Title: 9-Year-Old Baby
Name: Donny
Email: whitedog@columbus.rr.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 55
Posting Date: 02/01/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: 9-year-old boy has potty training problems.                  
	My name is Donny. I am nine years old and I hate school because 
everyone teases me about my size and needing to use the potty all he 
time. They nicknamed me �baby Donny� and that is what all the kids call 
me, even the younger kids in kindergarten. I am the size of a small 
kindergarten kid so I wear my brother's clothes by mistake some days 
and they have snaps in the legs because he is still wearing diapers. He 
is almost four but is not potty trained. I am a bedwetter I have never 
in my life remembered waking up in a dry bed. Mom stopped diapering me 
when I was five years old and started kindergarten she told me big boys 
don't wear diapers, only babies do that. Mom thought that sleeping in a 
cold, wet bed with wet sheets would get me to stop. I just slept 
through until morning. I had to wake up change out of my wet clothes 
and go do what I wanted to do. When I turned eight, mom started to make 
me clean up my accident by removing my wet bedclothes and making my own 
bed with clean, dry sheets and blankets. I even had to do the washing 
of my pajamas and sheets after the first couple of times of doing that 
chore it got to be just one of my chores. A month later it was a habit 
every morning doing the same thing.
	When I was five and a half my brother Billy was born he slept in 
mom and dad's room until he was two and a half when his crib was moved 
into my room with all his diapers and baby things all over the place I 
could not move without bumping into a baby toy or baby clothes. I like 
his toys because I am a toy lover but his clothes were about two sizes 
too small for me to wear then. Now I am very small for a nine-year-old 
and his clothes will fit me except they are way too baby-like for me to 
want to wear outside of the house. My brother and I are best friends 
and buddies playing together doing toddler things I was almost and 
equal to him except he was still wearing diapers mom was going to potty 
train him different from she potty trained me. She had me potty trained 
before I was eighteen months old. She would take me to the potty every 
half hour ensuring me to stay dry. Then I started to go on my own with 
no help from her when I was just nineteen months old. She though that 
it was so good having me potty trained so early. Now I am older I still 
need to use the potty every hour I never learning to hold my pee very 
long because of that.
	The doctors said I was in the lower one percentile of my age 
group in size very small for a nine-year-old. I was 40 inches tall and 
weighed 38 pounds. Now that my brother is three and a half he is 39 
inches tall and weighs 42 pounds. His clothes and my clothes are always 
getting mixed up. Mom had just taken us to the doctor for our check-up 
mom asked him about my bed wetting and starting Billy's potty training 
he gave her pills to have me take to stop my problem. He said Billy is 
more that ready to start his training any time. For my problem he said 
have me take these pills every night and recommended a bedwetting 
alarm. He said after six weeks I should be starting to be dry at least 
three or four nights a week and within two months be dry almost every 
night. Nine weeks after I started to take the pills mom called the 
doctor and told him the pills don't work and the alarm goes off two or 
three times a night still. The doctor said to stop using the pills and 
alarm he will have to grow out of it when I am about 12. Mom was having 
me help Billy with day time potty training he is about to turn four so 
she put down new rules about using the potty and accidents in his pants 
because of the lack of him trying to be a big boy.

	1. Wetting your Pull-up you have to change your own Pull-up on 
the first accident second accident someone else will change your Pull-
	2. Third pants wetting you lose your Pull-ups and go back wearing 
diapers only for the rest of the day no other clothes just diapers.
	3. Messing your pants you go back to wearing diapers only for 
three days before you get to try Pull-ups again.
	4. To get big boy pants meaning regular underwear you need three 
days of staying clean and dry using the potty every time you go.
	4. If you are in big boy pants and have and accident you go back 
to wearing diapers only for the rest of the day followed by Pull-ups to 
start potty training from the start again the next day. Messy pants you 
go back to wearing diapers only, for a week.

	Billy had a bad start he was back to wearing diapers an hour 
after nap time on the first day. The second day he made it almost to 
diner time on the third day he didn't make lunchtime. Billy was not 
interested in the potty until he best friend three-year-old Jimmy was 
potty trained and Jimmy was only two-years-old. It took Billy only 
three days to be potty trained and go to big boy class with his friend. 
Billy was so good from that time he never messed or wet his pants once 
mom said Billy was now a Big Boy. Billy never has wet his bed sense he 
was about eighteen months old. I was still wetting my pajamas every 
night cleaning my accident before Billy would wake up he never knew 
about my night time accidents. Three weeks after the start of the new 
potty training rules Billy was wearing big boy pants and very proud of 
it. He would get mad if you ask him if he need to go he would say I AM 
trained he could hold it for as much as six hours during the day and 
longer during the night.
	Three weeks after the potty rules were put down to him he was a 
successful big boy now ready for a big boy bed next week and big boy 
class at daycare. Billy woke up early one morning and watched me 
through his crib bars. I was in the process of changing of my nightly 
wetting changing my sheets I was getting ready to remove my wet 
underwear and wipe the pee smell from my bottom with one of Billy's 
baby wipes. My bed was made and all I had to do was get out of my wet 
underwear when I heard Billy called for mom scaring the pee out of me 
causing me to wet again. Billy asked mom why don't Donny wear diapers 
he wet his pants that is the rules right mommy? Mom turned and looked 
at all the wet clothes in a pile next to my bed me in dripping wet 
under pants. Mom said that is right Billy Donny needs to start to learn 
how to use the potty the right way and go through potty training again. 
I knew was in trouble now mom led me to the changing table wearing just 
dripping wet underwear where she lifted me onto it. Mom quickly removed 
my wet underwear saying I would not be needing them for a long time she 
wiped my soon-to-be-diapered butt with baby wipes. Billy was standing 
in his crib next to the changing table watching as mom put baby lotion 
on my bottom powdered me up then she taped a size 5 Pamper on my bottom 
then she put an onesie over my head pulled it down in place and snapped 
it closed. She pulled my summer shorts on put my socks and shoes on and 
told me to go play. I asked why can't I wear Pull-ups mom said NO you 
need to earn them like Billy did babies need to learn to hold their 
potty needs first. I went to the corner of our room to play with a Play 
Skool train watching Billy climb out of his crib go to our bathroom he 
used the potty with the door open he sat down and did a poop in the 
potty then he wiped his bottom. He stood up turned around on the step 
stool and peed like a big boy. I watch as Billy washed his hands before 
he came back in our room remove his pajamas and underwear. Billy got 
new underwear followed by his summer shorts tee shirt socks and shoes 
putting his dirty clothes in the hamper last of all, all without mom�s 
	Mom said it was time to eat breakfast. I slowly did a diaper 
waddle because the Pampers were so thick I never felt this feeling 
before I sort of like it but it also made me feel ashamed too as I 
waddled into the kitchen with the thick diaper bulging out of my summer 
shorts. When I got to the kitchen Billy was in my booster seat. I 
started crying I said he is in my seat where am I going to sit. Mom 
lifted me into the highchair telling me this is where diaper boys need 
to sit. I started to cry even louder kicking in the seat trying to get 
out as mom fastened the belt in place. Billy started to giggle saying I 
look just like the babies at daycare when they are mad. Mom said I need 
to eat my breakfast before I can get out of the highchair I refused to 
start eating. Mom started to feed me my oatmeal because I refused to 
start to eat I had to let mom spoon feed me even though I said I would 
eat it now. Mom said I had my chance once I was half way finished 
eating my oatmeal when my daily morning need to poop came to me right 
on time. Every morning at breakfast I would leave the table to run very 
quickly to do a poop in my bathroom before I messed my pants I just 
could not hold it. This day was no different I need to poop right on 
time I needed to go very bad but now I can't run to the potty to do my 
poop I will have to hold it like a big boy should. The more I ate the 
more I needed to poop at the last bite of food the full load of poop I 
was holding went into my waiting diaper with a backlash of pee I was 
also holding. Mom told me to finish my 10-ounce bottle of milk before I 
can get out of my highchair. It was terrible. I started whimpering 
sucking the bottle hoping Billy would not find out what a baby I was 
now that I used my diaper like a baby. Billy finished his bottle mom 
unfastened his belt and Billy climbed out of his booster seat I 
finished my bottle a few minutes later. Mom wiped my mess face off then 
lifted me out of my highchair. Mom told Billy to take BABY DONNY to our 
room he needs his diaper changed AGAIN.
	Billy now sniffs the air and knows what I had done he said Donny 
did a stinky Donny needs his dirty diaper changed as we walked to our 
room Billy was giggling. I felt to load of poop moving in the diaper 
mom was not coming yet so we played for a while forgetting about my 
messy diaper I jumped on my rocking horse smashing the poop up the 
front and back of my diaper. At first it was terrible then I started to 
bounce and rock it felt kind of good mom came in the room just a few 
minutes later. I was sitting on the horse playing forgetting I was wet 
and messy. Mom said baby needs a bath now he has poop all over the 
place Billy looked at me and said there is poop on the horse even 
because my diaper leaked. Mom told me NOT TO GET OFF THE HORSE she 
would lifted off the horse when my bath is ready.
	Mom went to the the bathroom and started the bath water running. 
A few minutes later mom lifted me horse and carried me to my waiting 
bath. Mom unsnapped my onesie removed my wet messy diaper cleaned my 
bottom of the large mess I had done in my diaper. Mom used baby wipes 
and wiped the mess off as good as she could with baby wipes then mom 
put me into the tub I was washed just like I was a baby she would not 
let me help. Mom washed my hair when she thought I was clean as she 
could get me. Mom lifted me out of the tube dried me off in a big 
fluffy towel. Mom put lotion and powder on me making me smell like a 
real baby. I was carried to the change table where she diapered me put 
a new onesie snapped it closed and pulled up my clean summer shorts. 
Mom told me to try keeping my diaper dry until it is potty time. I 
asked mom about school mom said it was the last day for that that I 
could go wearing what I am wearing now but I don't need to. I said I 
will stay home then. Mom said no I will go to daycare with Billy. I 
said I don't want to go there everyone will tease me. Mom said not in 
the class I will be going to. I ask what does she mean. She said I will 
see when I get there.
	When mom walked us in to the daycare Billy announced that he was 
a big boy today he showed the his big boy underwear he was so proud in 
his little boy voice saying he want to play with Jeffy. Billy said 
Donny is the baby he uses diapers so he is the baby not me. I started 
to cry mom put a pacifier into my mouth she had it waiting knowing what 
a cry baby I was in it went stopping the noise I was making. She 
snapped its string to my sleeve as I started to suck because I was 
sooooo scared. Miss White walked me into the back room it was the room 
next to the real baby room. My classroom is for diaper boys over 18 
months old ready for potty training. There were six boys plus me I was 
just about half a head taller than they were so all the cribs, 
punishment playpen and highchair worked I was the right size for them 
when they put me into them. Mom had my diaper bag packed with my 
clothes and plenty of diapers. Every one had their name on a big chart 
in the front of the room with three boxes one box is for the number of 
wet diaper changes they had that day the other box was for messy diaper 
changes the last one was for used potty. They added my name with the 
number one in the wet box beside it I asked why I was the only one with 
a number. They said I need a diaper change now. I said I was not wet 
they said I was too. They started to change me then I felt the cool 
wetness when they opened my diaper to the air. I don't remember wetting 
but I was wet. Every one was soon sucking a bottle I was also sucking 
one too it was very good juice. It tasted so good I did not mind that I 
was a nine year old sucking a bottle no one in the class seamed to mind 
so I wanted to fit in with them.
	When I finished my bottle I started to play with the other boys 
soon I smelled poop I knew it was not me I was not that much of a baby 
but it kept getting stronger until one by one three boys had his messy 
diaper changed. Then the need to pee came to me I tried to let someone 
know that I need the potty but sense I could only hold my pee for a few 
minutes by the time I got Miss White's attention my diaper was soaked 
so now my name has a number 2 beside it was only 8:30. Everyone else 
has just a number 0 or 1 some boys had a 1 in the messy column my name 
will never have a 1 in messy column I am not going to do that. About 
and hour later I need to pee again. Miss White was busy with Peter 
using the potty they were not fast enough to get me to the potty in 
time now my name has the number 3 beside it. By lunchtime my name had 
the number 7 beside it most of the others had 2 or less. After lunch 
came nap time you need to have the number 1 or less without a messy one 
to get a big boy mat instead of a crib. We were all put down for our 
naps. Eating the baby food for lunch had an effect on me now beside 
needing to pee again I need to poop I stood up trying to get Miss White 
to let me go potty she told me to lay down it is time for my nap not 
potty time. While I was laying in the crib I tried to hold it but the 
more I tried the more the need to poop came soon my diaper was slowly 
being filled with a small load of poop not very much until I had to let 
my pee go then rest of the poop came out all at once. I started to 
whimper and sucking my pacifier soon I fell asleep with a wet messy 
diaper on my butt.
	Now my name has the number 8 beside it with a 1 in the messy 
column. I asked what the name Jimmy age 4 with the number 11 was for 
they said that is the name of the boy who used the most diapers in a 
single day. I was given another bottle with every one else. It was 3:00 
I needed my diaper changed just a half hour after my nap now my name 
has the number 10 beside it. I am going to be here until 6:00 I hope my 
name don't replace Jimmy's. No such luck by 4:30 my name was in his 
place but the number box was left bank until the end of the day because 
I had 12 beside my name now. At the end of the day my name had the 
number 14 beside it. They recommended to mom I need to go to the baby 
class 12 months to ready to potty train not this class. Donny is not 
ready to potty his potty needs are to immature for this class. The 
following day I would be in BABY CLASS NO potty training until I learn 
to hold my potty needs for a minimum of one hour.
	We walked out of daycare me wearing nothing but my wet diaper 
Billy was carrying my now empty diaper bag with my wet summer shorts 
and tee shirt in it. I was so glad to get out of the daycare I jumped 
into the baby seat and let mom strap me in. I started to suck my 
pacifier without thinking. My baby brother Billy watched me and giggled 
I did not care what could I do. When we got home mom changed my wet 
diaper with the help of Billy she told us to go play. Mom said Billy 
will help you get potty trained after you learn to hold your pee for an 
hour or so until then you will be wearing diapers they are for babies 
that cannot hold their pee. I felt so ashamed but I never tried to hold 
my pee before how hard could it be I will have to show them I am not a 
	Dinner time came I was sat in my highchair where I had to eat 
more baby food this time the effect of more baby food was quicker poop 
started is way out before I was even half way done with my meal. I felt 
so ashamed but it was something I could not stop. Mom changed my diaper 
with Billy's help again Billy was a very good helper wiping the poop 
from my bottom with mom's guidance he put lotion and powder where it 
needed to be then he happily put my Pamper on me giggling. He would be 
four next week and he is already learning to change diapers. Mom gave 
him a high five and said a few more times changing diapers and he will 
be able to do it all by his self. Mom lifted me down and told us to go 
play. I had to do what Billy said because HE WAS THE BIG BOY NOW NOT 
	We played with our trucks and cars for about and hour and a half 
then mom told me it was my bath-time. Mom remove my wet diaper and gave 
me a bath washing every part of my body making sure I was not getting 
diaper rash on my bottom. She dried me put lotion and powder all over 
my body I smelled just like Billy use to when he was put in his crib 
for the night. I use to watch him get put down for the night by mom he 
smelled just like a baby should. I could smell him even when I came to 
bed two hours later. Billy would look so peaceful with his empty bottle 
still in his mouth so I would trade his bottle for his pacifier he 
would start sucking it while he slept I thought that was so funny. Mom 
had me dressed in a light cotton sleeper that zipped up the back I look 
at the clock it was 7:00 Billy's bedtime NOT MINE. I yelled at mom why 
do I have to go to bed this early? Mom said diaper boys need their 
sleep. She put me in the crib then my bottle in my mouth so I slowly 
started to suck mom kissed me good night and turn out the lights and 
closed the door. I sucked my bottle as I cried myself to sleep in the 
crib. I never seen Billy come to bed that night I was sound asleep when 
it was his bedtime.
	Then next morning I woke up looked from inside the crib with a 
pacifier in my mouth who traded my bottle for my pacifier? Billy was 
getting dressed for the day mom came into the room and made sure Billy 
was doing a good job making his dry bed. She turned to me and asked me 
if I was dry and ready to be a big boy. I did not feel wet so I said I 
was a big boy I was dry. Mom unzipped my sleeper and checked the front 
of my diaper. She announced Donny is still a baby he peed his diaper 
last night. I was put on the changing table with the strap over my 
chest Bill moved a step stool over to the side of the table where he 
stood on it so he could change my diaper. First he unsnapped the snaps 
in the legs of my sleeper then he pulled the legs to my waist he 
removed my wet diaper wiped me powdered me. Billy pushed my legs into 
the air put a new diaper under my bottom let my legs down added more 
powder then pulled the new diaper tight up between my legs fastened the 
tapes in front these must be different diapers because they are so much 
thicker. He did it almost as good as mom does. He snapped the legs of 
my sleeper closed mom put me on the floor. I wanted to beat Billy to 
the kitchen and the booster seat but with the thicker diaper on made it 
hard for me to run. Billy was running to his seat I was waddling as 
fast as I could go I fell in the hall so mom held my hand as we walked 
to the kitchen. I asked mom if she would take me to the potty so I 
would not have an accident in the highchair. Mom said real big boys can 
hold it if I was a real big boy I would have to learn to hold it.
	Mom put me in the highchair and even before I had my first spoon 
of food my diaper was full of poop followed by a flood of pee. Mom was 
sitting my food down on my tray and sniffed the air and said we still 
have a little baby here with a messy diaper on his butt. Billy giggled 
mom said before anyone eats we need to change his diaper. Mom carried 
me to the changing table where she watched Billy carefully unsnap my 
sleeper and remove my wet messy diaper. He cleaned my bottom put lotion 
and powder on my bottom. He diapered me with another thick diaper then 
mom removed my sleeper and dressed me in a bright blue romper that 
Billy used just about three moths ago. I looked just like the little 
kids in the baby room at daycare. Billy washed his hands and we ate 
breakfast I was aloud to feed myself but had to drink from a bottle 
while billy had a plastic cup. When we finished we were aoud to play in 
our room before we wouuld go to daycare Billy has not used the potty 
yet sense he woke up maybe he will have an accident on the way to 
daycare. I was never aloud to be by myself so I could not get out of 
these baby clothes because every time I tried to get other clothes 
Billy would yell to mom. I could not hold my bathroom needs the 
required amount of time so I had to use my diaper for my bathroom 
instead. No matter how hard I tried pee would come out even squeezing 
my hand on my privet part did not help. Poop was so hard to stop too by 
the time I felt the need to poop it was slipping out into my thick 
diaper even if I was sitting down on a rocking horse or hard chair.
	Mom called us to go to daycare Billy grabbed my diaper bag and we 
were on our way. In baby class there was nothing for me to do except 
sit in the playpen or the baby swing, highchair, baby bouncer, or crib 
where ever they put me I had to stay because I was always either 
strapped in or could not get out no matter how hard I tried.
	Baby class was not fun at all I could do was play in the playpen 
with BABY TOYS or spend an hour in a baby swing or bouncer the worst 
was the walker where all I could do was touch my toes on the floor 
making it impossible to move anywhere fast. If I messed my diaper in 
the walker most of the mess went to the front of my diaper so when I 
was change they had to give me a bath in front of every one. The only 
comfort I had was my pacifier or bottle. The toys in the playpen were 
OK but after I mastered the puzzles and activity things it became 
boring. Wetting my diaper got me the attention I wanted so I started to 
wet even more by the end of the week I was wetting every half hour and 
messed about four times a day. They were getting tired of me being wet 
a messy all time so they sent me back to the training class to teach me 
a lesson.
	The first morning back in training class my name was still in the 
record spot but now the numbers from baby class followed 14 wet and 1 
messy was replaced with 22 wet and 4 messy. I was wetting every half 
hour or more and messed every three hours. I was the same as an eight 
month old. It took me three months for me to get back to wetting only 
10 to 12 times a day and messing 2 times. Training class was the best 
place for me to be and sense school was starting tomorrow and I was no 
closer to being potty trained enough for the fourth grade where you are 
not aloud to take extra potty breaks. You go to class a 9:00 get a 
break at 10:30 then lunch at 12:00 then a break at 1:30 go home at 
3:00. If you can not keep your pants dry that long you need to wear 
training pants with protective water proof pants. If you have more that 
two accidents in a week you will have to go back to the third grade 
until you get potty trained enough to come back to the fourth grade.
	I knew that I could not hold it very long so I was happy to stay 
at daycare where no one ever make fun of me. Even though I was the 
biggest and oldest kid in daycare using diapers no one ever teased me I 
was tutored for school so I never had to go to school and get teased b 
the kids there. Daycare would be my school until I turned thirteen or 
got out of diapers witch ever came first. In the summertime when the 
older kids came to daycare they never saw me because I never left the 
toddler rooms. When school was in I could swim in the pool and do other 
big kids things out side. I could dive of the 10 foot board. I taught 
the babies how to swim and not be afraid of things like climbing and 
riding on things. I was their hero even when they got older they looked 
up to me for support and friendship even though I was still a big 
diaper baby I was a big boy to them.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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