. It was a strange feeling;
I couldn’t describe it if I seriously tried.
“Chapter Ten, Spring Outro”
I yawned a bit… I was growing
tired quickly. The sun was beginning to set, and the temperature was beginning
to cool a bit. I had spent my time since adding that kid, just browsing other
websites that had people who liked diapers. I was incredibly enticed by one
particular one… other than TWLD. It was website, and yes, it was themed with
But, this one had a different
kind of purpose. It didn’t have a forum, but the one thing it did have was a
lot, A LOT of stories. Stories, all revolving around diapers, teen babies, and
various topics those TB/DLs mainly talked about.
I had spent a decent chunk of
time reading some stories that were featured on this website. Some were really
good… others weren’t. Some were short, some were long. Of course… I didn’t
really mind. I felt good to know there were others like me.
And it was at this point in
time, when I thought…
“Hmmm… maybe… maybe I should
make a story!”
It was a thought… So I cracked
my fingers. I looked around, just out of habit. And then, I clicked open
Notepad. I was staring at the empty, black digital page that I thought would
soon be filled with words. But I was drawing up blank, and suddenly, right then
and there, when I was contemplating for a short story…
“Hello?” popped up in front of
me. It was the kid IMing me!
I quickly launched forward and
typed back
“Hey” I said.
“Hey” they typed back.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“nm, you?” they typed back. I
was assuming ‘nm’ meant ‘Nothing much’
“Same. Tired, but awake.” I
“So I assume you’re the one I
emailed…” they said.
“Yes” I confirmed.
“Cool… so are you alone?” they
I felt a bit uncomfortable
stating I was alone… but I confirmed.
“Yeah… why?” I asked, curious.
“So we could talk about diaper
stuff” he said.
“Oh” I said, feeling a bit
“So you like them?” they asked
“Yes, very” I replied.
“Cool me to” they said.
There was a bit of silence...
“So A/S/L?” they asked.
Now, I may not be the most
net-familiar person in the world, but I did know what that meant…
“14/M/USA” I typed back.
“Wow, same… ” they typed back.
“Cool” I typed back.
“Are you a TB or DL?” he asked
“Hmmm… I never really thought
about that” I thought…
“I don’t know. I am a DL right
now, but I never thought about trying to be a TB. What are you?” I said.
“I’m a TB” they said.
“Oh! That’s cool. I assume you
still love diapers though?” I asked.
“Yup, of course” he replied.
“So have you gotten any
diapers??” they asked.
“Yeah, I have only one left
though…” I replied.
“Oh, did you buy them?” they
asked me.
“No, I kind of took some of my
friend” I said.
“Your friend??” they asked
“Yeah” I confirmed.
“Is he a TB/DL?” they asked.
“No, we were doing dares with
them. They had a whole pack” I said.
“Oh… and you say they ain’t
into diapers like us?” he said.
“Yeah… well…” I said.
Suddenly it hit me… what if…
what if Brian was one too?
“I don’t know honestly. I never
thought about it” I said.
“Oh. Well, I mean… its none of
my business and I might be wrong but its just weird for a kid to be using
diapers for dares and not be into them…” he said.
“Maybe that’s just my
diaper-sense talking to me though… but yeah” they continued.
I felt a bit dumb, for never
thinking about it before. I mean, now that I really gave it some consideration…
it IS rather strange…
“So do your parents know?” they
asked me.
“No, my mom doesn’t know…” I
“Oh. My mom and dad don’t know
either” they replied.
From there, we continued to
have a conversation, not only about diapers, but about other things too. But in
time, I realized that it was Sunday night. I was tired, and I had school in the
“Hey man” I said.
“Yeah?” he replied.
It had been about two hours of
us chatting…
“I’m tired… and I have school
tomorrow. So I need to go to bed” I said.
“Okay… its nearing my bed time,
too, anyway” they replied.
“Okay… well… I’ll talk to you
tomorrow after school or something, okay?” I said.
“Alright. See you then” they
Then after that, we both said
our goodbyes and they logged off, leaving me alone once again, in the dark
room… the only light was emitted from my monitor.
I stood up, stretched and
cracked some bones and joints… and then kind of fell forward onto my bed, lying
there, still fully dressed. I was completely worn out, one hundred and ten
percent. I guess having about ten hours of sleep in the last three days
practically, would do that.
So as I was laying there…
thinking about how glad I was to finally have someone to talk to about diapers,
and beginning to question Brian’s place as a normal kid or a diaper-lover… I
felt myself drift off. And of course, in time, I fell softly asleep in the
was the annoying sound I woke up to, as my alarm clock whined loudly, knocking
me from my slumber, and into reality.
I, without opening my eyes,
reached over and hit my alarm clock off, kind of from being so used to it. Once
the beeping stopped, I kind of kept my eyes shut, as I slowly drifted into
As I was slowly waking up, I
still was drowning in some strange thoughts. I had that dream again… that same
recurring dream, where I am the age of an infant, talking to my mom, in my
nursery, in my old house. It was stranger this time around, of course, like the
dream had the tendency to do…
It was more clear… more elaborate.
Unfortunately though… the sun that was rising slowly signaled that it was time
for me to get up and get ready for school, and not lay and contemplate. I
forced myself to rise from my bed, and begin to get dressed.
I turned on my ceiling light,
got some pants, a shirt, socks and shoes, a backpack and supplies. Yawning, I
lazily put all of them on. It was about ten minutes for me, since I move pretty
slowly when I am supposed to do something shortly after waking up.
But it was during the few
minutes of me getting dressed that I looked down, and saw two diapers, both
used in their own way.
“Hmmm…” I thought.
One was wet with urine… the
other was a bit sticky.
“That pee’d in one will be a
problem… and I need to take care of this now” I thought.
So I walked out of my room, and
into the kitchen. It was only me, my mom was still asleep. I got my cereal
bowl, cereal, milk, spoon, and set them all on the table. Then, I went under
the sink, and got a trash bag out.
“There” I thought, as I held
the answer to my current problem in my hands.
I cleaned the diapers up, and
of course disposed of the garbage bag into the trash can quickly. This gave me
a bit of less time to eat and get my stuff together, but I managed. The sun had
completely risen by the time I left, like it normally did. I walked to my bus
stop, and like any other day, the bus came by, and took me to the first day of
the last week of school before the beginning of my summer vacation.
“Hey” I said, suddenly
remembering everything from the conversation my friend online and I had
yesterday… about the possibility of Brian being a lover of diapers.
I continued to ponder that on
the inside, but act completely normal on the outside as I talked with him. But
eventually, the curiosity began to kill me… because the thoughts of having a
kid just like me, in PERSON… seemed surreal.
“So did you have a good time
last sleep over?” Brian asked me, as I was buying my lunch.
“Yeah man, the whole night was
awesome” I said honestly.
He and I kind of remembered
everything for a moment… the whole diapered dares and stuff kind of flashed
back to me, making me question Brian’s alignment as a normal kid or a TB/DL…
We sat down, at the table Seth
and Brian always sat at supposedly. Seth was sitting there already… he and I
made a friendly gesture to each other as we kind of got closer, as I walked
towards the table.
I sat down, as did Brian. And
all three of us kind of had a good, friendly conversation… as much as I wanted
to ask Brian about being a diaper-lover. I, however… was biting my tongue,
since Seth was here. But, however… to my luck…
“I’ve got to go to the bathroom”
Seth said.
“Alright” Brian and I said, as
Seth rose from his seat, and out of the cafeteria. I knew this was time to make
my move… but I wasn’t going to go all out.
“Brian… I have a question for
you” I said.
“Yeah?” he responded.
“Well… you know how… well… you
know how there were diapers at your house, in yours and Daniel’s room… and you
say you do just dares with them…” I slowly said, making sure to keep the whole
sentence under my breath, so no one around could hear it.
“…yeah…” Brian said, somewhat
unsure of what it all was about… my asking I mean.
“Well… do you really… do just
dares with them?” I asked.
“…what are you saying?” he
“Well, I mean… do you do more
with them than just dares?” I asked, pretty much rewording my previous question.
“I don’t really understand… you
asking if I wear them because I need to or something.” Brian asked.
“No, no… I mean like… you seem
to have a good time with them, when we were wearing them at your sleep over you
seemed… I don’t know… you just seem pretty overzealous about wearing them and
stuff. I was just wondering if you liked to wear them” I said, pretty much
getting the cat out of the bag.
Brian stared at me for a bit,
blankly… but at the same time, you could tell there was some thought going on
in that head of his. He looked a bit puzzled…
“Nope… I only bought them for
you to wear at the sleepover, the first night you came over.” He said…
I felt pretty disappointed. It
felt as though my dream of having a best friend, and diaper buddy were shattered.
Sure, I could still do dares with him… but it wasn’t the same.
“Oh… okay” I said.
“Why? Do… YOU have fun with
them more than just doing the dares?” he asked, counter-questioning my original
“No!” I said, almost
immediately. I responded so fast, I don’t even think he closed his jaw after
saying “dares”. I felt silly for doing it so quickly… but it was automatic.
He looked at me for a bit…
“Okay” he said, understandably.
But as I looked at him… he too
seemed to have just a small, just the tiniest bit… of disappointment, too. It
was either in my head, or it was real. I couldn’t tell… But before I could make
further examination… I saw Seth coming back.
When he sat down… Brian and I
completely ignored the conversation, and acted as though it never existed.
And that’s how it was. I was
alone. Yes, I was alone. This came to me like a ton of bricks… I was the only
kid in the entire school, most likely, that liked diapers the way I do. Wait,
not just this school, either. I might have been the only kid in the whole city
who liked diapers. I was completely alone… again.
It was a different kind of
loneliness that I was now experiencing. This is what I was thinking about as I
was on the bus ride home, back to my house. The school day was over finally,
and this was the first time I could really think.
Sure, I had a friend online who
I planned to talk to soon. And there is a whole community of adult babies, teen
babies, and diaper-lovers of all ages that were kind of, in a sense, there with
open arms for me, and that was damn great to know.
But Brian said he wasn’t into
diapers… this is what he said. But something deep down inside me told me he was
lying. But I was definitely not going to ask him again about it. I didn’t want
to put myself out into the open any more than I already have to him.
He was a friend, and a great
one. So was Seth. They were the two best friends I could’ve ever had the
fortune to meet in a new town like this. But they weren’t diaper-lovers… which
was still a bit of a disappointment. But I didn’t cry about it, since it wasn’t
exactly a surprise.
All I could do to possibly see
if Brian really was one, was check for signs. But considering how I’m new to
the whole thing… I didn’t know what to look for.
“Fuck it” I thought.
I still had a week of school
left at that time. I was going to just ride it out from there… I was going to
get through the final week of school, before I did anything new with myself as
a TB/DL.
After all… I was a new diaper-lover
in the whole community. I needed to… take a break from diapers.
So I did. That week, I did
nothing with the final diaper I had in my possession still. It simply sat
alone, in the darkness of my hiding spot. There was something motivating that
came over me that week. I felt obligated to take a break, until Friday, which
was my last day. And I did, like I said.
On that last day of school,
though… I knew my break was over. I knew that school had ended, and now, I had
nothing to worry about but my friends, my life, and my diapers… for three
months, it was up to me to take things into my own hands.
As that school day ended, and
summer vacation officially began… I starred at the sun set, from my bedroom
window. I had that last diaper in hand… and thought everything that awaited me.
Summers were meant for change…
and I felt change coming. I felt a lot of change waiting for me in the months
“Damn… this is going to be one
hell of a summer” I thought.
The story continues in ‘Aden’s Alteration’, out now.
Story written by Baby Jake (