Caution/Welcome: The following is a gay fantasy about thirteen-year-old Aaron Carter while on his 2001 summer American tour with his sister and Sweden's A-teens. This story does not reflect nor imply the real sexuality of this hot young singer nor the members of the A-teens. It is the tenth of standalone stories in a series of Aaron Carter and Friends fanfic gay fantasies and follows the story "Aaron and the A-teens" in which after recovering from a kidney infection which had required him to wear diapers, Aaron and the four A-teens turned to each other to satisfy their sexual desires. If you do not like reading gay fantasies about teenage boys or celebrities in diapers and peeing, this is where you stop and hit the back or delete key. This story is posted at free gay adult story sites for the purpose of adult entertainment. Lyrics are copyright of the A- teens/Stockholm Records. Permission is not given to copy electronically for the purpose of redistribution or posting at sites other than described without the permission of the author. Comments, story suggestions and photos of Aaron and the A-teens in diapers or peeing can be sent to the author J. O. Dickingson at




            Jane Carter could not believe the difference in the A-teens and her two children after their tour stop at Bethlehem. She attributed the change to the three-day break the team had and the opportunity to watch some of the top stars in the music industry perform. Of course the sellout crowd of six thousand five hundred fans for Aaron's evening performance certainly had to have helped boost morale, also. She was right in part. Both Aaron and Leslie had enjoyed the break and watching the other performers, as had the A-teens who had particularly enjoyed the performance by ABBAmania, and all of them were on a high from the enthusiastic crowds that had come out to their outdoor performance and their evening show.

            What Jane Carter did not know about were their private performances the night before which had just as much to do with their change in attitude. Had she known that Marie and Sara had found release for their pent-up sexual needs with each other she would have had a much different attitude toward the two teenagers from Sweden, especially given her strong Christian values and puritan views. Had she known what her son had done with Dhani and Amit she would not have let the two older teens within fifty feet of him for the rest of the tour, and probably would have had them arrested for molestation, no mother wanting to believe her thirteen-year-old son had any sexual desires or even thoughts.

            Following their performances in New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, they had two free days before performing at Gilford in New Hampshire so on the thirteenth they flew into Salem and spent the afternoon touring the beautiful New England state. That evening while Marie, Sara and Amit went in search of pizza, Dhani and the Carters ate at the hotel, after which Leslie and her mother headed for the hotel pool while Aaron and Dhani went up to Aaron's room to play a few games on his Sony PlayStation. The seventeen-year-old singer could not help notice the large blue, purple and orange striped plastic Depend package on the shelf of the closet as Aaron took out the PlayStation. Although his kidney infection had cleared up and he no longer needed undergarments, Aaron's mother had brought the package along just in case.

            "Did you really actually enjoy wearing those?" the Swedish teen asked, Aaron having confessed to him and Amit that he'd not only found wearing them erotic, but had enjoyed wetting himself besides. The thirteen-year-old had not gone so far as to also admit that he'd jerked off in his diapers also, several times.

            "Yeah, I did," Aaron admitted once again. "They felt sexy in a way." He thought for a moment. "I bet you'd look sexy in them."

            "Me?" snorted the six-foot-one, hundred and sixty-pound singer, amused by the idea as he tried to picture himself in a diaper.

            "Yeah. Why don't you try one on?"

            "You're joking."

            "No, really," Aaron said honestly, looking up at the older teen with that angelic look that always worked on his mother. "You'd look wicked." Dhani was not his mother, and not easily convinced to do something he was uncertain about, and wearing diapers certainly fell into that category, but he was curious. "Try it. You won't get a better chance, unless you plan on going out and buying your own."

            "No way! I'd never get up the courage to do that!"


            "They wouldn't fit me."

            "These will fit hip sizes up to 65 inches," Aaron observed, taking down the package.

            "They will?"

            "Sure. They have adjustable Velcro strap tabs," Aaron replied knowingly.

            "I dunno," Dhani responded with a chuckle as Aaron took one of the diapers out of the bag, but from the tone of his voice Aaron could tell he was tempted.

            "Com'on. Let me diaper you, just to see what you look like."

            "You diaper me?" the seventeen-year-old singer asked with a smile.

            "Well, just try them on and see what you look like. No harm in that."

            Dhani looked at the undergarment Aaron was holding up in front of him. "Well, all right," Dhani replied. Aaron was right. There was no harm in just trying them on.

            He dropped his trousers and his boxer briefs and self-consciously stepped out of them, and after Aaron's insistence removed his shirt so that he was standing there before the thirteen-year- old in only his socks. Of course considering that he'd not only been naked before Aaron before, but had shoved his dick up the youngster's ass, and had along with Amit licked the thirteen-year- old to orgasm, standing there bare-assed wasn't any big deal, but he still felt self-conscious standing there butt naked. If it wouldn't have been so obvious he'd have placed his hands in front of himself to cover his manhood. Mind you covering the thick, heavily veined dick would not have been that easy of a job.

            Attaching the adjustable tabs to the front and back of the fuzzy white cloth with an expertise that came from experience, Aaron held the undergarments open and Dhani stepped into them. Pulling them up, Aaron found he had to attach the tabs farther apart to provide a snug fit. They stepped over to the mirror on the wall of the hotel room so Dhani could see how he looked, and as he turned around slowly and inspected himself, he had to admit that he did look sexy in the padded undergarment. He turned around again and twisted his head back to view his backside. The cloth-like moisture barrier of the undergarment was stretched tight over his ass cheeks and he had to run his fingers over them to see how they felt.

            "So what do you think?"

            "Yeah, I actually don't look bad," Dhani admitted. "But then with my body and natural good-looks I look good in anything," he added jokingly.

            It was not really a joke, and Aaron had to agree as he looked at the older teen, the muscles of his chest well defined and his thighs wide and firm, both the result of the physical demands of the A-teens' act besides working out regularly, but also still with the soft contours of youth. His shins and the top of his chest had a sparse growth of fine blond hairs. "So let's play," he said, handing Dhani the controls to the PlayStation.

            "Dressed like this?"


            The older teen thought for a moment. "Very well, if you put a pair on also."

            Aaron readily agreed and quickly stripped in front of the older teen and stepped into an undergarment. As he felt the soft, warm absorbent material against his skin and the elastic leg gathers around his thighs, a warm, comforting feeling passed over him. The two sat on the floor cross-legged and opposite each other. At first each was very much aware of his diaper, and of the other, but as the game of Ace Combat progressed, they became involved in it and soon forgot about their attire. The tabloids would have had a field day if one of their photographers had been able to snap a picture of the two teenage heartthrobs and pop stars sitting there on the carpet in the hotel room in diapers and socks.

            "You know," said Dhani looking down at his diaper after their second game.

            "You mind if I borrow these?"

            "I sure do."

            "You do?" asked Dhani in surprise, and a hint of disappointment.

            "What sort of pervert do you think I am?" asked Aaron with a grin. "If you're borrowing them that means you're returning them, and I'm not the sort of guy who wearing someone's used diapers, and especially if you go in them."

            "Go in them? No way! I couldn't do that!"

            "You should try it. It feels totally wicked. Besides, you won't get another chance like this."

            "Thanks, but I'll pass on that," Dhani responded, wrinkling up his nose. "And what I meant was could I have the pair I'm wearing."

            "So you like wearing them?"

            "Well, they aren't like I'd expected. Reason I asked if I could borrow them was that I wanted to see what it would be like wearing them walking around with my pants on, and in public, you know, like you did, you know," Dhani said, feeling a need to explain his reasons.

            "Sure. Take them."

            "I better take them to my room and put them away before Amit gets back."


            Aaron debated if he should take his off and decided to keep them on. He'd forgotten how wicked it was wearing them. He might even wet them. He could say the infection had returned. He paused in front of the mirror and admired himself and could not help striking a few seductive poses. He ran his hands over the undergarment and pressed the soft, absorbent lining against his skin. There was a knock on the door. Figuring Dhani had forgotten something, he walked over to the door and opened it. Standing there in the hall was Amit. "Oh, ah, hi," Aaron greeted with a smile as if greeting someone at the door in a pair of diapers and socks was a natural and usual thing.

            "Ah, hi," responded Amit, unable to hide his surprise. "Ah, your mom said you and Dhani had, ah, gone to your room." Actually she had also said they'd gone to play a few games, and as Amit stood there looking down at the thirteen-year-old fellow performer standing there in a pair of white socks and a pair of diapers, he wondered just what sort of games the boy and his co-star and countryman were playing.

            "Oh, Dhani was here, just a few minutes ago. You just missed him."

            "Oh. Ah, well, actually, can we talk a minute?"

            "Sure," Aaron responded, flashing the seventeen-year-old Swede with his trademark Aaron Carter smile. "Com'on in."

            The following morning at breakfast Aaron discretely flashed Dhani the top of his Depend undergarment, and the Swedish teenager carefully revealed his to Aaron minutes before Amit arrived, the two having made an agreement to wear them for the day. All four members of the A- teens drank coffee, as did many European teens. Normally the boys only had one cup in the morning, but Aaron kept signaling the waiter to fill their cups so by the time they left the table they'd had the equivalent of four. Aaron himself downed the equivalent in Sprite. Later, as they waited for the van to pick them up, Aaron confirmed with Amit that the seventeen-year-old had put his Depend undergarment on also, the two of them having made the same agreement as Aaron had made with Dhani.

            "You haven't wet it yet, have you?" Aaron asked, the two having promised to wait until the other was present for Amit's first time.

            "No," Amit replied. "But it's getting hard to ignore."

            "When I have to go bad, mine gets hard too," Aaron responded with a leer, "and a hard should never be ignored."

            The older teen snorted at the series of jokes, which didn't make holding it back any easier.

            "So what is so funny?" asked Dhani as he joined the two boys. Like Aaron and Amit, he had chosen baggy cargo pants for the day's outing so his undergarment would not be noticeable.

            "Aaron," responded Amit, and Aaron made a face at him.

            The girls arrived and moments later so did the van to take them to Canobie Lake Park. The park was not as famous as Six Flags or the two Disney theme parks, but it looked like it would be a lot of fun, and being smaller and less known, they were hoping there would be less chance they'd be recognized and that they could enjoy the park as everyday tourists without people gawking at them and making a fuss. Having been on tour across the country now for almost two months, that was becoming more and more of a problem. Aaron was excited about going to the amusement park of course, but he was even more excited about the agreement he'd made separately with Dhani and Amit. It was going to be a totally wicked day. Arriving at the park, they looked at the park map to become familiar with what the park had to offer. Over forty- five rides including four coasters and two water rides, life performances and specialty acts, and a variety of games, it looked like it was going to be a fun afternoon.

            "So, you feel the need to go yet?" Aaron asked Dhani in a whisper.

            "Oh yeah. As if you have to ask after all that coffee at breakfast. What about you?"

            "For sure. This is going to be so much fun. When I give you the signal, you're gonna do it, right?"

            "Yeah," agreed Dhani. The teenager could not believe he'd agreed to wear the undergarment, nor that he'd agreed to wet himself. Even more unbelievable was how he was looking forward to it, and not because of the pain developing in his side!

            Deciding to have something fast for lunch, they headed to one of the kiosks for a hotdog. On the way, Aaron slipped up to Amit.

            "Have you gone yet?" he asked in a whisper.

            "No," replied the older teen. "We said we'd do it together. You change your mind?"

            "No. Just thought maybe you couldn't wait."

            "Well, I'm not going to be able to wait much longer. You sure these things can hold?"

            "Hey, I should know," Aaron responded with a smile. "So, when I say the words, right?"


            "Oh man, look at that line-up," said Dhani. "Looks like we aren't the only once who figured to have a hotdog."

            "You want to try one of the other food outlets?" asked Jane Carter.

            "Not me, I'd like a hotdog," announced Aaron. He also had something else in mind. He waited until there were six people between them and the service counter. "This is sure great."

            "Now?" mouthed Amit silently upon hearing the cue.

            "Real great," Aaron said with an exaggerated sigh as he relaxed.

            His body hesitated for a moment, fighting years of training and inhibitions and overcoming a fear and guilt that had been embedded from the age of two on. A tiny, tentative squirt shot from his water pistol, followed by a second, and then a slightly longer third. Aaron inhaled deeply and willed his body to relax still further and was rewarded by a fourth issue, this one a slow but steady flow. Once started it continued unabated, and as it continued the force of the stream gradually and steadily increased until he was pissing a full stream. It flowed up his belly and spread to the right and left and back down as the padding of the undergarment did its job.

            As the wetness spread over his groin so did a warmth and pleasure that he had already forgotten. He sighed with the familiar sensation as he wet himself there in the food line.

            Amit and Dhani stared at him, neither knowing the other was wearing a diaper, having hidden them away and having put them on in the bathroom that morning, and neither knowing the other had made a deal with Aaron to wet himself along with Aaron. Each had figured if it turned out as gross as he figured it would be, he could dispose of the diaper and go the rest of the day commando, which was not something either teen was unfamiliar with. Now they carefully and unobtrusively glanced down at Aaron's crotch but could see no sign that he was really pissing himself, which was both a relief in that they were about to do the same, and a disappointment in that there was no way of knowing if he was faking it. Aaron's mischievousness was well known and it would be like him to have emptied his bladder back at the hotel.

            Faking it or not, Amit could not hold back the pressure that had built up in his bladder any longer, and the thought of Aaron standing there releasing his overcame what little hesitation he had left. As he surrendered, he was surprised that his bladder suddenly balked, and as it refused to release the quart of fluid it was holding he thought for a moment that what he had been planning on doing was impossible. A normal guy could not stand there in a food lineup and relieve himself in his pants. His sides ached with the pressure and he knew he either had to do it then and there or find a public toilet.

            He had made an agreement with Aaron. He forced himself to relax and he concentrated on his penis. He opened and closed the opening to his dick, coaxing his bladder to release its contents. It might have been his imagination but he thought he could feel it flow through his gut. Then he felt it enter his cock and pass up the core and he knew that was no imagination and he held his breath as his stream burst out his peehole, flowing in a torrent up over his flat stomach. It was like a faucet turned on full blast and as he felt the hot liquid flow up to the elastic band of his Depend undergarment he feared for a moment the band would not be able to hold it back and that his piss flow would continue on up over his waist and soak into his shirt and his white cargo pants. It did hold of course, and turned back the flow so that his hot urine spread out over his stomach and flowed to the sides and back down to the pocket as the front became saturated.

            Unaware that his countryman had made the same agreement as he had and was at that very moment wetting himself as they stepped forward in the line, Dhani fulfilled his side of the bargain. Like Amit, Dhani had a few moments of hesitation as his mind and his body overcame years of training and control. Then, as in Amit's case, they gave in to the physical demand and mental encouragement of Aaron standing there pissing himself. His piss flowed up his spout, semi-erect and resting along the right side of his diaper, and up along the right edge of his diaper, quickly soaking it and spreading across over his stomach and across his hip.

            At first he too was frightened the flow would be too strong and the diaper would not hold, or that there would be too much for the diaper to hold and it would dribble down his leg, and he tried to slow the flow but once started it was impossible to stop. To his relief he discovered both fears were unfounded. As he realized that, he began to relax, and as he relaxed, he concentrated on the physical sensations that he had to have felt as a toddler but which had long been suppressed by his mind. It was a strange feeling, the heat of his urine and the warmth and wetness that spread over his groin as the diaper absorbed his urine being pleasant and erotic. The six-foot-one seventeen-year-old Swedish youth recalled seeing babies smiling as they did their business, and he understood why as he stood there in the food line and pissed into his diaper.

            It was a pleasant feeling, and it was a daring thing to do. As he stepped forward another pace, Amit could not believe that he was standing there in a line of people waiting to be served and pissing himself. Amit Sebastian Paul, internationally known singing star, two months away from his eighteenth birthday, with a Triple Platinum record in Sweden and millions of fans across the world, was standing there in a diaper and wetting himself. He was standing there with Aaron beside him and with his close friend and co-star Dhani on the other side of Aaron and he and the young America star were pissing themselves. They were doing it right there in the open. He knew and Aaron knew but none of the others had any idea what the two of them were doing. That was so rash, and so erotic, that it gave him a rush, and that surprised, thrilled and filled him with guilt all at the same time. He looked down at Aaron and Aaron looked up at him with that sexy smile and a twinkle in his deep brown eyes. The darkly handsome Swedish teenager smiled. This was crazy.

            Aaron could not believe it as they stepped forward again, only one person now ahead of them. There they were, the three of them, standing there pissing like racehorses as they stood in line waiting to order lunch. It was so wild, so animalistic, and so erotic.

            He was standing there with his piss streaming out of him as if it was a perfectly natural thing to be doing, no different from the hundreds of dogs he'd seen suddenly stop in the street and raise their leg. He was half tempted to raise his, and he could not suppress the chuckle as he thought about it, causing Dhani and Amit to glance down at him. That the two seventeen-year-olds were standing there, one on either side of him, wearing Depend undergarments and wetting themselves also was even more wicked, especially since neither knew the other was doing it. As his flow subsided to a trickle, his dick began to stiffen, not just because of the warmth and wetness, but because of the eroticism of what he'd just done. The person in front of him stepped aside.

            "Hi," said Aaron with a wide grin, his flow having ceased. "One foot-long hotdog, loaded, salt-and-vinegar chips, and an extra large Sprite."

            As they sat there at the tables before the hotdog vender, Aaron delighted in the familiar sensation of wearing a warm, wet diaper as he bit into his hotdog. Dhani and Amit could not think of anything other than the strange feeling of a wet diaper clinging to their bodies and the fact that they had just pissed themselves in a line of people waiting to order lunch. It had been erotic and daring, but it had also been perverted and they could not help feeling a sense of depravity as they sat there eating their lunch. They also could not help but wonder what it was going to be like now to spend the day in a wet diaper. It was only one o'clock. Aaron looked up at them and flashed each a wide smile as he wiped the mustard and relish from his lips with the back of his hand, and each decided he would try it for an hour and if he didn't like it, he would deposit his sodden undergarment in one of the public facilities.

            Two extra large sodas, two bottles of distilled water, and an hour and a half later, the three boys were beginning to feel the effects of their intake once again. Waiting until they were buckled into the seats of one of the park's oldest rides, the wooden coaster, "The Yankee Cannonball", and waiting until they were approaching the summit of the ride, Aaron, sharing his seat with his sister Leslie, leaned forward to observe to the Swedish boys sharing the seat in front of him, "This is sure great." For Aaron, it was going to be a rush pissing his diaper as they swooped down from the summit of the ride and he looked forward to it with anticipation as he willed his bladder to begin emptying.

            Amit and Dhani had mixed feelings. They'd found walking around the grounds and sitting in the rides in wet diapers not as uncomfortable as they'd thought it might be. As they'd begun to feel the results of their generous liquid intake, they recalled how it had felt wetting themselves in the food line, and they were not averse to repeating the feeling, though neither could see this as becoming habit forming. Now, with Aaron's cue, they too could see the eroticism and daring of doing it as they descended from the peak of the ride, but their conscience still nagged them about the perversity of their act, and sitting there side by side pissing themselves created another concern. It also created a temptation that won over their hesitation and their guilt. Sitting there pissing himself without his close friend knowing would be wicked.

            So as the car peaked and began its mad dash down the other side, the three boys once again emptied their bladders. Feeling his hot piss spreading up over his stomach as his heart rose in his chest with the thrill of their descent and the warm country air blew in his face and through his fine blond hair as they descended, Aaron could not believe the rush. Even more of a rush was knowing that the two teens sitting in front of him were pissing into their diapers also, and that neither knew what the other was doing. Amit and Dhani were feeling much the same as they again wet themselves. The two seventeen-year-olds inhaled deeply with the thrill of the steep descent of the ride and marveled at the perverse pleasure of having their hot urine flood over their groins. Their piss was quickly absorbed by their undergarments as the car reached the bottom of the slope and began to ascend once again. The warmth and wetness flooding over their groins gave them a unique and unexpected pleasure which over road any reservations the two teens were feeling. As the car raced up the next loop they continued to piss themselves, now allowing their bladders total freedom, and as they descended once again they thrilled with combination of fear causing their hearts to race and of pleasure causing their flaccid dicks to throb in their saturated undergarments. They let themselves go in all senses of the word.

            "So, how was it?" Aaron asked as they climbed out.

            "Wicked," said Dhani and Amit together, both knowing what Aaron was really asking, and neither knowing the other knew.

            Aaron was so beside himself with amusement he felt giddy. He of course immediately suggested they head to one of the kiosks for a giant slush and some fries, and being thirsty and hungry, the group all agreed. They watched one of the skits by Bozo the clown and took a ride on the park's steam train and of course had more to drink. Their undergarments having soaked up two bladders of urine, were now very noticeable as they walked and whenever they sat. Two hours later found them standing in line for the Giant Skywheel, an eighty-five foot tall wheel. With Aaron's mother and sister joining them, he had the choice of joining them or Amit and Dhani, or riding by himself. Of course he chose the two boys, and he also chose as they were beginning to reach the peak, to once again observe, "This is sure great."

            "Here?" asked Dhani and Amit together, and the two teens quickly felt their hearts sink Just as quickly they realized the scam that had been pulled on them.

            "You aren't?" asked Dhani, raising his thin eyebrows as he looked at Amit.

            "You haven't been," added Amit in equal disbelief as he looked at his closest friend.

            "You little squirt," they grinned as they roughed up Aaron's hair and playfully poked him.

            "Let's all have a little squirt, next time we reach the top, okay?" Aaron asked impishly as they began to descend.

            The two older teens looked at each other. "Okay," they agreed with amused grins.

            Reaching the top again, the three boys looked out over the park and the large four hundred acre lake, and as the wheel began to descend, the three of them began to piss. As the wheel accelerated so did the flow of their urine, and as it dipped and began to rise, it seemed to draw their urine down into the pocket of their Depends. Their diapers were well soaked by this time, and they could feel their urine soaking up along the sides and the back, being sucked into the drier patches. And so the three sat there emptying their bladders and looking out over the park as the large wheel made its circuit.

            "This is so fucking wicked," Aaron sighed, reaching down and rubbing his limp cock in his freshly soaked undergarment. His dick immediately began to swell.

            "Yeah, it is," agreed Dhani and Amit.

            The two older teens reached down and rubbed their own flaccid cocks, and between the eroticism of their wet diapers and sitting there rubbing themselves side by side out in the open, they quickly became erect. Aaron openly and purposefully stroked himself now, pressing down on the wet, saturated material of his diaper and firmly rubbing his stiff cock. Dhani and Amit, both sporting larger erections, similarly pressed down on their erections and caressed the swollen, throbbing flesh with their fingertips. The wheel went round and round and the three boys, as soon as they were clear of prying eyes, stroked their swollen cocks with open delight. Their sensitive dick heads tingled with desire and their balls began to tighten in their piss soaked pockets. The boys inhaled and exhaled deeply as their hot cocks throbbed with desire in their pissy undergarments.

            "You aren't really going to go all the way, are you?" Amit asked Aaron.

            "You bet I am."


            "Oh yeah," Aaron sighed. "I'm about to come."

            He was, and as the bucket rose he worked slowly to time himself, avoiding the sensitive knob of his throbbing organ, and as they reached the highest point of the eighty-five-foot high ride, he tugged on his knob furiously, bringing himself off. His dick squirted out his load in rapid fire as he looked across the park. He gasped and quivered, and the teens sitting on either side of him knew why, and knew he was not faking it. That was enough to bring them over the edge, and they too shot their loads as the bucket began to descend. Their hot, slimy semen spurted up across their stomachs and began to spread.

            Cuz what you need is what you get So let it loose, You better go crazy, Give it up, give it up, give it up now, There's something you can do, Put a smile on your face and that's how You're gonna make it, Give it up, give it up, give it up now.

            Stepping out of the bucket of the Skywheel, the two teens walked awkwardly and bowlegged, self-conscious of the piss-soaked pocket of their undergarment hanging between their legs and their hot, creamy load clinging to their hairs and spread across their stomach. They glanced down and were relieved that there were no telltale stains, and even no indication of the location of their semierect dicks. As they walked their fresh cum caused their Depends to stick to their body. Spotting one of the Canobie Critters, a bear in blue overalls, Aaron insisted the three of them pose with him. And so the three stood there with wide grins as their cum soaked into their piss-saturated diapers.

            They wandered the park, taking in some of the other rides with the girls, including Shoot- the Chute, billed as the wettest and wildest ride in New England. It was wild and it was wet, and the boys had to smile as they considered that they were now wet on the outside as well as the inside. Of course in the New England summer heat they were constantly quenching their thirst between rides, and, admittedly, with the express intention of filling their bladders. As they sat there watching the world famous clown, Bozo, go through his performance, they happily shared a bag of potato chips and drank still another extra large soda. They had not had so much fun nor felt so relaxed in a long time.

            In fact, they were so relaxed they did not notice with the wild rides and all the bouncing around, their baggy cargo pants had slipped down to reveal the tops of their Depends, and that with all the twisting the elastic waistbands had folded, resulting in the blue-patterned absorbent sides and the back Velcro tab being revealed. So the three of them strolled from ride to ride and stood in line at the food booths totally oblivious to the fact that their diapers were showing in the back. They did, of course, get a few curious looks, which they of course assumed were because people were recognizing them and were wondering if they really were who they thought they were.

            A couple hours later they decided to try the rock climbing wall, "The Old Man o' the Mountain, a thirty-foot tall rectangular rock with four different course levels. None of them having had any experience at rock climbing, they chose the lowest skill level. It was then, as they lined up to put on the safety lines, that they noticed their undergarments were showing, and quickly tucked them back in. Buckling up in their harnesses, they began the slow ascent under the watchful eye of the girls who opted to give it a try after the boys were done

            "This is sure great," announced Amit with a grin six feet from the top as he glanced across at Dhani, and down at Aaron climbing below and between them.




            "Wicked," chuckled Aaron and Dhani.

            Straddling the imitation rock wall, legs outspread, one raised above the other, the three boys released what content they had in their bladders, which despite their earlier pee-breaks was no small amount. With their legs spread apart it felt wicked feeling their hot piss flow down over their groins and over their loose balls to collect in the pocket of their undergarments which were by then almost saturated. As they continued to climb and to stretch and spread their legs, they were very conscious of their now heavy and bulky undergarments. Their wide grins as they stepped back down on the ground had a bit to do with their accomplishment of having climbed to the top of the wall, but it had a lot to do with something else that they had done but could not tell anyone.

            Deciding on a sit-down meal of barbequed ribs and New England fries, they headed over to the restaurant. After a full afternoon of riding the rides and walking the park, they were famished, and of course with the heat of the day and their salty snacks, thirsty. As they sat there on the outdoor patio, they talked about their favorite rides and how much fun the day had been, and how great it had been being able to enjoy themselves without being recognized and pestered by fans. There was of course another aspect of the day the three boys had enjoyed, and even though they could not say anything about it, they knew from the glances they gave each other they were thinking the same thing. Fortunately, the deodorant each had put on that morning did its job as far as their sweating went, and it masked the other odor that would otherwise have been evident after so many wettings.

            Following their meal, they decided to take in some of the performances, including "Beach Party" featuring a local teen singing and dance group. As it began to get dark, they decided to take a final ride before heading back to their hotel. The next morning they would be flying to Gilford for the last leg of their tour. They of course chose the Corkscrew Coaster, a high-tech coaster that took them up a seventy-three-foot lift and flew them down and around through two upside-down helixes, a ride they'd already taken several times that day. Aaron rode between the two boys, and Leslie between the girls. As they approached the first of the helixes, the three together shouted, "This is sure great!" and as they turned upside down, they began to empty their bladders. If it was weird wetting themselves standing upright, it was even weirder feeling their piss flowing out of their bodies as they hung there upside down.

            Upside down Bouncing off the ceiling Inside out Stranger to this feeling

            The three of them released all that was in their bladders as they descended out of the loop and spun around to enter the second helix. It was totally wicked. As they got to their feet after the ride, they could feel their heavy, saturated diapers weighing down between their legs.

            Rejoining the line for one last ride, as they began the lift, the boys reached over and felt each other's crotches. Their dicks, semi-erect from the warm piss bath and the thrill of wetting their undergarments together, were not difficult to find. Aaron grasped the bulges of the two teens, one in each hand, and the two teens squeezed the bulge in his undergarment with their thumbs and first two fingers, Dhani holding his at the base and Amit just above it. Aaron ran his hand up and down the bulges and squeezed the warm, wet undergarment about the growing cocks, squeezing out the warm piss that had been absorbed and causing the boys' dicks to swell all the faster. The two teens meanwhile worked their fingers up and down Aaron's bulge in unison, causing it to swell also.

            They rubbed each other vigorously and it did not take them long to become erect. They were after all healthy hot-blooded teens. Now fully erect, Aaron squirmed as Dhani and Amit squeezed his erection tightly and worked their fingers up and down it, sending thrills of arousal through the knob. At the same time he grasped their bones through their sodden diapers and pumped his fists as fast as he could. Despite the thick absorbent padding of the Depend undergarments, he could feel their swollen dicks throbbing. As they entered the first loop the loins of the three boys were aching for release, and as they entered the second and hung upside down they shot their hot young loads into their sodden diapers.

            Upside down Bouncing off the ceiling Inside out Stranger to this feeling Got no clue what I should do But I'll go crazy if I can't get next to you.

            Squirt after squirt shot out of their peeholes and over their stomachs as they raced along the track of the roller coaster. Their hearts pounded with the thrill of the ride and the thrill of their ejaculation. They closed their eyes and concentrated on the pleasure sweeping over them as they continued to squeeze the bulge in their hands and to now slowly pump up and down its length to milk out the remaining cum. They sighed with pleasure as their own dicks oozed out the remained of their cum into their sodden, yellow-stained diapers.

            Weak-loined and bone weary, the boys headed across the park and across the parking lot with the girls. Piling into the van, all six collapsed with exhaustion, and squeezed up against each other as they headed back to the hotel, they closed their eyes and thought of the fun they'd had. This had been one wicked day, and a great way to commence the last of their tour, ten more performances in the next twelve days, ending on the twenty-sixth of August in Rhode Island.

            "So, how did you enjoy the day?" Jane Carter asked, looking back at the crew from the front seat.

            "It was really awesome," replied Marie.

            "The best," agreed Sara. "I really had a lot of fun."

            "Me too, Mom," agreed Leslie.

            The four looked at the back seat where the boys were curled up against each other. The three looked at each other, and with wide grins and giddy giggles Jane Carter took to be the result of being overly tired and full of a sugar rush from all the pop they'd drunk that day, the three replied together, "It was sure great!"


I get a high whenever you're around

Sweeping from my head to my toes

I gotta get my feet back on the ground

cuz you make me go out of my way

crossing the line making me say what I have in mind

You make me so excited

And I don't wanna fight it

I start to blush

You are my Sugar Rush.

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Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
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