Title: Aaron's Diaper Punishment
Name: Ralph
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 26
Posting Date: 06/07/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Aaron has been acting badly and his mother decides on the perfect punishment.                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 13 (65%)
Part I

Aaron Kaplan had always been a good boy, until he turned thirteen. He 
would go on nightly shoplifting sprees with his friends, he would get 
multiple detentions, he would never do his homework, he would talk 
back, and he always would steal things from other kids and break the 
rules. His mom, Kimberly (or Kim) Kaplan, knew about this but never 
really did anything about it. This gene had run in the family and it 
would eventually stop. But it never did. It just got worse, and worse, 
and worse. One Saturday night, Aaron went to his friend�s house and the 
next morning a police came to the Kaplan resident�s. Kim answered the 
door and saw the police holding Aaron by his shirt collar.

�Is this your kid?� the police asked.

Kim frowned and replied yes. Kim had to pay a fine for Aaron because he 
had gone on a shoplifting spree to 3 stores. This is when Kim decided 
to do something. That night, Aaron went to bed, and Kim snuck in his 
room, took out all his underwear from his drawer, and replaced it with 
diapers. She had gone out that night and bought many packages of teen 
sized Pampers, Huggies, and Pull-Ups. She also had a box of Bambino 
Diapers coming on the way. In Aaron�s closet, she put a box that said 
�Aaron�s Punishment Supplies�. In that box, there were Latex gloves, 
diaper rash cream, Vaseline, a thermometer, baby wipes, and baby 
powder. Since all the bathroom doors had locks and key holes, she 
bought special keys for each of the bathrooms, so only the keys could 
open them. The next morning (Sunday), she explained to her two other 
kids, Bailey and Michael, what kind of punishment she was giving Aaron. 
Bailey and Michael where twins and were a year older than Aaron. She 
gave them both separate keys to all of the bathrooms, so only Kim, 
Bailey, and Michael had access to the bathrooms in the house. Bailey 
and Michael both thought that Aaron�s punishment was the funniest thing 
in the world, and both vowed to make fun of him as much as they could. 
When Aaron woke up at 10:00 that Sunday morning, he sheepishly walked 
over to his underwear drawer to get changed for the day. But when he 
opened the drawer, he didn�t find underwear. He found a large 
assortment of diapers. He had no clue his mother had hid his underwear 
in the garage in a small bin. But when Aaron saw the diapers, he was 
furious. He snatched one of the diapers up and stomped downstairs to 
his mom�s room. She was reading quietly until he yelled: �WHAT IS 
THIS?!� holding up a diaper with Elmo on it. Kim calmly put her book 
down and said �Your new diapers,� Kim said. �What?! My diapers?! What 
are you talking about?!� Aaron said.

�You have proved to me you are not mature enough to be responsible for 
your own actions. Therefore, you must be punished. You need to learn a 
lesson for all the horrible things you�ve done to your teachers, your 
friends, your family, and the people you have stolen from or tricked. 
Since grounding, no allowances, and taking things away from you hasn�t 
worked, I�m going to my last resort. I�m putting you back in diapers 
and hopefully that will teach you a valuable lesson,� Kim said. 
�Diapers?! That�s not fair! Mom, I promise I will never be bad again as 
long as you don�t put me in diapers,� Aaron pleaded.

�Sorry Aaron, but I have heard that many times from you and you never 
kept your promise. I have had enough. There is no way you can change my 
mind. Now, if you keep on yelling at me, you will get a spanking,� said 
Kim. Aaron pleaded and pleaded, but Kim already had her mind set. Since 
Aaron was weak, he couldn�t escape Kim�s grasp as she took him upstairs 
to his room to diaper him and explain the rules about his punishment. 
Bailey and Michael were following close behind, laughing and taunting. 
In Aaron�s room, Kim laid a changing pad in the middle of the floor and 
got Aaron�s punishment box out. She laid all the supplies out and chose 
a diaper from the drawers. She told Aaron to lay down on the changing 
pad or else he would get a spanking. Aaron knew better than to talk 
back to his mother because she was much stronger than he was and could 
easily make his butt turn bright red. Once Aaron laid down on the pad, 
Bailey and Michael pinned him down so he couldn�t escape. He wrestled 
and wriggled to get up and run, but his siblings were too strong. Kim 
reminded him about the spanking, and he immediately stopped. She 
carefully slid off his pants and underwear and lifted up his legs and 
slid the diaper under. After that, she gave his pale, white butt a good 
spank to let him know whose boss. WHAM! Bailey and Michael giggled and 
Aaron cried out: �OWW!�

�There�s more where that came from if you don�t follow my rules,� Kim 
said as she wiped Aaron�s now pink butt. She laid his legs down and 
taped on the diaper. His diaper had a very babyish Winnie the Pooh 
design on it. Kim stood Aaron up and patted his thickly diapered tush. 
Aaron had a Winnie the Pooh diaper and a shirt on. �There, perfect. 
Good as new,� Kim said as she admired her work. Bailey and Michael 
giggled and whispered as they put Aaron�s punishment supplies back in 
the closet.

�May we stay for the butt pats and rules, please?� Bailey asked.

�Yes, of course,� Kim said.

�Butt pats? Rules?� Aaron asked, afraid to know what butt pats were, 
but he had a good clue.

�Yes, after each diapering, you get butt pats. Unless you want 
spankings, instead,� Kim said. �No! B- Butt pats are fine!� Aaron said, 
trying to save himself from a spanking. Kim sat on Aaron�s bed and laid 
him down on her lap. She slid the back part of the diaper off which 
revealed his pale butt. Kim laid her warm hand on Aaron�s butt and 
began patting it. First, she patted his butt 10 times, then she patted 
his left butt cheek separately and then she patted his right butt cheek 
separately. Then she started the lick pats. She licked her palm before 
each pat and then patted his butt. Then lick pats on his left cheek, 
then the right. She repeated the cycle over and over again until she 
had done it for at least 20 minutes. Then she finished with five hard 
spanks. Aaron�s poor, delicate butt was already bright red from only 
five spanks. Aaron�s butt was almost as red as his face. Kim slipped 
the diaper back on his red butt and then sat him down on the bed. She 
stood up in front of him and began to explain the rules.

�Welcome to day 1 of your diaper punishment. Interrupt me once during 
the rules and you will get spanked. You are going to wear diapers 24/7. 
You will wear diapers day and night and even at school. Every morning 
you will get your diaper changed, you will get your butt pats after 
each change, and also after each change, you will drink 3 cups of 
water. You will not go back to underwear until you have proven yourself 
to be responsible and mature. The bathroom doors in this house are all 
locked and Bailey, Michael, and I have keys for the bathrooms. You 
don�t have one so you are forced to use your diaper. If you don�t use 
your diaper at least 4 times a day, you will get spanked because I will 
assume you used the toilet. I have called your teachers, the principal, 
and the nurse at your school so they will know about your punishment. 
Every time you use your diaper, tell the nurse and she will change you. 
Your nurse will call me every time you have been changed. I expect you 
to get changed twice at school. I will also have the teachers make sure 
you have plenty of fluids and food during lunch so you will use your 
diaper. If I get a call from the nurse that she didn�t change your 
diaper twice, you will get a spanking at home. Every day after school, 
you will get butt pats and 3 cups of water. Then, you will do your 
homework and you are expected to wet your diaper after the cups of 
water. You don�t get changed until you finish your homework. After you 
finish your homework, you will get a new diaper, butt pats, and your 
water. Then you will have dinner and go straight to sleep, no matter 
what time it is. During the night, you will probably make a big mess in 
your diaper and the punishment cycle goes all over again. You will only 
shower on Monday, Wednesday, and weekends. You will not wear your pants 
or underwear in the house, but you will only wear pants at school. Are 
we clear? Do you want me to repeat myself?� Kim asked after finally 
finishing the rules.

Aaron was shocked on how many rules there were and was having a hard 
time taking it in. He was so speechless; he soiled his diaper and 
didn�t even notice. The yellow spot on his diaper grew and grew until 
his diaper swelled. After a long pause Aaron answered yes and came back 
to reality. He felt the warmth in his diaper and felt very 
uncomfortable. His mother noticed and said �I see you need a diaper 
change,� Kim smiled, obviously satisfied, and Aaron turned bright red. 
�Wow, you wet these quick! Well, I just changed your diaper, so I guess 
I will have to change later. C�mon, let�s go to the kitchen for your 
water,� Kim took Aaron by the wrist and dragged him off downstairs to 
the kitchen. She sat him down at the table and put a bib around his 
neck. �No fussing unless you want a spanking,� Kim warned. Bailey and 
Michael were already upstairs, emailing their friends about their new 
�baby� brother. She quickly made oatmeal with raisins, because that�s 
what made him poop more. She handed it to him and then poured a cup of 
water. �Now finish your oatmeal or you�ll get a spanking,� Kim said. 
Aaron quickly finished his oatmeal and glass of water and got up to go 
but Kim stopped him first. �Two more cups of water,� Kim reminded him. 
She poured him his water and he drank it all down. As he was finishing 
his last cup, his stomach rumbled. He uncontrollably farted and had the 
urge to poop. But he couldn�t, he wouldn�t humiliate himself again. He 
sipped the last drops of water and farted again. He was having a very 
hard time trying to fight back the urge to poop. He shifted in his wet 
diaper and then felt the urge to pee. He suddenly got up, took off the 
bib, and went straight to the upstairs loft. He closed the door behind 
him and let himself go. First, he let all his pee out. He let it out 
fast and hard, so it was like Niagara Fall was flowing into his diaper. 
�Ahhhhhh�.� Although Aaron hated his diaper, he loved the feeling of 
letting out a well anticipated pee out. He stood in his wet diaper for 
a little while, and then the crotch part of his diaper expanded and 
expanded until he looked down to see how big it was. To his surprise, 
he hadn�t really soiled his diaper, although it was sopping wet and 
yellow. His diaper had leaked out and the pee got all over the floor. 
He rushed to the closet and put a towel over the wet spot on the floor. 
Before he could rush downstairs for a new diaper, a big, soft load came 
out of his butt and landed into his diaper. He just pooped in his 
diaper for the first time since he was a baby. He didn�t want his mom 
to discover the leak in his diaper, so he just sat down on the couch 
and the turned on the TV to play on his PS3. But right when he sat 
down, the mushy poop caked his butt cheeks. Aaron became very 
uncomfortable and shifted in his diaper, which made more poop cake his 
cheeks and slide up his butt crack. Right then, Bailey came in to watch 
TV and noticed Aaron sitting in his very, very messy diaper. �MOOOOM! 
The baby needs a change!� she yelled. Kim came in and sniffed the air. 
�Well, I can definitely tell, sweetie,� Then, Kim noticed the towel on 
the floor and picked it up, revealing the pee mark on the floor. Kim 
sighed. �I didn�t want to do this, but the baby is going to need a 
good, old-fashioned spanking for ruining my carpet,� �Wait, Mom! 
Please, no spankings! Please!� Aaron pleaded. �Sorry, but I need to 
punish you,� Kim took Aaron by the wrist and marched him down the 
hallway to his room. She laid him on the changing pad, took off his 
diaper, wiped his butt, powered him, and put a new diaper on him. But, 
instead of putting him over her knees for a patting session, she put 
him over her knees for a good spanking. She slipped on her Latex 
gloves. She slid his diaper off his butt and laid her warm hand on his 
butt. Then he began to spank him. After about 20 good, hard, open-hand 
spankings, he began to cry and whine. But his pleadings and crying just 
made her spank him even harder. After 30 minutes of a �good, old-
fashioned spanking�, she laid him down on the bed, facedown. His butt 
was so bright red, it looked like you sat him on the stove, bare butt. 
She took off her Latex gloves and reached for the diaper rash cream. 
She started rubbing his red butt with the cream in big circles, it felt 
like a massage. Finally, Aaron relaxed, but his butt still hurt. After 
his butt was smeared with diaper rash cream, she sprinkled it with baby 
powder and slipped his diaper back on.

Kim took Aaron to the kitchen for his 3 cups of water. After a few more 
diaper changes, butt pats, and dinner, it was time for Aaron to go to 
sleep. �Okay, Aaron, baby. It�s night-night time,� Kim said. �But it�s 
only 7:30!� Aaron exclaimed. �Ah, ah, ah. 7:30 is too late for the baby 
to stay up. Let�s get you in your jammies,� Aaron was taken up to his 
room. Kim checked the front of his diaper to see if he was wet. Then 
she checked the back to his diaper. She put her warm, soft hand on his 
bare butt. �Mmmm� hmmm�.� Kim said as if she were examining his butt. 
�Won�t be too long before your next diaper change. But, that�s all 
right. I will change your diaper in the morning,� Kim patted Aaron�s 
butt and slid her hand out of his diaper. Then she rummaged around in 
his closet and pulled out an oversized baby onesie with teddy bears on 
it. She had a hard time getting it on him, since it was a little small. 
It had snaps in the back so she could check his diaper. The onesie fit 
snugly around Aaron�s diaper and petite body. She laid him in bed and 
popped a pacifier in his mouth. �Good night, baby,� she said as she 
turned out the light. Aaron hated the onesie and the pacifier, so he 
spit out the pacifier onto the floor. But he knew that if he took off 
his onesie, he would get another spanking. So he kept it on. Then, 
Aaron slowly drifted to sleep.

Part II

Aaron woke up early that morning in a messy and soaking diaper. He 
checked the clock and it was 6:00, before Kim, Bailey, and Michael woke 
up. He got up from his bed and stepped on his pacifier. He knew if Kim 
saw it on the floor, he would probably get a spanking. He popped it in 
his mouth, sucked on it for a little while, and then put it on his 
pillow to make it seem like he had been sucking it all night. When he 
walked, his diaper sagged in the back. He peed in his diaper so much, 
that he had to waddle. His diaper was big, soggy, and warm between his 
legs. He didn�t like how it felt between his legs and how warm and wet 
he was. He felt especially babyish because when he waddled, his diaper 
made a crinkle sound. CRINKLE! CRUNCH! CRINKLE! He hated that sound. He 
walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw something on the refrigerator. 
He walked towards it and this is what it said:

Aaron�s Diaper/Spanking Punishment. Aaron will get spanked when he:

�	Lies
�	Steals
�	Doesn�t get a diaper change from the nurse at school
�	Doesn�t do his homework
�	Gets a detention
�	Doesn�t follow rules
�	I get a call from school
�	Doesn�t do as I, Bailey, or Michael says
�	Yells
�	Uses the toilet
�	Talks back
�	Hurts someone (i.e. insults, punches, kicks, etc�)
�	Soaks the carpet
~The Management (a.k.a. Mom)

�What�s the baby doing up so early?� asked Kim, fully dressed. Then Kim 
noticed Aaron was standing in front of the list she posted last night. 
�Oh, yes. If none of that happens, we�ll get along just fine,� Kim 
walked over to Aaron and unbuttoned the snaps in the back of his 
onesie. She pushed her hand against the back of his diaper, letting his 
poop smear his butt cheeks. She rubbed her hand on his diaper, smearing 
his poop even more. Then she pressed her nose against the back of his 
diaper, inhaling and sniffing. This made Aaron embarrassed, so he had 
an accident in his diaper and soaked his front. His diaper swelled and 
expanded. He put his hand to the front of his soggy diaper and rubbed 
it, hoping it would not swell any more. She pulled the back of his 
diaper out, revealing his poop smeared cheeks and messy diaper. She 
stuck her nose in it and sniffed. �Ewwwww� This baby can really make a 
mess in his diaper!� Kim said, squeezing his butt with his diaper over 
it. Aaron still had to pee really bad, but he tried to control his 
urge. Kim moved her hand farther into the onesie and finally reaching 
the crotch part. She felt the wetness, the warmness, and how swelled up 
it was. �Ohhh� I see you had an accident and wet the bed. That�s okay, 
you�re only a baby. But we should be potty training you soon so you 
won�t have accidents and wet the bed, anymore,� Right then, Aaron 
couldn�t control it and soaked his diaper. Kim�s hand was still on the 
crotch part of his diaper while he peed, and her hand felt the diaper 
expand. Kim took her hand out of the onesie and snapped the buttons 
back. �Uh oh. Baby made a wee wee and a poopie. Baby made a stinky. We 
should get you cleaned up, baby. Uhhh, baby you smell bad. But that�s 
okay, because I�m going to change your messy diaper since you are only 
a baby and you can�t change your own smelly, messy diaper,� And as 
Aaron was being taken up to his room and was being changed into another 
diaper once again, he knew this was going to be a very long and 
embarrassing punishment and that he had definitely learned his lesson.


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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